Yeah, I pretty much stole my last title, but it pretty much tells you what's going on. On November 22, 2006, a wide variety of new media outlets will be joining Xbox 360 in a mission to provide a total entertainment experience in the comfort and convenience of your home console. (I should really work for this company..)
If you have Xbox 360 Live, and are on it, you should already know about it, since they've been pushing the shit outta it. If not, here's a brief overview...
The Xbox 360 currently provides movie/TV trailers, some behind the scenes footage, game trailers, other TV spots or commercials, and some gamer-created videos like "Red vs Blue" and "" Interviews. Coming this Wednesday, companies like CBS, WB, Paramount, MTV, and UFC are teaming up with Microsoft to provide their Movie and TV libraries for rental or sale on your Xbox 360 to download and watch in SD or HDTV formats.
So, for those who love their 360, and wish to watch the latest Mission Impossible, or something older, you can. It'll stream the movie and after a couple of minutes you can watch your program while it downloads (just like on the internet). And when you're done, the rental will die off (I believe rentals are 48 hours) or if you purchased it, it'll save on your HDD. But, as we all know the Xbox HDD is only 20 gb. So, instead of wasting your precious space, you can delete your movies and then re-download them for Free whenever you wanna watch them again. All of your previous purchases are saved to your Xbox 360 GamerTag so re-purchasing is simple.
If you have Xbox 360 Live, and are on it, you should already know about it, since they've been pushing the shit outta it. If not, here's a brief overview...
The Xbox 360 currently provides movie/TV trailers, some behind the scenes footage, game trailers, other TV spots or commercials, and some gamer-created videos like "Red vs Blue" and "" Interviews. Coming this Wednesday, companies like CBS, WB, Paramount, MTV, and UFC are teaming up with Microsoft to provide their Movie and TV libraries for rental or sale on your Xbox 360 to download and watch in SD or HDTV formats.
So, for those who love their 360, and wish to watch the latest Mission Impossible, or something older, you can. It'll stream the movie and after a couple of minutes you can watch your program while it downloads (just like on the internet). And when you're done, the rental will die off (I believe rentals are 48 hours) or if you purchased it, it'll save on your HDD. But, as we all know the Xbox HDD is only 20 gb. So, instead of wasting your precious space, you can delete your movies and then re-download them for Free whenever you wanna watch them again. All of your previous purchases are saved to your Xbox 360 GamerTag so re-purchasing is simple.