It's a matter of principle rather than a realistic issue, of course, our citizens probably couldn't take down the military no matter how many guns we have. The point is that we did it during the revolutionary war, and it's a large part of our culture. In the back of every adult male's mind, there is the thought that you could get drafted to go fight some other country's war. If you don't think that has an affect on the collective mentality of our people, you're nuts. Personally, while I don't want to go fight some bullshit war, and I don't think what we're doing with our military at the moment is good, I'm proud to live in a country that at least on some level attempts to help others by defending freedom. Our role as an enforcer has come in handy for a LOT of countries that are anti-gun, and I don't really think we could have that enforcer role without having citizens that feel they should own guns. While we aren't the poster children for true freedom, compared to the other countries with huge militaries, we're as free as it gets.
I tried to discuss this in the other thread, because it's not really the same discussion that gen started, but that shit got moved to trash talk.
I tried to discuss this in the other thread, because it's not really the same discussion that gen started, but that shit got moved to trash talk.