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Drug of Choice:

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  • #91
    Originally posted by DoTheFandango View Post
    The biggest mistake I made with Salvia is that I thought it would last a long time, so I bought only a gram of 5x for me and my friend. It lasted about 10 minutes of moderate high before I was really disappointed with it.

    The best shit I've ever smoked was from Cali, but I don't know where it was grown. It was the most potent and most dank shit I have ever experienced.
    Probably from Humbolt or SF. Humbolt is a little hippy town in California in between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Basically, this little town supplies both major cities.

    edit: And by the way, it is the best smelling, and most dense shit I've ever smoked. One bowl fucked up myself and 3 extremely experienced smokers.
    Last edited by Squeezer; 12-14-2006, 06:47 PM.
    Originally posted by Tone
    Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


    • #92
      Makes sense.
      Originally posted by Jeenyuss
      sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


      • #93
        Originally posted by DoTheFandango View Post
        Makes sense.
        CAN'T STOP;



        CAN'T STOP.f
        Originally posted by turmio
        jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
        Originally posted by grand
        I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


        • #94
          Originally posted by Squeezer View Post
          Secondly, have any of you tried Salvia? My friend and I were thinking about buying some at a smoke shop when I get back to Seattle for X-Mas Break. It's hella expensive (It'll be about 20 bills for both of us to have a 10-20 minute trip), so I want to know if it's worth it, or if I should just smoke twice as much weed as I was going to this break?
          If you're looking to actually try tripping salvia (different from just smoking and getting a different high), you'd need to go for a higher concentration like 30x. Get a butane torch from your local grocery store and load it in a water pipe and load a bowl of pure salvia, no ganj. Take a monster rip with the torch and hold it in for as long as you can (about 30 seconds should work) and you should start tripping before you let out the smoke. I've tried many different concentrations and many different brands and I've gotten the best results with Purple Sticky 30x; everything else just got me somewhat high, but definitely not tripping in salvia land. As my good friend Johnny Tsunami often says, "Go big or go home."

          Be forewarned, though, I consider salvia trips to be a lot more intense than even doses, and it's crunched into about a 5 minute span. Most people don't do it again because, well, it's quite powerful. Enjoy!

          EDIT: Forgot to add that it will run you upwards of $75 American. If you and like five friends all pitch, you'll be in good shape as it takes only a pinch or so for one person. If you conserve, you should be able to do it again with your crew in a couple weeks (keep in mind there is a tolerance to salvia, though, so no matter how much you want to re-enter the magical dreamworld, if you go ripping the bizzle later that night you will be sadly disappointed).
          Last edited by Cylor; 12-14-2006, 09:13 PM.
          Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
          i just wish it was longer
          Originally posted by Cops
          it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.


          • #95
            Man now I know what the people older than me felt like when I was posting on here like I was king shit of fuck mountain because I had smoked some weed and drank some my freshman year. They thought I was fucking retarded and didn't know what I was talking about.

            Maybe, maybe it's different when you're close to Canada or something, but in my experience, anyone who claims their weed has a name (especially if it's northern lights or purple haze, everyone says their shit is called that) is bullshitting you. If you know the grower, fine, he probably knows what strain it is. But if you're buying eighths, odds are you're so far removed from the grower that your dealer has no fucking clue what he's talking about. Believing your dude that sells eighths on the name of his shit is like taking the word of 3-5 random-ass drug dealers you've never met.

            On the other hand, once I got some "Alaskan Thunderfuck" that was bought at one of those weed stores or whatever they're called in California, and that shit was really good. Maybe I just tricked myself into liking it because it's the best name ever, though. Not sure.
            5:gen> man
            5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


            • #96
              The "resident pimp" in my middle school moved to Alaska. I guess you smoked the ashes of his remains.
              Originally posted by Ward
              OK.. ur retarded case closed


              • #97
                I've hung out with a lot of dealers and suprise!- they'll tell anyone anything to get you to buy their shit. It's called marketing.

                For the record, though, my nug is better than your nug. SING IT!
                Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
                i just wish it was longer
                Originally posted by Cops
                it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.


                • #98
                  Marijuana (heavy, everyday basis)

                  Cigarettes (heavy, everyday but constantly conscious of the fact i need to stop basis)

                  MDMA/Ecstacy (heavy, roughly twice a week basis)

                  Dextromethorphine / Delsum (once or twice a month i down a familly size bottle)

                  Dramamine (once or twice a month, in combination with DXM above, CRAZY TRIPPIN i heard a police scanner in my pocket, people laughing at me from the woods, millions of microscopic spiders) ...that i'm still convinced are really there all the time.. I was standing in my room not in this dimension then i felt the presence of a spider in my sock, my mind reacted in a fearful manner and the spider felt my fear and got scared that i might do something to harm it (because im afraid of it) so i then took a step (out of fear) and felt a SHARP pain in my foot like a one inch splinter and said to my girl (in jibberish) "fuck i stepped on something big this time!" (i thought i was just trippin about the spiders plus its very hard to keep the same thought in your head for over 10 seconds on this shit) but then i felt the spiders presence again and turned the sock inside out, looked closely, everything arround the sock faded to black and it was like my eyes were working as a microscope and i could 'see' the little clearish/seethruish/brown spider on my sock, knowing that this guy was intelligent and fully aware of what's going on even though he is just an itsy bitsy spider (that has a HUGE bite)
                  so the spider didn't hurt me (there was never a red mark or anything) but it hurt alot, and i think these guys are everywhere they just don't bit because we don't know their there therefore we do not fear them
                  anything in nature is going to attack something when it is scared of it, and equally anything in nature will attack if something is AFRAID OF IT because even if it is not afraid of you, you might so something (kill it) because your conscious of it, and afraid of it

                  Back to the drugs!

                  Coke is good (for 5 mins) and don't get me started i <3 crack but I rarely bring myself to do this drug (crack/cocain)

                  Alcohol sucks in my opinion, I do drugs to enhance my mind not cripple it!

                  Pills are also crap in my opinion, Xanies got me off the first few times i ate the 3 millies, but they lose their effect (tolerance) so i stopped with those, (plus i couldnt remember ANYTHING and i lost almost everything in my pockets every night on them)

                  Heroin on occasion, it's relaxing mixed with the mdma/ecstacy and the herb but i do get spasms and headaches from the comedown so I do dope arround 1 every other month

                  Acid, I never had a good hit yet

                  DMT, a very good hallucinogen that i would do ALOT if i could only find it.. So due to it being RARE i only did this twice and god knows when ill get it again

                  Datura/Jimson Weed/ Devils Weed, by far the most powerful hallucinogen known to man, and it most likely grows near your home (USA). I have a big forest of it behind my house. I take it with my friends, once it kicks in my friends dissapear, who knows if their still with me or not, and i end up having a tactical martial arts combat session with a supreme being who claims he belongs to a group of intelligent and peaceful aliens who created this portion of the galaxy to hide from a primal race of greedy and sadistic gluttons and that right now there are HUGE interplanetary wars trying to stop them

                  Coffee is good

                  Shrooms are good

                  It's weird, in high school it was easy to score things like heroin but in college it's tough to find good weed, same with the reverse of alcohol - hard in HS, easy here.
                  What college do you goto? All the great weed in my town is picked at the local college. And when was alcohol EVER hard to find?

                  EDIT: Salvia was fun. Hehe i tried to smoke it again right when i came down and yes i was dissapointed ROFL

                  As for the dealers saying "yo i got haze" now where does everyone get off calling nuggets haze? if its any type of good strain arround here it's usually refered to as nugget, but the one who is actually sellling it, is going arround calling it kush, haze, purple, ..just to sell bags , but, whatever, i love seedless fluffy moist danky nugget! no matter what it's called!
                  Last edited by KrynetiX; 12-15-2006, 11:40 AM.
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                  • #99
                    'scuse me... while i kiss this guy
                    Originally posted by Stylez View Post
                    This is skunk (skunk #1)...

                    This is haze (northern lights)...

                    The best stuff I've smoked though was super silver haze...

                    For a minute i thought this was the 3 wishes thread


                    • Originally posted by Squeezer View Post
                      Two things.

                      Firstly Exalt, I fail to see where using marijauna or other drugs has any tie to maturity. In the situation you listed above, I agree. There are certain activities to stay sober for (IE Finals week for me), but if it's being used as a social recreation, then I can't fathom how it can be any better or worse than the other various methods people use break the ice.

                      Secondly, have any of you tried Salvia? My friend and I were thinking about buying some at a smoke shop when I get back to Seattle for X-Mas Break. It's hella expensive (It'll be about 20 bills for both of us to have a 10-20 minute trip), so I want to know if it's worth it, or if I should just smoke twice as much weed as I was going to this break?
                      tried salvia yes, unofficially, and even though its legal for civilians its illegal in the UCMJ, and yes they can test you for it if they suspect it, but it requires a spinal tap or someshit, meaning your not gonna be tested for it unless you run your mouth, not that i care about doing it in the miilitary

                      and it was $50 for the kind i got, and i laughed for a couple minutes uncontrollably after each hit, but I never did trip, at least nothing that I would consider hardcore enough to remember

                      also just wondering, anyone ever try to robotrip? its the dxm you would find in products like triple Cs or robotussin... its actually a really stupid thing to do cuz its so dangerous in products like triple cs since your technically overdosing on the other chemicals but I have to say that if you take enough you reaaallly trip your balls off, pretty close to acid in a way
                      Last edited by Exalt; 12-15-2006, 11:48 AM.
                      RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                      RaCka> mad impressive


                      • Originally posted by Krynetix View Post
                        Alcohol sucks in my opinion, I do drugs to enhance my mind not cripple it!
                        Originally posted by Krynetix View Post
                        i <3 crack but I rarely bring myself to do this drug (crack/cocain)

                        Heroin on occasion, it's relaxing mixed with the mdma/ecstacy and the herb but i do get spasms and headaches from the comedown so I do dope arround 1 every other month
                        Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
                        i just wish it was longer
                        Originally posted by Cops
                        it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.


                        • Ok I just spent an hour trying to pick a half, got fucked at all turns, then I see all these pictures gah..

                          but chapelle said it best, i dont do drugs, just weed. (but i drink and experiment occasionally as well :P)
                          7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                          7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                          7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                          1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                          7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                          7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                          1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                          1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


                          • Originally posted by Facetious View Post
                            Man now I know what the people older than me felt like when I was posting on here like I was king shit of fuck mountain because I had smoked some weed and drank some my freshman year. They thought I was fucking retarded and didn't know what I was talking about.

                            Maybe, maybe it's different when you're close to Canada or something, but in my experience, anyone who claims their weed has a name (especially if it's northern lights or purple haze, everyone says their shit is called that) is bullshitting you. If you know the grower, fine, he probably knows what strain it is. But if you're buying eighths, odds are you're so far removed from the grower that your dealer has no fucking clue what he's talking about. Believing your dude that sells eighths on the name of his shit is like taking the word of 3-5 random-ass drug dealers you've never met.

                            On the other hand, once I got some "Alaskan Thunderfuck" that was bought at one of those weed stores or whatever they're called in California, and that shit was really good. Maybe I just tricked myself into liking it because it's the best name ever, though. Not sure.
                            edit: No You're a Towel!
                            Last edited by Squeezer; 12-16-2006, 05:48 AM.
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                            • This drug will bring you the best of pleasure & pain.

                              Beats crankin' da wanker!:whistling


                              • IRT myself:

                                Originally posted by Ward
                                OK.. ur retarded case closed

