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Sony loses it's grip on it's "Exclusive" games... and the lead.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by D1st0rt
    I don't think anyone has ever made a killing off of the console itself, it's the games that bring in the dough.
    Yokoi did it and ran a development house at the same time.


    • #32
      Where does Pong fit in all of this?


      • #33
        Originally posted by "Poll of the Day" Polls
        Yes, I got one for Christmas :: 2.73% // 2834
        Yes, I got one before Christmas :: 3.43% // 3565
        No, but I plan to get one soon :: 9.75% // 10133
        No, they're just too expensive :: 37.97% // 39432
        No, I don't want one right now :: 46.12% // 47898
        TOTAL VOTES: 103862

        Yes: 6.16%
        No: 84.09%
        Possibly: 9.75%

        Yes, I got one for Christmas :: 11.19% // 11439
        Yes, I got one before Christmas :: 23.15% // 23686
        No, but I plan to get one soon :: 26.77% // 27385
        No, I just don't have the money for a new system :: 14.58% // 14917
        No, I don't want one right now :: 24.31% // 24873
        TOTAL VOTES 102300

        Yes: 34.34%
        No: 38.89%
        Possibly: 26.77%

        Xbox 360:
        Yes, I got one for Christmas 7.43% 6874
        Yes, I got one before Christmas 28.75% 26624
        No, but I plan to get one soon 7.66% 7095
        No, I just don't have the money for a new system 12.65% 11715
        No, I don't want one right now 43.51% 40292
        TOTAL VOTES 92600

        Yes: 36.18%
        No: 56.16%
        Possibly: 7.66%
        For the past 3 days, on, they did a poll on which system people had, which they didn't care to have, or they were possibly going to get. So, I compiled all three polls to see them side by side. Of course this isn't some scientific poll, but gives you a good slice of gamers.

        For the PS3, only 6 percent of voters actually owned one while 84 percent didn't want one cause they simply didn't like it, or they couldn't afford the price tag. There seems to be a small 10 percent of possible PS3 buyers, but that has to wait for the stock to resupply.

        For the Wii, it looks to be the best in terms of sales. 34 percent have one already with 27 percent interested in getting one, but unsure or are waiting on resupply. Also it has the smallest amount of people who simply don't want them for monetary reasons or reasons of dislike.

        And lastly the Xbox 360 barely edges out the Wii in terms of a player base, but they have more people who don't want one due to monetary reasons or reasons of dislike. And, most likely because of the fact they've been out for over a year, only 8 percent is still looking into purchasing one in the future.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Necromotic View Post
          wavebeamer you have to take it to a more broader view as xbox360 is only doing well in america and that's pretty much it. compare it to other countries like Japan and you'll see it doing very badly.
          Well, I suppose so. The 360 will improve over the Xbox in all areas, I think, but it will still probably land in dead last in Japan once again.

          Speaking for America, though, I think it will go:
          1. Xbox 360
          2. Nintendo Wii
          3. Playstation 3

          Worldwide -- hard to call, but Wii has a good chance with that nice price tag and once it gets some solid games on the shelves in late 07/early 08.
          I'm back.


          • #35
            Microsoft has a very uphill battle, tooth and nail to even try to get close to Second. But with the deeply entrenched player base Sony and Nintendo have in Japan, 1st place is near-impossible.


            • #36

              1) PS2 is still outselling and has consistantly outsold the XBox 360 since it's launch, each and every month. Yes that's right... the Playstation TWO. If the Xbox 360 can't even beat a last generation system and hasn't been able to for an entire year... what can it do? The 360 has two major advantages, which are basically its great online functionality and lower price than the PS3. But how long will this price difference be important as the PS3 prices eventually fall. How much better will it look once developers figure out the Cell processor and make nicer looking games for the PS3? And if Sony ever improves the online functionality to Xbox Live levels how will the 360 stand out when it's lineups of 'exclusive games' are pretty small anyway? And not to mention brand loyalties in Japan to Sony...

              2) Wii is doing remarkably well for sure. 2 million sold already, Nintendo makes a profit of around $100 a system, and seemingly everyone is raving about it. The question is, how long will the hoopla last? Will the Wii finally be the system that finally gets everyone (including old people) playing games? The Wii isn't directly competing with the PS3 or the 360, it's doing it's own thing much like the Gamecube. This strategy let Nintendo stay comfortably alive last time around, and this time around it looks like a winner. But then again other systems that were successful at first and widely acclaimed (dreamcast) failed in the end. How will the Wii do 2 years from now, when it will look ridiculously outdated compared to everything else out there (even moreso than it does now)? How will it do if say the PS3 or 360 suddenly decide to add in Wii-like functionality with special and really cheap controllers?

              3) PS3 costs a bundle now, but further optimizations will make it cheaper. This is a fact. In two years from now, the economics will be completely different. Sony is making this for the long haul. If you remember the PS2, the launch titles were pretty crappy, but once the real games started coming out, it sold like hotcakes. Keeping in mind that the 360 is selling less than the PS2 still, the PS3 has a great chance of picking up steam once it's second-generation games come out. But how long will that be? Probably by next Christmas at the earliest... until then it is too hard to tell. Blu-ray now seems in hindsight a stupid function to include for the PS3, but in the end will it be a bad idea? The entire Blu-ray vs HD-DVD debate is still very much in the air. Add in the fact that Blu-ray has much more capacity than HD-DVD, will developers use this to make even better and richer games or will they just not bother?

              I think it is at least two years too early to decide on the winner of the console race at the moment. In the end I just hope that enough amazing games come out that I can decide on a system to get and then I can just cry that I don't have any time to play any games...
              Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

              My anime blog:


              • #37
                We can obviously see that is the post Ratty should've made earlier on to counter DA's post!
                6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                Originally posted by Dreamwin
                3 league vet


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post

                  1) PS2 is still outselling and has consistantly outsold the XBox 360 since it's launch, each and every month. Yes that's right... the Playstation TWO. If the Xbox 360 can't even beat a last generation system and hasn't been able to for an entire year... what can it do? The 360 has two major advantages, which are basically its great online functionality and lower price than the PS3. But how long will this price difference be important as the PS3 prices eventually fall. How much better will it look once developers figure out the Cell processor and make nicer looking games for the PS3? And if Sony ever improves the online functionality to Xbox Live levels how will the 360 stand out when it's lineups of 'exclusive games' are pretty small anyway? And not to mention brand loyalties in Japan to Sony...

                  2) Wii is doing remarkably well for sure. 2 million sold already, Nintendo makes a profit of around $100 a system, and seemingly everyone is raving about it. The question is, how long will the hoopla last? Will the Wii finally be the system that finally gets everyone (including old people) playing games? The Wii isn't directly competing with the PS3 or the 360, it's doing it's own thing much like the Gamecube. This strategy let Nintendo stay comfortably alive last time around, and this time around it looks like a winner. But then again other systems that were successful at first and widely acclaimed (dreamcast) failed in the end. How will the Wii do 2 years from now, when it will look ridiculously outdated compared to everything else out there (even moreso than it does now)? How will it do if say the PS3 or 360 suddenly decide to add in Wii-like functionality with special and really cheap controllers?

                  3) PS3 costs a bundle now, but further optimizations will make it cheaper. This is a fact. In two years from now, the economics will be completely different. Sony is making this for the long haul. If you remember the PS2, the launch titles were pretty crappy, but once the real games started coming out, it sold like hotcakes. Keeping in mind that the 360 is selling less than the PS2 still, the PS3 has a great chance of picking up steam once it's second-generation games come out. But how long will that be? Probably by next Christmas at the earliest... until then it is too hard to tell. Blu-ray now seems in hindsight a stupid function to include for the PS3, but in the end will it be a bad idea? The entire Blu-ray vs HD-DVD debate is still very much in the air. Add in the fact that Blu-ray has much more capacity than HD-DVD, will developers use this to make even better and richer games or will they just not bother?

                  I think it is at least two years too early to decide on the winner of the console race at the moment. In the end I just hope that enough amazing games come out that I can decide on a system to get and then I can just cry that I don't have any time to play any games...
                  1.) At that way cheaper price and gigantic library of games, the PS2 should still be outselling the Xbox 360 or Sony has some serious issues. People buy the PS2 because they can't purchase the PS3, the Wii is still sold out, and people have brand loyalty or just can't afford it.

                  2.) The Dreamcast tanked from the beginning, the Wii could do that unless they keep dropping good high-end titles like Zelda. With Super Smash Brawl coming out and hopefully online play for that when it releases, they should hold out longer than the Dreamcast.

                  3.) The Blu-Ray disc will beat the HD-DVD format because of that Capacity. When you hit those "Second Genration" games, they will definately utilize that extra space for higher quality, less compressed textures and the like. And trust me, they will bother to use the extra space. When you saw the Last-Gen PS2/Xbox games, you look at the titles like Burnout Revenge, Black, Final Fantasy 12, Halo 2. They squeezed every last drop out.

