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IQ Tests

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
    Knowledge gets you a job, wisdom gets you a life.

    You mean, knowledge gets you a job. Then it's all about who you know, not what you know :P


    • #32
      Originally posted by
      Someone posted to a mailing list I’m on the retarded suggestion that everyone on the list take the “Classic IQ test”

      I recalled reading recently that the maximum IQ according to this “most thorough and scientifically accurate IQ Test on the Web” is 144. Like an idiot, I (or rather “Jesus H. Christ”) took the test, and got 144. No accomplishment–there are no hard questions on the test, unless you happen to be bad at remembering cliches.
      Originally posted by
      Apparently, 144 is the maximum IQ you can get on this test. Unless, of course, they score it based on something other than right answers, such as the amount of time taken. But nothing in the test instructions or score report suggested that. To test this possibility, I took the test again, this time inputting what I already knew were the correct answers as fast as I possibly could. The result? 144. Maybe they take your age or education into account? I tried again, saying I was only 20 years old and didn’t have a college degree. 144.
      hm someone's lying, (1) pummel and seal or (2) internet.


      • #33
        I feel bad for implicating you two, I did not do much research. I figure Nickname will pick up where I left off.

        Personally I think all IQ tests are bullshit. I think I have a good feel for how smart I am, and how quickly I learn things compared to those around me. I was formally tested in third grade (with some certified testing lady that did not work for the school). I'm pretty sure it was kindof a big deal because I got out of class to do it and the other kids did not. I scored a 156 and they wanted to retest me and then I scored a 158. If I remember right, I think that 1 in 30,000 people score that high or higher, and there's no fucking way that's right. I've met plenty of people that I feel are smarter than me (granted, not a whole lot, but a lot more than one in 30,000), and I think "genius" is a bit pushy of a term.

        So I call bullshit.

        My parents, for some reason, also waited until I was like 15 or 16 to tell me what I scored.


        • #34
          i had a similar experience to NN

          they shoved ritilin down my throat for 2 years starting in 2nd or 3rd grade before a teacher suggested to have me tested. a series of tests later it was recommended that i skip at least one grade level. i had an incredible aptitude for mathematics and was reading at an adult level (even though they were shit, i read everything written by michael crichton and tom clancy at this time ~5th-6th grade or so) parents ended up not doing it because i started kindergarten early anyways and i was already nearly the youngest in my class. looking back on it, im glad that they didnt. i have what you'd call a "poor work ethic" and i abhor busywork. busywork was another name for highschool classes. i found myself sleeping in puddles of drool alot.

          edit: my parents have not told me exactly what i had scored, only that it was higher than twelve

          edited again
          Last edited by Zeebu; 01-17-2007, 12:09 PM.

          1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


          • #35
            same to me they started me on ritalin in 1st grade then they switched me to adderall in 6th grade abd 9th grade i wouldnt eat shit all day and come home feeling like shit i figured out it was the adderall taking away my appetite and i havent taken it since i used to get a bottle of 30 pills for $5 and i would turn around and sell them to ppl at school for $5 a piece $$ lol

            wow zeebu i was started early too i was second youngest in my class and they also wanted to skip me from 3rd grade to 4th grade LOL everyone saying im so intelligent if i only apply myself lol ritilan and adderall work at the time needed, thats it


            • #36
              Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
              Wow, I thought that schools quit doing that stuff years ago. Wasn't classifying students in that way discouraged after the 1960's due to the Pygmalion effect? I studied to be a teacher in the mid-1970's and I distinctly remember this as being a huge issue in American school systems at that time.
              Well I'm not American I dunno. In the Toronto Area (population around 5 million), everyone takes these tests, because the school boards offer programs for gifted children. So if you score high enough, you get put into the program, and I guess if you score really low you also get put in some sort of a program.

              All in all, I'd say that the testing is reasonably well done, because as far as achievement goes at my age (I'm 25) from the people I knew, generally people were well sorted with some exceptions of course.
              Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

              My anime blog:


              • #37
                Originally posted by SEAL View Post
                On a serious note.
                What I never understood is some crusial facts that never gets calculated.

                1) Dislectic people need more time to read, obviously. Or.. is that an IQ disability?
                DYSLEXIC*** NOT DISLECTIC


                • #38
                  I never had to take an IQ test in school. That's interesting them giving you ritalin and all.


                  • #39

                    Dyslexia is a funny disease. A lot of people think that it's just mixing up letters or reading things backwards, or not being able to tell right from left. But really it's quite pronounced if you really have it. A lot of people think they are 'mildly dyslexic' because they are slow readers, but they probably aren't.

                    True dyslexia is quite a powerful syndrome. Basically, the idea is that as you read something, you can basically make out say the first and last letter of a word, but no matter how hard you try, the middle makes no sense to you. No amount of training will make you read that word, and you learn to read by context. This is roughly the idea, but not precisely.

                    Ever try to skim something really quickly, and instead of reading a word you just skimmed it and 'read' the wrong word in your mind? Think of that times 100. It's not just limited to languages with alphabets of course, even readers of Chinese will have problems with dyslexia interestingly enough.

                    Now just because you are dyslexic doesn't mean that you are stupid of course, but it does affect many things, because well... reading is very important in our world. It also makes people more frustrated overall, and adds many potential problems with coping.
                    Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                    My anime blog:


                    • #40
                      im wondering for like 15 seconds now

                      would dyslexia affect someone reading brail?

                      id assume so being the only difference is delivery but i really havent got a clue

                      1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                      • #41
                        I have a light form of dyslexia, and it's limited to reading with me (My bro has a much worse case and it's also writing with him or something along those lines).

                        With me I just misread words now and then and have to read a line multiple times to get it right. Not always though. My main problem is in writing text because I often read over spelling mistakes. Like I noticed it with a paper I had to do, the first draft I didn't care to much about getting it proof read and stuff. And I got it back with feedback and there were tons of mistakes in it, spelling wise.. and even when I read it later I can see a lot myself, but I don't see them at the moment I write the text.

                        Like I remember getting tests back and I would see these spelling mistakes I made and I am like wtf, how did I do that, but I just really don't see them when I write it.
                        Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Pummel View Post
                          I just took a tickle IQ test, it was easy for me. I scored 156.
                          1 ye, right!
                          2 everyone know that when someone post their iq on the internet, you have to devide it by pi to get the real score: your real iq is 49,66..
                          Throughout time, there’s been
                          crimes, throughout our history
                          But not as great, as the one of late, affecting you and me
                          Once a nation proud and free, and now we’re weeping sorrow’s tears
                          Tragedy’s approaching, it’s worse than all your fears

                          Come on my countrymen
                          Come on and take a stand
                          Don’t let ‘em take away your land

                          the Wenger bus is coming
                          and all the kids are running
                          from London to Manchester
                          cos he's a child molester

                          fuck islam

