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State of the Union 2007

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  • State of the Union 2007

    So the speech is still going on as I speak. Bush still hasn't mentioned Iraq, freedom or terrorists yet. I guess he knows that it's a lost cause.

    So far the biggest things said so far:

    1) Balance budget

    Notice the guy who smirked when Bush said we will keep spending low? It was pretty funny... I believe it was someone in the audience

    2) Ending earmarks - good stuff

    3) Tax rebate for private health insurance

    Bad idea... rich people don't need another tax cut. This isn't going to help poor people at all buy health care, since they don't really pay income tax.

    4) Alternative energy proposal

    35 billion gallons of rewable fuels by 2017 wow... Iowa guy was happy... that's where the biggest ethanol plants are.
    Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

    My anime blog:

  • #2
    Spoke too soon...hope he doesnt dwell on it long...
    help: (qg) (javs): i think my isp is stealing internet from me.

    What's the difference between chopping an onion and chopping a baby? I cry when I chop onions. Type ?go Jav -Chao <ER>
    MegamanEXE> Chao
    MegamanEXE> I came from watching Hockey to say this
    (Sefarius)> ....
    (Hate The Fake)> LOL
    MegamanEXE> You are sick
    MegamanEXE> Good day


    • #3
      Did anyone see Ted Kennedy snoozing/crying/being fat?
      Originally posted by Jeenyuss
      sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


      • #4
        They just zoomed in on McCain snoozing.

        I like how Cheney has a perm scowl on his face.

        More topics:

        5) Immigration

        6) Terror...

        Nothing like renumerating victories against terrorists over the last 6 years... Things really haven't changed much in the last year though. But I guess some people will be tricked.

        7) Lebanon

        It was mentioned... but not very clear.

        8) Iraq

        Rehash of his speech last week I guess.
        Last edited by Epinephrine; 01-23-2007, 10:59 PM.
        Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

        My anime blog:


        • #5
          9) Free and democratic Palestine... ? But no roadmap.

          10) Then some stories about how we like immigrants and how the American dream is good.

          Motombo looks twice as large as the asian woman sitting beside him!! Crazy! And then that MILF... Now a guy who pulled a guy out of the subway...
          Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

          My anime blog:


          • #6
            Obbamidable snowman was caught sleeping quite a few times :turned:


            • #7
              Condi looked pretty fierce. Not a hyphy way, but in a "I could rip anyone's balls off and shove them down their throats, and Hillary ain't got shit on me"----kind of way.

              But as far as the speech went...the healthcare tax break bullshit was just absurd. And the rest of it just seemed like more nonsense. Again, he tried to link 9/11 and the "War on Terror" to Iraq, which everyone knows is fabricated link. Just more of the same old, same old that he's said before. I didn't hear anything compelling whatsoever.

              But Jim Webb's speech afterward was really moving, I thought. It really crystallized the emotion that I've felt about how many people made sacrifices to join the military after the WTC attack, and the Bush administration has squandered all that good will by going to war against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

