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Free Rider -- Post your levels

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  • Free Rider -- Post your levels

    This was on Digg yesterday, but I found it to be a lot of fun. You can make your own levels and share them.

    Here's the link to the game.

    Note the controls:
    Arrow keys to steer and X to rotate
    (up == accelerate, down == brake, left/right == lean)
    SPACE - Reset
    CTRL - Scroll
    SHIFT - Quickdraw

    To play the level I designed, click the little "open folder" icon and paste this in the field:

    -2u5,-8e,-2u7,-fm -2u2,-2n,-2u5,-8e -2iu,-2e,-2u2,-2n -29k,-12,-2iu,-2e -2i0,-7h,-2hl,-6j -2hl,-6j,-2h6,-7h -2hs,-5m,-2hd,-55 -2h7,-5j,-2hn,-4e -2h6,-7h,-2h4,-6m -2h4,-6m,-2ge,-7i -2g4,-7n,-2g3,-6j -2g6,-6v,-2fo,-70 -2fo,-7i,-2fo,-6h -2gl,-5c,-2gt,-4k -2ge,-4b,-2g3,-50 -2g3,-50,-2gk,-5e -2fr,-5b,-2fn,-4i -2gt,-4k,-2ge,-4b -2fn,-4i,-2f7,-4g -2f7,-7c,-2f6,-6j -2f4,-7b,-2eg,-7g -2f6,-73,-2eh,-72 -2f5,-6m,-2eb,-6l -2f7,-4g,-2fa,-5l -2dk,-5g,-2ea,-5g -2ea,-5g,-2ef,-4l -2dm,-52,-2e6,-53 -2ef,-4l,-2dn,-4j -2e1,-7g,-2e1,-6m -2e0,-7k,-2d9,-7b -2d9,-7b,-2e0,-72 -2e0,-72,-2df,-6j -2ct,-7e,-2cs,-6m -2cs,-6m,-2cb,-6m -2cp,-71,-2c8,-73 -2cp,-7f,-2bo,-7g -2dn,-4j,-2dm,-52 -2d3,-5h,-2d9,-4v -2d9,-4v,-2d0,-4h -2d0,-4h,-2ci,-52 -2ci,-52,-2d5,-5i -2c7,-5c,-2c7,-4h -2cf,-5j,-2c1,-5e -2bl,-4i,-2bl,-5f -2bl,-5f,-2b7,-4e -2b7,-4e,-2b5,-5j -2c7,-4h,-2c0,-4i -2c0,-4i,-2cc,-4i -2aj,-6h,-29v,-7f -29v,-7f,-29o,-6n -2a8,-6v,-29k,-6v -2a8,-5d,-2am,-5k -2am,-5k,-2ar,-4j -2a4,-4j,-2a0,-4v -2a0,-4v,-2ah,-51 -29m,-5l,-297,-5l -294,-57,-29h,-57 -29h,-57,-29k,-4j -2ar,-4j,-2a4,-4j -29q,-47,-29m,-4b -29j,-49,-29p,-48 -1se,-n,-29k,-12 -297,-7b,-296,-6k -294,-79,-28j,-77 -28j,-77,-296,-6u -296,-6u,-28o,-6k -28b,-78,-289,-6n -28b,-77,-27q,-7a -289,-6v,-27q,-6u -288,-6o,-27k,-6e -297,-5l,-294,-57 -1fa,-5,-1se,-n -1hr,-kh,-1hs,-nm -1hq,-hg,-1hr,-kh -1hp,-ds,-1hq,-hg -1gq,-gj,-1dp,-gj -1av,-dr,-1hp,-ds -12l,3,-1fa,-5 -1dj,-i7,-1am,-i9 -1dv,-gt,-1dj,-gn -1dj,-gn,-1e2,-g9 -1as,-io,-1a7,-i9 -1a7,-i9,-1b6,-hl -13d,-dr,-1av,-dr -rp,-dr,-13d,-dr -ml,h,-12l,3 -pt,-dq,-rp,-dr -l7,-du,-pt,-dq -ct,15,-ml,h -ja,-ea,-l7,-du -hc,-fl,-ja,-ea -gj,-f1,-hc,-fl -ee,-ci,-g3,-ed -g3,-ed,-gj,-f1 -cs,-ei,-e9,-fq -e9,-fq,-fa,-g0 -fa,-g0,-b2,-he -cc,-b1,-ee,-ci -au,-dg,-ct,-ei -5u,1g,-ct,15 -b2,-he,-5p,-hj -a6,-a1,-cc,-b1 -95,-cr,-au,-dg -6g,-a0,-a8,-a1 -23,-cl,-95,-cr -a,-9u,-6g,-a0 -5p,-hj,-r,-g7 -1i,1h,-5u,1g 3b,-ch,-24,-ck -r,-g7,4e,-h4 50,-9t,-9,-9s -1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,9o,15 4e,-h4,cg,-jv 82,-cd,39,-ch 9e,-9g,50,-9t gb,-9f,9c,-9f 9o,15,ij,19 cg,-jv,ju,-lf eg,-bt,e0,-c8 hr,-bi,fc,-bi fd,-bi,eg,-bt hg,-bg,gb,-9f ju,-bp,hr,-bi ij,19,t2,n ju,-lf,na,-o2 pa,-en,ju,-bp na,-o2,pt,-qp pt,-qp,sq,-u4 sc,-d5,re,-ef re,-ef,rj,-br rj,-br,st,-bs sq,-u4,vd,-11j tg,-bo,sa,-d6 uv,-av,tg,-bo t1,o,18i,16 115,-ag,uv,-av vd,-11j,11q,-13b 11q,-13b,140,-14v 15h,-i4,11o,-ga 11o,-ga,125,-h3 11q,-g9,12j,-fv 13b,-ag,115,-ag 154,-av,13b,-ag 140,-14v,16n,-178 15o,-il,154,-il 16g,-bt,154,-av 16n,-178,1ap,-1a9 15n,-js,15o,-il 166,-jp,166,-ip 166,-ip,16m,-ip 16m,-ip,16k,-js 16t,-is,16u,-js 16u,-js,17c,-j8 17o,-d9,16g,-bt 17c,-j8,17g,-k4 17g,-k4,17l,-iv 180,-j0,180,-k3 180,-k3,18g,-k3 18g,-k3,18g,-jj 18g,-jj,180,-jk 18q,-er,17o,-d9 18i,16,1j8,h 1ab,-gq,18q,-er 1ao,-1aa,1f6,-1dq 1ci,-jo,1bg,-ib 1bg,-ib,1ab,-gq 1bb,-4c,1bb,-3f 1bb,-3f,1aq,-3f 1bi,-4c,1bi,-3e 1bi,-3e,1c1,-3f 1at,-2a,1b5,-36 1b5,-36,1bg,-2a 1b1,-2k,1bc,-2k 1bn,-33,1bn,-2d 1bn,-2d,1bn,-2s 1bn,-2s,1c4,-2o 1df,-kn,1ci,-jo 1c1,-3f,1c1,-4c 1c6,-3i,1c5,-4e 1c5,-4e,1ch,-3j 1cg,-3l,1cq,-4e 1cq,-4e,1ct,-3i 1c4,-35,1c5,-2e 1d2,-2i,1db,-37 1cg,-34,1cg,-2f 1cg,-2f,1cs,-2f 1cf,-2q,1cr,-2q 1cg,-34,1cu,-34 1d7,-2s,1dg,-2r 1f0,-lo,1e3,-lb 1e3,-lb,1df,-kn 1de,-4g,1de,-3k 1de,-4h,1du,-4h 1du,-4h,1du,-45 1du,-45,1de,-45 1db,-37,1dk,-2h 1dq,-36,1dq,-2j 1dq,-37,1e2,-34 1e2,-34,1e7,-2t 1e7,-2t,1e0,-2m 1e0,-2m,1dq,-2l 1f6,-1dq,1k3,-1h0 1gs,-ma,1ga,-ma 1ga,-ma,1fv,-m5 1fv,-m5,1fl,-m3 1fl,-m3,1f0,-lo 1ir,-m0,1ho,-ma 1ho,-ma,1gs,-ma 1k1,-lf,1ir,-m0 1j7,i,1nt,d 1k3,-1h0,1mo,-1hl 1nm,-hu,1k1,-lf 1mo,-1hl,1pe,-1hp 1r9,-gm,1nm,-hu 1nt,e,1p0,-f 1pe,-1hp,1r3,-1h3 1r3,-1h3,1t1,-1g7 1sd,-h1,1r9,-gm 1th,5v,1pt,50 1tq,-h0,1sd,-h1 1t1,-1g7,1uq,-1eg 1vk,-fs,1tq,-h0 1tq,-b,1v8,g 1tg,5t,218,72 1uq,-1eg,204,-1c8 21i,-dv,1vk,-fs 1v8,g,281,h 204,-1c8,21d,-19m 21d,-19m,22s,-15q 23d,-ce,21i,-dv 218,72,27s,7q 22s,-15q,23e,-12b 23e,-12c,24i,-v6 24i,-v6,276,-sg 26f,-bh,23d,-ce 276,-sg,29v,-s3 2b2,-bi,26f,-bh 27u,i,2hc,-m 27s,7q,2ga,6u 29v,-s3,2da,-sn 2d5,-13j,2ca,-13j 2cc,-c0,2b2,-bi 2ev,-131,2e3,-13d 2e3,-13d,2d5,-13j 2dd,-sn,2fm,-up 2fn,-12h,2ev,-131 2fm,-up,2ga,-vh 2g7,-b4,2f0,-bo 2g7,-11r,2fn,-12h 2gk,-10h,2gg,-116 2gg,-116,2g7,-11r 2ga,-vh,2gj,-103 2gi,-104,2gk,-10h 2jf,-ab,2g7,-b4 2ga,6u,2kf,2h 2hc,-m,2og,-1n 2og,-9f,2jf,-ab 2kf,2h,2kf,8d 2kf,8d,2kh,2d 2kh,2d,2nd,2a 2na,2a,2uo,3l 2o9,-g3,2uc,-g2 2of,-1n,2og,-9d 2og,-9d,2th,-9v 2v1,-95,2ta,-a5 2tl,-v,2tl,5 2tl,5,2t0,3 381,-6g,2v1,-95 2tu,-u,2tv,1 2uc,1,2uc,-12 2ul,1,2uo,-14 2uo,-14,2v0,-2 2v0,-2,2v4,-16 2v4,-16,2vb,1 2tv,1,2uc,1 2uo,3l,352,55 2vm,-16,2vm,1 2vm,-15,307,-13 307,-13,306,-k 306,-k,2vn,-k 30f,-8,32j,f 32j,d,323,p 32h,-1,32j,d 352,55,378,4r 3bj,-4b,382,-6h 3io,-22,3bj,-4b 3ad,56,3as,5b 3as,5b,3fm,5m 3fl,5k,3lp,4e 3pu,-e,3io,-22 3lp,4e,3o0,3k 3o0,3j,3s3,3q 3vk,q,3pu,-e 3s4,3q,401,2r 401,2r,41j,1j 41t,1m,41k,1g 439,2a,41t,1m 439,29,467,2l 467,2l,4cs,39 4cs,39,4k1,3f 4fu,-1d,4gl,-1u 4jg,-1a,4ft,-1d 4ft,-1d,4gm,-s 4jv,3d,4q7,3g 4nh,-r,4ob,-b 4ni,-r,4ob,-1c 4qi,-r,4ni,-r 4q5,3e,4r2,39 4rm,-1s,4rl,-9k 4rm,31,4rm,-1s 4r0,39,4ro,34 #-2s1,-39 -12o,-ea gb,-bv 1o6,-1i5 1r6,-h6 21c,6f 2ei,-12t 2m7,23 2qp,-9v 3qs,-l

    And yes, it's possible to get all ten stars without dying. It's just a little tricky. :turned:
    Last edited by Saturn V; 02-20-2007, 08:39 PM.
    Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #98: Every man has his price.

  • #2
    lol cool level. only got two stars though.

    its alot like lineflyer.. except you can actually drive


    • #3
      i got 4 so far :fear:
      1. You're reading my comment
      2. Now you're saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
      4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
      5. You're checking it now.
      6. You're smiling.
      7. You're still reading my comment.
      8. You know all you have read is true.
      10. You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
      11. You're checking it now.
      12. You didn't notice there are only 10 facts


      • #4
        oh, totally beat it.

        probably took me 40 tries.
        but hey, i did it

        oh, cleverly placed 1st star.
        Warning: Disconnected From Server.
        paralyze> what is this, some sort of gay-out?
        paralyze> and nice try
        Sleuth> WTF
        Sleuth> OK QUIET
        JuNkA> LOL
        Sleuth> THOUGHTS COMING
        Sleuth> SHHH

        Warning: Disconnected From Server
        Thoughts> u wish
        Sleuth> WHAT THE FUCK
        Vue> LOOL
        Sleuth> LOLOLOLOL
        Sleuth> ABBOT IS COMING
        Sleuth> QUIET

        Warning: Disconnected from server
        abbot> ..
        Thoughts> LMFAO
        paralyze> ROFL
        Sleuth> stfu


        • #5
          I hate this game! I hate every game based on Linerider
          I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


          • #6
            someone's a 4channer
            (\ (\
            ( ^_^)

            "I like my coffee black, just like my metal."


            • #7
              Saw this game on /b/ couple o' days ago.


              • #8
                haha that was so irititating, but i finally did it on like the 30th try!

                well played.


                • #9
                  Ohh, the memories of super actioncross / elastomania

                  Anyone remeber that game? Perhaps one of the greatest of all time, together with subspace:

                  5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                  5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                  5: Da1andonly> =((
                  5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                  5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                  5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                  • #10
                    Back in the day with this game, you couldn't erase

                    I remember seeing some absolutely ridiculous levels on youtube
                    USA WORLD CHAMPS


                    • #11
                      how the hell do you get up that 1st wall thats str8 up?!?
                      Ill-timed force will be ineffective; act with precision; timing is everything. Knowing where and when to strike is more important than strength; misapplied ability is disability. Unreasonable or undue force will defeat itself

                      1:money> lWTF I ASKED FOR BUTT SECKS AND U DIDNT GIVE ME THAT.
                      1:money> i need a loose-meat butthole

                      Evasive <E> wtf
                      Evasive <E> GIMME MY BOT
                      caco <ER>> )Oo
                      caco <ER>> bot thief!
                      caco <ER>> duel me for it
                      Evasive <E> no!
                      Cigarettes> wunderbar?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by WuTang420 View Post
                        how the hell do you get up that 1st wall thats str8 up?!?
                        Well, you don't. Try another approach.
                        Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #98: Every man has his price.


                        • #13
                          This and a ton of other games are complete rip-offs of Line Rider, which was in its entirety envisioned, programmed and finished by a Slovene student. I even remember the guy from back in 2004 or so at a party. Now I'm told he's selling the rights to make a WII game out of it, nuts.
                          2:Displaced> k washed my nuts, hope they stop itching now
                          2:Displaced> now its my fucking foot that is itching, FOR FUCKS SAKE

                          2:Eeks> there was this girl that had a crush on me
                          2:Eeks> and she had the biggest boobs i've ever seen live
                          2:Eeks> had back problems too i think
                          2:Eeks> it was kinda disturbing when her boobs were bigger than her head

                          1:DangerGirl> spider, give your cap to era
                          1:spider> Wooooohoo!
                          1:spider> .*passes the hat*
                          1:Erathia> <eats the hat>


                          • #14
                            -310,-99,-30p,-ao -310,-7n,-310,-99 -30q,-64,-310,-7n -2vs,-ce,-2uq,-d1 -30p,-ao,-30e,-bp -30e,-bp,-2vs,-ce -2vp,-33,-30q,-64 -2uc,-1h,-2vp,-33 -2uq,-d1,-2tm,-dd -2s3,-5,-2uc,-1h -2tm,-dd,-2sb,-dl -2sb,-dl,-2qo,-dn -2r7,-dn,-2rt,-dm -2o6,-dp,-2qt,-dn -2qt,-dn,-2nv,-do -2rk,-9p,-2rm,-64 -2rm,-64,-2k9,-65 -2oq,p,-2s3,-5 -2md,-dd,-2o7,-do -2l8,1b,-2oq,q -2lc,-cr,-2md,-dd -2kl,-bt,-2lc,-cr -2k9,-ar,-2kl,-bt -2ci,1a,-2l8,1b -2k9,-65,-2k6,-di -2k8,-99,-2k9,-ar -22n,1b,-2ci,1a -1po,1c,-22n,1b -1no,-5e,-1oq,-6l -1mp,-49,-1no,-5e -1lj,-3a,-1mp,-49 -1jl,-23,-1lj,-3a -1h2,-v,-1jl,-23 -1cs,b,-1h2,-v -18q,19,-1cs,b -13l,1h,-18q,19 -oi,1h,-13l,1h -bb,1h,-oi,1h -1j,1h,-bb,1h -1i,-15,7e,-15 -1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,6s,1i 7e,-15,r1,-14 6s,1i,j8,1i lu,-di,k0,-dq k0,-dq,lf,-cd lf,-cd,jo,-c8 jo,-c8,l9,-be j8,1i,rb,1i nb,-f5,ll,-g2 ll,-g2,me,-ee me,-ee,kg,-es kg,-es,lu,-di me,-e6,lf,-cd lg,-ce,la,-au la,-au,la,-a0 la,-a0,lc,-8r lc,-8r,lr,-7m lr,-7m,mc,-6r o6,-fo,mn,-h2 mn,-h2,nb,-f5 nt,-fh,me,-e6 mc,-6r,n7,-62 n7,-62,o3,-5f p8,-g2,nv,-h9 nv,-h9,o6,-fo q1,-gc,nt,-fh pd,-ca,oq,-b8 oq,-b8,ol,-ae ol,-ae,om,-9j om,-9j,or,-8o or,-8o,pd,-7u o3,-5f,ph,-51 om,-46,on,-5a pl,-50,om,-46 q3,-gd,pa,-hc pa,-hc,p8,-g2 sp,-go,q1,-gc s3,-e1,qd,-db qd,-db,pd,-ca pd,-7u,q5,-7e q5,-7e,rb,-76 ph,-51,r9,-4m ql,-4q,pi,-3v pi,-3v,pl,-50 tt,-eb,s3,-e1 se,-bk,s2,-bb s2,-bb,rs,-b3 rs,-b3,ro,-ao ro,-ao,rn,-aa rn,-aa,ro,-9u ro,-9u,rs,-9f rs,-9f,s6,-94 ra,-76,t8,-6u r9,-4m,t6,-4j rs,-3j,rh,-4o rh,-4o,ql,-3m ql,-3m,ql,-4q si,-4l,rs,-3j r1,-14,tm,-19 rb,1i,tp,1g vb,-go,sp,-go u2,-c2,su,-bt su,-bt,se,-bk s6,-94,si,-8v si,-8v,t0,-8r t0,-8r,v6,-8q t8,-6u,ui,-6s t6,-4j,uo,-4k tp,-3l,te,-4k te,-4k,sq,-3i sq,-3i,si,-4l tm,-19,10m,-27 vv,-e7,tt,-eb 104,-bt,v7,-c2 v7,-c2,u2,-c2 ui,-6s,v6,-6s v6,-6s,vv,-6u uo,-4k,10n,-4o vk,-4m,ut,-3k ut,-3k,ud,-4j ud,-4j,tp,-3l tp,1g,vo,1a 12v,-gb,vb,-go 11j,-e1,vv,-e7 11c,-bb,105,-bt vv,-6u,10m,-75 10m,-75,117,-7j 10n,-4o,129,-54 10j,-4n,105,-3m 105,-3m,vk,-4m 10m,-27,12i,-3a vo,1a,11n,t 12g,-gh,125,-ie 125,-ie,11a,-gp 12p,-dl,11j,-e1 11v,-ag,11c,-bb 120,-8v,123,-9l 123,-9l,11v,-ag 117,-7j,11k,-85 11k,-85,120,-91 129,-54,139,-5k 11n,t,13f,a 13n,-fv,13l,-hu 13l,-hu,12g,-gh 15n,-em,12v,-gb 14q,-h8,13n,-fv 140,-cv,12p,-dl 139,-5k,144,-67 13j,-4i,14g,-65 12i,-3a,13j,-4i 13f,a,150,-j 14n,-fb,14q,-h8 169,-gh,14n,-fb 14n,-c9,140,-cv 159,-a6,158,-b9 158,-b9,14n,-c9 159,-9a,159,-a6 14o,-74,155,-88 155,-88,159,-9c 14u,-76,156,-8k 144,-67,14o,-74 14g,-65,14u,-76 150,-j,16j,-1t 15u,-eh,169,-gh 17i,-ct,15n,-em 15t,-ek,17c,-fn 17c,-fn,16s,-dq 16j,-1t,17r,-3g 18l,-ar,17i,-ct 17r,-3g,18l,-5g 18t,-90,18l,-ar 18s,-78,18t,-90 18l,-5g,18s,-78 #-2qe,-d6 -2o5,-6n sm,-9r t4,-a8 tc,-9l tl,-9l tg,-9c tf,-a1 sv,-9n t8,-a2 th,-90 st,-99 t3,-9a tp,-a6 u8,-9n tr,-9k u0,-a2 u6,-97 tr,-9a

                            Last edited by Dabram; 02-23-2007, 05:42 PM.


                            • #15
                              that is impossible ^^

                              once you collect all the stars from the bit on the right, its impossible to get out to go and get the ones on the left.

