Originally posted by Zerzera
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and people who complain that they won't get advantages if they lived in a communistic societ can go suck my nuts. Lets take the story of the doctor deserves more than a janitor. Doctors deserve more wah wah, last time i checked, my doctors do shit less work than nurses, and make way less appearances while makes a shit load of dying patients wait while the doctor can enjoy their fatness on freetime. and when they do make appearances and don't know anything, they will just prescribe some standard shit that won't do anything. At least a janitor cleans up our shit. If it wasn't for them we would be living in our own shit till we decided that we should live more healthier. people have immune systems for a reason, we don't need doctors that take soo much money from us to not do anything or next to nothing. don't get me wrong there are some great doctors out there, but i think more than half abuse the system, that leaves the nurses doing more work hence forth the middle class. fuk da rich, fuk da capitalistic society.