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Trench Wars community, help me.

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  • #16
    Seems like a lot of advice from people that don't smoke. As someone that does smoke, I wish I had advice but I've also never quit, so I don't know really. I do have a bunch of friends that have tried and failed though, so I'll tell you what they did so you can avoid that. One thing I have noticed with my friends is that people who are trying to quit for people other than themselves NEVER do it, so make sure you really want to quit before going through all the hassle.

    Also, if you aren't committed to quitting enough to tell your friends not to bum you cigarettes and not yell at them when they refuse, you're fucked. I've had a million people do this to me, and none of them have ever successfully quit. Make sure everyone you know is helping you quit, don't put them in a position where you spend all day talking about how you're doing better with smoking, and then demand a cigarette from them.

    edit: also, I think a psychological thing that helps (at least it's always help me cut back) is to view each time you want a cigarette and hold off as a success, not each time you smoke a cigarette as a failure. i smoke maybe 3 a day, and my friends always aim to QUIT, not to smoke 3 a day. theyll get to like 7 a day, and im like "thats cool, youre almost to 3 a day, you always say you wish you could only smoke 3 a day like i do" and then one day they get stressed and smoke a whole pack and then theyre back to a pack a day again. if you smoke a pack in a day, think "man well overall this week im still doing great" and then go back to trying to quit, not think "well im back to ground zero, fuck it"
    5:gen> man
    5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


    • #17
      gonna start smoking just to see if i can stop.
      offline during quicksand's victory in twld which made us the first squad to have an undefeated TWL season while winning every game 4v5.


      • #18
        Fuse this with ewan's idea:
        Jerk it when you want to smoke a cigarette.
        Have fun at work.

        In all honesty, I hope you get through your addiction, and I'm sure there are plenty of people here that will help you along your way. Luckily, I haven't developed an addiction yet, and I hope I don't plan to.
        duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

        Mattey> put me in corch

        zidane> go kf urself pork


        • #19
          get a heart attack

          that'll make an impact in your thought process
          All good things must come to an end.


          • #20
            Originally posted by pascone View Post
            this might be the dumbest thing i've seen on the forums yet! grow some ****** and stop smoking. not a hard concept, it's all in your head
            I agree, the will power of people these days is pathetic.


            • #21
              Why do people like pascone and Pummel reply to this when they're both obviously too young and short to buy cigarettes?

              I've tried to quit - many times. There's some good advice in this thread, so I'll not to be too repetitive but list some shit.
              • Like Face said, the first thing is to make sure you WANT to quit. This was always a problem with me and until I was honest with myself and actually wanted to quit I couldn't do it. Don't waste everyone's time if you aren't going to commit.
              • Also like Face said, make sure your friends know so you don't keep bumming. It makes you look like an asshole and you'll eventually start again.
              • Ween yourself off at first. Don't cold turkey quit. It sounds like your'e already doing that, but cutting down and then totally quitting helps.
              • Try not to worry about smoking when you get drunk because it's inevitably going to hapepn. Make sure you're drunk, and not just drinking, if you're going to though. If you get plastered every night then I suppose you might have more of an uphill battle.
              • This is what really helped me the most: start working out or running. When I started running I realized how shitty my lungs were. I committed to getting better endurance and it makes you not want to smoke. Also, if you do it in the morning or evening, it just makes you feel good for the rest of the day. Go for the runner's high.
              • Finally, and this may only help me, but I know Jerome said try going to lights and stuff but I hate all those. I started rolling my own cigarettes from the harshest tobacco I could buy. That way I forced myself to smoke less and make it more of a hassle. Then again, I think most Euros roll their own in the first place so that may not help you.

              I had success for a month doing this and have recently started again, largely due to the stress of finals, work, and everything else going on in my life. I know I'll quit again once summer starts and I'm more stress-free. My mission is to get very fit this summer.

              Good luck.


              • #22
                Originally posted by genocidal View Post
                I've tried to quit - many times. There's some good advice in this thread, so I'll not to be too repetitive but list some shit.
                Yes, take advice from someone that fails to quit.
                I sort of agree about the quitting for yourself.
                And you should quit smoking and don't tell people you quit. Especially 'friends' with the same habits will try to keep you from succeeding, either conscious or unconsciously.
                You will get replies as "You will never make it" or "Have a cigarette, ow wait you are trying to quit ha ha".
                So just quit and don't tell anyone until you've quit smoking for 2 or 3 weeks.
                You ate some priest porridge


                • #23
                  Day 2. (Semi Day 3, I had 2 on saturday, but that's so little it almost doesn't count).

                  At work it was fucking painful, I'm so used to smoking each break we have (5 minutes each hour), and to go out with my friends here that smokes. When I walked home (about a 40 min walk), it felt better, and I kept thinking about the upsides for my health. I got home, and then I drowned myself in WoW to I fell asleep.

                  Zerz, so far I want to disagree with you, I've told almost everyone that I'm trying to quit, and most of them are helping me in a little way. Like a friend letting me have his stress ball while at work, lets my hands have something to do.

                  It's ok to take advice from someone who has failed to quit, aslong as they have succeeded for a short while, but started again at a later time. It's the same hard first week.

                  Sometimes I keep thinking to myself that I'm enjoying the cigs I smoke while high too much, same with beer and smoke, and that it's not worth it to quit. I'm not sure which side of my brain is lying to which, or if it's just my addiction trying to sweet-talk me into taking one.

                  I'm used to rolling my own already gen, in the army I smoked the strongest shit in regular stores in Norway, and I like them alot.

                  Sitting at work now, not looking forward to our breaks, seeing the colleagues I always went outside with go.

                  I really am thankful for the help you guys have given me so far, you're the hidden ace in my sleeve.

                  Pascone, if you had the slightest fucking clue about anything, you wouldn't say what you just said. Just shows how fucking clueless you've always been.
                  Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                  5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                  • #24
                    I've had success. It was my choice to begin smoking again for a time, and as long as I'm making a conscious choice I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Whether or not it actually helps me deal with stress is irrelevant - I think it does so I'll keep doing it until I no longer have the urge.


                    • #25
                      2 hours left of work, I just snuck out with a friend during the break, hoping that I could sweet talk him into giving me a smoke. It didn't work out. The next person that touches me is going to get hurt badly, and I will lose my job.
                      Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                      5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                      • #26

                        You will not smoke, to smoke will cause you pain... great pain...

