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What annoys you most about your culture?

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  • #16
    Yeah one person was responsible for a whole city going up..and an O-3 in the army had enough money to build a city..for sure

    EDIT: lol just realized he was commanding the engineering corps at the time he did it meaning he was acting on orders from the government you seem to hate so much to build your town
    I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
    I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


    • #17
      This is a category for historical or mythical figures, traditionally attributed with founding a city.


      Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
      (though he was ex-Army Corps of Engineers)
      9:Everett> well with pascone in -f-, our squad standards just experienced a decrease of 150%


      • #18
        George W. Bush.

        Since this hillbilly redneck fuck has become president he has done nothing but screw things up. He has spread our armed forces thin, put the nation in a ressession, and given us a idiot mentality. The country I live is quick to fix everything abroad but, does little here to fix problems.

        I would much rather be an american than anything else though. Even though I bash Canadians on these forms, I actually like them in real life. They are a very kind and generous people. When it comes to this game, I like a few. The rest are just Bush bashers who generalize that because he is an idiot, we are all idiots. That's not the case.

        The only people or nation I can't stand are those Muslims-n-Hindu fuckers. I have never a muslim or arab that I ever liked. After 911 Fuck them all. My thing with Hindu's is they are all ways rude. I just wanna punch them in their DOT....
        OBama/Biden 08


        • #19
          Originally posted by Soul Survivor View Post
          George W. Bush.

          Since this hillbilly redneck fuck has become president he has done nothing but screw things up. He has spread our armed forces thin, put the nation in a ressession, and given us a idiot mentality. The country I live is quick to fix everything abroad but, does little here to fix problems.

          I would much rather be an american than anything else though. Even though I bash Canadians on these forms, I actually like them in real life. They are a very kind and generous people. When it comes to this game, I like a few. The rest are just Bush bashers who generalize that because he is an idiot, we are all idiots. That's not the case.

          The only people or nation I can't stand are those Muslims-n-Hindu fuckers. I have never a muslim or arab that I ever liked. After 911 Fuck them all. My thing with Hindu's is they are all ways rude. I just wanna punch them in their DOT....

          a idiot mentality



          • #20
            Getting called dog eaters . Hey, we don't call all Americans people eaters just because of the Donner party. IT HAPPENED ONCE WHEN WE WERE HUNGRY AND POOR, GET OVER IT!!!@@##$!
            Originally posted by paradise!
            pretty sure the flu is just bacteria found everywhere, just during the winter our immune systems are at its lowest, thus the bacteria aren't exactly killed off.
            1:Reaver> HALP
            1:Reaver> HELELP
            1:Reaver> SAW CRANS MOM NAKED
            1:Reaver> HELP YOU DUMB FUCKS


            • #21
              I hate the fact that finnish people are breaking out of the "never talk to anyone you don't know in public" -thing. Globalisation or whatever. Seriously, strangers have been starting conversations with me in buses/trains atleast 4 times this year and it's freaking me out. Thank god some angry staring usually shuts them up. Where did the country I used to love so much go? :sadoldsmi
              What is even the elblow?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Desire View Post
                I hate the fact that finnish people are breaking out of the "never talk to anyone you don't know in public" -thing. Globalisation or whatever. Seriously, strangers have been starting conversations with me in buses/trains atleast 4 times this year and it's freaking me out. Thank god some angry staring usually shuts them up. Where did the country I used to love so much go? :sadoldsmi
                So we should all live in utter boredom never to break out of the ordinary? I'm ridiculous just as much as you are, when I'm on the bus I'm in no mood to talk to anyone but having a friendly conversation or being polite would be much more appropriate, the person that was trying to talk to you might have just been reaching out for human connection and you shut them down because you were too self absorbed with your life and your daily routine. I don't mean to knock you but I think the general patience level that exists is lower than low.

                Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                I started off reading the Communist Manifesto, and it didn't... feel right,
                So you weren't fighting for Stalin? It was all a joke when we would quote communist rhetoric?
                Last edited by Cops; 04-26-2007, 03:06 AM.
                it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                • #23
                  Being 1/2 irish, and having a yank as a gf, plus having lived abroad for some years, i think i can base my facts. We have wonderful things here. But this is about the annoying things. Of course everything is in general.

                  Well, the thing that annoys me the most about my country, Holland, is:

                  We dutch people consider ourself tolerant, you know, let people be. But we're not like that at all. We are blinded for what we do ourself, since other people should be tolerant to what i do. But the pointy finger stretches out so far, so often, it would make Hitler proud.

                  Second one is that we're very rude people. Yes we are dutchies.
                  Last edited by SEAL; 04-26-2007, 03:54 AM.


                  • #24
                    I love my culture and country, as long as we don't join into stupid wars. Of course there is loads of stupid people that do stupid things, but in general I am pretty content.
                    This might sound a bit gay -ha ha-, but I am glad I live in the Netherlands, we are still shocked when someone gets beaten to death in a nightclub and thousands of people will join in a Silent March when it happens.
                    I like the freedom, because most people are capable of functioning in a society, and the ones that don't really don't get held back by strict regulation and tough laws.

                    That being said I don't think there's a lot of cultures I don't like, and I am quite sure I would enjoy living in the United States too, I think their foreign policy sucks, but when you live in the country you wouldn't care about that I guess.
                    You ate some priest porridge


                    • #25
                      - As a NASCAR fan, that doesn't mean I get drunk and beat women.
                      - MTV almost killed music for me. They should just drop the M from "MTV", really. Call it "Teen Television", but TTV is taken, I think.
                      - The blame game. Everyone has to blame something for their shortcomings. That's the reason everyone gets sued over something dumb. This is also why when something bad happens, gun related, they go "OMG, It was the video games, it had to be!"

                      Just to add one Pro:

                      + Conan O'Brien


                      • #26
                        Being a salesman, I despise those who are too dumb and lazy to understand their own good when someone explains it to them.

                        They don't do anything themselves, they don't have the mental capability to pay attention during a conversation, and they want me to look over everything they have, look over all the offers there is, and send them the best deals in a written form, with additional discounts.
                        This is when I already am offering them stuff that is better than what they have. Greedy fucks.

                        "HEY, I'M A DUMB, LAZY FUCK, YOU DO EVERYTHING FOR ME"

                        I hate that attitude. I hate stupid humans. I am of the attitude that this planet would be better off without them.

                        That felt good
                        Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                        5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                        • #27
                          growing up in a culturally, diverse area, i had to deal alot with the attatched cultural issues. it always upset me:

                          a. how sensitive people were to stereotypes
                          b. how often they turned out to be true
                          c. the hypocrisy involved

                          i dont see why you should pretend cultural differences dont exist, and be offended if somebody brings it up (without disrespect). furthermore, i dont get offended by being called 'whitey' several times a day.


                          • #28
                            The PC Brigade who push integration so hard that it just further alienates all the minorities.

                            and anyone who disagrees with the PC Brigade, they scream Hitler at you.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mr. Peanuts View Post
                              The PC Brigade who push integration so hard that it just further alienates all the minorities.

                              and anyone who disagrees with the PC Brigade, they scream Hitler at you.
                              I couldn't give a flying fuck which color someone is, I care too little about people for it to matter, and when I do care about someone then it still don't matter.

                              So if I say anything about imigration, or foreginers at all, I'm usually Hitler if it isn't anything positive. Even if it's constructive.

                              Oooooooohhh, I have a good one.
                              When comedy shows etc hires someone to do some jokes or scetches about their background. They're putting their stuff in the mouth of a black man, because society allows a black man to make fun of it, but not a white man. That's fucking racism, and it's hypocracy as well. GROW SOME BALLS AND DO THOSE JOKES YOURSELF. There's nothing racist about a guy that makes fun about EVERYTHING, including foreginers.
                              Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                              5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                              • #30
                                people, generally.

