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THC vs Alcohol

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  • #16
    Originally posted by kthx View Post
    Oh and its "choice" not "choise" its potheads like these dumbasses that make the pothead culture seem so crappy in the first place, morons who sit there and smoke and have no goals in life other than to find money to buy weed.
    People that are obviously shitheads would be shitheads whether pot existed or not.

    Eventually you kids will grow up and realize that morons like yourselves are the main reason people don't want to legalize a harmless drug.
    What? Anything in particular that makes you think this?

    Once you are on your own and want to move on with your life, you will see that the stupid stoner thing isn't a real popular thing with the women or a roommate.
    Unless you find women or roommates that smoke pot, or aren't judgmental.

    I used to smoke alot, I quit recently, but when I got stoned I liked to have deep conversations, or find out about things I didn't know about.
    So you understand that it's somewhat useful and not everyone that uses it is like the above people you described.

    Basically, I really don't understand what you said with the above paragraph.
    5:gen> man
    5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


    • #17
      Im saying the stoners that think its cool to get high and be a dumbass is why pot has such negative connotations in America. Moron.
      Rabble Rabble Rabble


      • #18
        By the same token alcohol causes a ton of wrecks, violence, unwanted pregnancies, etc. A lack of corporate backing would be a bigger reason for pot's legal status than a bunch of folks being retarded. By that logic we could justifiably outlaw Mountain Dew slurpees because they make kids crazy.
        "That's what's so illogical about being a smurf. I mean, what's the point in living if you don't have a dick?"


        • #19
          Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
          I'm happy you live in Ohio. I wouldn't want to be on the streets when you decide to drive while high...
          lol? ARE YOU SERIOUS

          LOLllolOlolOLol GET REAL


          • #20

            Let's get twisted ladies and gents.
            Originally posted by Tone
            Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


            • #21
              Originally posted by kthx View Post
              Im saying the stoners that think its cool to get high and be a dumbass is why pot has such negative connotations in America. Moron.
              That's not why it's illegal though.
              5:gen> man
              5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


              • #22
                Originally posted by kthx View Post
                Im saying the stoners that think its cool to get high and be a dumbass is why pot has such negative connotations in America. Moron.
                The Cheech and Chong stereotype has very little to do with why weed is illegal, newblet.

                The tobacco and alcohol enforcement agencies...the prison industry----these are just some of the groups that would be financially crippled by the legalization of marijuana. That's why these groups have their unions and lobbyists flood politicians with political contributions and gifts so they keep marijuana under the same umbrella as heroin in the War On Drugs---while having their "experts" push their anti-marijuana propaganda to the media, so parents are scared into thinking weed is just as bad as hard drugs.

                Welcome to the real world.


                • #23
                  Weed is fucking boring.


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      when i first started smoking pot, i totally admit i did it because i thought it would make me cool. i was 12 at the time, though. i continued to smoke because it was affordable and readily accessible. the coolness factor wore off pretty quickly, especially once a vast majority of my friends got into it with me. i think my location at the time also influenced my recreational habits. i grew up in a very rural area, where believe it or not, you were more likely to get together with a small group of friends and get stoned than go to a big party and get drunk. it was honestly easier to buy weed than to track down someone to buy alcohol for you.

                      by the time i was in my late teens, i'd say i was drinking as much as i was smoking. this was mostly because i started hanging out more frequently with people who were old enough to buy booze. whereas in my younger teen years, most 21 year olds weren't too keen on partying with a guy in middle school.

                      then in college, the scales tipped and i started drinking more than smoking. this wasn't really because i lost interest in smoking, but because alcohol became the most affordable option. as far as prevelance, i think both were pretty equal. it was around this time that i first started into heavier drugs, too. i simply didn't have access to them when i was younger. where i grew up, you couldn't score acid if you were dying of cancer and found yourself at the top of the list over at the make-a-wish foundation.

                      now i'm all grown up (or something like that). if you asked me to pick my poison, what would i choose? any of it. it all comes down to the specifics of the situation. there are days where putting on some mellow tunes, rolling a joint and kicking back really hit the spot. there are also days where hitting my favorite bar with some friends is just what the doctor ordered. and i still like to completely blow my mind every now and again with stuff that's most definitely fucking up my already fucked up brain chemistry.

                      i guess my point after all that babbling comes down to this. i don't get why people argue over what's better or worse, what one does to you and what the other doesn't. one day, blam!, you're dead. in the meantime, get high, get a buzz, take a trip or don't. the outcome is the same regardless.
                      jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Jason View Post
                        when i first started smoking pot, i totally admit i did it because i thought it would make me cool. i was 12 at the time, though. i continued to smoke because it was affordable and readily accessible. the coolness factor wore off pretty quickly, especially once a vast majority of my friends got into it with me. i think my location at the time also influenced my recreational habits. i grew up in a very rural area, where believe it or not, you were more likely to get together with a small group of friends and get stoned than go to a big party and get drunk. it was honestly easier to buy weed than to track down someone to buy alcohol for you.

                        by the time i was in my late teens, i'd say i was drinking as much as i was smoking. this was mostly because i started hanging out more frequently with people who were old enough to buy booze. whereas in my younger teen years, most 21 year olds weren't too keen on partying with a guy in middle school.

                        then in college, the scales tipped and i started drinking more than smoking. this wasn't really because i lost interest in smoking, but because alcohol became the most affordable option. as far as prevelance, i think both were pretty equal. it was around this time that i first started into heavier drugs, too. i simply didn't have access to them when i was younger. where i grew up, you couldn't score acid if you were dying of cancer and found yourself at the top of the list over at the make-a-wish foundation.

                        now i'm all grown up (or something like that). if you asked me to pick my poison, what would i choose? any of it. it all comes down to the specifics of the situation. there are days where putting on some mellow tunes, rolling a joint and kicking back really hit the spot. there are also days where hitting my favorite bar with some friends is just what the doctor ordered. and i still like to completely blow my mind every now and again with stuff that's most definitely fucking up my already fucked up brain chemistry.

                        i guess my point after all that babbling comes down to this. i don't get why people argue over what's better or worse, what one does to you and what the other doesn't. one day, blam!, you're dead. in the meantime, get high, get a buzz, take a trip or don't. the outcome is the same regardless.
                        Or be like me and do neither, never go out, never spend money, focus only on work and die from a stress induced heart attack at 35................. I think I need to find a dealer.


                        • #27
                          LOL Epi. I found that intensely amusing. Almost my whole family smokes.. not hard for me to find a dealer :P In fact I've been working on cutting it out, and damnit, it's like Im finding more connections then ever now that Im trying NOT to.
                          7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                          7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                          7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                          1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                          7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                          7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                          1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                          1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


                          • #28
                            Not a fan of weed. Tried it a couple times, didn't work for me. Give me a drink though, that's another story entirely.
                            5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                            5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                            5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                            1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                            1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jason View Post
                              ...blah blah diary blah blah... one day, blam!, you're dead. in the meantime, get high, get a buzz, take a trip or don't. the outcome is the same regardless.
                              With all respect, i totally disagree. I like it that you are all grown up at age 23 and figured life out and all the goodness. But.

                              You tell a person who has cancer that the outcome is the same regardless. You tell Ozzy that the outcome is the same regardless. He can't even fucking add 2 plus 2 without forgetting the first number.

                              My point is, and im not a saint, it does mather. I agree that you should do things on specific occations (dont be sober at a student party, dont be wasted at a funeral, smoke weed when you want to relax, etc) but i also think that balanse is the key. I don't agree that you should fuck it all because it doesn't mather because doing things sober is also a very good quality of life.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by SEAL View Post
                                With all respect, i totally disagree. I like it that you are all grown up at age 23 and figured life out and all the goodness. But.

                                You tell a person who has cancer that the outcome is the same regardless. You tell Ozzy that the outcome is the same regardless. He can't even fucking add 2 plus 2 without forgetting the first number.

                                My point is, and im not a saint, it does mather. I agree that you should do things on specific occations (dont be sober at a student party, dont be wasted at a funeral, smoke weed when you want to relax, etc) but i also think that balanse is the key. I don't agree that you should fuck it all because it doesn't mather because doing things sober is also a very good quality of life.
                                ..and your from Amsterdamn?
                                7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                                7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                                7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                                1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                                7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                                7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                                1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                                1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now

