My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.
My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.
Just realized some washed up player was making a crack about Quicksand. I guess even useless nobodies care know and care about my catchphrases. Nice to know I guess.
"Why" A parody of "Why" by Jadakiss by Kthx and Racka(TM)
It's dat real
Why is Quicksand the best squad in the Trench,
Why is the TWL rules designed to keep us on the bench,
And why Ripper ain't playing if hes part of your squad,
And why Sika still playing if hes been banned by a mod,
Yea, and why they gonna give you life for cheating,
Turn around only give Isreali eight months for forced eating,
Why they selling Squads!! Players on TWLM for under a dime,
If your so good Thunder why you losing with five,
Why Ward always coording your squad,
Why does Kthx make more money than you,
And still measures his connection in baud,
Why your squad talking shit but still learning to fly,
Why is Ratty...'s mullet shaved off.. sigh,
Why is he even alive?
Why they ban Mythril and Vys,
Why at the bar you drinking well liquor instead of getting Skyy,
Why the bullets have to hit that asteroid,
Why did TW Staff have to axe Poid,
Why Izors bullets so hard to avoid,
All that I have given,
Is this zone that I host in,
Staff got me in the system,
So why staff gotta do me like this,
Try'd to make events my way,
But got sent on up the highway,
Why, Oh Why,
Why staff gotta do me like that
Why does Squadless eat double burgers that are cheesy,
Why did Pure_Luck always send presents to I.D.,
Why haven't you visited Petey,
Why Nonsense have to dissolve Savanger twice,
Why my homie Method DDOS Trench Wars,
Why he packet that site,
Why staff gotta send bots to the public to read your chat,
Why they axe Wark <ER> for calling goddess fat,
Why TWL staff not even follow eighty-five percent of their guides,
Why TWL staff take eight-five hours to think up better lies,
Why do newbies always want to join Quicksand when they suck so bad,
Why I can't log on the forums and call Xog a fag,
Why did Kthx have to lag so hard,
Even though the match is almost over,
Why your squadmates can't reach a mod,
Why they come up with an internet dating section,
Why did they let Goddess give J-B Inc an erection,
Come on, pay attention,
Why give away a squad name that you stole after a JD,
Why Racka have to feel bad and give the name back to Tiny.
All that I have given,
Is this zone that I host in,
Staff got me in the system,
So why staff gotta do me like this,
Try'd to make events my way,
But got sent on up the highway,
Why, Oh Why,
Why staff gotta do me like that
(Last Verse Coming Soon)
"Why" A parody of "Why" by Jadakiss by Kthx and Racka(TM)
It's dat real
Why is Quicksand the best squad in the Trench,
Why is the TWL rules designed to keep us on the bench,
And why Ripper ain't playing if hes part of your squad,
And why Sika still playing if hes been banned by a mod,
Yea, and why they gonna give you life for cheating,
Turn around only give Isreali eight months for forced eating,
Why they selling Squads!! Players on TWLM for under a dime,
If your so good Thunder why you losing with five,
Why Ward always coording your squad,
Why does Kthx make more money than you,
And still measures his connection in baud,
Why your squad talking shit but still learning to fly,
Why is Ratty...'s mullet shaved off.. sigh,
Why is he even alive?
Why they ban Mythril and Vys,
Why at the bar you drinking well liquor instead of getting Skyy,
Why the bullets have to hit that asteroid,
Why did TW Staff have to axe Poid,
Why Izors bullets so hard to avoid,
All that I have given,
Is this zone that I host in,
Staff got me in the system,
So why staff gotta do me like this,
Try'd to make events my way,
But got sent on up the highway,
Why, Oh Why,
Why staff gotta do me like that
Why does Squadless eat double burgers that are cheesy,
Why did Pure_Luck always send presents to I.D.,
Why haven't you visited Petey,
Why Nonsense have to dissolve Savanger twice,
Why my homie Method DDOS Trench Wars,
Why he packet that site,
Why staff gotta send bots to the public to read your chat,
Why they axe Wark <ER> for calling goddess fat,
Why TWL staff not even follow eighty-five percent of their guides,
Why TWL staff take eight-five hours to think up better lies,
Why do newbies always want to join Quicksand when they suck so bad,
Why I can't log on the forums and call Xog a fag,
Why did Kthx have to lag so hard,
Even though the match is almost over,
Why your squadmates can't reach a mod,
Why they come up with an internet dating section,
Why did they let Goddess give J-B Inc an erection,
Come on, pay attention,
Why give away a squad name that you stole after a JD,
Why Racka have to feel bad and give the name back to Tiny.
All that I have given,
Is this zone that I host in,
Staff got me in the system,
So why staff gotta do me like this,
Try'd to make events my way,
But got sent on up the highway,
Why, Oh Why,
Why staff gotta do me like that
(Last Verse Coming Soon)
"Why" A parody of "Why" by Jadakiss by Kthx and Racka(TM)
It's dat real
Why is Quicksand the best squad in the Trench,
Why is the TWL rules designed to keep us on the bench,
And why Ripper ain't playing if hes part of your squad,
And why Sika still playing if hes been banned by a mod,
Yea, and why they gonna give you life for cheating,
Turn around only give Isreali eight months for forced eating,
Why they selling Squads!! Players on TWLM for under a dime,
If your so good Thunder why you losing with five,
Why Ward always coording your squad,
Why does Kthx make more money than you,
And still measures his connection in baud,
Why your squad talking shit but still learning to fly,
Why is Ratty...'s mullet shaved off.. sigh,
Why is he even alive?
Why they ban Mythril and Vys,
Why at the bar you drinking well liquor instead of getting Skyy,
Why the bullets have to hit that asteroid,
Why did TW Staff have to axe Poid,
Why Izors bullets so hard to avoid,
All that I have given,
Is this zone that I host in,
Staff got me in the system,
So why staff gotta do me like this,
Try'd to make events my way,
But got sent on up the highway,
Why, Oh Why,
Why staff gotta do me like that
Why does Squadless eat double burgers that are cheesy,
Why did Pure_Luck always send presents to I.D.,
Why haven't you visited Petey,
Why Nonsense have to dissolve Savanger twice,
Why my homie Method DDOS Trench Wars,
Why he packet that site,
Why staff gotta send bots to the public to read your chat,
Why they axe Wark <ER> for calling goddess fat,
Why TWL staff not even follow eighty-five percent of their guides,
Why TWL staff take eight-five hours to think up better lies,
Why do newbies always want to join Quicksand when they suck so bad,
Why I can't log on the forums and call Xog a fag,
Why did Kthx have to lag so hard,
Even though the match is almost over,
Why your squadmates can't reach a mod,
Why they come up with an internet dating section,
Why did they let Goddess give J-B Inc an erection,
Come on, pay attention,
Why give away a squad name that you stole after a JD,
Why Racka have to feel bad and give the name back to Tiny.
All that I have given,
Is this zone that I host in,
Staff got me in the system,
So why staff gotta do me like this,
Try'd to make events my way,
But got sent on up the highway,
Why, Oh Why,
Why staff gotta do me like that
Do you and Ward sit in a private arena and talk about horrible ideas for posts? I'm imagining lots of four to five word exchanges, littered with bad spelling and lots of "LOLZ" interspersed.
Even if that's not the case, you should look into joining Quicksand. I hear they're taking applications (NO SPELING REKUIRED), and all you need to do is come up with a horribly contrived joke that you can beat far past death. (LOLZ WARK BEETS OFF FOUR GUYZ AT THE SAME TIME WITH ONE HAND! THATZ WHAT WE CALL WINNING 4v5!)
get a fucking life..just quit this damn game, you are beyond useless, i hear talk ur 30. mother of god get a wife and kids. its pretty evident that in ur will u probably left all ur belongings to ur xbox 360. let me agian say, get a life and congrats on spending about most of ur adult life sitting on a computer "contributing to the zone" LOL ITS A SPACESIHP GAMEEEE AND U TAKE IT SO GODDAM SERIOUS, good job too on wasting ur life on a computer ranting at teengers, THUMBS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111.
enuff fondling urself concreteschoolyard, take a step outside, to the outside world yes, the sun, oh noes sounds scary doesnt it. but oh its a great thing, a life awaits u.
4:BigKing> xD
4:Best> i'm leaving chat
4:BigKing> what did i do???
4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
4:BigKing> ???? why though
4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
4:BigKing> xD
Not only that, conc motherfucking schlyrd rarely even plays this game anymore. And as far as I know, he works with computers, which means time to read forums. :turned:
Originally Posted by HeavenSent
You won't have to wait another 4 years.
There wont be another election for president.
Obama is the Omega President.
4:BigKing> xD
4:Best> i'm leaving chat
4:BigKing> what did i do???
4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
4:BigKing> ???? why though
4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
4:BigKing> xD
i don't know what incarnate means, but ur a faggot
My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.