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Why do we, the human kind, thrive

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  • #46
    Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
    Yo guys, why you being so harsh to telcat, what the fuck? Absolutely no need for the obscene slander she got...'Ohh, it's popular to diss one person'. Big FUCK YOU going to you people.
    LOL, mhz

    Originally posted by Mythrandir View Post
    The question 'why do humans thrive' is not by itself stupid, but you've already included a number of assumptions which are not necessarily related to the question. Properties such as intelligence, communication or teamwork are next to meaningless within the context of viruses or plants - both of which can thrive, and even diminish the human species if one particularly malicious kind finds its way on earth.
    So do you agree with me, that we are just the creature that got lucky?
    ☕ 🍔 🍅 🍊🍏


    • #47
      Maybe it's just because we haven't discovered the hidden civilizations of "Dinotopia", "Dogopolis" or "Whale City" yet.

      But through technology we're always getting closer to that day.


      • #48
        Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
        Yo guys, why you being so harsh to telcat, what the fuck? Absolutely no need for the obscene slander she got...'Ohh, it's popular to diss one person'. Big FUCK YOU going to you people.

        Learn some manners; cunts.
        I seriously hope she gets raped, what are you going to do about it?
        Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

        5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


        • #49
          Originally posted by T3l Ca7 View Post
          So do you agree with me, that we are just the creature that got lucky?
          Well, I can conceive of scenarios in which other species thrive and cause a (near) extinction of us. Whether "we" got lucky is another question alltogether. After all, we only have a sample size of 1, so we can't do any statistics yet, only make educated guesses.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
            people like telcat should not be alive. do you know why i hate socialism? communsim? it's because in those societies, idiots will be kept alive. if telcat lived in ayn rand land, she'd be jobless and thus dead within the month. if that makes me a heartless capitalist monster... well, haha, at least there's no telcat in my perfect imaginary society.

            seriously, telcat, you're a disgrace to asians everywhere. and whoever let you on the internet, i hope they die. no, death would be to pleasant. i want them to first, lose their job. then lose their house. then fall down some stairs, paralyzing them. and then have to sit there, day after day, watching telcat post on the TWForums. you guys think it's bad? imagine telcat sitting there at her computer, writing this shit. yeah, this fucker will sit there and listen to telcat wonder aloud about "deep" things like how humans could have possibly ever come to dominate this planet. you remember that scene in Pearl Harbor, where FDR is all heroic and slowly climbs out of his chair and stands up, thus proving that anything is possible? weak sauce compared to the swan dive out of the second-story window that our paraplegic friend will pull off.

            what the fuck? i mean, you're sitting there, at your computer. your computer. wondering, in front of your computer, how humans got to be the top dawg on the food chain. sitting there, in your climate-controlled shelter, probably a few feet away from a fridge loaded with pork rinds and glue, wondering how we, as humans, could have gotten this far when we're only slightly more intelligent than monkeys. jesus christ telcat, i know your field of vision is limited by those cute, squinty eyes, but this is plain ignorance.

            you know what pisses me off is, you're sitting here, pampered enough by modern society that you don't even have to consider your survival, yet completely unaware. there's probably some cute, brilliant guy somewhere in some shitty country, who doesn't know life and happiness, who does have to fight to survive. and you're breathing his air. your mere existence is a slap in the face to mankind.

            but in all seriousness, we should fuck sometime. you free saturday?
            Jerome I think this post is an absolute disgrace. You should be ashamed of yourself for spending time posting this. Your statement is completely out of order.

            In a communist/socialist country she'd be forced to work in the fields and would never get enough money to buy herself the many amenities surrounding her, permitting her to think about "the deep questions" instead of actually doing some good for the world. It's capitalism which permits the bloated middle class, full of yuppies with too much money and free time, and not enough decency or intelligence.

            Next time take a little more effort into understanding why your subject is such a dipshit instead of trying to work out a way of taking a barely veiled swipe at political systems you don't believe in.

            And by the way Telcat if you're not free Saturday I'm available Sunday.
            gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
            gravy_: Electric granny chariots
            gravy_: round the nurburgring

            XBL: VodkaSurprise


            • #51
              World News:

              Human does win.


              • #52
                Originally posted by ignite ignite
                we should thrive in proving 9/11 was an inside job.
                hes right, i saw this guy in the game and told him i was back on the forum, i dont know why hes appearing on the forum now saying 9/11 was an inside job in every thread, but i didnt put him up to it.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Tone View Post
                  hes right, i saw this guy in the game and told him i was back on the forum, i dont know why hes appearing on the forum now saying 9/11 was an inside job in every thread, but i didnt put him up to it.
                  Alex Jones put me up to it.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Noah View Post
                    I seriously hope she gets raped, what are you going to do about it?
                    That's a disgraceful thing to say. One day you'll realise truly what you've just said and think 'wow, I really was a douche'.

                    And cutting my wrists? Please. Do not award yourself such power.

