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This made me cry :/

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  • This made me cry :/
    TelCat> there arent 'sort of' get the flag

  • #2
    That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. "Hey, I know what we can do! Blame terrorism on everything we don't like!"


    • #3
      Let's all blame Hentai. So we can shoot bilbs for being a d(mn terrorist supporter.

      Bye bye Bilbo- Azh

      immortality rings
      I got my pair of immortality rings.. how bout you?


      • #4
        You're shittin me. What bullshit will they come up with next? "Tie your shoes; if you don't, you might be a terrorist!" Fucking media.
        5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
        5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
        5:royst> i wish it was calculus

        1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

        1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


        • #5
          Jack Valenti was also one of the main assholes who thought that the VCR would ruin the motion picture industry, and that the cassette tape would ruin the music industry.

          We all see how that turned out.
          Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


          • #6
            Yes, but they had to pay for those things :P

            People have said what you've said, but it's a lot differen't, instant free access to any song you want isn't exactly going to help struggling musicians out.


            • #7
              Originally posted by PaulOakenfold
              People have said what you've said, but it's a lot differen't, instant free access to any song you want isn't exactly going to help struggling musicians out.
              free access to any song doesn't hurt musicians either. mainstream musicians make their money from their labels before recording (and make a very minimal bit from actual cd sales). most of their income comes from merch (tshirts etc) and a percentage of ticket sales.

              the only people free music would hurt is non-mainstream or unsigned musicians. but the tradeoff of getting your music out there and finding new fans far outweighs the money you lose from cd sales.
              plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


              • #8
                Man, I cant wait for this war on terrorism to be over so there will be no more terrorism!!!! Just like how we had that war on drugs, and you know how we can't buy drugs anymore!!
                TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                TelCat> i dont


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bioture
                  Man, I cant wait for this war on terrorism to be over so there will be no more terrorism!!!! Just like how we had that war on drugs, and you know how we can't buy drugs anymore!!
                  I think terrorism is almost ready to surrender. It shouldn't be much longer now!@#$@#$


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sTuPiD-gErBiL

                    the only people free music would hurt is non-mainstream or unsigned musicians. but the tradeoff of getting your music out there and finding new fans far outweighs the money you lose from cd sales.
                    the only cds i buy now are the ones that arent from a label, or least a large label. unknown bands have so much more quality than any mainstream crap. If you hear it on the radio, be afraid that your group might go down the drain.
                    To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
                    brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PaulOakenfold
                      People have said what you've said, but it's a lot differen't, instant free access to any song you want isn't exactly going to help struggling musicians out.
                      The RIAA isn't exactly putting bread into their mouths either. And the difference between me and the RIAA is that my mandate isn't to protect the interests of the artists that they feed off of. It's an outdated business model that's time has come.

                      I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Less than 1% of all artists make any decent money off an actual record. That's because most get put into horrible contracts that net them less than a percent of all sales. Who gets the majority of the money? The RIAA and the record label. It's a well-known fact that most bands make their pocket money out of things like merch and concert ticket sales.

                      I go to live concerts. I support the band in any way I can. But I'll be damned if I'm to be expected to pay for something sound-unheard. The analogy's a little off, but it's like buying a car that's been sitting under a huge cardboard box. After I've already paid my money, I don't want to find out that I bought a Pinto. The thing people have to realize is that times have changed--the RIAA and MPAA will do everything they can to convince you that new technologies are ruining the artistic landscape, all the while eagerly taking your money and turning a blind eye to artists that actually want to change the way music is made.

                      We're dealing with an entity that's literally fighting for it's own well-being. I believe that the RIAA knows it's a dinosaur, and it's just trying to buy itself a little bit more time. The problem is that the recording industry isn't exactly in the poor house, which allows them the opportunity to pay ridiculously large sums of money to US lawmakers, which in turn buys them stupid, unenforcable laws (the DMCA, etc).

                      I'm not saying that I'm lily white on the whole topic, since I download music all the time. What I am saying, though, is that if there's an album worth buying, I'll buy the shit out of it. I've bought a fair amount of CDs this year already. But with all the CDs I've bought, I've always downloaded them beforehand to make sure it's an album I'd actually want.

                      As an aside, and to give you an idea of just how big of a shitface this guy Jack Valenti is, he was recently interviewed on his stance on the lawsuit against that kid who "broke" the CSS encryption on DVDs. When asked why he didn't like the idea of anyone making backup copies of CDs or DVDs, his stance was that "digital data doesn't corrupt or decay, so why would anyone need backups?"

                      Thanks Jack. I'll remember to send you a Christmas present when my next hard drive dies. Shouldn't be a big issue though, right? I mean, the data's still there. I'd appreciate it if you restored the data and sent it back to me Priority Overnight, please.
                      Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                      • #12
                        and that's why conc runs house. werd bro
                        plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Shear
                          You're shittin me. What bullshit will they come up with next? "Tie your shoes; if you don't, you might be a terrorist!" Fucking media.
                          True, unfortunatly.
                          Trench Wars Player
                          STFU GG -NT-.


                          • #14
                            I'm guessing that QBE is typing in Times New Roman and making spelling\grammatical errors as some kind of satirical social commentary.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by pv=nrt
                              the only cds i buy now are the ones that arent from a label, or least a large label. unknown bands have so much more quality than any mainstream crap. If you hear it on the radio, be afraid that your group might go down the drain.
                              Fat Wreck Chords
                              Originally posted by Facetious
                              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)

