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A Soldiers Christmas

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Zerzera View Post
    I would, if I had any respect for soldiers... to me it's one of the most despicable professions one can have, except for a deranged killer... not that you can call that a profession either.

    I will wish everyone a merry Christmas though, even soldiers occupying whatever land that needs occupying for whatever reason some politician came up with.

    * The existence of soldiers is circular, so don't feed me bullshit that soldiers are needed to protect us from soldiers.
    But soldiers are needed to protect us from soldiers\terrorist\other risks. you wont support them? because of them you are free to speak your mind.
    Amazing how people lost any respect for those who gave them their life.
    Like those idiot pacifists who believe in peace and doesn't want to help their country in a conflict. I wonder where we would have been; if all of my nation was believe so...

    By the way, don't worry about Europe guys. They are going to feel soon the pain inside their continent. There is a saying that those who sleep with dogs in their beds, should not be surprised to find fleas...
    Last edited by FarScape; 11-06-2007, 07:18 PM.


    • #17
      this is sad

      ey conc, whats up?
      isnt "A isn't as important as B" what we base this world on?
      I have to agree with noah/zz or w/e that it feels kinda weird to give presents/money to the soldier in that picture instead of the poor people surrounding him :/
      Originally posted by Tyson
      There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
      Originally posted by HeavenSent
      Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
      Originally posted by Izor
      Women should never be working in the first place.


      • #18
        Why? because he is a soldier he doesn't care about being away for such a long time from home? not feeling any feeling of home?
        do you know how much moral is important for soldiers and units? do you know what a letter and candies and even hot socks can do to a soldier who receive it from people in home who support him?

        You could also say why giving the poor, lets give charity to people who got cancer and are going to die. they wont have happy moments for long...

        Just do what you feel right to do any charity is nice.


        • #19
          Originally posted by HeavenSent View Post
          Where's it stop? Would you bitch at Scandinavians because they're not from your hometown? What about all the threads about American sports? ....and Europeeing sports? Do you see others bitchin' about posting a thread that's 'geo-specific'? What about those that don't get into sports? Should they take your example of intolerance of differences to bitch as well? Why can't you just STFU on topics you disagree with rather than exposing your hypocrisy & ignorance?

          Just admit it. You're a hater. dickface.

          Thank America (for inventing the internet) that assholes like you can spew your hatred around the world right from the comfort and safety of your little euro-trash household.
          Sports are different, everyone everywhere likes sports. I like American sports, and Euroes like American sports.

          And as far as I can remember, I don't start national specific posts. So the hypocrisy is just put there to generalize me into another euro who makes stuff about my own.

          How am I ignorant to feel more for those who gets more for less?

          American soldiers are a pretty big nationally to America, and there's nothing wrong with that itself, Face. However, when someone like LF throws it out there, it's pretty easy to get the signal his sending. I even said that I respect them for what they do, that's about the next best thing I can do except for actually donating.
          Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

          5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


          • #20
            Originally posted by Deductable View Post
            This is just weak.... You can spend your money to a much better cause than this... if your gonna give your money away give it to the poor and the starving. Who do you think needs the money more? Does a soldier rly need a deluxe comfort kit rather than a starving child food?

            well those decisions are up to you but think a little.....
            yip i agree with this

            the soldiers over there got a shitty job, but they weren't conscripted and they signed up willingly and are being paid for what they do and they entered that contract with that knowledge.

            there are a hell of alot more unwilling soldiers than the lush usa army !

            and alot better charities for the disadvantaged victims of this world, look at dafur , innocent ppl with no choice at all.

            i feel really sorry for anyone conscripted or those children forced into it, the western nations armies i don't have alot of sympathy for , it's clear what your signign up to.

            who the fuck is threatening USA, is mexico going to invade? no if you sign up it's going to be some foreign korea, veitnam, afganastan , iraq ,syria iran etc that YOU are invading... thats the score
            In my world,
            I am King



            • #21
              Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post
              yip i agree with this

              the soldiers over there got a shitty job, but they weren't conscripted and they signed up willingly and are being paid for what they do and they entered that contract with that knowledge.

              there are a hell of alot more unwilling soldiers than the lush usa army !

              and alot better charities for the disadvantaged victims of this world, look at dafur , innocent ppl with no choice at all.

              i feel really sorry for anyone conscripted or those children forced into it, the western nations armies i don't have alot of sympathy for , it's clear what your signign up to.

              who the fuck is threatening USA, is mexico going to invade? no if you sign up it's going to be some foreign korea, veitnam, afganastan , iraq ,syria iran etc that YOU are invading... thats the score

              Who saved Europe little ass in world war 2?
              Who saved Europe (at least west of it) in the cold war from soviets control with extra funding for democrat parties?
              It was USA.

              Funny that all those nations you said are like the crappiest and shittiest nations in the world. amazing how you paint your face and support those countries who has dictators and no human rights at all, just to bash United state.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post
                who the fuck is threatening USA, is mexico going to invade? no if you sign up it's going to be some foreign korea, veitnam, afganastan , iraq ,syria iran etc that YOU are invading... thats the score
                America's greatest threat are its politicians. Spring 2009 America will cease as a Constitutional Republic and Americans will wake up and think "wtf happened?" ...while the rest of the world will say, "America, what is your problem?"


                • #23
                  Originally posted by FarScape View Post
                  Who saved Europe little ass in world war 2?
                  Who saved Europe (at least west of it) in the cold war from soviets control with extra funding for democrat parties?
                  It was USA.

                  Funny that all those nations you said are like the crappiest and shittiest nations in the world. amazing how you paint your face and support those countries who has dictators and no human rights at all, just to bash United state.
                  sigh ....

                  farscape, you know me we've been on a squad together

                  you know i differ from you on these sort of things

                  USA didn't single handedly win that war, russia gave so much its unbelievable, USA stayed out of the war, Britian held out with a bit of luck and then when USA came in and britian was it's launching pad. Those 3 nations were all key and so was the russian winter. but that isn't even important.

                  none off what i said was anti american ...

                  however if you look at the world there are a hell of alot more disadvantaged people than people willingly signed up to the best equipped army in the world ...

                  you yourself had forced service ...

                  other less developed countries have it even worse for their soldiers, and a dictatorship will conscript them ... for a cuase they don't agree with... surely you can understand that.

                  then there are others like the innocent civilians in iraq, who hate terrorism and just want to live their life, but are being bombed by both insurgence and americans
                  In my world,
                  I am King



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by HeavenSent View Post
                    America's greatest threat are its politicians. Spring 2009 America will cease as a Constitutional Republic and Americans will wake up and think "wtf happened?" ...while the rest of the world will say, "America, what is your problem?"
                    no offence but trust me
                    when bush won his second term, the world already thought that
                    In my world,
                    I am King



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Facetious View Post
                      If you read some of the requests on that website and don't have at least a shred of sympathy for those people, there's something wrong with you. Enlisting as a soldier (if you've got officer training, the military is a great deal in a lot of ways, but half the people on the website have the grammar of maybe 6th graders, I don't think they're officers) in this country, especially today, is largely for people who don't know any better and aren't in a place in their life where they can do anything else. These people are told (brainwashed, however you want to put it) that what they are doing is keeping good people (not just Americans, "the free world") safe from harm, and really do think they are doing the right thing. Just because you think you know better (we all COULD be wrong about this war. probably not, but maybe.) doesn't mean that those people don't deserve any sympathy.

                      Claiming that him posting that makes him selfish is ridiculous. You think people that were going to donate to the poor are going to read this thread and re-direct their donations to soliders? What?

                      edit: wow too many parenthesis
                      Depends on the person...everyone has their own reasons for enlisting. For me, I knew ever since high school I was going to be a system administrator pretty much. I got incredibly bored in college and I felt I needed to take time actually working on a network while pursuing my degree. In 5 years when my enlistment is up and I have my bachelor's degree, how will I look on my resume in comparison to someone who decided just to sit through college? Well, for one I will have actual job experience... I will have the fact that I served for 6 years under my belt, including at least one deployment. And a TS/SCI clearance for the kicker (that is not cheap to get). When you arent a shitbag you have good opportunities to learn and benefit from the military. Its really what you put into it I guess...

                      That being said, I still dont like that site. We have the USO while we are deployed. I dont expect or even want any care packages, although its standard fare for family and your own unit to send you something downrange. Simple fact is I dont need anyones shit. Going out and having people beg like we are in need of cookies or movies is ridiculous. If people want to do it on their own they will...but theres plenty of whiny assholes that dont appreciate what we do that are just going to whine at threads like these. K thx
                      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                      • #26
                        Even though I usually disagree with Izor. he hit this one dead on. We really don't need dumb care packages. Although excuse me for saying dumb. It's very thoughtfull and appriciated. It's just not needed. Usually your family sends you ton's of stuff like mine did. Althought I wouldnt have minded some new socks! Mine were always crusty due to lack of FT and too much other stuff going on. haha. Cheers. Thanks for support though LZ was a good jesture.


                        • #27
                          Of course I know you PD, and you know that I do respect you and what you believe in.

                          however, there got to be some compassion to those soldiers who do the dirty work (justify or not), some compassion to their families and understanding that those soldiers are also humans and not a machines.

                          Humans usually would want to give to their own society than others.

                          We should not argue about Iraq issue here. ill just say that those innocent civilians who suffer from this war, are part of something that will eventually come to benefit them. Just think about Europe after World war 2 and what it took to raise the democrat nations, and try to see it happening on Iraq.

                          What you hear in the news is the bombs and the deaths, you don't hear much about what US do in Iraq for the people and country. they invest a lot of money and time to rebuild Iraq, And i believe overall the people there feel it better than before.
                          the terrorists goal is to make Iraq poor and ruined country, controlled by fanatics. Should US give up and leave them to be? was it better before the war? remember how much saddam killed his own people with gas, and how much Wars he did with his neighbors?


                          • #28
                            Yeah when I said "soliders" I meant people running around on the ground, in response to the dude that said that being in the military is despicable. If he thinks that being a system admin in the military is despicable, that's even more ridiculous. My point was that not everyone in the military makes a fully informed decision to join, and in a lot of cases people are misled (eg: That ad where the kid says he's joining the military because he wants to help the environment. Really, what percentage of enlisted people end up helping the environment?).

                            This thread is probably doomed and it's sad because it contains reasonable posts by both Lizard Fuel and Izor. Noah, Farscape, Pressure Drop, and HeavenSent, you're having a really dumb argument that can't conceivably have a conclusion.

                            Geio, yeah, that's why I was wondering who gets those care packages. It must be horrible to have no family to send you anything that reminds you of home, but I'd really have no interest in supplementing people who just want to stockpile bags of Texas Grill Fritos.
                            5:gen> man
                            5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                            • #29
                              I have not once said anything to disrespect American soldiers. I said what I said directed at LF.

                              I stand by that.

                              I'll stop posting about it now, I were hoping to just punch the air out of the inevitably arguments.
                              Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                              5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                              • #30
                                This thread is a positive post for those that have freinds and or family in the military actively serving. It does not need to become a thread bashing one or another for actions in the support of those serving overseas. It is a thread of compassion and kindness to those that may want or need that contact from those that care.

                                I have sent packages to APO/FPO's in the past. They had been sent to family and friends that I personally felt would receive these packages as a reminder that they had not been forgotten, as well as an act of kindness too.

                                This should not fall into a political spectrum debate. The War and Politics of the U.S. are a different topic upon itself and should not fall into the subject of which this thread is intended to note.

                                I for one am not in favor of our current Administration or the War itself...I think I have been outspoken in regards to that subject. Sending a care package however, is not what I consider a ridiculous act on anyones part!

                                BTW...The U.S. House has voted in favor of Impeachment proceeding for Dick Cheney! Woohoo....this now goes to the House Judiciary comittee and will pass most likely for a majority House vote to make this a reality!!! I love C-Span
                                May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

