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A Soldiers Christmas

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Ayano View Post
    I hope you fucking die.

    I know a friend who was an A+ student with a full tuition to any college he wished, but he choose to serve. "If not me, then who?"

    know what? he came back in a casket with a drapped flag, now shut the fuck up about soldiers not deserving a lick of respect.
    So he choose to drop his education and rather go to Iraq ? Sounds like a Darwin Award-candidate to me.
    :wub: GammaHydroxyButyrate :wub:


    • #47
      Originally posted by Ayano View Post
      I hope you fucking die.

      I know a friend who was an A+ student with a full tuition to any college he wished, but he choose to serve. "If not me, then who?"

      know what? he came back in a casket with a drapped flag, now shut the fuck up about soldiers not deserving a lick of respect.

      Your post is class.

      A ) You know a friend, whereas I don't know my friends. (So you are saying you know a dead friend)
      B ) He could go to any college he wanted, and could have served his country by doing a real job
      C ) He choose to occupy foreign ground instead of doing something useful.
      D ) He went to serve because he thought it was 'his duty'.
      E ) He died.

      Okay, I very much respect your friend! So what did his death give you? Other than pain and sadness.

      I hope I die too someday, but at least not for some futile cause on strange grounds without seeing my kids grow up.
      You ate some priest porridge


      • #48
        Originally posted by Money View Post
        hey guys, im starting a fund for europeans, its a fund for the AMERICA haters
        If you refer to the reactions on this thread; stop playing the victim. I said that soldiers don't deserve respect, that has nothing to do with America.
        You ate some priest porridge


        • #49
          kay, I very much respect your friend! So what did his death give you? Other than pain and sadness.
          Don't know about your country, but our soldiers who died gave us the living.
          It's because their death and sacrifice that we, as a country, exist.
          Here we do respect them, because most of the people here were soldiers, and we know that with out them, we would just pushed to the sea or vanish between the Arab nations. who knows what they gonna do with us (probably force us all to believe in Islam and warship their dictators, those who wont be able to be refugees).

          Oh, and yes, We all hope that there was peace and no need of soldiers at all.
          but you know, when huge armies of countries that hate you because of your culture, threat to destroy you (and tried many times), you have nothing else to do but fight for your life.

          Ive read what you said in that little font sentence, but I still chose to respond because I didn't agree with it. :turned:


          • #50
            Liz, I know I said I wouldn't want/nor need any care-packages. That is my out-look on it. Needless to say if I received a care-package from sombody I didn't know I WOULD GREATLY APPRICIATE IT. Knowing that sombody back home other than my family actually supports my cause, and respects me with high dignity. I really love what your trying to do. Yes also people leave the politics out of this thread. I would honostly send a care-package to the enemy if I could. Im not sure if your all fimiliar with your histoy. I think it was WWII when at this place called 'No-Mans' Land. On christmas night all the soldiers came out and enjoyed each other's food,jokes,company. Yes that's right german,french,american soldiers all came together that night to celebrate. Yet the next morning those very same people would be killing each other. Yall' forget most of the soldiers are nice and compassionate. It's what they fight for like us, their goverment feeds them propoganda which in turn gets them all anti-american and wanting to kill them, just like the american gov. does to us. Like Liz said, hopefully some people will think outside the box this christmas. Cheers-


            • #51
              Originally posted by Ayano View Post
              I hope you fucking die.

              I know a friend who was an A+ student with a full tuition to any college he wished, but he choose to serve. "If not me, then who?"

              know what? he came back in a casket with a drapped flag, now shut the fuck up about soldiers not deserving a lick of respect.

              Hey man I know exactly what you mean, one of my buddies from high-school had full-ride to major d-1 schools for football. I think he coulda became pro one day. Kid had talent ive never seen before. Instead he choose to enlist with me into the Marines. I found out 1 month after his deployment an IED struck his position killing him. Now that im home, I want to visit his family since I was so close to them before we all left. I don't know if I want to do it now..Im a strong individual, but I would break down and cry like a little baby.

              With that said, I second your thaught. Then again everyone is entitles to their own opinons.


              • #52
                Originally posted by FarScape View Post
                Don't know about your country, but our soldiers who died gave us the living.
                I would want to respond to this, but when talking about the situation in Israel you can only talk about in on a clinical level. And anyone who doesn't will get mad.

                But I don't think I am wrong, the situation of Israel/Palatines has a militarist background too.
                You ate some priest porridge


                • #53
                  Guys please stop derailing this idea. I posted this with the purest intentions of taking care of some soldiers this season, not to fight over which causes deserve your attention more. Kolar said earlier that nobody in Iraq was 'drafted' and that everybody volunteered to enlist. Which is true, and is also why they deserve your respect even more. No matter which country the soldier represents This thread merits NO political jargon about whos country is better, or which of our friends have died for their country and other friends who have not.

                  Here is a 2nd link worth your attention if you are considering the idea



                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Lizard Fuel View Post
                    Kolar said earlier that nobody in Iraq was 'drafted' and that everybody volunteered to enlist. Which is true, and is also why they deserve your respect even more.
                    I disagree with that kind of thinking mainly because American and Canadian forces are being misused in the 'war on terror'. Again, I'll respect them and I'm sorry that some piece of shit insurgent killed them, but I can not support their "cause" or care about their lives more then another stranger, because that cause and their actions while in the service can not be separated from the politics.
                    Last edited by Kolar; 11-07-2007, 03:21 PM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Zerzera View Post
                      I hope I die too someday, but at least not for some futile cause on strange grounds without seeing my kids grow up.
                      Then you better thank the services that ensure that outcome. the police, the EMS workers, and the soldiers overseas. If you say the soldiers do nothing to ensure that outcome, think political, think diplomacy and how the world would be different if there was no servicemen on the ready. If your outcome is peace and love, you are delusional

                      Kolar, if you respect the average Joe more/equal than you respect someone who is risks his or her life to serve your city, your province, your country; then you sir represent the self centered and undignified. They spit on the firemen under the guise that they're lazy; speak vulgar of the police that are always so 'corrupt'. They have no sense of other aside from what immediately affects their life, everything else is an entity beyond themselves. They are a part of nothing beyond these lines and care only for what they feel improves their situation.

                      Sure you may not spit on the firemen or police, but what have you to say about your country men, fighting under the very flag you live by?

                      Donate to Darfur and neglect the soldiers battling the Taliban. How does it feel to turn your shoulder on those who risk so much for you, your family, your neighborhood. Stare long and hard at your nation's flag, if you feel no pride nor responsibility; you have no nationality.
                      XXX is overrated.


                      • #56
                        Then again, it could be argued that without armies (going way, way, way back) we would never have had the Taliban. And lets not forget who funded the Taliban and for what..

                        I do not respect soldiers more then other people. So you should respect someone who volunteers to fight somewhere far from home over someone who tries to cure cancer?
                        Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                        • #57
                          Who dies and who lives. Who risks more

                          If someone took a bullet for you, would you respect them less than the one who dialed 911?
                          XXX is overrated.


                          • #58
                            Obviously no one from a third world country that doesnt even have a real army is going to say soldiers are what's wrong with this world. I'll tell you what. You go protesting war and soldiers, and when an aggressor comes knocking on your door you keep that same train of thought. Unfortunately not everyone in the world is all about peace and getting along, so it wouldnt work out for you and your hippie friends
                            I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                            I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Ayano View Post
                              Then you better thank the services that ensure that outcome. the police, the EMS workers, and the soldiers overseas. If you say the soldiers do nothing to ensure that outcome, think political, think diplomacy and how the world would be different if there was no servicemen on the ready. If your outcome is peace and love, you are delusional.
                              you are delusional wrong and uneduacated if you think peace and love is going to improving with the numbers of solidiers you support. and respect is earned for what you do, if a fireman risks his live to save someone he has my respect, if a solidier kills people out of free will in a questionable war im going to spit on him when he comes back. also pride is a sin, of course i try not to feel it.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Ayano View Post
                                If you say the soldiers do nothing to ensure that outcome, think political, think diplomacy and how the world would be different if there was no servicemen on the ready. If your outcome is peace and love, you are delusional
                                Yes, yes I read Machiavelli. Don't think you have to educate me just because you can't see my point.
                                I know the means, I just don't live by your goals. The fact that you need diplomatic pressure on countries on the other side of the world might be an indication that you are doing something wrong.

                                Originally posted by Ayano View Post
                                They spit on the firemen under the guise that they're lazy; speak vulgar of the police that are always so 'corrupt'. They have no sense of other aside from what immediately affects their life, everything else is an entity beyond themselves. They are a part of nothing beyond these lines and care only for what they feel improves their situation.
                                It's nice to see how you can speak the mind of the largest group of your population and wave them away as stupid and narrow minded.
                                If you can't respect your common man, is your country worth protecting?
                                They are your country, if you can't look at your workers and be proud, you have no country.

                                Originally posted by Ayano View Post
                                Sure you may not spit on the firemen or police, but what have you to say about your country men, fighting under the very flag you live by?
                                Most of our soldiers, who are contract workers, fight under the flag of the UN. They try to do peace missions rather than recourse-securing missions.
                                The majority of this missions are nothing more than taking over the tasks from local police forces. These missions are meant to keep conflicts from escalating of taking too much lives.
                                It's a very risky job, but it's their job, and most of them joined the army because they get relatively well payed.

                                Originally posted by Ayano View Post
                                Donate to Darfur and neglect the soldiers battling the Taliban. How does it feel to turn your shoulder on those who risk so much for you, your family, your neighborhood. Stare long and hard at your nation's flag, if you feel no pride nor responsibility; you have no nationality.
                                Yes, continue to spout your nationalist cry. The last time our soldiers fought for our country was around 1939, and they were conquered in about 2 days.
                                This was mainly because we had reduced our army as much as possible, and I still stand by that decision. It's a start.

                                That, and your reasoning goes out from your self centered point of view and the disrespect and contempt of other races and religions.
                                If you could, would you please explain me why your life is worth more than that of others? Of people of another race and nationality.

                                I hope you do know that people die in conflicts, infrastructures get destroyed during wars, economy drops when a country is occupied.
                                And you started out by illustrating that your countrymen are hardly worth the effort.

                                If only the world could exist of well-educated good-looking soldiers. :wub:
                                You ate some priest porridge

