My god you fly as if you know the whole picture, you even throw in the UN. I'm talking on respecting your armed services and yet you throw in the political shit that colludes it all. I watered it down to layman's terms; wanna extrapolate all my misgivings? What you want a god dammed thesis paper?
You are heartless, you can't even respect those who fight to ensure than just maybe, your grandchildren might not have to. Sure, if you wanna spin off on how a new bipolar scenario is forming due to western incursions, go ahead. The the majority of the men on the ground however, there either for college, money or a 'nationalistic' pride, take their uniform with a sense of honor. That is that they are there so you can happily sit in your fucking chair and not worry about getting shot in the dick. The money to them is a bonus in most cases as it eventually works in that it may be hell, but you've done your duty where most would have cowered away or argue against.
The military is the branch of action, the decision making comes from government. If an order comes in that theres a rescue/extraction mission in Sudan and, you need to be ready at 0700; are you going to argue about sovereignty? Service men are not mindless men at arms, they know that they carry out orders regardless of the circumstances, but it doesn't mean their are on the agenda line. The counter belief is that 'what if their right' at some level that adds a peace of mind to their 'work'.
So you hate servicemen for their 'mindless' adherence to whatever the government or body of governments that tells them? Who the hell are you.
You are heartless, you can't even respect those who fight to ensure than just maybe, your grandchildren might not have to. Sure, if you wanna spin off on how a new bipolar scenario is forming due to western incursions, go ahead. The the majority of the men on the ground however, there either for college, money or a 'nationalistic' pride, take their uniform with a sense of honor. That is that they are there so you can happily sit in your fucking chair and not worry about getting shot in the dick. The money to them is a bonus in most cases as it eventually works in that it may be hell, but you've done your duty where most would have cowered away or argue against.
The military is the branch of action, the decision making comes from government. If an order comes in that theres a rescue/extraction mission in Sudan and, you need to be ready at 0700; are you going to argue about sovereignty? Service men are not mindless men at arms, they know that they carry out orders regardless of the circumstances, but it doesn't mean their are on the agenda line. The counter belief is that 'what if their right' at some level that adds a peace of mind to their 'work'.
So you hate servicemen for their 'mindless' adherence to whatever the government or body of governments that tells them? Who the hell are you.