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  • #16
    Originally posted by Eric is God View Post
    I know shaky cam adds a realistic feel to some movies but I'm one of the 5-10% of people that gets nauseous trying to watch movies shot this way. My friend and I couldn't watch the car chase scene at the end of the second Bourne movie because our stomachs just couldn't take it. I hope hollywood doesn't start applying this style to too many movies because I've decided they aren't worth the risk for me.
    I agree that it's being overused right now in Hollywood by directors that have no business putting the effect in their films. They're either a: Lazy, b: Unoriginal, or c: Being Bold!

    However when guys like Meirelles get a hold of the camera, they can do some exciting things with it. As I said, for reference, watch City of God, then the Blair Witch Project. The gap is very obvious.

    I only hope (and maybe I'm psyching myself up too much) that Cloverfield can properly use the effect to create a neat post apocalyptic kind of vibe told by the camera within the camera. For Hollywood, it's at least being risky. Not many movies with this kind of budget will try something like this.

    Hopefully it'll be Romero for today's Modern day reality TV watching public...With a giant fucking monster.
    Originally posted by Tone
    Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better

