A little of my poetry for you guys. flames welcome.
(c) Reflect2k3
Darkness creeps along the brow blankets of black
To match this emotional lack
What you showed was all a lie
For me to see feel and not deny
Yet some see through your rack of lust
Those few you hate with up-most distrust
I alone see through all the masks
You make it seem like im the task
Now tsk tsk my own life is at risk
Vulnerable to those I see
The ones created to get rid of me
Swallow the pride forcing it down
Now to take the final plunge into a bitter hell with no frown
Feel the icy cool a grow
Now the knowledge caught remains unknown
Though the wall and grass and trees
Whisper the sin you acted out in short breeze
Slice me up slap me down repeat this act
Now in my own crimson I wish to lack
I sputter up more and force it back down
I am destroyed and my cards are knocked down
(c) Reflect2k3
Darkness creeps along the brow blankets of black
To match this emotional lack
What you showed was all a lie
For me to see feel and not deny
Yet some see through your rack of lust
Those few you hate with up-most distrust
I alone see through all the masks
You make it seem like im the task
Now tsk tsk my own life is at risk
Vulnerable to those I see
The ones created to get rid of me
Swallow the pride forcing it down
Now to take the final plunge into a bitter hell with no frown
Feel the icy cool a grow
Now the knowledge caught remains unknown
Though the wall and grass and trees
Whisper the sin you acted out in short breeze
Slice me up slap me down repeat this act
Now in my own crimson I wish to lack
I sputter up more and force it back down
I am destroyed and my cards are knocked down