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Conspiratorially speaking seeking facts not theory

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  • Conspiratorially speaking seeking facts not theory

    Originally posted by Bioture
    Respectfully :wub: Bro, I'm in good company:7 CIA Veterans, & 100s of credible patriots question 9/11

    Conspiracies do happen and the best ones are the hardest to prove... only because they're supported by people of power & influence - in politics & in mass media and MONEY is POWER.

    For instance, in conspiracies past, many of us have seen the famous Zapruder film. Kennedy is shot twice; once from behind in the back of the neck (Oswald's shot) & once from the front-right side. It's the second shot that's fatal and hits Kennedy's head from an angle impossible for Oswald, who was behind the car, to have hit, i.e. from the front. But the government gets an expert to say, upon further investigation & research, we have concluded there was just a 'lone gunman'. case closed. enough said.

    9/11 has a shitload of smoking guns:
    A few for starters:

    With the Pentagon, one of the most closely guarded buildings in the country, approximately 80 cameras, civilian & military, were facing in the direction of the impact. Within the first hour they were confiscated by the FBI. Days later, the only video released was a bad quality & weak angle coming from a pentagon security gate.

    With WTC building 7, it was a lot farther away from towers 1 & 2 than some of the other buildings in the area. Yet those buildings closer to towers 1 & 2 not of the WTC complex remained standing while building 7, with a buiding between it and the towers, fell mysteriously like a 'controlled demolition.' Suspiciously, Mayor Giuliani tells ABC News Peter Jennings WTC7 is going to fall before it collapsed Also,
    the BBC reported WTC7 falling 20 minutes before it actually fell.

    You might find a website or two that attempts to debunk an idea regarding the conspiracies of 9/11, but i would bet there's more topics about the 9/11 conspiracies that cannot be debunked than those that can.

    If what I choose to believe makes me an idiot, then sobeit. I will not live a lie.
    Last edited by HeavenSent; 01-04-2008, 12:26 AM. Reason: typos

  • #2
    ☕ 🍔 🍅 🍊🍏


    • #3
      Ironically speaking, this post is filled with irony.


      • #4
        I'm working on my rebuttal after the evidence has been examined.

        in the meantime:


        pay attention to:
        TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
        TelCat> hoes get paid :(
        TelCat> i dont


        • #5

          Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

          My anime blog:


          • #6
            1 million dollars reward for proof...

   anyone who can prove that the attacks were carried out as described by the September 11 Commission.
            James W. Walter
            He has left the USA to live in exile due to violent attacks against him and his property and public threats made against him and Eric Hufschmid by Penn and Teller on national TV.

            Re:loose change - the guy has a lot shit that can be debunked... and yet there's still a lot of ideas from others that have yet to be:

            Minetta says Cheney gave stand down order on the plane coming into the pentagon.


            • #7
              That one never gets old :]


              • #8
                Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #98: Every man has his price.


                • #9
                  The top picture is before the wall fell after the impact.
                  Don't you think it should look at least a little bit like the holes in the towers?

                  Edit:>I'm fully aware that some would rather talk smack than to consider the possibilities.
                  Last edited by HeavenSent; 01-04-2008, 06:16 AM.


                  • #10
                    So Mantra, how's the weather in Sweden now?

                    We had a snowless christmas here, but right around new years eve it started to snow a wee bit, and now the ground is barely covered in snow.

                    Oh! And I saw a peacock yesterday!
                    Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                    5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by HeavenSent View Post
                      The right side is before the wall fell after the impact.
                      Don't you think it should look at least a little bit like the holes in the towers?
                      Since the government runs da pentagon, they probally investerd more money into their walls and fortifications than a newbie civilian building like the twins tower, so therefore when the boeing hit it was turned to mush because of the way the pentagon was made compared to the twint oerz, eat shit and die heavensent, 9/11 was not an inside job you piece of shit freak


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by UrMaMaIsFuNnY2K View Post
                        Since the government runs da pentagon, they probally investerd more money into their walls and fortifications than a newbie civilian building like the twins tower, so therefore when the boeing hit it was turned to mush because of the way the pentagon was made compared to the twint oerz,
                        Then how would you explain the exit hole?
                        Maybe the wall fell to hide the damage (or lack of) from the initial impact?

                        Last edited by HeavenSent; 01-04-2008, 06:43 AM. Reason: link added


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by HeavenSent View Post
                          Then how would you explain the exit hole?
                          Maybe the wall fell to hide the damage (or lack of) from the initial impact?
                          well like a refrigerator or something probally blew up from the impact of the plane causing that "exit hole" you have back there


                          • #14
                            I always have found it odd that the damage at the pentagon is so minor, and there not being any visual remains of the 757. Then again, I am no civil engineer, I am no aeronautic engineer, I have little to no knowledge of material sciences, plus I have no reference situations in history to compare this one with.
                            The folks who do actually have a clue about the above subjects seem to agree that the damage we observe at the Pentagon is not mysterious.


                            • #15
                              But there WERE plane parts all over the pentagon site. I saw it on TV that day, it's well documented.
                              Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                              My anime blog:

