I live in a house divided into three apartments, and we all share the same DSL line. The neighbors in the one apartment above me isn't very proficient with computers, they can seem somewhat dumb quite frankly. They just hog the bandwidth with max upload speeds at times, making my ping in games bad, and the internet sluggish. I have all the equipment in my apartment, including the master switch, giving me control to just drag out their cable when I really need to play. I have disconnected them before, resulting in some hasty footsteps above.
Apart from this, they seem like decent guys, so I don't want to fuck up too much for them, they are just clueless about computers.
What would you guys do?
Apart from this, they seem like decent guys, so I don't want to fuck up too much for them, they are just clueless about computers.
What would you guys do?