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Dameon Angell's Reviews, Previews, and News

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  • Dameon Angell's Reviews, Previews, and News

    Due to popular demand (Read: Mantra-Slider), I feel it's going to be a better, easier time to post all of my video game related posts into one mega thread. When I was a kid, I would usually be the guy telling everyone "Oh, check this out, Super Mario 2, it's wacky!" Going into college I was originally going to major in English and start writing freelance, but then I got into doing videos instead. But, instead of using this forum as a creative outlet at 2 in the morning and stacking up threads, I figured it was for the best to do this mega thread. You can all thank my fans (Read: Mantra-Slider) for the idea.

    Due to popular demand, the thread has been opened to comments. If you want to make your own reviews/previews/news posts, put them in here and I will add them to the list below. You must follow the guidelines for how to make the review or it will not be valid. I will also change the formatting where need be. I will remove posts that are not on topic in this thread with extreme prejudice. Spoilers for things that are not released or newly released are not welcome and will also be removed.

    On this post, I'll keep a list of updates below in regards to formatting changes and the like. The following post will be a constantly updated Table of Contents so you can quick jump to any post in particular in the thread.

    If you have any suggestions, ideas, submissions, PM me or hit me up in game.

    ---Grading Scale---
    100% - Perfect Score (Platinum): The game that has no flaws and everyone, worldwide would universally like. God himself actually crafted this game and rained it upon us. Yeah, this'll probably never happen. I'm so confident in that, I colored it Magenta.

    99% - 90% - Excellent (Gold): A future classic that should be played by most anyone. I give this game my unqualified seal of approval. Sure, this game isn't perfect, no game is perfect, but it's damn close. Either that, or there's so much good you won't even notice the bad.

    89% - 80% - Great (Silver): A great game, you can't go wrong with. It may not be the best that genre has to offer, but it's still a solid title nonetheless. Worth a rental, at least. Not without it's minor flaws that keep it from the mountain top, though.

    79% - 70% - Good (Bronze): I won't lie, I've had fun with some C-Rate games in my time, but then again, I might have also been in the minority when it came to them. You'll find better games, sure, but there are still pieces of this game that you'd enjoy. Most likely a niche title/genre or a great idea not completely realized.

    69% - 60% - Passing (Aluminum): This game passed with a D. It has some redeeming qualities that keep it from flunking out, but it's probably not going to be worth your time or money. If you're bored, rent it, you could be one of the few who liked it .... who didn't make it themselves.

    59% - 30% - Failed (Coal): From here on down, you won't find much good to look at, beyond a laugh. But, hey, at least it's sort of playable, right? There are a ton more, better games out there than this. I suppose it could have a good concept, just poorly executed. Let's hope for better luck next time.

    29% - 0% - Shameful (Crap): What were they thinking? You mean, someone got paid to do this ... then they convinced someone to sell this ... and now you want me to pay for the pile of garbage you stuffed into that poor DVD case? Buyer beware!

    --- Reader Review Guidelines ---
    1. Must have a "Title Picture" at the top as well as 2 game pictures at the end.
    2. Your rating is from a 0-100 scale and given it's ranking (Platinum to Crap)
    3. Add the pros and cons below the score at the end.
    4. Remember, no plot spoilers on things that are new or unreleased.
    5. If you cannot format it properly, I will do it for you.
    6. Get creative. Reviews can be by multiple people in one article as well.
    7. You may re-review something done by someone else.
    8. Oh, and in the "subject" of the post put the game and system(s).

    --- Changes History ---
    Thread Opened for Discussion, re-read the rules as they have changed.
    Last edited by Dameon Angell; 01-22-2008, 05:36 AM.

  • #2
    Table of Contents

    --- Video Games ---

    Playstation 3
    The Club Preview Posted: January, 24, 2008 by Dameon Angell
    Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Review Posted: January 22, 2008 by Dameon Angell

    Xbox 360
    The Club Preview Posted: January, 24, 2008 by Dameon Angell
    Gears of War 2 Preview Posted: February 27, 2008 by Liquid Blue Alternate Trailer by Dameon Angell

    Nintendo Wii
    No More Heroes Review Posted: February 13, 2008 by Dameon Angell
    Super Smash Bros. Brawl Release Date Notice Posted: January 29, 2008 by Dameon Angell

    Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Review Posted: January 22, 2008 by Dameon Angell

    Nintendo DS

    Mobile: Cell Phone

    Mobile: iPod
    Phase Review Posted: January 21, 2008 by Dameon Angell

    PC / MAC
    Battlefield Heroes Preview/Game Announcement Posted: January 21, 2008 by Dameon Angell
    The Club Preview Posted: January, 24, 2008 by Dameon Angell
    Medieval: Total War Review Posted: February 08, 2008 by Zeus!!

    --- Movies ---

    Cloverfield Review Posted: January 24, 2008 by James "The Angry Nintendo Nerd" Rolfe
    Rambo (2008) Review Posted January 26, 2008 by James "The Angry Nintendo Nerd" Rolfe

    --- Science and Technology ---

    1. [Title Here]

    --- Other Nerd Stuff ---

    1. [Title Here]
    Last edited by Dameon Angell; 03-07-2008, 12:23 AM.


    • #3
      Mobile: Phase (iPod)

      System: iPod Nano (3rd Generation+), iPod Classic/iPod Video (5th Generation+), not compatible with iPhone.
      Developer: Harmonix
      Publisher: MTV Games
      Players: 1
      Features: Custom Playlists, Uses Music from iPod

      Phase is not quite a departure from the norm, but is still very different in scope than what you would expect from developer Harmonix. If you remember, Harmonix originally developed the Guitar Hero one and two, then they were bought by MTV and went on to make the pinnacle of music games, Rock Band. Now, everybody knows about those games, but only a handful know of their original music games Amplitude and Frequency.

      Phase is sort of like a portable, very miniaturized version of those two games. You'll play on the one track of 3 buttons: Left, Center, and Right. The song goes off of the beat, mainly, as well as some other audio cues. In music game fashion, you just hit the buttons as they come across your targets. Also, you'll have to use your dial to grab waving lines of notes across the path, keeping you on your toes. Just like the old Harmonix games, you play each song in "sections" and you must get a certain "star" amount or you risk losing one of your 4 lives. You can gain stars by doing well, making chains and racking up points. You can also get back health by making special segment chains, like "Star Power" in Guitar Hero.

      For most games of this type, not only is the gameplay crucial, but the music selection has to be good, or else you wouldn't wanna play. Now, this is where the big catch of the game comes in. You get about 8 pre-packaged songs from Harmonix favorites "Freezepop" and "Bang Camaro" among others you might or might not know. Not impressed, right? Harmonix thought the same. To remedy this, they gave the control of the playlist to you, the player. Phase can play to any of the songs you sync to your iPod. Just drag it into the special "Phase Songs" playlist and iTunes will set up the songs into Phase format and then re-Sync them to your iPod.

      I was real skeptical at first, the game couldn't possibly get this right. I don't see how the game could possibly cover the feeling of the songs and match up the beats/notes to it all that well. And damn ... wow, I was blown away. I loaded up songs ranging from rock, to hip hop, to electronica, and classical, and they all worked pretty well. It's not perfect, but it really matches up quite well and is very, very playable.

      So, all in all, I was surprised. For $5 on iTunes, this is definitely the first "must buy" game on the iPod. I just hope that this custom playlist integration makes it's way onto the 360/PS3 versions of future Harmonix products. It would be amazing to play a game of Rock Band to music you bought on a CD and imported to your hard drive. But, until then, Phase should be good enough for you to appease your appetite for more music action while you're on the road.

      The Verdict
      Angell Rating: 85/100 (Silver)
      + Custom Playlists are a godsend for this title
      + Not hard to pick up and play in short bursts
      + Only $5.00 on iTunes
      + Graphically pleasing and simple
      - Gameplay isn't deep, no 'career' mode
      - The iPod dial isn't the best of game controllers, but it works after getting used to it

      Last edited by Dameon Angell; 01-21-2008, 06:43 AM.


      • #4
        PC Game Announcement: Battlefield Heroes

        Electronic Arts is doing something they don't usually like to do .... giving away a game for free. Also, it appears that EA has looked over in Korea to see how they do and they're taking a page from their playbook.

        EA is releasing their new title in the Battlefield series "Battlefield Heroes" for free, online at over the summer (Release date not set, yet). Now, how is EA going to get paid for this? Simple, charge players for "Microtransactions" a la: Gunbound, Maple Story, and WarRock on top of advertiser input.

        The game should play as well as you remember, the big change seems to be that, as you can see from the one picture I could find, it's going to be a very cartoony, kid-friendly war if you will. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be in direct competition with "Team Fortress 2" or not, but it sure looks like it's another page from another playbook EA is putting together on this one.

        I'm sure many people will download it to try it out, seeing that it's free, but I don't expect the American populace to embrace the microtransactions as much as they do in Korea. I mean, do you really wanna pay real money to buy a gun, a tank, or an outfit for your avatar? Or do you wanna just drop the $50 and get it all? EA is looking to make a grip of cash from this, though. I'll keep ya'll posted as new info comes out.


        • #5
          Mobile: Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (PSP, also on PS3 Network)

          System: Playstation Portable, Playstation 3 Network
          Developer: Namco Bandai
          Publisher: Namco Bandai
          Players: 1-2 (single disc)
          Features: 2 new fighters, Tekken Dojo mode

          I'll be honest. I bought my PSP a bit after my birthday the day it came out. I was excited, as was many other people in line with me when I purchased it. I played Lumines, but after that game my PSP pretty much collected dust for quite some time. That is, until Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection came along.

          I've had fond memories of Tekken, and when I saw Tekken 5 for the PSP, I figured the graphics would be spotty, the load times slow, and the controls garbage. Thank god those were all wrong, or I probably would have sold my PSP off.

          Tekken 5 isn't only a "perfect port", but it's a beyond-perfect port. Not only does it give you Tekken 5, but it actually adds two new characters: Dragunov, a Russian Officer who wants to punch school girls, I guess. And you get Lili, some rich girl who wants to be a rebel and street fight. On top of that, there are new customizable outfits to dress up your favorite fighter with and a cool new "ghost" mode, a la Virtua Fighter 4. You play and you'll get an AI version of yourself that'll go into the interwebs and fight other people on their PSPs in the Tekken Dojo mode (a total rip off of the "Story" mode of Virtua Fighter 4).

          Graphically, it's pretty much how I remember it on the PS2, except a little bit less crisp. The loading is as fast as you'd remember it on the console, which is a pleasant surprise for a PSP title. Lets say you lose a fight and you wanna retry, you barely even have to wait. That's right, the game will actually load faster since ... you were just there. As opposed to many other games that, for some unknown reason, has to reload everything at a long ass pace.

          If you can find another friend, or total stranger for that matter, with a PSP, you can do a 1-disc multiplayer match. You only get 1 stage, but all the characters work and it's lag-free. Really a great addition that all PSP multiplayer games should have.

          Now, as good as this game is, it still has it's flaws. For one, you need two PSPs for multiplayer, if you wanna have a real multiplayer experience on this get the PS3 version. Also, this would have been a prime game for Online Multiplayer, but that wasn't available. You can only submit your "ghost" for other people to play. But really, if you get this, you won't be disappointed, it's truly the best fighter on the PSP so far.

          This is the first PSP game to be released within the past two years that gave me hope for this system as a real contender against Nintendo. It's still got a ways to go, but this is a great start. I got a few more titles since then, but they're another story for another post.

          The Verdict
          Angell Rating: 90/100 (Gold)
          + Perfect Port of the PS2 Title
          + They somehow managed to stuff 2 more characters into this package
          + Single Disc multiplayer with friends
          + The Tekken Dojo mode is a load of fun with a great learning curve.
          - The Tekken Dojo mode is completely stolen from Virtua Fighter 4
          - No Online play? For shame, for shame.
          - If you played Tekken 5 already, there isn't a ton to make you wanna do it again.

          PS3 Version Notes: The graphics and loading times are going to be, of course far better than it's PSP counter part. Also, on the PS3 you will get Online play. It'll cost you about $20 on the PS3 Online Store.
          Last edited by Dameon Angell; 01-22-2008, 05:22 AM.


          • #6
            I found the original PSP to be terrible at recognizing diagonal d-pad movement. This was the only thing that made my Tekken DR experience bad on the PSP, but it was bad enough to ruin it. I'm not sure if they fixed this hardware issue on the PSP lite, though.


            • #7
              anyone got guitar hero 3 for wii and wanna share friend codes?


              • #8
                Xbox 360: The Club (Preview) (also for PS3 and PC)

                The Club is about as generic as a title you will get besides "Video Game". For some reason, seeing the title of this game, I can't help but recall the old PS2 launch title "the Bouncer". Thankfully for everyone involved, this has nothing to do with that title. The Club is rather a shoot-em up than a beat-em up with a twist.

                The Club is being developed by "Bizarre Creations". If the name is familiar to you, you might be a fan of one of their better known games "Project Gotham Racing". So, what makes a arcade/sim crossover racer team move on to the world of blood sport? Well, I don't have the answer to that, but it's made apparent that the crossover seems to have brought on a lot of their former PGR experience into this title.

                "Battle Racing" is a term thrown about that reminds you of Twisted Metal, or the more recent "Full Auto". But, I don't think there's been a battle racing game such as this. The Club takes place in various locations across the globe. In the demo I played, the stage was an abandoned prison. Two of the game modes were "Sprint" and "Time Attack" .... sound familiar?

                Sprint is a race to the goal before time runs up racking up as many points as possible. Headshots will give you more points than body kills and each kill will add 1x to your score multiplier. Guys will come out from all sides as you make your way to your destination as you try to keep your score multiplier from "bleeding out". More Kills, more points, don't slack off.

                The other game mode is "Time Attack", you have to complete 3 laps around the stage killing varied enemies and shooting bonus signs as you make your way around in your best time possible, racking up points where available.

                There are no cars, unless you're counting the ones your opponents take cover behind. It's all on foot, racing around, making points and trying to perfect your time. It's pretty much if Bizarre took Project Gotham, replaced the Kudos with kill points and the cars with people with guns. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing, because it's not.

                Including the single player, you'll get what appears to be a robust multiplayer with some fun game modes and 4 player split screen. And game modes like "VIP" or Attack Defend. The former being two people have a "leader" with extra health and you must defend yours and kill theirs. The latter being where the defenders must survive the attacking team until they're all dead. The defenders can't respawn, the attackers have infinite respawns. Then the teams switch and the attackers must defeat the defenders in a faster time. Rinse. Repeat. Until one team can't one up the other.

                All in all, this should be a fun game as long as they iron out some of the controls a bit to make it smoother. I don't see it dethroning Halo or Call of Duty, but it's a good diversion and probably worth a rental for fun with friends.



                • #9
                  Movies: Cloverfield (Review) by James "The Angry Nintendo Nerd" Rolfe


                  Cloverfield Video Review by James "The Angry Nintendo Nerd" Rolfe


                  • #10
                    i agree with his review


                    • #11
                      Movies: Rambo (2008) Review


                      Another review by James "the Angry Nintendo Nerd" Rolfe. I just had to add it, since I consider him my authority on all things Stallone.


                      • #12
                        Wii: Super Smash Bros Brawl Release Date Notice

                        It's pushed back to March 9th ... ... ...


                        ........... ....



                        • #13
                          Game: Medieval: Total War II

                          Review: Medieval: Total War II is really fucking good
                          Originally posted by Facetious
                          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                          • #14
                            Wii Review: No More Heroes

                            Title: No More Heroes
                            Players: 1
                            Genre: Action/Adventure
                            For: Suda51 fans or Tarantino Fans

                            I'll lay it out here first. If you can't stand Tarantino, you can't stand Suda51, and you thought Kill Bill was overrated, you'll probably not like this game. For the rest of you with me, you will love this game. From the moment the game boots into your Wii Channel you will think "wow, interesting". It's the perfect blend of old-school in the new-school that will win you over. From the blocky mini-map and health system to the old "rankings" list you get after you kill your mark. It just oozes style and retro in the best way.

                            Graphically, it's your cel shaded affair which blends nicely with the retro interface. The only problems you'll have are with the pop-in when you're riding about the town as well as the framerate issues in high pop areas. Obviously the Wii is not the powerhouse the PS3 and 360 are, but if Mario Galaxy can run without a hicup, I don't see why this has issues.

                            The gameplay is pretty much how you'd expect "Kill Bill" the game to be. The sword play is servicable, but with it's flaws. This game is far from perfect from a technical standpoint, but it more than makes up for it with it's script and characters. If you played Suda's "Killer 7" you'll be more inclined to know what's in store for you, but if this is your first time with Suda, you'll have fun with this game.

                            All in all, this game is like the girl next door. She's not a bombshell, but she's nice and cute. This game isn't the golden standard, by far, but it's still got enough personality and style to bring you in and keep you entertained, even for just a rental. Try it, you won't be disappointed in at least that.

                            Main Character: Travis Touchdown with his "Agent" who he receives missions from.

                            Travis taking on Boss fight #3: Jr High Schoolgirl "Shinobu". You can't tell here, but she killed her entire Music class so you can have somewhere to fight.

                            The Verdict
                            Angell Rating 76/100 (Bronze)
                            + Oozes with slick retro style
                            + Very Tarantino-esque
                            + Great Wii swordplay, not overdoing the motion control
                            + Presentation, awesome
                            - Poor Framerate in places
                            - The controls aren't perfect, can cause headaches
                            - The boss fights may be fun, but the way there can be repetitive.


                            • #15
                              Gears of War 2 has been announced!!

                              The first word of it dropped on Feb 20th but I just found out about it today. The "official sneek peek" trailer doesn't show any gameplay, but the Unreal Tech Demo Epic released around the same time, does. Well, it shows off some new things they'll be using, not really gameplay.


                              My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.

