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your worst ended relationship

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  • #31


    • #32
      Originally posted by Squeezer View Post
      Breaking up with girls sucks.

      It's really easy when they cheat on you however. Bitch...
      is that what happened with that asian chick from your go-kart picture that you showed a year or so ago?
      My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
        is that what happened with that asian chick from your go-kart picture that you showed a year or so ago?
        Yeah. Long story short. It also had to do with the guy I saw try and kill himself last year. It was a big convoluted mess.

        I had my unhappy time, but it's been like 9 months now, and just like Gen said above, I'm rather enjoying the single life.
        Originally posted by Tone
        Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


        • #34
          Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post

          Worst ended relationship? I'd have to go back to my first year of college where I was dating this 17 year old senior. She wanted to get more and more serious after just dating for a few months- and being an 18 year old college freshman, I got spooked. I broke up with her via a text message (I still cringe when I think about it) while I was at the metro station waiting to pick up someone, can't remember who. Needless to say she had some choice words for me- a shame, she did have a nice little body on her.
          Reminds me of a funny tale of my best bud. He's dating this girl who he really doesn't at all actually, he basically got suckered into it (another story in and of itself) he broke up with her because he was stuck on a bus ride with her and GOT BORED. It was hilarious.

          Originally posted by Pearl Jam View Post
          The trick is to not let them hold you at arm's length. Get out of there. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, "get down...get to the choppa".
          just needed to be quoted.
          The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

          Originally posted by Richard Creager
          All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


          • #35
            maybe she found this thread and decided to not talk to me in spite... this fucking blows, its so hard to not text or call her or anything... i just want to so bad... but at the same sense she hasnt even sent me any texts either nothing, like shes breaking this off too... to try and help myself i put my cell phone on silent so even if she does call or text i wont know and wont feel an urge to pick up... i deleted her off my myspace and i blocked her on AIM just to try and help with not contacting her... and PJ was right about the whole myspace facebook thing... cuz i findmyself constantly checking hers now... over and over and over like every 10 minutes... luckily its set to private so now that im not her friennd i cant see it.. maybe this will all help, and it will be good for me in the future... maybe after all of this crap me and her will be good friends and thats it, at this point thats all i want is a good friendship,but i dont think i can jump straight from this into a friendship with her... im gunna have to lose contact for a while to forget about things...
            sigh i need a blog.... i guess it kinda hurts that she hasnt tried texted me either... kinda make me feel like she doesnt care... and never did...
            Big Chill


            • #36
              Originally posted by Nickname View Post
              Reminds me of a funny tale of my best bud. He's dating this girl who he really doesn't at all actually, he basically got suckered into it (another story in and of itself) he broke up with her because he was stuck on a bus ride with her and GOT BORED. It was hilarious.

              just needed to be quoted.
              lol one of my friends has had a relationship like that. He didn't really know how, but he somehow ended up with this girl who was pretty braindead, but stayed with her for the fucking. He didn't even really like her, or enjoy talking to her, but was with her for like 2 years.

              Rodney, here's some solid advice man- the quickest way to get over a chick is to go out and hit on other chicks. It's that simple. It's going to be difficult for you at first and I'm not trying to tell you to run into another relationship (far from it actually)- just hit on other chicks.

              Flirt with a bunch of different girls, try to do whatever you can to make that cute cashier giggle and smile, see what happens when you try to talk up that chick waiting for the bus, wink and smile at a hottie you pass by on the street- just get your dick out of that emotional vise and help yourself realize that pain and frustration aren't the only feelings you have to associate with women! You can actually have fun with alot of different girls without getting serious with them, it's great! Flirting will not only take your mind off that chick but also make you feel better about yourself.

              Now granted every chick you flirt with isn't going to be receptive, but it's not a big deal. The less serious you take flirting and the chicks you flirt with, the more fun you'll have. Flirt with 5 chicks (in any manner) in a day, and tell me how you feel after you get home.
              My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


              • #37
                Originally posted by RoDNeY View Post
                maybe she found this thread and decided to not talk to me in spite... this fucking blows, its so hard to not text or call her or anything... i just want to so bad... but at the same sense she hasnt even sent me any texts either nothing, like shes breaking this off too... to try and help myself i put my cell phone on silent so even if she does call or text i wont know and wont feel an urge to pick up... i deleted her off my myspace and i blocked her on AIM just to try and help with not contacting her... and PJ was right about the whole myspace facebook thing... cuz i findmyself constantly checking hers now... over and over and over like every 10 minutes... luckily its set to private so now that im not her friennd i cant see it.. maybe this will all help, and it will be good for me in the future... maybe after all of this crap me and her will be good friends and thats it, at this point thats all i want is a good friendship,but i dont think i can jump straight from this into a friendship with her... im gunna have to lose contact for a while to forget about things...
                sigh i need a blog.... i guess it kinda hurts that she hasnt tried texted me either... kinda make me feel like she doesnt care... and never did...
                Don't bother trying to be friends with her. Sounds like she's put you through a lot of grief... just cut yourself off cold turkey. It's not healthy to linger, unless you have the same circle of friends in which case it just kinda sucks.
                Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                My anime blog:


                • #38
                  Epinephrine has never even talked to a girl before. Don't listen to him.


                  • #39
                    I don't care what anyone says it's near impossible to be friends with someone who went from being the love of your life to the off and on again hoe bag that puts you through emotional turmoil. Even if you can be friends, this wont happen for a long, long time.

                    Listen to Pearl Jam, it's hard to have these people on facebook, msn, etc. You need to disassociate this person from your life. It might seem hard, but trust me you need to do this.

                    My worst relationship/breakup - I dated a girl for a year and a half, I really attached myself to this person. I can't say I ever gave everything to a person before. I did anything for her, and I usually got nothing but grief. She told me a month in that she wasn't sure how she felt about her ex so she wanted to see if she could get back together with him, I didn't know what to do so I said okay and walked away. She called me back up two days later saying she spoke to him and he's a complete dick and that she didn't want to be with him. If ever I felt like I won Silver, this was it, I was totally and utterly second place in this girls heart. Still, the optimist in me said I can make her love me more. We spent a year together and I really thought things were okay, she was bitchy and abusive and I just sucked it up, the more I got treated like shit the more I wanted to earn her love. It's a fucked up situation in retrospect, I also didn't get laid that much. She decided when we'd have sex which was once every other month? I didn't have any control. I found out a few days before I told her to go fuck herself that she cheated on me with her ex a few days after Christmas (I bought her a silver locket which I spent A LOT of money on), it was also a few days before my new years party where she slept over and acted like a complete bitch. So she cheated on me, didn't tell me and I found from a friend in early may when we broke up. She wanted to get me a cake for my birthday and do something nice even though we were broke up, the day before my birthday a friend told me she was at a party (with mutual friends!) and went upstairs with some guy, which was just lame to do to me with some of my friends there.

                    This is how cops kept it fucking real

                    She was throwing me the party at work, since we worked together. I didn't show up. I got a date and got drunk/blown on my birthday. I left her sitting there wondering where I was, with cake balloons and everything else. I then hooked up with a girl a month later (who turned into my current girlfriend), and we dated while working at the same location for two months before I quit. My ex-girlfriend was probably emotionally pissed everyday she had to see me and my new girlfriend at work, but the truth of the matter is would I have done this to a person who didn't treat me like dirt on the ground? Not at all, but this bitch deserved it.
                    Last edited by Cops; 02-14-2008, 03:46 AM.
                    it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                    • #40
                      Oh my brother, Testify!
                      The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                      Originally posted by Richard Creager
                      All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                      • #41
                        wow she even looks like a bitch! yup I'd cut that unworthy peice of tale off and move on to the next. I've been single for 23 years now and I don't intend on changeing a thing. Girls come and go, don't let them side track you from being you. I'm not saying I don't believe "the one" isn't out there and that true love is a complete myth b/c I truley hope it's not. I'm just saying don't settle for 2nd best, get a girl that deserves you and that you can be with and treat right. Wasteing time, tears, and finaces on someone who's going to do you wrong like that is not acceptable in my book. I keep it simple and keep my fingers crossed.


                        • #42
                          im finding myself killing myself with energy drinks every day just so i crash at night and call fall asleep easy instead of staying up all night thinking about her...
                          i had a amp big rig and monster BFC today... i think thats like 56 oz of energy drinks today... keep in mind 32 oz is a quart... a quart is .5 ML shy of a liter... so that is Well over a liter of energy drinks today, almost 2... and i feel like puking and this whole thing is making everything worse... but hopefully ill be able to sleep tonight...i appreciate all of this advice and sincerity guys ... guess this shit happens to everyone atleast once...
                          Big Chill


                          • #43
                            even though u might be trying to be an asshole schope, ur making me happy thanks :wub:
                            Big Chill

