What has been the latest movie you've seen in the movie theater, TV or on PC
that you would like to recommend for others? Genres don't matter, anything
that's worth watching in your opinion goes. Posting an IMDb.com link would be
nice also. And how about a little review if you have the time and will! Always
appreciated. Personally I often watch my movies on PC through TV, sometimes
even sooner than the movie comes to cinemas
. But don't post any warez
links or info, I don't think it's allowed on these forums.
that you would like to recommend for others? Genres don't matter, anything
that's worth watching in your opinion goes. Posting an IMDb.com link would be
nice also. And how about a little review if you have the time and will! Always
appreciated. Personally I often watch my movies on PC through TV, sometimes
even sooner than the movie comes to cinemas
links or info, I don't think it's allowed on these forums.