Originally posted by Nickname
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1:NICKNAME> fine
1:NICKNAME> only because I died and lost my 23 shrap
(NICKNAME)> #prom
NICKNAME> Sit back
NICKNAME> for I will tell you a tale
Jeenyuss> you can't have 23 shrap
NICKNAME> i got it for bty for winning pure pub
NICKNAME> it wasn't 23, but it was large and in charge
Jeenyuss> oh i see, delightful
NICKNAME> It's new years eve
NICKNAME> at my friend Lisas house
NICKNAME> every other year the old gang parties at lisas
NICKNAME> (the high school gang, were still really tight)
NICKNAME> so this year at Lisas, I am the poorest of the poor
NICKNAME> and because I am the single most entertaining drunk alive
NICKNAME> People feed me booze
NICKNAME> because all I had was scotch, for I could not afford new booze
NICKNAME> Anyways, I am shit faced, something fierce
NICKNAME> when she appears
NICKNAME> Enchantress!
NICKNAME> My friend Adam brought his girlfriend (Amanda) and her best friend (Heather)
NICKNAME> These are key names for the rest of this story
NICKNAME> I'm single at this point in time for quite some time
NICKNAME> and although my ex girlfriend of 3 1/2 years is there, (we had broken up 6 months or so earlier)
NICKNAME> it's not weird
NICKNAME> because she's now dating one of my two best friends
NICKNAME> so I decide that this girl passes my high standards
NICKNAME> apparently my buddy bryan went after her too (I found this out later)
NICKNAME> but I was oh so sexually appealing, and oh so hilarious
NICKNAME> (actually, I was dumb. I apparently spanked myself with a ping pong paddle while singing a song I can't remember)
NICKNAME> (and also kept losing in pool, but claimed I won, even though she witnessed said events)
NICKNAME> for the record
NICKNAME> I'll need occasional laughs, or 'uh huhs' in here
NICKNAME> or I feel like i'm talking to myself
NICKNAME> and will stop
Jeenyuss> is this heather or amanda
NICKNAME> Amanda is Adams girlfriend
NICKNAME> we call her the Gargoyle
Jeenyuss> was she a voice actor for the cartoon?
NICKNAME> because i'm sure late at night she's perched on a ledge somewhere scaring children
NICKNAME> but thats another story
NICKNAME> Huh? cartoon?
Jeenyuss> that cartoon was fucking awesome
Jeenyuss> gargoyles
NICKNAME> but thats an AWESOME cartoon
NICKNAME> I have the song on my play list
Jeenyuss> i liked brooklyn a lot
NICKNAME> was he the red one?
Jeenyuss> i had the card game
Jeenyuss> i think so
NICKNAME> I liked the main guy
Jeenyuss> the one with the long ass beak
NICKNAME> whatever his name was
NICKNAME> and the little green guy
NICKNAME> yeah, the red one
Jeenyuss> yeah the smallest one was pretty bitching too
NICKNAME> the blue one was the dumb one and the green one was the kid
Jeenyuss> i hate how all cartoons have stereotypical fat guys
NICKNAME> back to my tale
NICKNAME> so I won over this fine lass with such awesomeness it overpowered her
NICKNAME> (apparently I followed her around drunk off my ass, but she was high and didn't notice, plus she wanted me for some very odd reason)
Jeenyuss> did you hit her
Jeenyuss> that attracts women, i hear
NICKNAME> Now, it should be noted that when I found out I had a shot, i stopped drinking and started sobering up
NICKNAME> I didn't, but I should have
NICKNAME> beating women is step one of making them love you
NICKNAME> treating them like bitches is step two
NICKNAME> we hook up a bit, but nothing serious happens because this house is filled with like, 60 people
NICKNAME> and theres nowhere thats alone
NICKNAME> so we basically just end up making out downstairs in front of all my friends, who try to embarass me as much as possible through antics
NICKNAME> The night ends (happy new years!) and we have to go our seperate ways, we exchange phone numbers, yadaa yadaa
NICKNAME> a few days later, I still haven't called her (3 day rule!) and On wednesdays I have hockey
NICKNAME> when Adam says "She's coming to hockey"
NICKNAME> so i'm all like sweet, I don't have to call her
NICKNAME> well dumbass Adam shows up late, and I basically say three words to her before I have to go and play
NICKNAME> which sucked, but we go play (WIN!) I play awesome (wooo) and all was right in the world
NICKNAME> so all of us are hanging out after the game (theres a bar attached to the rink)
Jeenyuss> i don't know how to skate
NICKNAME> and she's clearly interested in me still, even shooting down our goaltender to much hilarity
Jeenyuss> i'm an awful canadian.
NICKNAME> it's ballhockey, but close enough ;p
NICKNAME> so, I end up spending all night with her, the fact that she may be a huge druggy hits me as she gets high repeatedly but i brush it off
NICKNAME> (BRB 3 minutes, dog needs out)
NICKNAME> 1 min till popcorn done
NICKNAME> so anyways
NICKNAME> we hang out all night, hit it off (again). I'm not a fan of drugs short of once awhile and both times i've seen her she's been a big druggy (this is called somewhat foreshadowing)
NICKNAME> she asks me what i'm doing friday and we make plans (this might get hazzy now, was a year ago)
Jeenyuss> i love literary devices
NICKNAME> and she says shes going to call thursday
NICKNAME> I kinda say ok, even though I hate talking on the phone for more than a minute
NICKNAME> She calls Thursday, and we talk for like 7 hours, all the way till 5 am (I worked at 6:30, it sucked hard)
NICKNAME> this is the single most amazing phone call I ever had
Jeenyuss> i thought you didn't like talking on the phone
NICKNAME> and I really started falling for her here
NICKNAME> everything just clicked
NICKNAME> my ear actually hurt
Jeenyuss> was it bleeding
NICKNAME> it was bright red
NICKNAME> I had to alternate veery 30 min or so
Jeenyuss> with blood?
NICKNAME> yeah I guess

NICKNAME> so we double with Adam and Amanda on what can be called 'the first date' on the friday
NICKNAME> we do glow in the dark mini golf (I RULED!) and then saw Borat (IT RULED!)
NICKNAME> I drove her home (one town over) and we ended up sitting in my car talking for another two hours
NICKNAME> Thank god I drive a Le Sabre and it's more comfortable than my living room
NICKNAME> Cha-Ching $
NICKNAME> again nothing that big physically because were...you know...in her driveway
NICKNAME> she's 18 btw, and i was 22
NICKNAME> maybe she was 19
NICKNAME> younger than me, thats all thats important
NICKNAME> and lived at home (obviously)
NICKNAME> she wasn't 17, thats for sure
NICKNAME> so things are going really good
NICKNAME> I'm falling head over heels, heart on my sleeve for her
NICKNAME> and she does appear to be too good to be true
NICKNAME> only flaws so far are the drugs, and how many guys she's slept with
NICKNAME> cause whats the rule? add 7 from whatever they actually say
NICKNAME> or something like that
NICKNAME> no wait, the rule with 7 is half you age + 7 for the lowest you can date
Jeenyuss> i think the rule is if there's grass play ball, if not, play in the mud
NICKNAME> I forget what the rule is
NICKNAME> anyways, and this is the part where guys tend to start hating the story
NICKNAME> I pick her up saturday for just the two of us staying in at my place
NICKNAME> (I'm also living wiht my parents, but there out, so we are alone)
NICKNAME> here's the part you'll hate
NICKNAME> right after I made the plans, I was offered Platinum Leafs tickets
NICKNAME> (two of them)
NICKNAME> for that night's game, I think against Ottawa (which is huge)
Jeenyuss> wow
NICKNAME> she hates hockey, and doesn't want to go
NICKNAME> but says it's ok if I do
NICKNAME> and I don't
NICKNAME> I gave them away
NICKNAME> i know, i know, 200 dollar leaf tickets that i'll never see again ever, for a chick
NICKNAME> i'm a terrible human being, and a terrible leaf fan
NICKNAME> i know
Jeenyuss> vs the sens, dude
NICKNAME> who I knew for all of 6 or 7 days at this point
NICKNAME> I was called an idiot by many a person
Jeenyuss> it's not like it's fucking the leafs vs fucking the atlanta thrashers here
Jeenyuss> go on.
NICKNAME> So we're alone, and we fool around a bit, sober me (the much more charming me) manages to get her clothes off....all with my teeth
NICKNAME> (applause)
NICKNAME> nice perky boobs, all is right in the world
NICKNAME> I gave first, being the oh so gentleman that I am
NICKNAME> and then her phone rings (after that) and it's her mom saying "where the hell are you"
NICKNAME> so I miss out when I take her home (it's like 3 am or something)
NICKNAME> but it's clear now this isn't just some fling, so i'll get my shot