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Barack Obama wins the Democratic Nomination

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
    he just wants attention

    quick say something about black people and watermelon to get noticed and out-do him
    Sorry, but he just spoke out hope for a president candidate to get shot. I suspect because the candidate in question is black. And this does not disturb you?
    I guess it is truly time for a wall...
    You ate some priest porridge


    • #47
      yes, it disturbs me to such a level that I don't think I'll be able to go to sleep tonight or have a good day. I mean, someone trying to be "that guy" by making an outlandish remark in a topic in order to gain attention to himself? What the fuck is the world coming to, literally.

      Jesus tittyfucking Christ, it's the internet. This shit isn't new or shocking, the less you try to build his post into some dramatic slam against black people, the better.
      My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


      • #48
        I have to agree with Jerome there, Zerzera. You bait every troll on this forum over and over. Even if some of the trolling is a sincere opinion, there is nothing you can do to change that opinion, and everybody knows who the trolls is, so there isn't a need to slam them either. The public opinion on them is as low as it gets anyway. This post isn't about what has been said about this thread, it's just in general.

        I mean, even I post some female discrimination bullshit, but nobody confronts me about it because you know I ain't serious. I'm just doing it for the lulz.
        Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

        5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


        • #49
          Conversations like these are the reason this country doesn't even deserve a good president. You can't see past a person being black, or one being a women, or one being old as fuck. Nobody is talking about the issues, but this is a subspace forum that's full of dumb fucking kids ( if that offends you, then fuck you i'm talking to you) so it's sort of expected. Oh and the dumb fuk who said the south won't vote for him, obviously you're a dumb shit and haven't been paying attention. Anyways shit like this makes me glad i'm in another country, the US is fucked and there's no President in the world that can change it.
          "I'm a fucking walking paradox, no I'm not
          Threesomes with a fucking triceratops, Reptar
          " - Tyler the Creator
          Yonkers video -


          • #50
            Originally posted by Noah View Post
            I have to agree with Jerome there, Zerzera. You bait every troll on this forum over and over. Even if some of the trolling is a sincere opinion, there is nothing you can do to change that opinion, and everybody knows who the trolls is, so there isn't a need to slam them either. The public opinion on them is as low as it gets anyway. This post isn't about what has been said about this thread, it's just in general.
            I don't mind being trolled then. If they do it for the attention so be it. I will give them my attention. I don't mind condemning these things even if they keep on asking for it. If only to avoid the risk that some people think it's actually acceptable to have these thoughts. I know it would be oh so easy for me to ignore these things and fall into apathy. It might seem a better option to look away, smoke a few joints to ease my mind. But I don't think I could soothe my conscience while ignorant people like that still have their say and by that make it harder on certain groups of people. Especially since placing these people out of society will eventually harm me.

            It's obvious that scoop has problems. I wouldn't mind hearing them and helping him, but first he will have to find out that hating people because of their race isn't the solution.
            Last edited by Zerzera; 06-05-2008, 08:48 AM.
            You ate some priest porridge


            • #51
              My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


              • #52
                cue the chicken dance music

                1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Noah View Post
                  I have to agree with Jerome there, Zerzera. You bait every troll on this forum over and over. Even if some of the trolling is a sincere opinion, there is nothing you can do to change that opinion, and everybody knows who the trolls is, so there isn't a need to slam them either. The public opinion on them is as low as it gets anyway. This post isn't about what has been said about this thread, it's just in general.

                  I mean, even I post some female discrimination bullshit, but nobody confronts me about it because you know I ain't serious. I'm just doing it for the lulz.
                  I don't know man, scoop does sound and type like a southern hick.
                  it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                    he didn't do anything for the state of illinois
                    fact check yo' self. he worked in the Illinois senate (state senate) for Seven Years before trying to get into the House of Representatives, then he fought to get into the senate. He was also a professor, a community outreacher, and I believe a lawyer, all before he was a senator.
                    Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                    sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                    • #55
                      ^ he's clearly the obvious person to be president
                      it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                      • #56
                        You really think the south is going to vote for obama? Maybe over hillary, but over an american hero like mccain? Theres not a snowballs chance in hell that'll happen...i guess i have to wait a few months to get proven right, like always
                        I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                        I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Izor View Post
                          You really think the south is going to vote for obama? Maybe over hillary, but over an american hero like mccain? Theres not a snowballs chance in hell that'll happen...i guess i have to wait a few months to get proven right, like always
                          Actually I expect the south do what it always does, act confused over the issues and vote Republican. Deep seeded racism still exists in the south, and this is something he'll have to tackle. I'm hoping that there are some people with some sort of common sense in the south that realize McCain will most likely fuck the economy over even more, and dump more money into pointless wars. I also hope that families of soldiers realize Obama is their best shot of getting them the fuck out of there. I'd also like to think that the south feels let down by George Bush and The Republican party and that they may be open to new ideas and possibilities. I think the South is where they'll pick up a lot of votes for The Republicans but I could also see a few areas vote Democrat just because of the poor economic and social conditions The Republicans have put them in.

                          The only thing that is surprising to me is that America tends to elect Republicans who do nothing but fuck shit up and then expect a Democrat to come in and fix all their problems. How the fuck have people not caught onto this yet.
                          Last edited by Cops; 06-05-2008, 11:12 AM.
                          it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                          • #58

                            no hildog VP, i think they'd make horrible partners, especially with all the mudslinging from before. She might make her way onto the cabinet though. Also, VP doesn't do a whole lot but be seen, so she might be able to handle that if she can keep her mouth mostly closed i guess

                            Originally posted by Cops View Post
                            Actually I expect the south do what it always does, act confused over the issues and vote Republican. Deep seeded racism still exists in the south, and this is something he'll have to tackle. I'm hoping that there are some people with some sort of common sense in the south that realize McCain will most likely fuck the economy over even more, and dump more money into pointless wars. I also hope that families of soldiers realize Obama is their best shot of getting them the fuck out of there. I'd also like to think that the south feels let down by George Bush and The Republican party and that they may be open to new ideas and possibilities. I think the South is where they'll pick up a lot of votes for The Republicans but I could also see a few areas vote Democrat just because of the poor economic and social conditions The Republicans have put them in.

                            I have to agree with you there on some points. In the South, people are generally confused over issues because they don't pay attention to them any more than the rest of the country. Racism still exists, but these people make up your major republican base, so getting them to vote democratic won't matter, even if it helps them. I'm less worried about Mccain fucking the economy (i don't think either pres. could really help it by themselves) than I am worried about him fucking up health care and other social needs.

                            I think a lot of the sentiments about the south voting republican also stem from them not seeing a fit democratic candidate. I personally didn't vote in the last election because I really didn't want either person to win. I actually like obama, where as I hated kerry. He'll also get minorities and young people to vote more, who ususally have poor turnouts, than kerry could. 8 years of bush have shown even the dumbest americans that the republican party doesn't give a shit about the average joe.
                            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                            .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Zerzera View Post
                              I don't mind being trolled then. If they do it for the attention so be it. I will give them my attention. I don't mind condemning these things even if they keep on asking for it. If only to avoid the risk that some people think it's actually acceptable to have these thoughts. I know it would be oh so easy for me to ignore these things and fall into apathy. It might seem a better option to look away, smoke a few joints to ease my mind. But I don't think I could soothe my conscience while ignorant people like that still have their say and by that make it harder on certain groups of people. Especially since placing these people out of society will eventually harm me.

                              It's obvious that scoop has problems. I wouldn't mind hearing them and helping him, but first he will have to find out that hating people because of their race isn't the solution.
                              Yeah but why not take it to PMs if you really do want to help them and give them attention? The rest of us are treating them like you treat unwanted trolls, try to ignore them or get them removed. It really fills up threads with this back and forth endlessly. If the world was opposite they would be calling out to ending racism just to stir shit up.

                              You're in case the only one that consider them as stray sheep than needs to return to the flock, the rest of us want to see as a few posts as possible. By helping them to spam more you are actually producing more annoyance yourself. So please take it to PMs if you have the true and noble intention of "saving" them from being trolls.
                              Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                              5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                              • #60
                                Come on now guys.

                                I live in a major southern city, unlike some Canadians... and there is no more racism here than there is in other parts of the country. I am absolutely fucking tired of that damn stereotype. In fact, there is probably less racism here than in most of the country. I live in an area that is 50/40/10% White/Black/Hispanic, and there isn't much racism around here. Everybody gets along fine and hates on the hispanics. Sure, you go to some rural places where people still farm for a living and they might tell you how much they hate black people, but these people are all over the fucking country in any rural area.

                                If you want to look at people voting Republican, you should look at the last
                                election. It wasn't just the south... it was everybody. (even though the county I live in voted democrat, as did most urban areas of the country)


                                I don't understand saying Edwards is really a Republican because he isn't liberal. You just say that because he talks with a southern accent. He did vote for the Iraqi war resolution and the Patriot act, but so did Kerry, Clinton, and Obama . Edwards made his career as a trial lawyer fighting big business and doing personal injury cases, and he was the best in the country at what he did. Edwards is pro choice, pro raising minium wage, pro hispanic, pro health care, pro education, anti poverty, anti troop surge, anti global warming, etc. Thats definitely not very Republican.

                                And the last time I checked, our last decent president was a Democrat... from the South.
                                While I'm sippin herbal teas verbal bees plant fertile seeds
                                Bitches leave with broke backs, swollen palms and purple knees

