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Barack Obama wins the Democratic Nomination

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Izor View Post
    I love also when idiots make up statistics that are based entirely on what they want to happen. You all are forgetting that a very large part of this country is republican. On top of that, I dont think that the south is going to vote for a black president. You watch too much cnn lol. We'll see come election time. Also keep in mind that most of the people on these boards cant/wont vote, so dont go taking their views into consideration
    I'll admit that I don't have much factual backing for that stat and I didn't throw it out there to be completely accurate (hence the 70-75). I based my judgement on three things:

    1. GW's approval rating (about 30%) and the fact that McCain is aligning himself completely with the GOP party stance which happens to be rather unpopular in this country right now.

    2. The fact that Hilary and Obama combined to bring out waaaaaaay more voters at their primaries than the Republicans were able to muster.

    3. Polls a month of so ago with all 3 candidates had Hilary only a couple points behind McCain and Obama a few points ahead of him. Both candidates are popular and can draw more votes than McCain this season.

    You're right, I am talking out of my ass, but so are you. You assume that Obama cannot win the South, yet some of his highest numbers can from states like Louisiana, Georgia and Mississippi where there are large populations of black voters.

    Also, a lot of the people on these boards vote :wassat: and I don't really watch CNN. Most of the news I get is gleaned and read on fark.
    Originally posted by Tone
    Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


    • #62
      itt we will all talk about areas of the nation that we don't live in, as if we know what we are talking about

      quite frankly since everyone in the north is a pompous condescending asshole, i would have to say that they will definitely vote for obama because they buy into his hip vibes and dark skin, without paying a shred of attention to his policies. for instance, he wants "more free trade" by "renegotiating" nafta. want to renegotiate nafta to get more free trade? howabout renegotiate it into a piece of paper that says "you are free to trade", which would save 12k pages of paper and therefore be environmentally friendlier (as well as, ohidunno, actually indicative of the title of the legislation)

      we the south didn't give you mccain, we gave you ron paul. alot of people are going to be voting democrat or libertarian here in the south, because we have alot of black people and ron paul supporters. yeah there might still be enough old people to give mccain some states, but it's not going to be the landslide you all expect. you see, we here in the south have always distrusted the government ever since the war of northern aggression, and voter turnout around these parts has always been piss-poor. now that the young generations are motivated (and especially minorities), it's gonna be very interesting to watch.

      southerners, by the way, are far more civilized than you fucking heathen northerners, and we're way more about character. mccain is a fucking tool. being captured isn't heroic. he doesn't know anything about anything and says whatever it takes to garner votes. we the south can spot frauds coming from miles away, and this guy's a bag of douche.

      we the south have also offered up georgia's very own libertarian bob barr on the LP party platform. why are all these small-government people from the south? because we the south knows what happens when government gets too big for its britches. we might be racist or ignorant or stupid, but we know government bullshit when we see it, and we refuse to eat it up like all you latte-sipping yankee fudgepackers.

      so to all the haters, fuck off. the only racists i've ever known are all old and dying, you guys are about as up-to-date on your cultural stereotypes as the government is up-to-date on, well, just about anything.

      internet de la jerome

      because the internet | hazardous


      • #63
        Originally posted by DoTheFandango View Post
        fact check yo' self. he worked in the Illinois senate (state senate) for Seven Years before trying to get into the House of Representatives, then he fought to get into the senate. He was also a professor, a community outreacher, and I believe a lawyer, all before he was a senator.

        In 2001, as co-chairman of the bipartisan Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, Obama supported Republican Governor Ryan's payday loan regulations and predatory mortgage lending regulations aimed at averting home foreclosures.

        from the wiki. Places to live a growing more and more slim.
        Last edited by Squeezer; 06-05-2008, 01:25 PM.
        Originally posted by Tone
        Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


        • #64
          Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
          itt we will all talk about areas of the nation that we don't live in, as if we know what we are talking about

          quite frankly since everyone in the north is a pompous condescending asshole, i would have to say that they will definitely vote for obama because they buy into his hip vibes and dark skin, without paying a shred of attention to his policies. for instance, he wants "more free trade" by "renegotiating" nafta. want to renegotiate nafta to get more free trade? howabout renegotiate it into a piece of paper that says "you are free to trade", which would save 12k pages of paper and therefore be environmentally friendlier (as well as, ohidunno, actually indicative of the title of the legislation)

          we the south didn't give you mccain, we gave you ron paul. alot of people are going to be voting democrat or libertarian here in the south, because we have alot of black people and ron paul supporters. yeah there might still be enough old people to give mccain some states, but it's not going to be the landslide you all expect. you see, we here in the south have always distrusted the government ever since the war of northern aggression, and voter turnout around these parts has always been piss-poor. now that the young generations are motivated (and especially minorities), it's gonna be very interesting to watch.

          southerners, by the way, are far more civilized than you fucking heathen northerners, and we're way more about character. mccain is a fucking tool. being captured isn't heroic. he doesn't know anything about anything and says whatever it takes to garner votes. we the south can spot frauds coming from miles away, and this guy's a bag of douche.

          we the south have also offered up georgia's very own libertarian bob barr on the LP party platform. why are all these small-government people from the south? because we the south knows what happens when government gets too big for its britches. we might be racist or ignorant or stupid, but we know government bullshit when we see it, and we refuse to eat it up like all you latte-sipping yankee fudgepackers.

          so to all the haters, fuck off. the only racists i've ever known are all old and dying, you guys are about as up-to-date on your cultural stereotypes as the government is up-to-date on, well, just about anything.
          jerome wins.
          While I'm sippin herbal teas verbal bees plant fertile seeds
          Bitches leave with broke backs, swollen palms and purple knees


          • #65
            Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
            itt we will all talk about areas of the nation that we don't live in, as if we know what we are talking about

            quite frankly since everyone in the north is a pompous condescending asshole, i would have to say that they will definitely vote for obama because they buy into his hip vibes and dark skin, without paying a shred of attention to his policies. for instance, he wants "more free trade" by "renegotiating" nafta. want to renegotiate nafta to get more free trade? howabout renegotiate it into a piece of paper that says "you are free to trade", which would save 12k pages of paper and therefore be environmentally friendlier (as well as, ohidunno, actually indicative of the title of the legislation)

            we the south didn't give you mccain, we gave you ron paul. alot of people are going to be voting democrat or libertarian here in the south, because we have alot of black people and ron paul supporters. yeah there might still be enough old people to give mccain some states, but it's not going to be the landslide you all expect. you see, we here in the south have always distrusted the government ever since the war of northern aggression, and voter turnout around these parts has always been piss-poor. now that the young generations are motivated (and especially minorities), it's gonna be very interesting to watch.

            southerners, by the way, are far more civilized than you fucking heathen northerners, and we're way more about character. mccain is a fucking tool. being captured isn't heroic. he doesn't know anything about anything and says whatever it takes to garner votes. we the south can spot frauds coming from miles away, and this guy's a bag of douche.

            we the south have also offered up georgia's very own libertarian bob barr on the LP party platform. why are all these small-government people from the south? because we the south knows what happens when government gets too big for its britches. we might be racist or ignorant or stupid, but we know government bullshit when we see it, and we refuse to eat it up like all you latte-sipping yankee fudgepackers.

            so to all the haters, fuck off. the only racists i've ever known are all old and dying, you guys are about as up-to-date on your cultural stereotypes as the government is up-to-date on, well, just about anything.
            JEROME '08

            the man speaks the truth. (although watch how you say "war of northern aggression, it didn't go too well for me)

            but on the real, racism is on the decline. I think that most people under the age of 30 don't feel any sentiments that weren't ingrained in them by their parents. The only people I know who are a little racist are usually not stupid enough to let you know that untill they get really drunk and start talking out their ass. They know that it's a dying tradition, and probably wouldn't talk like they did if it wasn't "cool" for some people. Face it, everybody's nicer down here and so is the weather. Sooner or later, you'll retire and join us.
            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
            .ffffff|ff __fffff|


            • #66
              man jerome and fidel hit the nail on the head. you fucks know shit about the south.

              only old people and cubans vote republican. the elderly are dying, and the cubans are being kept at bay. The young wanted ron paul, the minorities wanted obama, we can't have ron paul, so we choose obama.
              All good things must come to an end.


              • #67
                Great guys. The way to prove you aren't stubborn and out of touch with the rest of the country is to act stubborn and take your ball home because Ron Paul wasn't elected.

                Not our fault. The race is now McCain or Obama. You really wanna bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran (taaaaaaaaaaaaake my haaaaaaaaand!) and be pissed off some more or do you want to be representative in the face of apathy?

                edit: And furthermore, if he was the "candidate of the South," then why did he receive dick-all in terms of votes? I love Ron Paul but Obama is a stronger candidate.

                edit2: And since we're getting butthurt about generalized observations regarding places we've never lived, I resent being labeled as someone who votes for Obama because of his skin color. Hell I'm not even doing it to be hip as you suggested. But whatever, I'm from Seattle so I must wear plaid (I don't), drink coffee (hate the taste), and walk around in sandals all day (they make my feet hurt). I'm also condescending, but at least I ain't racist!
                Last edited by Squeezer; 06-05-2008, 01:35 PM.
                Originally posted by Tone
                Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                • #68
                  I'm going to prague for schooling once I turn 20, so I could give 2 shits about this country anymore
                  All good things must come to an end.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Squeezer View Post
                    edit: And furthermore, if he was the "candidate of the South," then why did he receive dick-all in terms of votes? I love Ron Paul but Obama is a stronger candidate.
                    because democracy isn't about hearing the little people, it's about forming the biggest mob. many people chose mccain over ron paul since it meant solidarity against the democratic nominee.

                    internet de la jerome

                    because the internet | hazardous


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                      because democracy isn't about hearing the little people, it's about forming the biggest mob. many people chose mccain over ron paul since it meant solidarity against the democratic nominee.
                      I meant "stronger," exactly as you just explained. He can garner more votes and get more support come November.

                      And Democracy is about the will of the masses, for better or worse it's always been that way.
                      Originally posted by Tone
                      Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Squeezer View Post
                        And Democracy is about the will of the masses, for better or worse it's always been that way.
                        Theoretically sound but in practice, much different. For insight, read Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" (online abridged version) and Hoppe's "Democracy: The God That Failed".

                        edit: and Ron Paul is, regardless, a Candidate of the South. Just because he didn't get votes doesn't mean he wasn't from Texas.
                        NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                        internet de la jerome

                        because the internet | hazardous


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs
                          itt we will all talk about areas of the nation that we don't live in, as if we know what we are talking about
                          Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs
                          quite frankly since everyone in the north is a pompous condescending asshole,

                          Edit: I don't think Ron Paul could be called a Southern Candidate. Sorry to harp on it, he doesn't have a Texan accent, his platform is not 99.99% catered to value voters and his movement is, I'm sorry to say a blip on the map (I do hate the 2 party system). Maybe you can say he's a new generation of them as I do see his brand of politics becoming more important.
                          Last edited by Kolar; 06-05-2008, 02:03 PM.


                          • #73
                            can we just agree that there was a 0% chance from the start that the republican party would've actually nominated Ron Paul? I mean he seem to stand for everything they don't. I'm suprised they didn't disown him.

                            An no offense, but the politics of florida is probably a lot different than the rest of the south. You've got a much different demographic in the southern part of the state than most other southern states. I'm not saying florida isn't part of the south, just that it's a bit different from other southern states. (hell maybe even more important??)
                            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                            .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                            • #74
                              The South will Rise Again!

                              Saying that only old people and cubans vote Republican is so wrong. Correct me if i'm wrong, but did George Bush pretty much carry the south, oh I don't know, the last two campaigns? I know he carried Florida!

                              The facts are pretty simple in my opinion, voter turnout is low, nation wide, and that really, really, sucks. The amount of stereotyping in here in impressive. Not everybody in the south is a racist (word has it minorities live there too). Not everybody in the north is a bleeding heart liberal, not everybody is as awesome as me, well, nobody is. This race will be determined like all races are, who got the bigger section of there supporters to come out and vote. The race will be fairly obvious, McCain will run a platform of slandering Obama, and Obama will try to not get involved, just like every fucking presidential race before. It'll get ugly, it always does, and then people will have to make a decision, and the decision for far to many of them will be to sit on there asses.
                              The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                              Originally posted by Richard Creager
                              All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                              • #75
                                With Hillary Clinton taking her last gasp as South Dakota and Montana vote, we should stop a moment and thank the Democrat Party for doing it once again. Yes, that's right. Once again the Democrats are choosing the candidate who will not win. Barack Hussein Obama, barring an October surprise, will lose in November. Here are a few reasons why:

                                1. Obama is a radical socialist. The American people are not. See his voting record in the Senate for proof.

                                2. Obama is a black nationalist. His 20 year membership in Trinity United Church of Christ exemplifies his views. Video

                                3. Obama sympathizes with anti-American terrorists. Bill Ayers, unrepentant terrorists, remains a mentor to Obama.

                                4. Obama promises to withdraw ALL American troops from Iraq, where we are winning, then negotiate with Iran. This is a foreign policy for disaster.

                                5. Obama will no longer receive a free pass once the primaries are over. All of his dirty laundry and connections to Islamists, terrorists, felons, America haters and other nefarious persons will be made public before November.
                                4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
                                4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
                                4:Geio> DEEZ?
                                4:Geio> LOLOL
                                4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
                                4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
                                4:spirit> LOL
                                4:Geio> LOLOL THINK HE TOLD ME TO DIE
                                4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD

