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serious question about auto insurance

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  • serious question about auto insurance

    ok so like 3 months ago i switched insurance from geico to AIG

    well i had my g/f drive my car and she backed up into a poll, so had to get a police report, minor damage but hit gov property so had to call it in anyway

    in anycase, when i switched insurance i was under the assumption that during the final month of geico i was covered, and i didnt start my new payment with AIG until the next month

    well during that month was the accident, and my g/f had insurance, well now the state wants me to send a letter signed by my insurance stating the car was covered during the time frame, in which geico now claims it was not

    her insurance wont sign it saying that it needs to be my insurance, AIG wont sign it either because they said I wasn't covered under them until the following month

    pretty much my g/f can lose her license over this for 3 months if this isnt resolved immediately, i feel VERY shitty about this but I had no clue that this was even going on in the first place

    is there anything I can do to get the paper signed or call the state and have them waive her suspension? Neither of us knew that my car had no insurance coverage at the time, in which i have full coverage for every other time frame, its not like i willingly knew I wasn't covered

    any ideas?
    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
    RaCka> mad impressive

  • #2
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    ok so like 3 months ago i switched insurance from geico to AIG

    well i had my g/f drive my car and she backed up into a poll, so had to get a police report, minor damage but hit gov property so had to call it in anyway

    in anycase, when i switched insurance i was under the assumption that during the final month of geico i was covered, and i didnt start my new payment with AIG until the next month

    well during that month was the accident, and my g/f had insurance, well now the state wants me to send a letter signed by my insurance stating the car was covered during the time frame, in which geico now claims it was not

    her insurance wont sign it saying that it needs to be my insurance, AIG wont sign it either because they said I wasn't covered under them until the following month

    pretty much my g/f can lose her license over this for 3 months if this isnt resolved immediately, i feel VERY shitty about this but I had no clue that this was even going on in the first place

    is there anything I can do to get the paper signed or call the state and have them waive her suspension? Neither of us knew that my car had no insurance coverage at the time, in which i have full coverage for every other time frame, its not like i willingly knew I wasn't covered

    any ideas?
    hire a lawyer, to defend you and your gf. Geico is a shitty company after 7 years of full coverage insurance my mom got in a minor accident with a pole (skidded on some black ice) they made her pay her deductable and didnt even get all the work fixed. Then turned around and raised our rates. Aig is equally bad. However may be they will accept a late payment for that month? And worst comes to worst theres still a lawyer

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    • #3
      LOL you let your girlfriend drive your car?
      :confused: Are human fat?


      • #4
        I dunno how to help you, but I read this article yesterday, so I'm passing it on just for future reference. It may not affect you at all but here it is if youre curious: (#9)


        • #5
          I wouldn't be able to give you specific advice without knowing the details of your insurance plan and the change-over from Geico to AIG. But what I can tell you is, insurance companies are very crooked and will screw you over any chance they can get. Situations like yours are how they save money, because you're at their mercy. Best advice I can give you is to fight Geico tooth and nail. Call them up and be very forceful, rip apart some poor soul and then you'll get to speak with someone who actually matters. Make it clear to them that you're willing to file a lawsuit against them. If you play your cards right, they should fold and cover you.
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          • #6
            Originally posted by iLDuce View Post
            LOL you let your girlfriend drive your car?

            but seriously. i would ramble on about how geico sucks terribly but whats done is done.
            the best suggestion was get a lawyer. Theres really nothing you can do. You probably should have made sure your coverage took place immediately when you made the switch.
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            • #7
              Esurance to the rescue! go get 'em animated claims adjusters
              .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
              .ffffff|ff __fffff|


              • #8
                just get progressive! they pwn
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                • #9
                  USAA never gave me any difficulties
                  I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                  I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Izor View Post
                    USAA never gave me any difficulties
                    of course cause they only serve the military, its a great insurance for whoever can get it

                    2:Lance> OMG
                    2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
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                    • #11
                      how much is insurance for 17 yr olds? average


                      • #12
                        geico is shit, i totalled my car a month and a half ago and im still battling with them over the check so i can pay most of the car i no longer have off, fuck gecio, yea they got low insurance but god forbid should u actually have an accident..


                        • #13
                          I'm not in the military, but my father works for USAA so I can have it for life. :wub:
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                          Stayon> That type of thing, when you're married for 50 years but you know you fucked up when you dropped chilli sause on your elitist rich boss, while crossing the cafeteria's lunch zone, getting you fired, because you were distracted admiring the cleaning lady's ass that you beated off to, when your sluggish wife and two retarted kids were asleep.


                          • #14
                            Do you have the documentation Geico sent you or made available to you when you originally signed up with them?
                            Originally posted by Ward
                            OK.. ur retarded case closed


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Necromotic View Post
                              how much is insurance for 17 yr olds? average
                              depends if you get co-signed with your parents or not, it also depends on whether you're male or female, it also depends on if you finished driving school. I'd get some quotes online but my guess is under $300 if you have a co signer (parents), but if you're going it alone it's gonna cost you over $350 a month.
                              it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did

