Originally posted by Pandagirl!
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TW Staff as U.S Gov't w/ special guests
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Stayon> That type of thing, when you're married for 50 years but you know you fucked up when you dropped chilli sause on your elitist rich boss, while crossing the cafeteria's lunch zone, getting you fired, because you were distracted admiring the cleaning lady's ass that you beated off to, when your sluggish wife and two retarted kids were asleep.
Originally posted by Goddess View PostMonica Lewinsky... thats pretty funny. Anything else u want to talk about with me while ur at this thread?
Dont talk about u and i... all those long hours we used to spend together when u were a <ZH>. Or all those talks we used to have. Or any of the other females you've been with since you made dean and they all tried to suck up to you to get into staff or get a promotion. Lets see... how many e gf's has pl had ... hmmmm id... panda... who else is there pure? :wub:
Now that i think about it... what are you trying to do? Maybe you should keep going a little further in your attempt to start drama lol...
o yeah i just remembered what is was the girls all agreed on about u: BORING
Originally posted by the_paul View PostNo one takes you seriously, and no one wants to be in a relationship with you, online or in real life evidently. Stop being so obnoxious.
Originally posted by Pandagirl! View PostNope, not I. I don't resort to finding mates on 2d spaceship games.The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard CreagerAll space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
Well, I'm just glad to see TW Staff is firmly on the side of Israel. Damn those little buggers on the West Bank... no matter how much we seem to build across the legal boundary and force them out of their homes, they still complain and complain and complain. A bunch of whiners, if you ask me. And without a military, all they can think to do is suicide bomb and use these pathetic terrorist tactics. It's disgraceful: why don't they just get an army? Can't you just pick that up at Wal-Mart? Let's show some decency here; let's show some real money, Palestinians. Where's your financial backing? Who is your sponsor?
Sounds like a parallel to the golden days when staff could ban for PMd racism. I think you hit the nail on the head with this one, PL.
Originally posted by PjOtTeR View PostRoger federer... that borign piece of junk....
I'd most likely be ricardo ricco... the new hero, damn can that guy bloat... put prove his greatness, THE COBRA is my new hero
cheater!Originally posted by TysonThere is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.Originally posted by HeavenSentHello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.Originally posted by IzorWomen should never be working in the first place.
Originally posted by Nickname View PostBullshit. Exhibit one your honour. RIGHT HERE!Pandagirl!
(ph)>12 is just right
In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
1:Chao <ER>> at all
1:Mantra-Slider> chao
1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
Chao <ER> - hero
Originally posted by Mantra-Slider View Postcheater!
the guy is a total dick, doesn't care about the sport or anyone besides himself.. can create a 1+ min gap in 1 min of climbing.. yeah very believable..
i'm actually glad he was using. he was a fucking asshole anyway, verbally attacking anyone in the sport; pozzato (ok he's a bit of a playboy) but.. bettini....wtf is he thinking? he should be worshipping bettini; idiot ricco.
i hope cobo/de la fuenta weren't using though.
chances piepoli is using are 50%.. another guy who gives a shit bout anyone besides himself..
i'm glad they're catching cheaters though.. there are rumours there's this new "EPO", but apparantly it's also already traceable.. bit vague story.. but yeah there will always be new drugs, and then there will be new ways of catching the drugs, and cheaters will be caught.. luckily right now they seem to be on top of things..
ps. Federer isn't boring; he's amazing, a gentleman, graceful, makes everything look effortless, he's art.
pps. I'm not gay
ppps. it's SOOO difficult to watch the tour de france (or cycling in general) these days.. almost impossible to cheer for anyone; the next day they'll be caught.. and the best cyclists are the most boring ones ever.. fuck off with Evans, Menchov, Sastre.. boring boring booooooooooring.... they'll probably end up 1/2/3 though.. maybe the american dude #4 to have another piece of boredom in the top 5.. zzzzz
Originally posted by Goddess View Postpj you have the best avatar i've ever seen...
SeRtIfi> What's the point of going out with friends everyday just to hang out when I meet them in school and sometimes on weekends anyways, if I can play in SubSpace with them?
@ Pure_luck's post
Even though I probably shouldn't be taking this serious too much, I still wanted to say something about this. Using such a difficult conflict as a metaphore to describe the staff vs cheaters combat, is a bit dangerous since with this conflict a lot of emotions are involved. There is so much things you don't see or hear about in the news when it comes to Palestina and the control of Israel. In fact by 'comparing' staff with Israel and the US Goverment, you kind of say staff has a political agenda which determines what acts you will take on 'terrorism'. For instance Bin Laden was trained by US Intelligence so that that group of soldiers could be used to 'spread democracy' in dictatorial states in the Middle East. After a few 'wins', Bin Laden also wanted to free Palestina from the Israelian control and bring 'democracy' there. It was then when US backed off. They had no interested in that zone, plus it was too dangerous since it also would have effect on their relationship with Israel. Bin Laden realized US never cared for democracy and civil rights in those countries, but just had a polical agenda for trade, oil purposes and to make US company investments possible. By making such comparison with TW Staff it would imply staff does not care about cheating, but bans certain specific players for political reasons and let other cheaters get away with it. Plus you'd make players like Vys and Delectable people who battle for the total freedom of tw poplulation. But perhaps they do...Winner TWL-B Season 10 dicE / TWL-D Runners up
Winner TWL-D Season 8 -Final-
Winner TWT Season (?) Melee
Winner TWDL Season 2 Scrotal's Horde!!
I hear you bram, the sport is really struggling right now with all the doping, the witchhunt on the cyclers and the lack of personalities. For me this year really sucks because I cant watch any of it live due to my housing cooperative replacing eurosport with a swedish sport channel. Sure I get more football now (this channel have rights to swedish and spanish league) but I miss my summer cyclingeurosport show all 3 major races damnit!
Originally posted by TysonThere is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.Originally posted by HeavenSentHello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.Originally posted by IzorWomen should never be working in the first place.
Originally posted by Lame View Post@ Pure_luck's post
Even though I probably shouldn't be taking this serious too much, I still wanted to say something about this. Using such a difficult conflict as a metaphore to describe the staff vs cheaters combat, is a bit dangerous since with this conflict a lot of emotions are involved. There is so much things you don't see or hear about in the news when it comes to Palestina and the control of Israel. In fact by 'comparing' staff with Israel and the US Goverment, you kind of say staff has a political agenda which determines what acts you will take on 'terrorism'. For instance Bin Laden was trained by US Intelligence so that that group of soldiers could be used to 'spread democracy' in dictatorial states in the Middle East. After a few 'wins', Bin Laden also wanted to free Palestina from the Israelian control and bring 'democracy' there. It was then when US backed off. They had no interested in that zone, plus it was too dangerous since it also would have effect on their relationship with Israel. Bin Laden realized US never cared for democracy and civil rights in those countries, but just had a polical agenda for trade, oil purposes and to make US company investments possible. By making such comparison with TW Staff it would imply staff does not care about cheating, but bans certain specific players for political reasons and let other cheaters get away with it. Plus you'd make players like Vys and Delectable people who battle for the total freedom of tw poplulation. But perhaps they do...
yeah, go fuck yourselfRaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
RaCka> mad impressive
is there a difference to why vys is allowed back and delectable banned?
Did they both not cheat or evade?
Why not make the same decision regarding both of them. Ban for life, or no ban. Do something equally, because this doesnt seem the least bit fair. It just gives people a reason to cheat, then they can evade and be allowed back if they suck up to staffDevest.proboards.com
2:Lance> OMG
2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd
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Originally posted by Exalt View Postshut up terrorist, go suicide bomb yourself in a crowd of little children and try saying its battling for political freedom and democracy of the masses
yeah, go fuck yourself
oh btw.. here's a bit of trivia you can share over the dinner table: More iraqi civilians have died since the current U.S occupation of iraq, than all the years of saddam's rule.sigpic
Originally posted by TagMor View Postshut up stupid pig. Go blow up hospitals, murder children and leave depleted uranium scattered across europe and the middle east and try saying its "battling terror" or "liberation of people who just want u to leave them the fuck alone"
oh btw.. here's a bit of trivia you can share over the dinner table: More iraqi civilians have died since the current U.S occupation of iraq, than all the years of saddam's rule.
way to jump on his post without jumping on Lame's post. He basically said that Bin Laden is fighting for democracy... You think a guy that's richer than Bush's whole cabinet and trains people to commit suicide doesn't have a political agenda? sheesh.
In no way do I think that we should be doing any of the things that you've mentioned, but that doesn't mean that we aren't the lesser of two evils right now.
And for your "facts": I'm sure Saddam kept immaculate records of all the people that have died due to political reasons during his reign. I'm equally sure that we can correctly identify dead "civilians" and their nationality. It's been assumed that a good many of the insurgents are not Iraqis anyway, but trained mercenaries or "terrorists". And we wouldn't bomb hospitals and other public places if it wasn't know that Saddam hid weapons and soldiers in these places, purposfully putting his own people at risk. What a nice guy.
And Bin Laden's not trying to liberate anyone... terrorists don't fight to liberate.. they fight to instill fear in their enemies and undermine institutions....fffffffff_____
.fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
.ffffff|ff __fffff|
Originally posted by NoLimitSoldier View Postis there a difference to why vys is allowed back and delectable banned?
Did they both not cheat or evade?
Why not make the same decision regarding both of them. Ban for life, or no ban. Do something equally, because this doesnt seem the least bit fair. It just gives people a reason to cheat, then they can evade and be allowed back if they suck up to staff
I don't know the story on Vys but we do know Delectable has evaded prior bans. If that was the same case with Vys we would have thrown away the key long ago.
Pascone had nothing to do with Delectable coming back for TWL. I didn't like it or agree with it but it wasn't of his making.
Originally posted by DankNuggets View Postoh yeah, i forgot that since they don't have a political backing, aren't wearing uniforms, and use improvised explosives, they aren't soldiers. Really easy to pick a definition of "civilians" that fits for you.
way to jump on his post without jumping on Lame's post. He basically said that Bin Laden is fighting for democracy... You think a guy that's richer than Bush's whole cabinet and trains people to commit suicide doesn't have a political agenda? sheesh.
In no way do I think that we should be doing any of the things that you've mentioned, but that doesn't mean that we aren't the lesser of two evils right now.
And for your "facts": I'm sure Saddam kept immaculate records of all the people that have died due to political reasons during his reign. I'm equally sure that we can correctly identify dead "civilians" and their nationality. It's been assumed that a good many of the insurgents are not Iraqis anyway, but trained mercenaries or "terrorists". And we wouldn't bomb hospitals and other public places if it wasn't know that Saddam hid weapons and soldiers in these places, purposfully putting his own people at risk. What a nice guy.
And Bin Laden's not trying to liberate anyone... terrorists don't fight to liberate.. they fight to instill fear in their enemies and undermine institutions...
- Lancet surveys of Iraq War casualties:
The second survey published on 11 October 2006, estimated 654,965 excess deaths related to the war, or 2.5% of the population, through the end of June 2006.*
- Through September 22, 2007 approximately 19,429 insurgents/militia were reported to have been killed according to the U.S. military*, including 1,309 bombers.
- As of November 4, 2006, the U.N. High Commissioner on Refugees estimated that 1.8 million Iraqis had been displaced to neighboring countries, and 1.6 million were displaced internally, with nearly 100,000 Iraqis fleeing to Syria and Jordan each month.*
- U.S. Monthly Spending in Iraq - $12 billion in 2008
Edit: And as for Lame's post I can't believe anyone took it serious enough to respond to it.Last edited by Kolar; 07-18-2008, 06:47 PM.
- Lancet surveys of Iraq War casualties: