In spirit of the other thread, I was wondering how all you fellas got into drinking. TagMor's story of being 10 and puking on his hardass grandmother was great. Though I don't know how you're still alive to tell the tale. I personally didn't have too interesting of an experience, my Aunt taught me to drink when I was 13-14. She's let me have the shot glass, and try little sips of all the different alcohol from the bar - unless I started to appear drunk. That was the rule, I could drink as much as I wanted, as long as people couldn't tell. You really learn how to develop a tolerance, especially when your Aunt is a full-time alcoholic and you live with her. First time with friends, was a 60 of vodka straight. Needless to say, vodka and I don't get along so great nowadays, and the projectile vomit really messed up thay play-structure
So how did other people's first times fair? Great experience? Awkward? End up with your head hanging in the bowl? I'm curious

So how did other people's first times fair? Great experience? Awkward? End up with your head hanging in the bowl? I'm curious
