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Photoshoppers and Graphics Designers

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  • Photoshoppers and Graphics Designers

    I need a logo designed.. It is pretty basic and I will pay $50u.s to the person who creates what I am after.
    I want a strawberry partially covered in cream, and a small drop of cream.. i made a quick sample with paint to give somekind of idea... the background colour can be changed to whatever looks best (except black).

    The style I want is harder to explain.. It is kinda like this, minus the shading.

    I dont know what the style is called, I know it is popular in Japan. Maybe someone can enlighten me?
    Basically soft and not too detailed.. kinda like informative symbols you see on buttons/signs, etc..

    If anyone is interested and need more info please ask. I need 1 copy to be around 900x600 and 1 around 450x300
    post a preview here and if it is decent i'll transfer funds via paypal or international money order in exchange for the originals.

    Edit: I found some more pics to give an idea of the style I want.


  • #2


    • #3



      • #4
        looks like someone came on a grape tomato
        1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat

        1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
        1:trashed> wha
        1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
        1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
        1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
        1:trashed> i download my own


        1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come


        • #5
          looks nice but not really what i am after.. sorry if my paint pic was misleading
          the telephone sample is the best example.. just a basic outline that incorperates a strawberry, semi-covered in cream and a small drop of cream.. the stalk/leaves arnt important.


          • #6
            I probably can give it a shot, kinda busy though
            Tomorrow.. perhaps

            Edit: nvm, too darn busy :/
            Last edited by The Unliked One...; 09-02-2008, 12:43 PM.
            2:Galaxy Turbo> Jab?
            2:TWDevChat2> JabJabJab> what...
            2:Galaxy Turbo> Who would be your dream woman?
            2:Unliked <ER>> i bet kim
            2:Galaxy Turbo> Lol...
            2:TWDevChat2> JabJabJab> afk
            1:TWDevChat2> JabJabJab> <-- Life
            1:TWDevChat2> JabJabJab> GG


            • #7
              Yeah this guy's so good it's even good to know if he's even contemplating doing something for ya! I can't wait :wub: :wub: :wub:


              • #8
                I might have access to a PC with Illustrator/Photoshop on Friday.
                You ate some priest porridge


                • #9
                  ur avatar looks like metalkid
                  Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                  • #10
                    $100 u.s


                    • #11
                      So are you looking for a block red strawberry with some white cream on it? or what was wrong with troll kings unshaded one? but in your example you drew you put in seeds and a stalk ! UNFORGIVEABLE -_-

                      the examples you give are monocrome virtually silhouette style. You say you don't want the shading either, i'm assuming that is the light glare effects. The one you liked the best had a circular concentric circle background the others a rounded square with a border with a gradient. The other a simple square border.

                      What do you want in your background ??

                      I dunno I’ve a hard time picturing in my head what exactly you want :P

                      Not that I’m a photoshop whiz
                      In my world,
                      I am King



                      • #12
                        I tried a couple of configurations without the stem and leaves, but it always winds up looking like a heart.

