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Tesla roadster

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  • #31
    Oh its not new. I hope all the cars will be like that :-P


    • #32
      Originally posted by kthx View Post
      [...] in Texas [...] we began to profess the level of gayness involved in driving an electric car
      Does not mean:

      Originally posted by kthx View Post
      Basically the people of America should become united soon in the global truth of electric cars are gay, and I doubt they will sell well.
      To illustrate my point I shall list a few cars and their level of gayness.

      The Tesla Roadster:
      It is silent, fast, built off the chassis of a car called Elise and can kill you if you don't see it coming. If you call this gay you are calling female killer ninjas gay. Which means you are calling Uma Thurman in Kill Bill gay. 1/10 for gayness.

      The 1990 Toyota Hilux:
      "Ah", I hear you prepare to retort, "this is a pick up, and therefore inherently gay." On the contrary, as previously demonstrated by the good folks at Top Gear not only is this car nigh indestructible but is also a car you can easily modify to drive into a lake, get into the back of and just sit there fishing. 0/10 for gayness.

      The 2007 Ford Mustang GT:
      Granted it looks buff. It tries to sound buff. It is loaded with horsepower and doesn't know what to do with it half the time, but it has the muscly exterior. In fact it tries so hard not to act bent so much it can't turn a corner without squealing like a girl. But underneath that exterior there lies a sense of awkwardness. An unease, knowing it is out of place. How do we reveal it? By dressing it up in pink of course. If you can't wear pink without looking outrageously camp, you are a gay car. To illustrate my point, here is a pink Nissan Micra convertible. Notice the difference between the two? One is a guys car trying to awkwardly look like he really isn't in pink and it's simply not his colour and why yes I have a very nice looking exhaust pipe. One is a car for the ex-soccer mom who has just left her husband and decided to hit Vegas for a week with the girls.

      See Mustang owners, you look gayer than a Nissan Micra. 8/10 for gayness. Was going to be 5 but it gets 3 penalty points for trying so hard to hide it.

      The Toyota FJ Cruiser:
      Good god, this is about as camp a 4x4 as you can possibly find. Seriously, have you ever seen the blue version of this car?

      10/10 for gayness.

      [b]The 2007 Jeep Wrangler[b]:
      This car is simply an excuse for guys to drive around topless and pretend it's normal. Unfortunately only two kinds of people care. Chain smoking older women who haven't seen men in a long time and men. The kind of men who like other men.

      7/10 for gayness. If only cause there are some fine ladies driving these around too.

      The G-Wiz:
      A ghastly electric car. It looks awful and surely won't be saving the planet. But what does the stereotypical gay guy care about? Appearance. Gay people wouldn't be seen dead in this car. So that makes this electric car absolutely not gay.

      Not that anyone with any taste in cars wants one either. Just saying, not gay. 0/10 for gayness.
      gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
      gravy_: Electric granny chariots
      gravy_: round the nurburgring

      XBL: VodkaSurprise


      • #33
        I give your points 5/10 for gayness because I laughed a few times, electric cars = 10/10 gay on the gayometer still however.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • #34
          Originally posted by kthx View Post
          I give your points 5/10 for gayness because I laughed a few times, electric cars = 10/10 gay on the gayometer still however.
          I hope your son drives a Segue
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