He was a brutal dictator but people weren't getting raped on the street corners, car bombs were not going off daily. He was a Middle East strong man, he was only that because he kept the society from falling apart. What has happened initially with the disillusionment of the Iraqi Army and police forces is anarchy (which was intentional to route out the Baath Party elements). And considering the unemployment, lack of essentials of life for the common Iraqi plus the sporadic violence directed at foreign personnel (plus the huge human and economic toll, both civilian and US forces) it's wrong to say any good came from it.
Now this was not a response to any threat Iraq pose. The September 11th attacks were perpetrated by Al-Qaeda, which is an organization Iraq pre-invasion had no foot hold in and was widely distrusted and despised. The real threat of Islamic militancy was and still is in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the former is being lost because of lack of security and the later is seeing political strife and discord, not such a good thing for a nuclear power. Those elements were kept outside of Iraqi society because they were distrusted by Hussein and his party. Iran was also kept in line not being allowed to extend their influence to any regions.
A small segment of the Conservative movement call Neo-Conservatives who are the cheerleaders of the Republican Party's Foreign Policy for the last 8 years, leading the charge to goto war in Iraq. They like most Americans are not happy with the results, cost or direction of that war. So their purposed solution?? Redo with Iran. This is why Obama choose someone with a traditional outlook on foreign policy as his running mate, not because it matters to a particular voting bloc helping him win the election or because he's young, old, White/Black/Mexican/Asian/Female but because he has the experience to get the US out of the nightmare this group has brought on the region and the American people, not to mention her Allies but I'll leave that out because you guys don't really care for <insert other western nationality>.
Now this was not a response to any threat Iraq pose. The September 11th attacks were perpetrated by Al-Qaeda, which is an organization Iraq pre-invasion had no foot hold in and was widely distrusted and despised. The real threat of Islamic militancy was and still is in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the former is being lost because of lack of security and the later is seeing political strife and discord, not such a good thing for a nuclear power. Those elements were kept outside of Iraqi society because they were distrusted by Hussein and his party. Iran was also kept in line not being allowed to extend their influence to any regions.
A small segment of the Conservative movement call Neo-Conservatives who are the cheerleaders of the Republican Party's Foreign Policy for the last 8 years, leading the charge to goto war in Iraq. They like most Americans are not happy with the results, cost or direction of that war. So their purposed solution?? Redo with Iran. This is why Obama choose someone with a traditional outlook on foreign policy as his running mate, not because it matters to a particular voting bloc helping him win the election or because he's young, old, White/Black/Mexican/Asian/Female but because he has the experience to get the US out of the nightmare this group has brought on the region and the American people, not to mention her Allies but I'll leave that out because you guys don't really care for <insert other western nationality>.