Originally posted by Downfall
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There may be some legitimacy to the fact that because it's a banned word people are more apt to use it; a kind of adolescent revolt against the rules; but also makes sense from any approach (if I tell you not to think about a white horse, you can't help but to). That said if the word (and other racial slurs/words/phrases/anything staff deems with racial motives) were no longer singled out it would no longer be fun or cool to tempt the rule. It will lose its appeal quickly. This rule is responsible for whoever the hell that started calling people "naggers" and any other "innocent" way around the filter, because it's obviously just a protest against a rule that has little grounding other than "racism is bad." Which it is, there's no arguing that.
Originally posted by PH
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But I haven't heard a cogent argument from staff or anyone else for that matter that explains why they just won't add the word to the obscene list, and I've always been suspicious for that reason.
People genuinely convinced of their racial superiority (and then use to form a hegemony) are pretty fuckin ignorant, scummy wastes of life, but so are homophobes (or just those who hate and ridicule gays), so are sexists, so are any group of people whose ignorance afflicts others, whose ignorance either overtly or covertly oppresses another group. It's the kind of bullshit that leads to things like witch hunts and lynchings and dragging gay people behind your truck until they are dead. But really why racism above all else? To score one for the black man? Or is it misplaced white boy guilt? I can only speculate after so many years.
In the end it's likely that I'll just have to get over it. But at a glance it's so bizarre to see such an obviously bad word NOT in the obscene filter, and then see the extension of a crusade against racism (which is necessary to justify not having the word filtered).