I just played the demo on my 360. It was a lot of fun, and I'm considering buying it. The whole "game doesn't revolve around guns" theme is pretty fresh, and the control scheme (although a little foreign at first) is equally great.
Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.
The fact that the paths are kind of laid out to you (color wise) seems to be a huge disappointment. I like the idea, but the chosen paths kind of ruin the creativity of finding your own way.
The colored paths are the "basic" path laid out for new or inexperienced players. But there are faster paths hidden in the darkness and other areas of the maps.
I tried the demo and was blown away not only by the art style but the smoothness of the gameplay. I'd definitely get this.
The fact that the paths are kind of laid out to you (color wise) seems to be a huge disappointment. I like the idea, but the chosen paths kind of ruin the creativity of finding your own way.
This worried me too.. I am loving the idea of it though and from what I've seen it looks great.
I'm thinking of going for the pc version as it could end up nicely modded. A level designer would be great
From what I'm hearing from other sources it's a fantastic, unique concept; let down by a shoddy story and the occasional dip into pitching you into scenarios where guns often seem the only option to progess.
gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
gravy_: Electric granny chariots
gravy_: round the nurburgring