Recent estimates by a scientist who really has no idea, so its a very rought guesstimate, is that there are about 300 advanced cultures in the galaxy. That is advanced, the number who have written language would be much higher, hes saying 300 with high tech. It could be higher than 300 though.
300? lmao. try 300,000. i would know. ima alien bitch B)
Aliens have always been here. They created us through genetic manipulation of other carbon lifeforms. Why do you think we are the only animal on this planet that doesnt fit into the perfect synergy of the natural world? Because we ourselves are alien.
Since the beginning they have helped us progress towards social and technological advancement. From the pyramids of Giza, to the discovery of pennicilyn. They have always been here, quietly guiding with a soft hand and a proud smile, reminiscent of a father teaching his child to ride a bike.
However, in the past 300 years there has been a war between the peaceful greys and the reptilians. It is an intergalactic war and Earth is one of its many battlefields.
The reptilians infilitrated Human society around 700bc. King Charlemagne was the very first reptilian to be born on Earth soil, and as it is written in Reptilian Law, his decendants are forever destined to be the Reptilians nomination for Lordship of Earth.
The Greys dont have a single representitive. They work on a council system, not too different from our own democracy. It was the Greys who nurtured our own ideals of democracy. They wish nothing more than to see their creation grow into an ally of moralistic virtue.
Recent signs suggest the Reptilians are winning the Earth battle, and have made several major social adjustments that will effect all earthlings in the years to come. The greys are our only hope, as the reptilians care little for our right to liberty and existence. At the moment we are a strategic asset of a military nature. If the war ends this will most likely change to a burden, or unwanted pest.
Tone has been decieved by Reptilian propaganda. There are many people like him who have the ability to put some of the pieces together, yet cannot see that those pieces have been twisted.
Aliens have always been here. They created us through genetic manipulation of other carbon lifeforms. Why do you think we are the only animal on this planet that doesnt fit into the perfect synergy of the natural world? Because we ourselves are alien.
Since the beginning they have helped us progress towards social and technological advancement. From the pyramids of Giza, to the discovery of pennicilyn. They have always been here, quietly guiding with a soft hand and a proud smile, reminiscent of a father teaching his child to ride a bike.
However, in the past 300 years there has been a war between the peaceful greys and the reptilians. It is an intergalactic war and Earth is one of its many battlefields.
The reptilians infilitrated Human society around 700bc. King Charlemagne was the very first reptilian to be born on Earth soil, and as it is written in Reptilian Law, his decendants are forever destined to be the Reptilians nomination for Lordship of Earth.
The Greys dont have a single representitive. They work on a council system, not too different from our own democracy. It was the Greys who nurtured our own ideals of democracy. They wish nothing more than to see their creation grow into an ally of moralistic virtue.
Recent signs suggest the Reptilians are winning the Earth battle, and have made several major social adjustments that will effect all earthlings in the years to come. The greys are our only hope, as the reptilians care little for our right to liberty and existence. At the moment we are a strategic asset of a military nature. If the war ends this will most likely change to a burden, or unwanted pest.
Tone has been decieved by Reptilian propaganda. There are many people like him who have the ability to put some of the pieces together, yet cannot see that those pieces have been twisted.
No. If there are other Human-looking ETs that exist (nicknamed "the nordics"), it means Earth-Humans are genetically related to them and have a common evolution from elsewhere, rather than being created by grays and reptilians. This means that if anything, they could only have been modified by dark alien forces, not created.
The Nordics are the ruling body of the Greys. They are the monarchy, and yes they are humanoid. Unlike the Greys they share a collective conscious. They are a single entity spread out through many bodies. When you refer to the Nordics you refer to them as "him". This is where the bible references of "him" come from, and yes we were created in "his" image.
They did however have aid from other alien species, which is why we have different races.
The Elohim came to Earth from the Aldebaran System. They were a tall humanoid species with blond hair and fair skin. They departed with over 10,000 of our simian ancestors. Hundreds of years later, they returned to deposit a more advanced, genetically engineered race that could use tool and fire.
Whilst these alien nations have always actedin honesty and consideration for our growth, there are other groups who have lurked behind hte scenes trying to saboutage our liberty and development. They are responsible for secret organisations such as the Illuminati and Freemasons, and have a hidden goal to inslave the Human race.
While the good aliens harvest energy from our happiness, laughter and joy, the dark aliens harvest energy from our pain and suffering. They are responsible for all of the negative aspects of society, from addictive drugs, mental issues, crime, racial segregation, etc.
If these things are be allowed to grow in society, it is a guide of who curently has dominion over Earth.
very well - in conclusion we have two UFO reports in this thread, and dont forget - The truth is coming out this very year, 2009. Before, I said that the truth will come out in either the year 2008 or the year 2009. It turns out its going to be 2009.
What to do Before You Report a UFO
By Joe Pappalardo
So you've just seen some eery lights in the sky, glowing orbs that moved in strange ways. This is a UFO report waiting to happen. But before you go tell all to the MUFON it could help to check what's in the sky in your area. Here is your 3-step checklist.
1. Is it Venus?
First, you might want to check with your local astronomer to determine the location of Venus. The uncanny brilliance of the planet has inspired many UFO reports, including one made by President Jimmy Carter.
The remainder of February is a great time to watch for Venus because it will be at its brightest in the evening twilight sky. "In the weeks ahead, Venus will be coming closer still to Earth," the dedicated skywatchers at wrote yesterday. "But it will be showing us less and less of its lighted hemisphere as it prepares to pass between us and the sun. So now is the time of maximum brilliance." and have updates on prominent celestial happenings that might explain your UFO. If you feel like spending money, programs like Starry Night are available for download.
2. Is it a military exercise?
There's no way to tell when and where the military is conducting flights, right? Wrong.
The FAA needs to tell pilots when military airspace is being used to keep collisions from happening. This website tracks which sections of "special use airspace" will be used for military flights. This includes military operations areas and aerial refueling Missions. For a list of airbases, airports and special use airspace, also see, a website established by the Defense Safety Oversight Council to deter midair collisions.
3. Is it an Earthling's spaceship?
Satellites and spacecraft can be tracked via NASA's website. They use data from flight centers to track satellites and spacecraft. There is a text-based version and an 300 K applet.
The other day I was in the parking lot on campus, walking from my vehicle to the building so that I could go to class when I stubbed my toe on a strange rock. At first I thought it was nothing, just a rock sitting out in the middle like this, but then I noticed a small carving on the rock. The more I studied this carving the more I realized it couldn't have been made from natural causes. So I've come to the conclusion that space aliens are trying to communicate to me through strategically placed rocks with pictionary-esque images on them.
Also, this morning I was eating my cereal when I noticed it spelled out a message, it was very cryptic but I knew the cereal was trying to communicate with me in some way, but perhaps the oddest thing about the whole ordeal was that I eat captain crunch, there are no letters in my cereal. I don't think it's a coincidence though because my friend that happens to be a film major got it on footage and he says that if E.T. were here he'd eat captain crunch as well.
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
I believe all the posts in this thread are fake except for Squeezer's, Hercules' and of course my replies. But if you want to have some fun go ahead, at least this issue is getting into the minds of people.
btw i think i asked for this in one of Tone's more recent threads. If you (or someone else) can keep up the apperance of "alien fanatic #2" and continually arugue the superiority of the reptiles vs. mammalian overlords, I might never tire of this forum.