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how deep can you think?

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  • #91
    even tho it may be legal under state law you still have to worry about the DEA if you're moving enough marijuana. its still illegal under FEDERAL law, which matters.


    • #92
      doesnt really matter, if 1 state legalizes it, so much money will start flowing in from dope boys trying to get it as cheap as will ruin the dealers business across the country...even i who lived on the opposite coast wont be paying more then 100 an O of good willing to pay almost 600 now, but if i know cali can get it for 50 fuckin bucks, no way am i gonna pay anymore...definitely gonna look for a cali connect, hell even if i have to beg deez nuts to send it to me through Fedex or UPS. after other states see the billions cali will earn the first year, they will let up. of course, i wonder how much garbage media gonna blame every little thing on the weed if something goes wrong, but wel see how it works out...
      Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


      • #93
        If you watched the documentary, Super High Me

        then you would know how the medical marijuana is working out for cali (and their problems with the DEA and rogue cops)

        and it's already cali's number 1 cash crop for a while now (grapes coming in second)
        All good things must come to an end.


        • #94
          Legalize industrial made hemp and marijuana. Fuck decriminalization.


          • #95
            Isn't it every year in California that a new piece of legislation is created that, if passed will legalize marijuana in some way/form?

            Tired of hearing it.
            (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


            • #96
              Originally posted by Jeenyuss View Post
              dtf just a hunch, but do you by chance love lasagna?
              my birthday is the same as Garfield's.

              get nice.
              Originally posted by Jeenyuss
              sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Kontrolz View Post
                Isn't it possible that the reason most pot heads are dumb fucks is because most people period are dumb fucks?

                we have a winner!
                .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                • #98
                  I've been into buddhism for a while. It's the most confusing shit ever, if you really get into it. The more you look into it, the less certain you are about anything at all. Don't know what it's about still. Smoking pot's fun too.
                  Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                  apt>yes u can wtf
                  apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                  apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                  apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                  Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                  apt>ill show you pictures
                  apt>next time I masturbate


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
                    now aldous huxley did a shit load of drugs, and produced some good ass literature with deep thought.

                    EDIT: before cops or whoever says something against this, I'm just stating that Huxley did a lot of drugs.
                    Brave New World and Doors of Perception are two of my favorite books.
                    it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                    • Originally posted by za gophar View Post
                      I've been into buddhism for a while. It's the most confusing shit ever, if you really get into it. The more you look into it, the less certain you are about anything at all. Don't know what it's about still. Smoking pot's fun too.
                      The whole point is that you have to admit that you know nothing and that nothing is certain. Once you accept that nothing IS then you can finally BE.
                      Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                      sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                      • or you can just get fuckin high man and eat some fuckin cheetos. real difficult choice.
                        Originally posted by turmio
                        jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                        Originally posted by grand
                        I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                        • Originally posted by DoTheFandango View Post
                          The whole point is that you have to admit that you know nothing and that nothing is certain. Once you accept that nothing IS then you can finally BE.
                          To "be" is the same thing as "is", they both are just ways of stating existence (at least in the context you used them). So if "being" is only possible after accepting that nothing "is" then not even "I" exists.
                          (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


                          • Originally posted by Jeenyuss View Post
                            or you can just get fuckin high man and eat some fuckin cheetos. real difficult choice.
                            the thing IS, i would definitely BE into some cheetos right now
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                            • 6 feet


                              • Originally posted by Kontrolz View Post
                                To "be" is the same thing as "is", they both are just ways of stating existence (at least in the context you used them). So if "being" is only possible after accepting that nothing "is" then not even "I" exists.
                                i believe thats right. and that concept is ONE of the principles of eastern thought (buddhsm and many other eastern philosophies)..nothing truly exists as we see it right now..there is constant creation, destruction, and in turn more creation...the cycle of life as humans and other animals as well.. etc..that cycle applies to ALL things material and non material..and the underlying connection is the ONE field that connects us as beings to each other, plants, and even inanimate things such as rocks, this computer, etc..many people call that the "unified field"..which is also the "field of consciousness" or "the source of ALL information"..the source from which the un-manifest becomes we do "exist" but not in only the physical sense we see..this applies with anything and everything..i believe that "god"..or "spirits" just us being in touch with that unified field..being in touch with the awareness or lack of awareness that we are all connected in this way...we are connected with that pure source..with "god"..etc..

                                anyway i might not be back here so enjoy this discussion..good post, might be back who knows..see you all in the game

                                edit: sorry for not really making this about the original post by royce

