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Amazon Kindle or Kindle 2 - anyone have or has used them?

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  • Amazon Kindle or Kindle 2 - anyone have or has used them?

    I'm tired of reading the newspaper when I am afk and on jobsite locations/vacation or wherever.

    I was curious if anyone has used these newsreaders and what their opinion was.

    A few books as well I wouldn't mind having on a Kindle vs. lugging a book around.
    May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

  • #2
    My gf and I were discussing the Kindle last week, she was telling me she read an article about how some colleges are going to be testing it out so students don't have to purchase and lug around incredibly expensive books. I think it's the best thing for college students, really. There are several reasons books are so expensive, but the Kindle reduces the reason for their pricyness, making it incredibly convenient. It's light-weight, can hold like what, 2000 books?, it's small and portable, and inexpensive. I heard textbooks for the kindle go for $5 or something? Compared to $300?

    Also, less than an hour ago I saw an elderly man probably around 60-65 functioning a Kindle, reading it on the train while I was on my way to work thismorning. He had absolutely no problem working with it. He was pressing the buttons, I was watching the screen myself out of curiousity. I saw him flipping through different menues and what-not. It seems very easy to use and very practicle.. I really don't know why it's not as popular yet.
    Last edited by Xog; 06-11-2009, 10:55 AM.


    • #3
      A lot of students write, take notes, and highlight in their textbook though. I don't think the whole ereader/eink thing will take off with textbooks to the extent that ppl think they will. Nothing beats the real thing paper, ink, weight, and all.

      I think it's more practical as a leisurely reading gadget on the plane, in the car ... kinda like a PSP or NDS for kids, but this being more geared towards adults.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sufficient View Post
        A lot of students write, take notes, and highlight in their textbook though. I don't think the whole ereader/eink thing will take off with textbooks to the extent that ppl think they will. Nothing beats the real thing paper, ink, weight, and all.

        I think it's more practical as a leisurely reading gadget on the plane, in the car ... kinda like a PSP or NDS for kids, but this being more geared towards adults.
        You can highlight text and add notes among other things,

        You can even search through it for your highlighted text specifically.

        I use my phone to read books while I'm on the train.. and the books are free ^-^

        just found that link about schools testing it out,
        One other component that’s being tested right now is textbook. Imagine the income potential from making textbooks available on the Kindle DX. Schools will get involved, more people will become aware of the Amazon Kindle, Kindle sale will skyrocket, and the snowball will grow out of control.
        …well, its in the works!
        In fact there are pilot programs going on as we speak.
        Can you see into the future? Kindle DX is about to change some things for sure.
        Until next time….Let us know your thoughts!
        This is for the Kindle DX, which shipped out yesterday
        Last edited by Xog; 06-11-2009, 12:23 PM.


        • #5
          I was checking out the Kindle 2 vs the new Kindle DX. Size is a big difference between the two.

          I can definately see the use for these, especially noting how many books it can hold. The PDF and Highlighting features in the DX are pretty cool.

          Why pay out the ass for college books when you can download them in a matter of seconds, if they are available that is. Will definately help on the bank account for a student, as well less strain on ones shoulder and back.

          The DX will be interesting in seeing how it plays out against the netbook. I actually like the Kindle 2 over the DX...probably due to the overall size and portability.
          May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 404 Not Found View Post
            I was checking out the Kindle 2 vs the new Kindle DX. Size is a big difference between the two.

            I can definately see the use for these, especially noting how many books it can hold. The PDF and Highlighting features in the DX are pretty cool.

            Why pay out the ass for college books when you can download them in a matter of seconds, if they are available that is. Will definately help on the bank account for a student, as well less strain on ones shoulder and back.

            The DX will be interesting in seeing how it plays out against the netbook. I actually like the Kindle 2 over the DX...probably due to the overall size and portability.
            To add to what I posted, I don't think the kindle will grab a wide variety of audiences. IMO, it will be used mainly by college students to save money overall. I just don't see the average joe buying one of these to read news articles or books. But regardless, I'm sure it will make tons of sales and be very convenient for students alike. It doesn't fit in a pocket without looking weird, so people on-the-go with some sort of bag they can stick it in will be the majority of consumers outside of students. And that's pretty much it.. unless there's some weird guy that just can't take a crap without reading so he buys a kindle for the bathroom, specifically. If I'm at home and I want to read the newspaper i'll read the newspaper.. it's only 50 cents and its delivered to my door


            • #7
              Flying back and forth to Vancouver from Philly, I can see myself using this all the time. For the business person who travels by public transportation or is flying to and from places daily, this is great.

              Personally I hate dealing with the newspaper on a train and or in an airport/airplane. The wireless downloads of major newspapers is a plus, as its storage capability for adding a book(s) to the unit. I again could see using this for long flights and waits in terminals for a plane.

              It is not for everyone, but the addition of Universities adding this to the books used in the classrooms has got to be only big bonus points.

              The DX as I noted prior seems too big...I could see using the "2" model.
              May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


              • #8
                I didn't even know these existed until I read this thread lol.

                We don't really have these in the UK though.
                (Twerp and Duel Pasta)
                5:dads revenge> they are both actually my virtual pet salamanders I have to feed them virtual flies 3 times a day

                1: Pandagirl!> What do I say back to that
                1: Pandagirl!> How about "lol"
                1: winipcfg> despite "lol"'s versatility, I don't think that'd be good in the situation

                If you can't beat them, eat them. ?go zombies3 - Chao <ER>

                Ricko> mvp gets poppadums from weak's corner shop


                • #9
                  Yeah, being an on-the-go business man that has a place to store this conveniently wherever he goes is definitely an aimed-for-consumer. Do you think you will buy it? If/when you do, let me know how you like it.

                  On a side note, do you think this would have any practical use for someone under the age of 18? If not that's pretty scary.. Coming to terms with the fact I'm actually considering to buy something that's useful for adults... eek! I'm feeling old..

                  I'm gonna go get a candy bar or somethin..


                  UPDATE - I had a snickers bar.
                  Last edited by Xog; 06-12-2009, 03:01 PM.


                  • #10
                    Randall Munroe likes his.
                    USA WORLD CHAMPS


                    • #11
                      BLOG HIGHLIGHTS

                      general highlights
                      But if I had to pick now, I’d go with the X200s. The ability to toss it down a mountainside and have Ubuntu boot when it lands trumps gadgety sexiness. But only barely.
                      kindle related highlights:
                      All in all I think it’s a more-than-reasonable price for something that lets me read reddit on the street corner so as to better shout at sheeple about government conspiracies.
                      The xkcd sysadmin, davean, notoriously scornful of any new technology, took a look at the Kindle 2 after it arrived this afternoon. He spent several minutes playing with it, discovered he could use it for email in a pinch, confirmed that an ssh terminal could be hacked together using the browser and javascript, and bought one for himself within the hour.
                      Bottom line, I think it’s a really neat device that fills a niche that nothing else really does
                      And if the advertised free access to Wikipedia and other text-y websites is curtailed, the Kindle’s battery life means that I can camp out drunk on the Amazon lawn yelling at Jeff Bezos for quite a while.


                      • #12
                        my school uses this in certain classes. I had to read a couple of essays on the kindle machines.

                        they're buggy, but look promising. They're also a lot more heavy than you'd think. One of those things easily weighs more than a laptop.
                        Originally posted by Tone
                        Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                        • #13
                          My school (kendall college of art & design) is currently working to come up with a comprehensive database of illustrations for the kindle, for multilingual purposes.

                          for example, i had to do a series of drawings based on random objects (boots, snorkel, fork, ant, boat, etc) and those will come loaded on the kindle labeled in english and their romance equivalents.

                          so having worked personally with the kindle, i'd say that they'd have to make a few changes to bump it up from a novelty to a major convenience.


                          • #14
                            Seen them being used in the subways in New York a lot, looks pretty good and my mom is thinking about getting one. Haven't seen the DX though, only the kindle 2, looked like a nice size + the screen looks more like a page than a computer screen, so not to tiring for the eyes.
                            Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                            • #15
                              dude when were u in new york?

