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So I got a couple emails from...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post
    100% totally legit usually means the opposite

    But I am banking that's the real Rudy
    haha yes I agree. As soon as I saw the words, 100%, totally legit, trust me, I knew it was bs.

    And yes i'd put $50 that is the real Rudy, he's most likely in a tough spot financially, and where else to turn but where he has the most influence?
    He gets paid for how many people he recruits to the site I believe. How can someone hack an e-mail account? Am I the only one seeing how ridiculous it would be? The perp would work hard enough to crack Rudy's pass, and then send an e-mail as him recruiting us to a poker site? Cmon now.
    4:BigKing> xD
    4:Best> i'm leaving chat
    4:BigKing> what did i do???
    4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
    4:BigKing> ???? why though
    4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
    4:BigKing> xD


    • #17
      am i the only one here who uses for every dumb thing i have to sign up for that doesnt need confirmation??

      who ever has that email must be really pissed right now from all the useless spam, and prolly has a few forum and game passwords of mine. allwell.
      8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


      • #18
        spoilers: the real rudy knows how to spell "probably"
        Originally posted by Tone
        It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
        Originally posted by the_paul
        Gargle battery acid fuckface
        Originally posted by Material Girl
        I tried downloading a soundcard


        • #19
          Originally posted by PH View Post
          spoilers: the real rudy knows how to spell "probably"
          he probly does


          • #20
            yea probbaply...

            also i didn't get an email :flowers:
            Originally Posted by HeavenSent
            You won't have to wait another 4 years.
            There wont be another election for president.
            Obama is the Omega President.


            • #21
              I know this is old but I was perusing these forums the other day for the first time in....whenever.

              I remember receiving one of these E-mails myself. Fuck knows why it had my name on it or how it knew I hadn't been around, but I had a bit of a chuckle at the existential paradox that is an E-mail apparently from myself, to myself, telling me what I had been doing lately.
              The truth is I got tired of having TW as a second job, so I dropped the ninja smoke and migrated to World of Warcraft (as you do). In the interim I went on a family holiday to Europe between July and October '09. We spent 4.5 weeks in England with relatives then went on a 30 day whirlwind tour through Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, Greece (and the isles), Spain, and France.
              I had never considered traveling beforehand, yet my life feels enriched for having done so. If you're in a position to leave your comfort zone and experience other parts of the world but have not taken the step, I implore you to do so. It changes your perspective of shit and forges memories you will take to your deathbed, or until dementia takes you.
              So anyway. I've seen through WoW as the massive timesink it is, and now occasionally pop in to TW again in the natural course of finding something to do on the internet between learning guitar and the obligatory porn download.

              Hi again to those who remember me fondly and I remember in turn.
              Those I don't remember, or remember being hated by, you lot can continue to assfuck yourselves with broken glass.


              • #22
                wow someone ban this faggot for reviving old threads

                no one wants to hear your life story nerd


                • #23
                  Hey Rudy! I remember you.


                  24> Rudy......Rudy.......Rudy I'm sooooory
                  24> haha, I still have that from Stark
                  24> from teamspeak
                  24> where he was playing on the guitar
                  24> and singing to you

                  Rudy> I'd all but erased that out of my memory, and you keep ressurecting it like Frankenstein's monster

                  Help Promote TrenchWars - -


                  • #24
                    Sorry for double post, I'm at work and using stupid IE6, did that play for anyone else? I got "stack overflow at line 65".

                    Help Promote TrenchWars - -


                    • #25
                      whoever has the email address has all of my information
                      8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


                      • #26
                        Got that poker thing atleast. Sounded too weird to be true lol
                        (Paradise)>dj sage
                        (HELLZNO!)>is he good, ive never heard his music
                        1: Dynasty> LOL
                        1:vue> LOL
                        1:Cap> LOOL


                        • #27
                          Rudy posted, now all that is needed and Wadi and about everyone has peeked their head back in on the forums in the last few weeks.
                          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                          • #28

                            holy shit it's ... rudy

                            NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                            internet de la jerome

                            because the internet | hazardous


                            • #29
                              is Rudy the one who was on whiterabbits? or is that Ruby?

                              either way, hey where's bluedandy hehe
                              can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                              • #30
                                yes, rudy was in wr
                                yes, rudy was that guy who banned everyone
                                The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                                SSCJ Distension Owner
                                SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                                Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.

