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Obama has done a terrible job so far.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Kahlan View Post
    Pretty sure it all started with Jimmy Carter. Look up your facts before blaming it on the recent president like everyone seems to do these days. Just because he made a ton of other mistakes doesn't mean he facilitated this. This economic trouble and stuff started with Carter.
    I allotted for that by using 8+.
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    • #17
      Obama hasnt pleased me well thus far. Its upsetting to see my tax dollars getting raped so he can help some bank CEO's pension. While china forks over a bill of 500 billion, to cover just the interest on our debt alone.

      You can try and give people and businesses all the money you like, however as the old saying goes,
      “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime” Giving away money wont serve long term fixes. It's just a temporary economic bandaid which will give way and as a result will hurt the economy even worst.

      2:Lance> OMG
      2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
      2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

      Creator/Co-Creator of:

      ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

      New Maps are in production...


      • #18
        Not to mention the effect it has on children, we have an entire generation of kids growing up thinking that the government is going to bail them out, being indoctrinated by the governments terrible educational system to be little liberals, and to approve of certain groups of people instead of letting them make up their minds. There is no need to point out the comparisons between age groups and voting trends, I am pretty sure that is obvious to enough people.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • #19
          Heh, you worry about our children taking on debt, but you snarl at the words "global warming."

          If global warming does exist, it's going to affect the day to day lives of our children much worse than a national debt. Not to mention dwindling oil supplies.
          Ну вот...


          • #20
            Originally posted by ÆNIMA View Post
            Heh, you worry about our children taking on debt, but you snarl at the words "global warming."

            If global warming does exist, it's going to affect the day to day lives of our children much worse than a national debt. Not to mention dwindling oil supplies.
            Sounds confident.

            Much worst things can happen before we get to that point. Like nukes, wars, ect

            2:Lance> OMG
            2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
            2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

            Creator/Co-Creator of:

            ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

            New Maps are in production...


            • #21
              If GM went into bankruptcy it would have meant hundreds of thousands of people relying on their pensions with the company would have been left out in the cold. It also would have meant foreign car companies would become dominant in production and sales within North America which would eventually lead to higher prices with less options for the western consumer. I don't think anyone, from your far right to far left likes the idea of Government getting into bed with the private sector on that level...


              • #22
                They already are, that is why Banks decided to opt out, and fight to give back the money they got from the TARP funding, because much to Obama's chagrin private sector businesses didn't like the government telling them how to run their company.

                And it is "global warmings" fault that car companies started doing so badly anyways, gas prices got raised, people wanted to drive hybrids, and car companies that made cars that Americans wanted before the mass media got involved with scaring everyone into thinking that driving a SUV was going to destroy the planet 5 years sooner things were fine. Now our car companies have to bring over really really shitty european models of their cars like the Fiesta and the Volt because Euroland decided to pass global warming legislation long before we did. Ask anyone over there how much they pay for a liter of gas. Im sure it is more than the 2.10 (for a whole gallon!)I pay right now here in Texas.

                Global Warming is just an excuse to tax a country higher, your country and every media outlet that you should be able to trust for unbiased and true news coverage in the entire nation sits here and tells you that the sky is falling and every company hops on board trying to make a quick buck with advertising that tells you that this product makes the sky stop falling as fast as it was before you bought it, and then the government can tell you hey, were going to raise taxes 10% to help to stop the sky from falling and of course the dipshits who can't think for themselves because of the terrible education that has indoctrinated them into trusting the government tells them that is the only way to save the planet.

                I hope you understand that Volcanoes pump out more Co2 and "climate changing chemicals" every year (with most of that being let out from under the ocean floor) than every single car, factory, person, cow, and whatever else causes global warming combined. And Volcanoes have been here much longer than cars, and factories. Look back in time, look at landmarks, the terrain, the land, everything has changed over the last million/billion years, including temperatures. Ask a geologist who can study a canyon wall about why it is so many different colors, things like.. temperatures, water, wind, etc all come into play. Most of them have also noticed that there have been phases on earth of extreme heat, and extreme cold. In fact earth is due for a cold spike, which is why Al Gore and his moronic friends changed "global warming" to "climate change" because the planet isn't actually getting hotter, it is getting cooler.

                Maybe you people should read up on some of these things that the government tells before you decide to randomly believe them, and believe the reasons why they do things such as raising taxes. Chances are they are to accomplish a goal much different than what you think it is. Oh, and speaking of which, one more reason I hate gays.


                That is the kind of special interest group I was referring to when I was talking about why I hate homos so much, they have enough power to make it so an entire educational system in a state can't say Mom and Dad in school because some gay couples adopted kid might cry about it? Seriously its so fucked up, maybe the reason why that state is so deeply in debt is because they worry more about what faggots think than actually paying attention to the constitution.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #23
                  Originally posted by HateTheFake View Post
                  Sounds confident.

                  Much worst things can happen before we get to that point. Like nukes, wars, ect
         great big festering neon distraction, I have a suggestion to keep you all occupied...learn to swim...see you down in Arizona Bay.

                  Wars are already going on! Nuclear war doesn't seem as inevitable as it did 30 years ago.
                  Ну вот...


                  • #24
                    kthx -

                    2:Lance> OMG
                    2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                    2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                    Creator/Co-Creator of:

                    ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                    New Maps are in production...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by kthx View Post
                      They already are, that is why Banks decided to opt out, and fight to give back the money they got from the TARP funding, because much to Obama's chagrin private sector businesses didn't like the government telling them how to run their company.
                      TARP started under Bush and Paulson. Go watch this:


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by kthx View Post

                        I hope you understand that Volcanoes pump out more Co2 and "climate changing chemicals" every year (with most of that being let out from under the ocean floor) than every single car, factory, person, cow, and whatever else causes global warming combined. And Volcanoes have been here much longer than cars, and factories.
                        Reference? Just taking your advice and not believing everything I hear.

                        Were the high gas prices a direct result of global warming myths? To me, that doesn't seem so. The reason our American companies are doing so poorly is because they don't make products that a vast amount of Americans want. Whose fault is that?

                        They've also based all of their profit off of service and parts. Therefore, they make cars that have parts that will break down at certain times and will cost $XXX.XX to fix. Or buy another car.

                        People started buying other cars, cars that would stay on the road longer and with less maintenance. They just happened to be foreign cars. Obama didn't ruin the American car industry. The American car industry ruined itself. As a result, millions of people and jobs are affected. Also, don't forget their decision to put a longer-living generation on pension (of which my grandfather receives). Their retirees are bleeding money

                        The SUV phenomenon busted because of gas prices rising. People realized they didn't need to be commuting in SUVs when they had to start shelling out $100 to fuel up. Smaller, more gas efficient cars are now preferred, not as a deterrent of global warming, but as a means to keep more money in the pocket.
                        Ну вот...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by kthx View Post
                          Yeah it is just the Texans I randomly talk to that tell me about national unemployment at 9.5% and the stock market falling again, are you fucking stupid?
                          texas has been trying to leave the union since my dad lived there, back in the 80s

                          it wont happen, because for one everyone in texas loses all their pensions and social security etc etc, and two, because what are you going to do about currency or foreign relations etc etc etc etc etc?

                          Texas is too modern to leave the union... if you wanted to leave so bad you should have done it before you ever agreed to join as a state instead of a territory

                          simple as that... it wont happen... theres a reason why puerto rico doesn't want to join as a state instead of a commonwealth territory

                          and as far as obama goes, he is a terrible terrible president, and all democrats will agree..

                          the problem with it all isn't solely obama either... the democrats won the majority of congress by FAR, and so anything and everything they want passed IS passed... meaning spending is through the roof

                          a republic needs checks and balances, that's how the government set everything up... bush screwed the republican side so badly that democrats just won EVERYWHERE, hence the system failed because of how bad his presidency was
                          RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                          RaCka> mad impressive


                          • #28
                            lol foreign cars have been dominating our market jackass. It didnt really strike me how bad it was until my dad was shopping for a new car and wasnt looking at ford, despite ford imo being a great company. Theres just nothing that gets the gas mileage that he wants, and he realizes gas prices will be going up again. Honestly, its kinda grimy to say 'fuck all those people with their pensions' but really, fuck them...theres other ways to support them without having GM/Chrysler bailed out so that they could eventually fail like we all knew they would. Look at their cars...of all the 'new' cars that theyve put out only the new camaro is good. The aveo is a piece of shit and the cobalt is terrible. The interiors of chevys are just blah. You'd think with all those billions we'd be getting somewhere
                            I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                            I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                            • #29
                              Your dad doesn't buy American? what a jackass. Does he like Eurocars? UHOH.
                              Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                              My anime blog:


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Izor View Post
                                lol foreign cars have been dominating our market jackass. It didnt really strike me how bad it was until my dad was shopping for a new car and wasnt looking at ford, despite ford imo being a great company. Theres just nothing that gets the gas mileage that he wants, and he realizes gas prices will be going up again. Honestly, its kinda grimy to say 'fuck all those people with their pensions' but really, fuck them...theres other ways to support them without having GM/Chrysler bailed out so that they could eventually fail like we all knew they would. Look at their cars...of all the 'new' cars that theyve put out only the new camaro is good. The aveo is a piece of shit and the cobalt is terrible. The interiors of chevys are just blah. You'd think with all those billions we'd be getting somewhere
                                heres the reason for the bailouts....

                                waaaaaaaaay back in the day, chevy was going under too, and the government bailed them out with a package similiar to what obama did this year

                                the difference was that chevy turned it around and made great cars, cars that consumers WANTED...

                                ALSO the head of the company said "this isn't my money, so I'm not taking a pension or a bonus, because this is borrowed money" and he didn't...

                                what is happening THIS time is that the government must have thought the same was going to happen, but instead the heads of these companies are taking bonuses on the bailout money, and pensions etc... and for what? To pat themselves on the back for doing a good job at bankrupting their companies? The heads of these companies are morons now, and so it wont work... they will fail and fail miserably

                                blame the heads of our corporations for ruining the economy, because they did it themselves
                                RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                                RaCka> mad impressive

