'cuz liek, i dont need like any social whorings sites to make me feel like secure, becuase i'm not a insecure faggot that sends out 10,000's friends requests to those i dont even fuckin know. also, boxxy is dead (pic un-related)
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listen you fuck, i met her face to face at disneyworld last month and we have been talking on myspace since then, spreading false rumors is for faggots and i'm going to punch you in the face irl
Originally posted by Tone
It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
this kid needs to go find attention somewhere else like county jail
The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.