Remember this show? It was always on Cartoon Network. It was the show all the little girls watched, and even some of my friends and I have taked about the fact that when nothing else was on TV, this was a good filler show. Well, like many other animated shows and movies for children, this show is very clearly drug-inspired.
Look at how they were born:
At 0:07 you clearly see pills in a basket, these are ecstasy pills. Some manufacturers of pills use different cuts, shapes and images including things like transformers, iron-man, stars, hearts, etc. to differentiate between different pills:

So, sugar, spice and "everything nice" are mixed together, and what's mixed in next? CHEMICAL X. Uh... you get the picture.
Check out their eyes too. Any of you who are familiar with ecstasy and other mild-powerful psychedelics know that some symptoms of intoxication are widely dilated pupils:
Check out the girls' pupils in that first picture, super, super huge and gazing. And very obviously too is their ability to run and fly at very high speeds, which is said to be a side effect of ecstasy intoxication, being able to move very rapidly and feeling amped and in love with everything (hearts are everywhere in this show).
Coincidence? No way. Discuss