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Reality is PsyOps Matrix

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  • Reality is PsyOps Matrix

    Reality is a holographic fraud matrix. The population consists of mainly simulation humans who have no sentient consciousness. To have no sentient consciousness means there is nothing inside of them experiencing anything, no sentience, its the same as a very complex robot or interactive hologram. Their brains and nervous systems calculate language, dialog, body language, and emotions but there is nothing inside of them experiencing any emotion, no sentience

    Reality is a staged matrix illusion of fraud. Thats why when i go on the Metra Train or El Train, people are programmed to get up and move away from me even though i have no smell, there is no one nearby screaming into a cell, and no other reason. The last 4 times in a row i was on the train, people got up out of their seat and moved away from me because of my strong energy field and then being subconsciously programmed to avoid me because im real. one time it was in the doorway ready for the train doors to open and with only about 50 seconds to go a woman proceeded to go through one set of doors, an entire car, and another set of doors just to get to another exit to get off that was the same exit as mine.

    Also thats why i get dirty looks and people are programmed to lie to me, attack me, send me attack messages and attempt to abuse me. The frequency of my aura is picked up by them and they are programmed by the matrix of evil to shun and attack me because im real.

    Also, this is why the news media is fake and all politicians are evil liars and there is a permanent war economy of evil. They have no consciousness and are entity simulation humans or inhabited by reptiles who are programmed by the matrix to carry out their service to darkness & evil.

    When people say "you sound stupid like you watched the movie matrix too much" they are doing PsyOps disinformation that they are programmed to do. The word matrix was used long before the movie matrix (1999) in both fictional media and non-fiction books on reality. here is 1997 proof:

    They are trying to convince you there is no real life matrix and that people who talk about it were influenced by fiction. They are lying to you, the matrix is real, otherwise i wouldnt be hearing my neighbors dog screaming right now, after hearing another neighbors dog screaming in 2007 and 2008. They have no sentient consciousness and all get puppies then leave the puppies alone to suffer forced isolation when they are biologically programmed to be with a mother at all times and scream once per second hour after hour after hour. the population is nothing but a programmed low intelligent robot population of stupidity

    if their were no matrix, i wouldnt be under constant attack and have events in my life staged over and over.

  • #2
    hey i never thought about it like that

    cool man
    can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


    • #3
      The matrix is now sounding more emergency vehicle sirens in my area, even though theres no way there can be 20 heart attacks or fires or calls to 911 per day. they are sounding their sirens all day to do PsyOps on the population who constantly hears them in the background and pays no mind to it except subconsciously, who is too stupid to notice there is an irregularly high frequency of emergency vehicle sirens in this quiet suburb.

      Now leaving trenchwars forum, its controlled by the matrix. I abandoned all online activity accounts slowly starting a year ago or so, but really starting from around the solstice june 20th. there was a massive energy shift at that time - i have to abandon trenchwars too, we have to get outta here, The net is PsyOps Disinfo. Stay away from all interactivity !!
      Last edited by Tone; 07-23-2009, 07:23 PM.


      • #4
        1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
        3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
        3:Best> see it coming
        3:Best> sad


        • #5
          Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 8 (4 members and 4 guests) raizin, Mootland Farmer,Tone

          leave already
          8:Lrim> you guys take this game too seriously


          • #6
            The solstice was on the 21st. 20th marks the end of aquarius if you follow astrology.

            i think it's a dietary thing leading to a neurochemical imbalance. the symptoms are at the verge of functional paranoid schizophrenia. he's probably on coke or SSRI's.

            Why cant he just dig in and enjoy the programming? It's awesome if you get little mental flashes of voices saying to kill yourself, and when people look at you and you look back then end up following you. That sort of stuff just means you're going to die if you don't adapt to anomaly. He has a really bad case of selective comprehension, or taking things out of context to back up an extraordinarily negative claim.

            Say he owned his own business and drove a really nice car and things were starting to pick up for him, do you think he would be considering that everyone is a computer simulation? I think he has a lot of recessive DNA and implications of poor breeding to contend with both in himself and his culture. Everybody's every glance and motion can be explained by preselected potentials to give them momentary choices at the novel instant it's struck and brought conscious. There's not a computer in the world that can simulate the millions of signals we pick up every second, let alone make the complex interactions we make in order to exist as a species today. Do you really think the robots are programmed to write graffiti on the stall walls while shitting that say to call someone for oral sex? Is that what someone spent time coding into their matrix? I think he needs to come back down to Earth and realize he's got some problems with Theory of Mind, easily solved with directed research and study. All the answers are way more available than people think. Takes chemical manipulation and genius to find them,so it makes psychactives and neurophysiology an obvious choice. Tell me that this area of the brain is somehow remotely controlled for six billion humans so that your singular existence is riddled with paradox and distortion.

            Attention level has been associated with the rate of electrical impulses in the locus coeruleus neurons, and Dr. Gary Aston-Jones is exploring whether the activity of these neurons is affected by stress, explaining stress's disruptive effects on attention. Role of the LC in circadian regulation of sleep and waking.

            The locus coeruleus is a funneling mechanism that integrates all sensory input. Viewed in this way, the observations of Aghajanian can explain synesthesia. If the locus coeruleus lumps all types of sensory messages--from sights, sounds, tactile pressures, smells, tastes--into a generalized excitation system within the brain, one can readily appreciate that stimulation of the locus coeruleus will cause the drug user to feel that sensations are crossing the boundaries between different modalities. Aghajanian's research may also illuminate how LSD influences the user's sence of self. The greatly accelerated firing of the locus coeruleus presumably provokes a powerful, patterned release of norepinephrine from nerve terminals throughout the brain.

            Actually, a better explanation is the increased firing of the locus coereleus
            >by its disinhibition due to the neurons in the raphe slowing down (since you
            >are inhibiting an inhibitory neuron the result is excitation...). The l.c.
            >has been associated with being a "sensory highway" in the brain, and has also
            >been associated with feelings of anxiety, and theorized that its invovled
            >with depression. My guess is that the hallucinations and stimulatory effects
            >of LSD come from potentiating the l.c., while the effect on the 5-HT neurons
            >in the raphe is responsible for its entheogenic effect on the mind.

            So basically the LC controls the norepinephrine frequencies for our sensory perception and we have a conscious wave with the ability to process humor sorrow and anxiety as a result. it's directly related to how much sunlight we absorb and when we feel like sleeping and waking. we take drugs and experience what we believe is god, and it's a hyper-firing of the LC. I would go as far as to say this brain area developed in the first two weeks of our conception is a close match with the soul, once the consciousness has a recollection. It's said that poorly activated LC's are evident of autism and Parkinsons, and autists have poor theory of mind.

            In any case, there is nobody but ourselves to blame for the neurochemistry that makes everything seem lucid beyond description, mundane, terrifying or simply funny. We should shape our environment around the funny if we know what's best for us. A healthy precautionary knowledge of oppressors is good, and an escape route, but nothing so extreme as
            Last edited by disorder; 07-23-2009, 08:38 PM.
            The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


            • #7

              even this post
              Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

              5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tone View Post
                The last 4 times in a row i was on the train, people got up out of their seat and moved away from me because of my strong energy field and then being subconsciously programmed to avoid me because im real.
                No, it's because you're a fucking weirdo.


                • #9
                  someone make tone a mod

                  can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                  • #10
                    man i wish i met this tone g;uy when iw as in chicago...

                    he's been forced into true forced loneliness, he borders on severe schizophrenia, no doubt he constantly has auditory hallucinations

                    his post lacks a lot of clarity and coherence... LOL!
                    Condom> sometimes I lose on purpose just to remember what it feels like


                    • #11
                      So this is Tone's cop-out. His way of "leaving" before the aliens DON'T show up. Nice try, I'm onto you, in more ways than one (what could that mean?). :fear:
                      (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


                      • #12
                        t0ne reminds me of that psycho genius guy from the last episode of Burn Notice.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tone View Post
                          The word matrix was used long before the movie matrix (1999) in both fictional media and non-fiction books on reality. here is proof:

                          matrix - something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops: The Greco-Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization.

                          2. Anatomy. a formative part, as the corium beneath a nail.
                          3. Biology.
                          a. the intercellular substance of a tissue.
                          b. ground substance.
                          4. Petrology. the fine-grained portion of a rock in which coarser crystals or rock fragments are embedded.
                          5. fine material, as cement, in which lumps of coarser material, as of an aggregate, are embedded.
                          6. Mining. gangue.
                          7. Metallurgy. a crystalline phase in an alloy in which other phases are embedded.
                          8. Printing. a mold for casting typefaces.
                          9. master (def. 18).
                          10. (in a press or stamping machine) a multiple die or perforated block on which the material to be formed is placed.
                          11. Mathematics. a rectangular array of numbers, algebraic symbols, or mathematical functions, esp. when such arrays are added and multiplied according to certain rules.
                          12. Linguistics. a rectangular display of features characterizing a set of linguistic items, esp. phonemes, usually presented as a set of columns of plus or minus signs specifying the presence or absence of each feature for each item.
                          13. Also called master. a mold made by electroforming from a disk recording, from which other disks may be pressed.
                          14. Archaic. the womb.

                          Origin:1325–75; ME matris, matrix < L mātrix female animal kept for breeding (LL: register, orig. of such beasts), parent stem (of plants), deriv. of māter mother

                          n. [FidoNet]
                          1. What the Opus BBS software and sysops call FidoNet.
                          2. Fanciful term for a cyberspace expected to emerge from current networking experiments (see the network). The name of the rather good 1999 cypherpunk movie "The Matrix" played on this sense, which however had been established for years before.
                          3. The totality of present-day computer networks (popularized in this sense by John Quarterman; rare outside academic literature).

                          There's no 'disinformationist' connection anywhere
                          The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


                          • #14
                            itt tone vs. disorder armed with nothing but walls of text

                            paste to the death


                            Originally posted by Tone
                            It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                            Originally posted by the_paul
                            Gargle battery acid fuckface
                            Originally posted by Material Girl
                            I tried downloading a soundcard


                            • #15
                     Reality describes the totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence.

                              It's the composite of existence; it can only be misrepresented with such bizarre concepts as seen in the Matrix (1999). Automated bionic wombs feeding incubated adult humans experiencing a separate subjective reality, aside from which mechanical storage of the programming resides, using the incubated brain to produce the distinctions.

                              It would take something similar to what was portrayed in the movie, with skyscraper-sizes forming the human semiconductor circuits. There also leaves the question of whether the characters in each subjective experience are units from beside you physically, or whether there is some degree of encoding. They begin to go into 'how you see yourself' in that perfectly white room.

                              In the last few decades, brain imaging systems have been used to determine brain region volumes and nerve linkages. Several studies have indicated that reduced volume and interconnections of the frontal lobes with other brain regions is observed in those with schizophrenia, depression, people subjected to repeated stressors, suicide victims, incarcerated criminals, sociopaths, and drug addicts. It is believed that at least some of the human abilities to feel guilt or remorse, and to interpret reality, lie in the prefrontal cortex. It is also widely believed that the size and number of connections in the prefrontal cortex relates directly to sentience, as the prefrontal cortex in humans occupies a far larger percentage of the brain than any other animal: as the brain has tripled in size over 5 million years of human evolution, the prefrontal cortex had increased in size sixfold.

                              Maybe some people have bad diets and under developed prefrontal cortexes, so their neurotransmitter ratios leave them acting like 'PsyOps Disinformers'


                              This is very interesting in regards to Continuum game-play, but I guess it can apply to traveling on a train.

                              If sentience is directly proportionate to quantity of prefrontal cortex neural connections, then the matrix designers must have a lot, and they must control how many we have. Tone says he has symptoms they say are associated with misfirings of the area.

                              The matrix is a good idea except way more effective if we can use another species besides human. We'd use it's collective kinesis as a bioconductor, like bugs born to fly around in a cubicle, but there's no way with mechanical circuitry to 'moderate and govern the codes of' neural connections and their holographic projection of reality to the individual.

                              There aren't agents, either. It was a good metaphor, but if you force it to be literal you miss the connections just like the Bible. Agents only attacked Neo because he was chosen. There aren't just random agents chosen to attack people who have crossed a mechanical threshold of knowing too much. It's called paranoid delusion from malnutrition and horribly misdirected learning.
                              The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.

