You all act as though your Country is perfect but...
EVERY (Developed) Country/City has the same problems;
Every Country will have problems with crime; there'll be areas where it's safe to put your wallet in your back pocket and there'll be areas where it isn't
Every Country is run by a government of some sort; you will be controlled by them. It is their job.
Every Country will have it's share of beautiful women and ... not so beautiful women.
Every Country will have problems of illegal immigration, of failing schools, of corrupt policemen; of fraudulent judges; of failing prisons; embarrassing celebrities; good sports teams; bad sports teams; childhood obesity; unemployment
Granted, you may top the league of one of these problems (e.g. 5% crime rate) but you will not come at the top of them all.
So for the love of God, stop pretending you live in Utopia.