You're right, because voting for him based on one of his policies means that they didn't know a single thing about him. Thanks for enlightening me
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Spamming to sell new healthcare?
JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it
turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath
Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido
- shows how little the republicans have got on Obama when their media outlets start publishing stories on his email techniques.
You people are ungrateful and stupid. You have a leader with some sense and some ambition and some international respect, and you throw every fuckin obstacle in his way.
Honestly, I hope Obama passes none of his new ideas just so when the US turns into a stagnant cess pit of neo-conservative ideology - like the USSR with socialism in the 1980s - I can have a good laugh at you all suffering.
Which brings me to my last point - why would a bunch of inbred, overweight gaming nerds like yourselves (directed particularly at Izor) not want the security of national healthcare? I could understand the affluent, intelligent city worker not wanting the burden of higher taxes - but you? The riff raff?
Come on..
Doesn't it get old? Arguing the same talking points from cable television over and over again with the same people?
Nobody is going to change anyone's mind on these forums as far as politics goes. Mainly because the people who are posting in these threads over and over again are only doing it to vent and "share their wisdom". Nobody actually posts in these things to seriously have a real discussion.
For fuck's sake, we can't even get shit done with the public arenas.(ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...
Originally posted by kthx View Post-----
No. 357: Shake loose federal money for rebuilding the Gulf Coast
"Will ensure resources reach the communities that need it...Will streamline the application process so that communities feel that FEMA is a partner in reconstruction, not an opponent. They
will elevate the federal rebuilding coordinator so that he or she reports directly to the president and so that rebuilding remains a national priority...Will work closely with the state to distribute critical infrastructure dollars. They also will ensure that no unnecessary red-tape or burdensome regulations are holding up state and local plans, while retaining the need for public accountability."
No. 358: Rebuild hospitals in New Orleans
"Will rebuild broken facilities and provide incentives, such as loan forgiveness, to lure medical professionals back to the region. They will fight to establish a major medical complex in downtown New Orleans that will serve the entire community. They will also push to quickly build a new, state-of-the-art Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in New Orleans so that the city's veterans can get top-quality care."
No. 359: Rebuild schools in New Orleans
"Will help communities in the Gulf make necessary school infrastructure investments so all kids from all backgrounds have safe and supportive environments to learn."
No. 360: Restore housing in New Orleans
"Will work with the state to establish a goal for approving all Road Home applications within two months...Will also work to increase the supply of rental property, which is particularly important in New Orleans where 57 percent of pre-Katrina residents were renters."
No. 361: Improve transportation in New Orleans
"Will help the New Orleans area develop regional transit partnerships so that public transit can be integrated across parish lines, providing seamless transportation options, including a possible light rail line to connect New Orleans and Baton Rouge through the petrochemical corridor in between."
No. 362: Ensure New Orleans locals can get recovery jobs
"Will fight to ensure more Katrina-related recovery or reconstruction activities can be done by local residents. These measures would ensure that Gulf Coast residents, and not big corporations, will rebuild their communities...Will work to improve job training in the area as well."
No. 363: Provide incentives to draw employers into areas hardest-hit by Katrina
"Will target tax incentives to lure businesses to the hardest hit areas of the Gulf Coast including downtown New Orleans and St. Bernard Parish."
(Hey, didn't Houston and Galveston get fucked pretty bad, where is our money, oh wait.. we don't need it, we just worked to get things back to where they were instead of whining about it for the next fifty years)
--|-- Question: What is the average male penis size in humans? (erect in inches)
--|-- Ease got the correct answer, '5.3 inches', in 6.379 sec. and is tied for the lead with 2 pts.