Heya everyone,
Want to show the SVS players how good Trench players actually are?
Round 10 of Running Zone Jackpot League will take place saturady in ?go rzjpl in SSCX Dueling/league SVS at 6:30pm EST.
RZJPL requires no rosters or sign-ups. Just turn up and play. As long as you're on a private freq and everyone is ?squadjoined to the same squad name your points will count at the end of the game.
For more information check out the league website at:
Want to show the SVS players how good Trench players actually are?
Round 10 of Running Zone Jackpot League will take place saturady in ?go rzjpl in SSCX Dueling/league SVS at 6:30pm EST.
RZJPL requires no rosters or sign-ups. Just turn up and play. As long as you're on a private freq and everyone is ?squadjoined to the same squad name your points will count at the end of the game.
For more information check out the league website at: