I agree that this current skin is ugly as hell and makes things hard to read. Which is probably why Wax is asking for someone to design a skin.
I definately hate that signatures are in the same font/color as the post text (well almost).
and no need for someone to go and work hard to design another one (unless they're into all that stuff). We all can get used to it.
4:BigKing> xD
4:Best> i'm leaving chat
4:BigKing> what did i do???
4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
4:BigKing> ???? why though
4:Best> you're 6'4 and black...you can't use emojis like that
4:BigKing> xD
It's most likely a placeholder until the server situation gets fixed. Mav knows more. Read the main page of www.trenchwars.org, they're having some problems.
The server situation was in fact tied in with the decision to upgrade the forum software, but this is not a place holder. Unless of course you are referring to the design.
Get rid of the centered avatar and the border around them though.
I'm glad you like it, Paul. And yes, we hope to fix the 'visual issues' with the design update. I would imagine there will be a thread created (Closer to the vBulletin skins creation) asking for everyones suggestions in regards to the new design and features.
doesn't bother me at all. In time I am sure that someone will do a make-over and add a custom skin if it remains.
That is the plan. There are two main issues at hand -- Who? and How?
Again I encourage all of you to read the thread located HERE and post your thoughts. Preferably constructive.
I will again touch on that money is in fact a big part of this. Unless someone magically donates their time and skills to taking on and completing the project, a good chunk of cash is needed. vBulletin designers, good ones anyway, are too few and generally more costly than other designers.
Why didn't you work on a design before ugrading to this crap? Quick search barely works... I can't edit my own posts... There's a useless no-name forum just for 'changes' that I can't hide...
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
i understand we can't use our old theme because it doesn't cover some of the new features of the new vbulletin upgrade.. but like what? the blog? what exactly is that blog and CMS stuff (i said stuff instead of shit -- check it out, being constructive)? who's gonna write on it? Xog? why?
and why did you keep talking about our name in that post? trench wars? what about it? "Because of our name (Trench Wars), which is both unique and general at the same time, it was believed that this will leave us with a great, and quite frankly our only, chance to expand our 'appeal' and hopefully draw in both more readers and ideally players to our community." so what?
"A political fanatic would have a blog entitled 'Poitical Trench Wars' (Back to my spiel about our name)." we have one of those already, it's called kthx's political thread.
i just don't understand what we're trying to accomplish with any of this. help.
edit: darkness is growing on me.. aside from the goofy ass graphic on top and X's. but i'm still grumpy
can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence
this, i dont understand how a blog will somehow magically put trenchwars on the map, or finance the site/game?
it all just smells like its been pulled out of someones ass.
also, there are bajillion skins available online for free, just use one of those instead of this standard skin which is godawful.
and yes, the darkness theme is about a million times better, even though it has pics from like call of duty all over.
Displaced> I get pussy every day
Displaced> I'm rich
Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
Thors> prolly
Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!
We upgraded the forums so we will need to get a theme that matches our other sites. I don't think the forums alone is going to make a huge difference but it takes a whole bunch of small things to create something really good. Its not about financing to make any money but we do need some money to change our server(upgrade to asss), integrate the game with our websites and do other stuff like that.