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    Baptists are a group of Christian denominations, churches, and individuals who subscribe to a theology of believer's baptism (as opposed to infant baptism), salvation through faith alone, Scripture alone as the rule of faith and practice, and the autonomy of the local church. They generally practice baptism by immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling) and disavow authoritative creeds. Baptist churches are Protestant, and some churches or individuals further identify with evangelicalism or fundamentalism. Baptists recognize two ministerial offices, pastor-elders and deacons, but not bishops. Diverse from their beginning, those identifying as Baptists today differ widely from one another in what they believe, how they worship, their attitudes toward other Christians, and their understanding of what is important in Christian discipleship.[1]

    Historians trace the earliest Baptist church back to 1609 in Amsterdam, with English Separatist John Smyth as its pastor.[2] In accordance with his reading of the New Testament, he rejected baptism of infants and instituted baptism only of believing adults.[3] Baptist practice spread to England. Here, the General Baptists considered Christ's atonement to extend to all people, while the Particular Baptists believed that it extended only to the elect.[4] In 1639, Roger Williams established the first Baptist congregation in the American colonies.[4] In the mid-1700s, the Great Awakening increased Baptist growth.[4] Baptist missionaries have spread the church to every continent.[3]

    One global fellowship of Baptists reports more than 37 million members in more than 150,000 congregations.[5] In 2002, there were over 45 million Baptists worldwide and over 33 million in North America.[3] The largest Baptist association is the Southern Baptist Convention, with over 16 million members.[4]

    * 1 Etymology
    * 2 Origins
    o 2.1 Outgrowth of English Separatism
    o 2.2 Influence of Anabaptists
    o 2.3 Baptist belief in perpetuity
    * 3 Baptists in the UK
    * 4 Baptists in North America
    * 5 Baptist associations
    * 6 Membership
    o 6.1 Statistics
    o 6.2 Qualifications
    * 7 Baptist beliefs and principles
    * 8 Beliefs that vary among Baptists
    o 8.1 Controversies which have shaped Baptists
    + 8.1.1 Missions crisis
    + 8.1.2 Slavery crisis
    + 8.1.3 Landmark crisis
    + 8.1.4 The Modernist crisis
    * 9 See also
    * 10 Notes
    * 11 References
    * 12 External links

    [edit] Etymology

    The term Baptist comes from the Greek word βαπτιστής (baptistés, "baptist," also used to describe John the Baptist), which is related to the verb βαπτίζω (baptízo, "to baptize, wash, dip, immerse"), and the Latin baptista.

    The term Baptist as applied to Baptist churches is a modification of the term Anabaptist (which means rebaptizer),[6] and was used into the 19th century as a general epithet for churches which denied the validity of infant baptism, including the Campbellites, Mennonites and Schwarzenau Brethren or German Baptists, who are not identified with modern day Baptists.[7] The English Anabaptists were called Baptists as early as 1569.[8] The name Anabaptist continued to be applied to English and American Baptists, even after the American Revolution.[9]
    [edit] Origins

    Baptist Historian Bruce Gourley outlines four main views of Baptist origins, including the modern scholarly consensus that the denomination traces its origin to the 17th century via the English Separatists, as well as the view that it was an outgrowth of Anabaptist traditions, the perpetuity view which assumes that the Baptist faith and practice has existed since the time of Christ, and the successionist view which argues that Baptist churches actually existed in an unbroken chain since the time of Christ.[2]
    [edit] Outgrowth of English Separatism

    The predominant view of Baptist origins is that Baptists came along in historical development in the century after the rise of the original Protestant denominations.[10] It was a time of considerable political and religious turmoil. Both individuals and churches were willing to give up their theological roots if they became convinced that a more biblical "truth" had been discovered.[11]

    The Baptist faith originated from within the Separatist movement. Prior to the Reformation, the Church of England (Anglicans) had broken away from the Catholic Church. Then came the mainstream Protestant Reformation.[2] There were some Christians who were not content with the achievements of the mainstream Protestant Reformation.[1][12] There also were Christians who were disappointed that the Church of England had not made corrections of what some considered to be errors and abuses. Of those most critical of the Church's direction, some chose to stay and try to make constructive changes from within the Anglican Church. They became known as "Puritans" and are described by Gourley as cousins of the Separatists. Others decided they must leave the Church because of their dissatisfaction and became known as the Separatists.[2]

    Historians trace the earlist Baptist church back to 1609 in Amsterdam, with John Smyth as its pastor.[2] Even prior to that, in 1606, John Smyth, a Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge, had broken his ties with the Church of England. Reared in the Church of England, he became "Puritan, Separatist, and then a Baptist Separatist," and ended his days working with the Mennonites.[11].23 He began meeting in England with 60-70 English Separatists, in the face of "great danger."[13] The persecution of religious nonconformists in England led Smyth to go into exile in Amsterdam with fellow Separatists from the congregation he had gathered in Lincolnshire, separate from the established church (Anglican). Smyth and his lay supporter, Thomas Helwys, together with those they led, broke with the other English exiles because Smyth and Helways were convinced they should be baptized as believers. In 1609 Smyth first baptized himself and then baptized the others.[12][14] In 1609, while still there, Smyth wrote a tract titled "The Character of the Beast," or "The False Constitution of the Church." In it he expressed two propositions: first, infants are not to be baptized; and second, "Antichristians converted are to be admitted into the true Church by baptism."[11].24 Hence, his conviction was that a scriptural church should consist only of regenerate believers who have been baptized on a personal confession of faith. He rejected the Separatist movement's doctrine of paedobaptism.[15][16] Shortly thereafter, Smyth left the group, and layman Thomas Helwys took over the leadership, leading the church back to England in 1611.[2] Ultimately, Smyth became committed to believers' baptism as the only biblical baptism. He was convinced on the basis of his interpretation of Scripture that infants would not be damned should they die in infancy.[11].25

    Smyth, convinced that his self-baptism was invalid, applied with the Mennonites for membership. He died while waiting for membership, and some of his followers became Mennonites. Thomas Helwys and others kept their baptism and their Baptist commitments.[11].25

    The modern Baptist denomination is an outgrowth of Smyth's movement.[12] Wanting neither to be confused with nor identified with Anabaptists, Baptists rejected the name Anabaptist when they were called that by opponents in derision. McBeth writes that as late as the eighteenth century, many Baptists referred to themselves as "the Christians commonly—though falsely—called Anabaptists."[17]

    This view of Baptist origins has the most historical support and is the most widely accepted.[2] Representative writers include William H. Whitsitt, Robert G. Torbet, Winthrop S. Hudson, William G. McLoughlin and Robert A. Baker. This position considers the influence of Anabaptists upon early Baptists to be minimal.[2]
    [edit] Influence of Anabaptists

    This view holds that although Baptists originated from English Separatism, some early Baptists were influenced by some Anabaptists. According to this view, the Dutch Mennonites (Anabaptists) shared some similarities with General Baptists (believer's baptism, religious liberty, separation of church and state, and Arminian views of salvation, predestination and original sin). However, there were significant differences between Anabaptists and Baptists. Anabaptists tended towards extreme pacifism. They promoted communal sharing of earthly goods,[citation needed] did not practice baptism by immersion, an unorthodox optimistic view of human nature[citation needed]. Therefore, few Baptists hold to this theory of Baptist origins. Representative writers include A. C. Underwood and William R. Estep. Gorley writes that among some contemporary Baptist scholars who emphasize the faith of the community over soul liberty, the Anabaptist influence theory is making a comeback.[2]

    The relations between Baptists and Anabaptists were early strained. In 1624 the then five existing Baptist churches of London issued an anathema against the Anabaptists.[18]. Today there is little dialogue between Anabaptist organizations (such and the Mennonite World Conference) and the Baptist bodies.[citation needed]
    [edit] Baptist belief in perpetuity
    Main article: Baptist successionism

    Prior to the 20th century, Baptist historians generally wrote from the perspective that Baptists had existed since the times of Christ.[19] The Baptist perpetuity view considers the Baptist movement to have always been historically separate from Catholicism and in existence prior to the Protestant Reformation.[20] The historians who advocate this position consider Baptists and Anabaptists as one and the same people and point out that many Reformation era historians and apologists considered the Anabaptists to pre-date the Reformation.[21]

    Baptist historian John T. Christian (1854–1925) wrote: "I have throughout pursued the scientific method of investigation, and I have let the facts speak for themselves. I have no question in my own mind that there has been a historical succession of Baptists from the days of Christ to the present time."[22]

    The perpetuity view is often identified with The Trail of Blood, a successionist pamphlet by J.M. Carrol published in 1931[23] Other Baptist writers holding the perpetuity view are Thomas Crosby, G.H. Orchard, J.M. Cramp, William Cathcart, Adam Taylor and D.B. Ray[24][25] This view was also held by English Baptist preacher, Charles Spurgeon[26] as well as Jesse Mercer, the namesake of Mercer University.[27]
    [edit] Baptists in the UK
    Historical chart of the main Protestant branches. Baptists appeared in the early 1600s as part of the Radical Reformation.

    In 1612, Thomas Helwys established a Baptist congregation in London, consisting of congregants from Smyth's church.[3] A number of other Baptist churches sprang up, and they became known as the General Baptists.[3] The Particular Baptists were established when a group of Calivinist Separatists adopted believers' Baptism.[3] The Baptists emphasized the autonomy of each congregation, with no spiritual authority recognized above a congregation's minister.[3] The congregations maintained relations through associations, which continue to be vital to Baptist Church life.[3]

    Baptist numbers increased over the centuries, more than keeping pace with the rise in population.[3] There still exist today in areas such as Plymouth very traditional Baptist sects, known as the strict baptists.
    [edit] Baptists in North America

    Both Roger Williams and John Clarke, his compatriot in working for religious freedom, are variously credited as founding the earliest Baptist church in North America.[28] In 1639, Williams established a Baptist church in Providence, Rhode Island, and Clarke began a Baptist church in Newport, Rhode Island. According to a Baptist historian who has researched the matter extensively, "There is much debate over the centuries as to whether the Providence or Newport church deserved the place of 'first' Baptist congregation in America. Exact records for both congregations are lacking."[10]

    The Great Awakening energized the Baptist movement, and the Baptist community experienced spectacular growth.[3] Baptists became the largest Christian community in many southern states, including among the black population.[3]

    In 1845, the Baptists congregations in the United States split over the issue of slavery. The Baptists from the Southern states supported slaveholding, and when Northern Baptists tried to prevent slaveholders from being missionaries, the Southern Baptists formed a separate organization, the Southern Baptist Convention. The northern congregations later formed their own umbrella organization.
    [edit] Baptist associations
    Christian Denominations
    in English-speaking countries
    Australian Christian bodies v • d • e
    Australian Interchurch[show]

    Australian Evangelical Alliance • site
    National Council of Churches
    Catholic & Anglican[show]

    Anglican Church of Australia
    Roman Catholic Church
    Holiness & Pietist[show]

    Christian and Missionary Alliance
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    Church of the Nazarene
    Salvation Army
    Seventh-day Adventist Church
    Historical Protestantism[show]

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    Baptist Union of Australia
    Open Brethren
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    Antiochian Orthodox of Australia & New Z.
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    Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia
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    North Am. Presbyterian & Reformed Council
    Anabaptist & Friends[show]

    Canadian Mennonite Brethren Churches
    Canadian Yearly Meeting (Quakers)
    Mennonite Church Canada
    Baptist & Stone-Campbell[show]


    Association of Regular Baptist Churches
    Baptist General Conference of Canada
    Canadian Baptist Ministries
    Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists
    Fellowship of Evgcl. Baptist Churches, Canada
    North American Baptist Conference

    Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement

    Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
    Evangelical Christian Church in Canada
    Catholic & Anglican[show]

    Anglican Church of Canada
    Anglican Church in North America
    Polish National Catholic Church
    Roman Catholic Church
    Holiness & Pietist[show]

    Christian and Missionary Alliance, Canada
    Church of the Nazarene
    Evangelical Free Church of Canada
    Salvation Army
    Seventh-day Adventists, North America
    Wesleyan Church

    Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
    Lutheran Church–Canada
    Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

    British Methodist Episcopal Church
    Free Methodist Church in Canada
    United Church of Canada

    Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese, N.Am.
    Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
    Orthodox Church in America
    Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
    Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada


    Armenian Apostolic Diocese of Am.
    Coptic Orthodox Church in Canada

    Canadian Assemblies of God
    Church of God of Prophecy
    Intl. Foursquare Gospel, Canada
    Intl. Pentecostal Holiness Church
    Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
    Pentecostal Church of God

    Oneness Pentecostal

    United Pentecostal Church Intl.
    Presbyterian & Reformed[show]

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    Christian Reformed Church in North America
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    Presbyterian Church in Canada
    Presbyterian Church in America
    Reformed Church in America
    United Church of Canada

    Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
    Plymouth Brethren
    Vineyard Canada
    [show]United Kingdom
    Christian denominations in the UK v • d • e
    UK Interchurch[show]

    Affinity (formerly British Evangelical Council) • site
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    Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches • site
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    Associating Evangelical Churches of Wales • site
    Churches Together in Wales • site
    Evangelical Movement of Wales • site

    Church of England • site
    Free Church of England • site
    Church of Ireland • site
    Scottish Episcopal Church • site
    Church in Wales • site

    Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland • site
    Baptist Union of Great Britain • site
    Baptist Union of Scotland • site
    Baptist Union of Wales • site
    Grace Baptist Assembly • site
    Old Baptist Union • site

    Roman Catholicism

    England & Wales • site
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    Christian Outreach Centre • site
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    Lutheran Church in Great Britain • site
    Methodist & Wesleyan[show]

    Free Methodist of the UK • site
    Methodist Church in Ireland • site
    Methodist Church of Great Britain • site
    Wesleyan Reform Union • site
    New Church Movement[show]

    Vineyard Churches UK • site
    Ichthus Christian Fellowship • site
    Newfrontiers • site
    Pioneer Church • site

    Eastern Orthodox Church

    Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of G.B. • site
    Russian Orthodox Diocese, G.B. & Ire. • site
    Russian Tradition Vicariate, G.B. & Ire. • site

    Oriental Orthodox Church

    British Orthodox Church • site
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    Assemblies of God • G.Bri Ire
    Church of God in Christ • site
    Elim Pentecostal Church • site
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    Worldwide Church of God • site
    Presbyterian & Reformed[show]

    Asso. Presbyterian Churches, Scotland • site
    Church of Scotland • site
    Congregational Federation • site
    Evangelical Presbyterian Church • site
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    Presbyterian Church in Ireland • site
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    United Free Church of Scotland • site
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    Brethren in Christ • site
    Churches of Christ • site
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    Latter-day Saints • site
    Quakers/ Britain Yearly Meeting • site
    Quakers/ Ireland Yearly Meeting • site
    [show]United States
    United States Christian bodies v • d • e
    United States Interchurch[show]

    National Association of Evangelicals
    National Council of Churches
    Churches Uniting in Christ
    S. Conference of Orthodox Bishops in America
    North Am. Presbyterian & Reformed Council
    Anabaptist & Friends[show]

    Brethren Church
    Church of the Brethren
    Evangelical Friends International
    Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches
    Friends General Conference
    Friends United Meeting
    Mennonite Brethren Churches
    Mennonite Church USA
    Old Order Amish Mennonite Church
    Baptist & Stone-Campbell[show]


    Alliance of Baptists
    American Baptist Association
    American Baptist Churches
    Baptist Bible Fellowship International
    Baptist General Conference
    Baptist Missionary Association of America
    Conservative Baptist Association of America
    General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
    National Association of Free Will Baptists
    National Primitive Baptist Convention
    North American Baptist Conference
    Southern Baptist Convention

    African-American Baptist

    National Baptist Convention of America
    National Baptist Convention, USA
    National Missionary Baptist Convention of America
    Progressive National Baptist Convention

    Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement

    Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
    Christian Churches and Churches of Christ
    Churches of Christ
    International Churches of Christ
    Catholic & Anglican[show]

    Anglican Church in North America
    Episcopal Church
    Old Roman Catholic Church
    Polish National Catholic Church
    Roman Catholic Church
    Holiness & Pietist[show]

    Christian and Missionary Alliance
    Church of God (Anderson)
    Evangelical Covenant Church
    Evangelical Free Church of America
    Church of the Nazarene
    Salvation Army
    Seventh-day Adventist Church
    Wesleyan Church

    Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
    Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

    African Methodist Episcopal Church
    African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
    Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
    Free Methodist Church
    United Methodist Church

    Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese
    Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
    Orthodox Church in America
    Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
    Serbian Orthodox Church


    Armenian Apostolic of Am.
    Armenian Apostolic Diocese of Am.
    Coptic Orthodox Church

    Assemblies of God
    Church of God (Cleveland, TN)
    Church of God in Christ
    Church of God of Prophecy
    Full Gospel Fellowship
    Intl. Church of the Foursquare Gospel
    Intl. Pentecostal Holiness Church
    Pentecostal Church of God

    Oneness Pentecostal

    Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
    United Pentecostal Church Intl.
    Presbyterian & Reformed[show]

    Christian Reformed Church in North America
    Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
    Cumberland Presbyterian Church
    Evangelical Presbyterian Church
    Korean Presbyterian Church in America
    International Council of Community Churches
    National Asso. of Congregational Christian Churches
    Presbyterian Church (USA)
    Presbyterian Church in America
    Reformed Church in America
    United Church of Christ

    Church of Christ, Scientist
    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    Community of Christ
    Grace Gospel Fellowship
    Independent Fundamental Churches of America
    Jehovah's Witnesses
    Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
    Plymouth Brethren
    Vineyard USA
    See also: Non-denominational Christianity
    [show]International Associations

    Interdenominational Associations

    World Council of Churches
    World Evangelical Alliance

    Denominational Associations

    Friends World Committee for Consultation
    Mennonite World Conference
    Anglican Communion
    Baptist World Alliance
    World Convention of Churches of Christ
    Eastern Orthodox Church
    Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference
    International Lutheran Council
    Lutheran World Federation
    World Methodist Council
    Pentecostal World Conference
    International Conference of Reformed Churches
    Reformed Ecumenical Council
    World Communion of Reformed Churches
    World Reformed Fellowship

    Regional Associations

    All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC)
    Association of Evangelicals of Africa (AEA)
    All Africa Baptist Fellowship
    Africa Lutheran Communion

    Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)
    Evangelical Fellowship of Asia
    Asia Pacific Baptist Federation
    Asia Lutheran Communion

    Caribbean Conference of Churches (CCC)
    Evangelical Association of the Caribbean
    Caribbean Baptist Fellowship

    Conference of European Churches (CEC)
    European Evangelical Alliance
    European Baptist Federation
    Pentecostal European Fellowship
    Middle East[show]

    Middle East Council of Churches (MECC)
    Latin America[show]

    Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI)
    Latin American Evangelical Fellowship (FIDE)
    Union of Baptists in Latin America
    North America[show]

    North American Baptist Fellowship
    Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in America
    North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council

    Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC)
    Evangelical Fellowship of the South Pacific (EFSP)
    Asia Pacific Baptist Federation
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    Many Baptist churches choose to associate with associational groups that provide fellowship without control.[3] The largest Baptist association is the Southern Baptist Convention, but there are many other Baptist associations. There are also autonomous churches that remain independent of any denomination, organization, or association.[29]

    In 1905, Baptists worldwide formed the Baptist World Alliance (BWA). The BWA now counts over 200 Baptist conventions and unions worldwide with over 37 million members.[citation needed] The BWA's goals include caring for the needy, leading in world evangelism and defending human rights and religious freedom. Though it played a role in the founding of the BWA, the Southern Baptist Convention severed its affiliation with BWA in 2004.[30]
    [edit] Membership
    [edit] Statistics
    See also: List of Christian denominations by number of members
    See also: List of Baptist sub-denominations

    According to the Barna Group researchers, Baptists are the largest denominational grouping of born again Christians in the U.S.[31] A 2009 ABCNEWS/Beliefnet phone poll of 1,022 adults suggests that fifteen percent of Americans identify themselves as Baptists.[32]

    Besides North America and Europe, large populations of Baptists also exist in Asia, Africa and Latin America, notably in India (2.4 million), Nigeria (2.5 million), Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (1.9 million), and Brazil (1.7 million).[citation needed]

    Ninety-two percent of Baptists are found in five bodies—the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC); National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. (NBC); National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.; (NBCA); American Baptist Churches in the USA (ABC); and Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI).[33]
    [edit] Qualifications
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    The primary external qualification for membership in a Baptist church is baptism.[34] General Baptist churches will accept into membership people who have made a profession of faith but have not been baptized as a believer. These are included as members alongside baptized members in the statistics. Some Baptist churches do not have an age restriction on membership, but will not accept as a member a child who is considered too young to fully understand and make a profession of faith of their own volition and comprehension. In such cases, the pastor and parents usually meet together with the child to verify the child's comprehension of the decision to follow Jesus. There are instances where persons make a profession of faith but fail to follow through with believers' baptism. In such cases they are considered saved and usually eligible for membership. Baptists do not believe that baptism has anything to do with salvation. It is considered a public expression of one's inner repentance and faith.[10]

    Baptists believe that the act of baptism is a symbolic display of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.[10] When a person who has already been saved and confessed Christ submits to scriptural baptism, he or she is publicly identifying with Christ in His death to old self, burial of past sinful thought and action, and resurrection in newness of life, to walk with Christ the remainder of their days.[10]

    Some churches, especially in the UK, do not require members to have been baptized as a believer, so long as they have made a believer's declaration of faith—for example, been confirmed in the Anglican church, or become communicant members as Presbyterians.[citation needed] In these cases, believers would usually transfer their memberships from their previous churches. This allows people who have grown up in one tradition, but now feel settled in their local Baptist church, to fully take part in the day to day life of the church, voting at meetings, etc. It is also possible, but unusual, to be baptized without becoming a church member immediately.
    [edit] Baptist beliefs and principles
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    Main article: Baptist beliefs
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    Baptists, like other Christians, are defined by doctrine—some of it common to all orthodox and evangelical groups and a portion of it importantly distinctive.[35] Through the years, different Baptist groups have issued confessions of faith—without considering them to be creeds—to express their particular doctrinal distinctions in comparison to other Christians as well as in comparison to other Baptists.[36] Most Baptists are evangelical in doctrine, but Baptist beliefs can vary due to the congregational governance system that gives autonomy to individual local Baptist churches. Historically, Baptists have played a key role in encouraging religious freedom and separation of church and state.[37]

    Shared doctrines would include beliefs about one God; the virgin birth; miracles; atonement through the death for sins, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus; the Trinity; the need for salvation (through belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God, his death and resurrection, and confession of Christ as Lord); grace; the Kingdom of God; last things (Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth, the dead will be raised, and Christ will judge everyone in righteousness); and evangelism and missions. Some historically significant Baptist doctrinal documents include the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1742 Philadelphia Baptist Confession, the 1833 New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith, the Southern Baptist Convention's Baptist Faith and Message, and written church covenants which some individual Baptist churches adopt as a statement of their faith and beliefs.

    Most Baptists hold that no church or ecclesiastical organization has inherent authority over a Baptist church. Churches can properly relate to each other under this polity only through voluntary cooperation, never by any sort of coercion. Furthermore, this Baptist polity calls for freedom from governmental control.[38]

    Exceptions to this local form of local governance include a few churches that submit to the leadership of a body of elders, as well as the Episcopal Baptists that have an Episcopal system.

    Baptists generally believe in the literal Second Coming of Christ. Beliefs among Baptists regarding the "end times" include amillennialism, dispensationalism, and historic premillennialism, with views such as postmillennialism and preterism receiving some support.

    Some additional distinctive Baptist principles held by many Baptists include the following:[39].2

    * The supremacy of the canonical Scriptures as a norm of faith and practice. For something to become a matter of faith and practice, it is not sufficient for it to be merely consistent with and not contrary to scriptural principles. It must be something explicitly ordained through command or example in the Bible. For instance, this is why Baptists do not practice infant baptism—they say the Bible neither commands nor exemplifies infant baptism as a Christian practice, even though nowhere does the Bible forbid it. More than any other Baptist principle, this one when applied to infant baptism is said to separate Baptists from other evangelical Christians.
    * Similarly prominent is their insistence on regenerate ("saved") members who have received Believers' Baptism. To Baptists, the "church universal" is the entire body of those who have personally become partakers of the salvation of Christ.
    * Baptists believe that faith is a matter between God and the individual (religious freedom). To them it means the advocacy of absolute liberty of conscience.
    * Insistence on immersion as the only mode of baptism. Baptists do not believe that baptism is necessary for salvation. Therefore, they do not consider it to be a sacrament, since it imparts no saving grace.[39]

    Further information: List of Baptist confessions

    The following acrostic backronym, spelling BAPTIST, represents a useful summary of Baptists' distinguishing beliefs:[40]

    * Biblical authority (Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:23; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
    * Autonomy of the local church (Matt. 18:15–17; 1 Cor. 6:1-3)
    * Priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5-9; 1 Timothy 5)
    * Two ordinances (believer's baptism and the Lord's Supper) (Acts 2:41–47; 1 Cor. 11:23-32)
    * Individual soul liberty (Romans 14:5–12)
    * Separation of Church and State (Matthew 22:15–22)
    * Two offices of the church (pastor-elder and deacon) (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1–2)

    Most Baptist traditions believe in the "Four Freedoms" articulated by Baptist historian Walter B. Shurden:[36]

    * Soul freedom: the soul is competent before God, and capable of making decisions in matters of faith without coercion or compulsion by any larger religious or civil body
    * Church freedom: freedom of the local church from outside interference, whether government or civilian (subject only to the law where it does not interfere with the religious teachings and practices of the church)
    * Bible freedom: the individual is free to interpret the Bible for himself or herself, using the best tools of scholarship and biblical study available to the individual
    * Religious freedom: the individual is free to choose whether to practice their religion, another religion, or no religion; Separation of church and state is often called the "civil corollary" of religious freedom

    [edit] Beliefs that vary among Baptists

    (The Ninety-Five Theses)

    The Reformation

    Pre-Reformation movements

    Hussites • Lollards • Waldensians

    Reformation era movements

    Anabaptism • Anglicanism • Calvinism • Counter-Reformation • Lutheranism • Polish Brethren • Remonstrants

    Since there is no hierarchical authority and each Baptist church is autonomous, there is no official set of Baptist theological beliefs.[41] Baptists have different divisions, sects, and groups. Although they agree on many things, their differences are enough to keep them apart. Despite some common doctrines and practices which characterize the greater part of Baptists, there are many beliefs and practices which vary from church to church and among associations. Some doctrinal issues on which there is widespread difference among Baptists are eschatology, Calvinism and Arminianism, the doctrine of separation from "the world" and whether to associate with those who are "of the world", glossolalia (speaking in tongues)[42], how the Bible should be interpreted (hermeneutics), the extent to which missionary boards should be used to support missionaries, the extent to which non-members may participate in the Lord's Supper services, which translation of Scripture to use from the pulpit and in Bible classes (see King-James-Only movement),[43] the very nature of Gospel, the role of women in marriage, and the ordination of women as deacons or pastors.[44]

    Some of the smaller Baptist groups are devoted to some peculiar traditional practice or doctrine.[citation needed] Some Primitive Baptists practice the laying on of hands after baptism and footwashing, as do some Freewill Baptists. The Seventh Day Baptists insist biblical worship should be conducted on the traditional Sabbath (Saturday) rather than on Sunday. Landmarkism holds to strict closed communion wherein only the members of the church can participate in the Lord's Supper. On the other hand, some Baptists have embraced modernistic trends, such as The Alliance of Baptists which officially affirms homosexual relationships[45]
    [edit] Controversies which have shaped Baptists

    Baptists have faced many controversies in their 400-year history, controversies of the level of crises. Baptist historian Walter Shurden says the word "crisis" comes from the Greek word meaning "to decide." Shurden writes that contrary to the presumed negative view of crises, some controversies that reach a crisis level may actually be "positive and highly productive." He claims that even schism, though never ideal, has often produced positive results. In his opinion crises among Baptists each have become decision-moments that shaped their future.[46] Some controversies which have shaped Baptists are:

    * Landmark crisis
    * Missions crisis
    * Modernist crisis
    * Racial crisis

    [edit] Missions crisis

    Early in the 19th century, the rise of the modern missions movement, and the backlash against it, led to widespread and bitter controversy among the American Baptists.[47] During this era, the American Baptists were split between missionary and anti-missionary. A substantial secession of Baptists went into the movement led by Alexander Campbell, to return to a more fundamental church.[48]
    [edit] Slavery crisis

    Leading up to the American Civil War, Baptists became embroiled in the controversy over slavery in the United States. Whereas in the First Great Awakening, Methodist and Baptist preachers had opposed slavery and urged manumission, over the decades they made more of an accommodation with the institution. They worked with slaveholders in the South to urge a paternalistic institution. Both denominations made direct appeals to slaves and free blacks for conversion. The Baptists particularly allowed them active roles in congregations. By the mid-19th century, northern Baptists tended to oppose slavery. As tensions increased, in 1844 the Home Mission Society declared that a slave owner could not be a missionary under its patronage.

    The Southern Baptist Convention formed in 1845, founded on the premise that the Bible sanctions slavery and that it is acceptable for Christians to own slaves. However the Southern Baptist Convention voted June 20, 1995, to adopt a resolution renouncing its racist roots and apologizing for its past defense of slavery. More than 20,000 Southern Baptists registered for the meeting in Atlanta. The resolution declared that messengers, as SBC delegates are called, "unwaveringly denounce racism, in all its forms, as deplorable sin" and "lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest." It offered an apology to all African-Americans for "condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime" and repentance for "racism of which we have been guilty, whether consciously or unconsciously." Although Southern Baptists have condemned racism in the past, this was the first time the predominantly white convention had dealt specifically with the issue of slavery.

    The statement sought forgiveness "from our African-American brothers and sisters" and pledged to "eradicate racism in all its forms from Southern Baptist life and ministry." The SBC was founded in 1845 in Augusta, Georgia, by Baptists in the South seceding from the national Triennial Convention of Baptists after that body decreed it would not appoint slaveholders as missionaries. Currently about 500,000 members of the 15.6-million-member denomination are African-Americans and another 300,000 are ethnic minorities. The racism resolution marked the denomination's first formal acknowledgment that racism played a role in its founding.[49]

    As early as the late 1700s black Baptists began to organize separate churches, associations and mission agencies, especially in the northern states. Many of the slaves were forced to remain members of the same churches with the whites up until the American Civil War. After emancipation, black Baptists generally separated from the white Baptists, as they wanted to establish their own institutions outside white supervision.[50] Currently American Baptist numerical strength is greatest in the former slaveholding states. The Baptist faith is the predominant faith of African Americans.[51]
    [edit] Landmark crisis

    Southern Baptist Landmarkism sought to reset the ecclesiastical separation which had characterized the old Baptist churches, in an era when inter-denominational union meetings were the order of the day.[52]James Robinson Graves was the primary leader of this movement and one of the most influential Baptists of the 19th century.[53] While some Landmarkers eventually separated from the Southern Baptist Convention, the movement's influence on the Convention continued well into the 20th century.[54] Its influence continues to affect Convention policies. In 2005 the Southern Baptist International Mission Board forbade its missionaries to receive alien immersions for baptism.[55]
    [edit] The Modernist crisis

    The rise of theological modernism in the latter 19th and 20th century also greatly affected the Baptists.[56] The Landmark movement, already mentioned, has been described as a reaction against incipient modernism among Southern Baptists.[57] In England, Charles Haddon Spurgeon fought against modernistic views of the Scripture in the Downgrade Controversy.[58]

    The Northern Baptist Convention had internal conflict over modernism in the early 20th century, ultimately embracing it. Two new conservative associations were founded as a result: the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches in 1933 and the Conservative Baptist Association of America in 1947.[59] Following similar conflicts over modernism, the Southern Baptist Convention adhered to conservative theology as its official position. Two new Baptist denominations were formed by former Southern Baptists who either embraced or favored toleration of the modernist approach to the Scripture: the radical Alliance of Baptists in 1987 and the moderately liberal Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in 1991.[60]
    [edit] See also
    Search Wikisource Wikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica article Baptists.

    * List of Baptist denominations
    * List of Baptist confessions
    * List of Baptists

    [edit] Notes

    1. ^ a b Shurden, Walter (2001). "Turning Points in Baptist History". Macon, GA: The Center for Baptist Studies, Mercer University. http://www.centerforbaptiststudies.o...ningpoints.htm. Retrieved 16 January 2010.
    2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Gourley, Bruce. "A Very Brief Introduction to Baptist History, Then and Now." The Baptist Observer.
    3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Baptists." Cross, F. L., ed. The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church. New York: Oxford University Press. 2005
    4. ^ a b c d "Baptist." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
    5. ^ "Member Body Statistics". Baptist World Alliance. May 30, 2008. Retrieved 6 May 2010.
    6. ^ Newman, Albert Henry (1894). A History of the Baptist Churches in the United States. Christian Literature. "This rejection of infant baptism and this insistence on believers' baptism were so distinctive of these Christians that they were stigmatized as Anabaptists, Catabaptists, and sometimes as simply Baptists; that is to say, they were declared to be "rebaptizers", "perverters of baptism", or, as unduly magnifying baptism and making it the occasion of schism, simply "baptizers"."
    7. ^ "The Illustrated Book of All Religions From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time", Star Publishing Company, 1895.
    8. ^ Christian, John T. A History of the Baptists. Broadman Press (1922, chapter 15,pages 205-206): "The word Baptists was used by a high official of the English government in the earlier days of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. That official was Sir William Cecil, afterwards Lord Burleigh, then the Secretary of State and especial adviser of the Queen. The date is March 10, 1569.".
    9. ^ John T. Christian, History of the Baptists , volume I page 205 and volume II page 212|
    10. ^ a b c d e Brackney, William H. (2006). Baptists in North America: an historical perspective. Blackwell Publishing. p. 22. ISBN 1405118652.
    11. ^ a b c d e Leonard, Bill J. (2003). Baptist Ways: A History. Judson Press. ISBN 978-0817012311.
    12. ^ a b c Briggs, John. "Baptist Origins". Baptist History and Heritage Society. Retrieved 10 January 2010.
    13. ^ Beale, David (2000). The Mayflower Pilgrims: roots of Puritan, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, and Baptist heritage. Emerald House Group. ISBN 978-1889893518.
    14. ^ Traffanstedt, Chris. "A Primer on Baptist History". Retrieved 23 December 2009.
    15. ^ Nettles, Tom J. (Spring 2009). "Once Upon a Time, Four Hundred Years Ago...". Founders Journal (Founders Ministries) 76: 2–8.
    16. ^ Vedder, H. C.. "A Short History of the Baptists". The Reformed Reader. Retrieved 23 December 2009.
    17. ^ McBeth, H. Leon. "Baptist Beginnings". Baptist History and Heritage Society. Retrieved 19 October 2007.
    18. ^ Melton, J.G. Baptists in "Encyclopedia of American Religions". 1994
    19. ^ Robert G. Torbet, A History of the Baptists, pages 18-19, Valley Forge: Judson Press - 1975)
    20. ^ H. Leon McBeth, The Baptist Heritage, pages 59-60, Nashville: Broadman Press - 1987
    21. ^ John T. Christian, History of the Baptists, Volume one, pages 83-282
    22. ^ Christian, John T (vol.1, 1922; vol.2, 1926). A History of the Baptists. Broadman Press.
    23. ^ H. Leon McBeth, The Baptist Heritage, pages 58-60, Nashville: Broadman Press - 1987.
    24. ^ H. Leon McBeth, The Baptist Heritage, pages 59-60, Nashville, Broadman Press - 1987
    25. ^ Robert Torbet, A History of the Baptists, page 18 Valley Forge: Judson Press - 1975
    26. ^ The New park Street Pulpit, Volume VII, Page 225
    27. ^ Jesse Mercer (1838), A History of the Georgia Baptist Association, pages 196-201,
    28. ^ Newport Notables
    29. ^ Moore, G. Holmes. "300 Years of Baptist History." Bible Baptist Church of St. Louis, MO, is an example of an independent Baptist church that has never been a denominational church in the sense of belonging to some convention or association. Web: 17 January 2010. [1]
    30. ^ Cooperman, Alan (16 June 2004). "Southern Baptists Vote To Leave World Alliance". Washington Post: p. A4. Retrieved 2009-11-04.
    31. ^ "Catholics Have Become Mainstream America." July 9, 2007. Web: 16 January 2010. Born again Christians in U.S. (Barna defines Born again Christians as "people who said they have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ that is still important in their life today and who also indicated they believe that when they die they will go to Heaven because they had confessed their sins and had accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.")
    32. ^ Langer, Gary. "Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian. Varies Greatly From the World at Large." 18 Jul 2009 Web: 16 January 2010. Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian
    33. ^ Albert W. Wardin, Baptists Around the World (Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1995) p. 367
    34. ^ Pendleton, J. M. (1867). Church Manual For Baptist Churches. The Judson Press.
    35. ^ Nettles, Thomas J.. "A Foundation for the Future: The Southern Baptist Message and Mission".
    36. ^ a b Shurden, Walter B. (1993). The Baptist Identity: Four Fragile Freedoms. Macon, Georgia: Smyth & Helwys Publishing. ISBN 978-1880837207.
    37. ^ "Baptists." Web: 17 January 2010
    38. ^ Pinson, William M., Jr.. [htpp:// Trends in Baptist Polity]. Baptist History and Heritage Society. htpp://
    39. ^ a b Newman, Albert Henry (1915). A History of the Baptist Churches in the United States (3 ed.). Christian Literature.
    40. ^ Articles on Baptists beliefs, polity, ministries, practices, organizations, and heritage. The information is intended to be useful for Baptists and non-Baptists alike.
    41. ^ Hammett, John and John S. Hammett.Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches: A Contemporary Ecclesiology. Kregel Publications, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0825427695
    42. ^ "Position Paper Concerning the IMB Policy on Glossolalia." Florida Baptist Witness Web: 18 Mar 2010. Glossolalia]
    43. ^ "An Introduction to Bible Translations." Trinity Baptist Church Discipleship Training, April 2005. Web: 18 Mar 2010. An Introduction to Bible Translations
    44. ^ Beck, Rosalie. "Response to 'The Ordination of Women Among Texas Baptists' by Ann Miller.” Perspectives in Religious Studies. Journal of the NABPR, Baylor University. Baptist General Convention of Texas. Web: 18 Mar 2010. [ Response to “The Ordination of Women Among Texas Baptists”]
    45. ^
    46. ^ Shurden, Walter B.. Crises in Baptist Life. Retrieved 16 January 2010.
    47. ^ John T. Christian, History of the Baptists, volume 2 pages 404-420 (Nashville: Broadman Press - 1926
    48. ^ John T. Christian, History of the Baptists, volume 2, pages 421-436 (Nashville: Broadman Press - 1926
    49. ^ "SBC renounces racist past - Southern Baptist Convention." The Christian Century. July 5, 1995.
    50. ^ Leroy Fitts, A History of Black Baptists, pages 43-106 (Nashville, TN: Broadman Press - 1985)
    51. ^ Department of Geography and Meteorology, "Baptists as a Percentage of all Residents, 2000" Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana.
    52. ^ Robert Ashcraft, Landmarkism Revisited, pages 84-85 (Ashcraft Publications, Mabelvale, Arkansas, 2003)
    53. ^ Ben M. Bogard, Pillars of Orthodoxy, page 199 (Louisville: Baptist Book Concern - 1900)
    54. ^ Smith, Handy & Loetscher, American Christianity: An Historical Interpretation With Representative Documents, Volume II: 1820-1960, page 110 (Charles Scribner's Sons - 1963)
    55. ^ "Guideline on Baptism". International Mission Board.
    56. ^ Torbet, Robert G. (1975). A History of the Baptists. Valley Forge: Judson Press. pp. 424–445. ISBN 978-0817000745.
    57. ^ History of the American Baptist Association, edited by Robert Ashcraft, pages 63-66 (Texarkana: History and Archives Committee of the American Baptist Association - 2000)
    58. ^ Robert G. Torbet, A History of the Baptists, page 114 (Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press - 1975).
    59. ^ Robert G. Torbet, A History of the Baptists, pages 395 and 436 (Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press - 1975).
    60. ^ "CBF History".

    [edit] References

    * Gavins, Raymond. The Perils and Prospects of Southern Black Leadership: Gordon Blaine Hancock, 1884–1970. Duke University Press, 1977.
    * Harrison, Paul M. Authority and Power in the Free Church Tradition: A Social Case Study of the American Baptist Convention Princeton University Press, 1959.
    * Harvey, Paul. Redeeming the South: Religious Cultures and Racial Identities among Southern Baptists, 1865–1925 University of North Carolina Press, 1997.
    * Heyrman, Christine Leigh. Southern Cross: The Beginnings of the Bible Belt (1997).
    * Isaac, Rhy. "Evangelical Revolt: The Nature of the Baptists' Challenge to the Traditional Order in Virginia, 1765 to 1775," William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., XXXI (July 1974), 345–68.
    * Leonard, Bill J. Baptist Ways: A History (2003), comprehensive international history
    * Life & Practice in the Early Church: A Documentary Reader, New York University press. 2001. pp. 5–7. ISBN 9780814756485.
    * McBeth, H. Leon, (ed.) A Sourcebook for Baptist Heritage (1990), primary sources for Baptist history.
    * McGlothlin, W. J. (ed.) Baptist Confessions of Faith. Philadelphia: The American Baptist Publication Society, 1911.
    * Pitts, Walter F. Old Ship of Zion: The Afro-Baptist Ritual in the African Diaspora Oxford University Press, 1996.
    * Rawlyk, George. Champions of the Truth: Fundamentalism, Modernism, and the Maritime Baptists (1990), Canada.
    * Spangler, Jewel L. "Becoming Baptists: Conversion in Colonial and Early National Virginia" Journal of Southern History. Volume: 67. Issue: 2. 2001. pp 243+
    * Stringer, Phil. The Faithful Baptist Witness, Landmark Baptist Press, 1998.
    * Torbet, Robert G. A History of the Baptists, Judson Press, 1950.
    * Underhill, Edward B. (ed.). Confessions of Faith and Other Documents of the Baptist Churches of England in the 17th century. London: The Hanserd Knollys Society, 1854.
    * Underwood, A. C. A History of the English Baptists. London: Kingsgate Press, 1947.
    * Wills, Gregory A. Democratic Religion: Freedom, Authority, and Church Discipline in the Baptist South, 1785–1900, Oxford.

    [edit] External links

    * Baptists at the Open Directory Project

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    For the book by G. K. Chesterton, see Orthodoxy (book).
    For other uses, see Orthodox (disambiguation).
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    The word orthodox, from Greek orthodoxos "having the right opinion", from orthos ("right", "true", "straight") + doxa ("opinion" or "praise", related to dokein, "to think"),[1] is typically used to mean the adherence to accepted or traditional and established norms, especially in religion.[2]

    The term did not conventionally exist with any degree of formality (in the sense in which it is now used) prior to the advent of Christianity in the Greek-speaking world, though the word does occasionally show up in ancient literature in other, somewhat similar contexts.[citation needed] Orthodoxy is opposed to heterodoxy ("other teaching"), heresy and schism. People who deviate from orthodoxy by professing a doctrine considered to be false are most often called heretics or radicals, while those who deviate from orthodoxy by removing themselves from the perceived body of believers are called schismatics. The distinction in terminology pertains to the subject matter; if one is addressing corporate unity, the emphasis may be on schism; if one is addressing doctrinal coherence, the emphasis may be on heresy.

    Apostasy, for example, is a violation of orthodoxy that takes the form of abandonment of the faith, a concept largely unknown before the adoption of Christianity as the state religion of Rome on February 27, 380 by Theodosius I, see also First seven Ecumenical Councils. A lighter deviation from orthodoxy than heresy is commonly called error, in the sense of not being grave enough to cause total estrangement, while yet seriously affecting communion. Sometimes error is also used to cover both full heresies and minor errors.

    The concept of orthodoxy is the most prevalent in many forms of organized monotheism, but orthodox belief is not usually overly emphasized in polytheistic or animist religions. Often there is little to no concept of dogma, and varied interpretation of doctrine and theology is tolerated and sometimes even encouraged within certain contexts. Syncretism, for example, plays a much wider role in non-monotheistic (and particularly, non-scriptual) religion. The prevailing governing idea within polytheism is most often orthopraxy ("right practice") rather than "right belief".

    * 1 Orthodox groups
    o 1.1 Christianity
    * 2 Saints
    * 3 Critical uses
    * 4 See also
    * 5 References
    * 6 External links

    [edit] Orthodox groups

    Some groups have laid claim to the word orthodox as part of their titles, most commonly in order to differentiate themselves from other, 'heretical' movements. Within Christianity, the term occurs in the Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox churches as well as in Protestant denominations like the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Orthodox Judaism focuses on a strict adherence to what it sees as the correct interpretation of the Oral Torah, but the Greek-based word "Orthodox" was not applied to Jews until the 19th century, long after it was applied to Christians, and some traditional Jewish groups still prefer not to use it.
    [edit] Christianity
    See also: Orthodox Christianity

    In classical Christian usage, the term orthodox refers to a set of doctrines which gained prominence in the 4th century AD. The Roman Emperor Constantine I initiated a series of ecumenical councils (see also First seven Ecumenical Councils) to try to standardize what was by then, not a necessarily homogeneous religion in terms of theology.[citation needed] The most significant of these early debates was that between the Homoousian doctrine of Athanasius and Eustathius (Trinitarianism) and the Heteroousian doctrine of Arius and Eusebius (Arianism). The Homoousian doctrine gradually won out in the Roman Church and came to be referred to as orthodoxy in most Christian contexts, since this became the viewpoint of the majority (although, of course, many non-Trinitarian Christians still object to this terminology). Following the Great Schism, both the Western and Eastern churches continued to consider themselves uniquely orthodox and catholic. Over time the Western church gradually identified itself more with the "Catholic" label and Westerners gradually associated the "Orthodox" label more with the Eastern church (in some other languages the "Catholic" label is not necessarily identified with the Western church). In addition to the Eastern Orthodox Church, there also exists a separate Oriental Orthodox communion, as well as other smaller communions that are commonly associated with the "Orthodox" label.

    The Eastern Orthodox Churches uses the original form of the Nicene Creed created at the First Council of Constantinople in 381, in contrast to the Roman Catholic church, which uses the Nicene creed with the addition of the phrase 'and the Son' (see Filioque clause). This change is one of many causes for the Great Schism formalized in 1054 by simultaneous proclamations of "Anathema" from the leadership of the Orthodox Churches in the East and the Bishop of Rome (Pope) in the West. This emphasis on the use of the original "creed" is shared today by all Eastern Orthodox churches.

    The changes brought about in the Roman Catholic Church at the Second Vatican Council (1962-5) have made a gradual "rapprochement" between Rome and Orthodoxy at the official level. Likewise, the simultaneous revocation of the anathemas of 1054 should not be underestimated in "restoring mutual trust" and a recognition that there is "a vast area of common ground that the two sides share." Regarding dogma, Orthodox often feel that "Latin scholastic theology makes too much use of legal concepts, and relies too heavily on rational categories and syllogistic argumentation, while the Latins for their part have frequently found the more mystical approach of Orthodoxy too vague and ill-defined." There are also "psychological barriers [in Eastern Europe] that need to be overcome."[3] For example, in 2008, Patriarch Alexie of All Russia complained about the presence of Catholic clerics and missionaries in Russia, noting," "If they consider Orthodoxy to have just as much the grace of God and salvation as Catholicism, then what is the point of persistent attempts to convert people to the other faith?" [4] The Russian Church, for example, in a gesture of good will, does not demand that Roman Catholics "receive Chrismation" when they convert to Orthodoxy, only make a simple profession of faith ("though Anglican and other Protestants are always received by Chrismation.")[5] The biggest difference, however, is Orthodoxy's "understanding of the Papal ministry within the Church."[6] For their part, the Roman and Eastern Catholic Churches do not consider the Eastern Orthodox Church to be schismatic and heretical, only "defective" for not accepting the universal jurisdiction of the See of Rome. At the same time, Rome's document Dominus Iesus calls Orthodox Churches "true particular churches": "an unusual use of 'true' referring to any but the Catholic Church." [7] Needless to say, Rome recognizes that Orthodoxy has valid sacraments and full apostolic succession. Recent declarations between the two churches have also brought the two churches even closer together. For example, a joint commission of Orthodox and Catholic theologians agreed that the Pope is "protos among the patriarchs,"[8] though disagreements about the extent of his authority still continue, see also Papal primacy. The Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue reached the agreement in a meeting in Ravenna, Italy in October 2006.[9] The Orthodox believe that among the five Patriarchs and ancient Patriarchates (i.e., Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem), a special place belongs to Rome, a "primacy of honor," not of supremacy.[10] However, to disassociate the "See of Rome" from this "equalisation," Benedict XVI recently dropped the title "Patriarch of the West," seeing the designation as an attempt to Orientalize Western ecclesiology.[11] However, Benedict still considers the five Sees, dating back to the first millennium, to be "Sister Churches within a certain ecumenical context.[12]

    In Ukraine, Romania, Lebanon, Syria and elsewhere there are Greek Catholics who utilize Byzantine rite, but accept the primacy of the Pope. Many of these Eastern Catholic Churches broke away from the Eastern Orthodox communion during the 17th and 18th centuries in order to establish communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Most of them follow liturgical practices identical to those of the Orthodox Church.

    Confusingly, the term "Western Orthodox" is sometimes used to refer to Uniate Catholic churches in communion with the Roman See, also known as Eastern Catholic Churches. Today the term "Western Orthodox" refers to groups of apostolic Orthodox Christians in the United Kingdom, United States and perhaps smaller numbers in Denmark, Serbia, Finland, France, Germany and the Netherlands, who wish to be Orthodox and yet want a western and Latin Rite. It can also refer to the Orthodox churches that have implemented a Western rite such as the Antiochian Orthodox church.

    The term Oriental Orthodoxy is used to refer to non-Chalcedonian eastern Christians, as opposed to Christians of Eastern Orthodox Churches, who accept the Council of Chalcedon (See Ecumenical Councils) and generally worship according to the Byzantine Rite. They have been traditionally referred to as Monophysite. They are found in Egypt, Ethiopia, some parts of Syria, Iraq and Iran, Armenia, and southern India in Kerala State. They accept only the first three of the ecumenical councils. In the last century there has been some rapproachment between these and the Eastern Orthodox Churches, particularly in Syria. There have been claims after dialogue, that really the differences have been of phraseology all along, and a simple misunderstanding of what each church holds. This is not entirely satisfactory to many in Eastern Orthodoxy, and it is not considered in each church's competence to use a General Holy Synod to bring about communion. These Eastern Orthodox Christians hold that it would take another Great and Holy Council of every Eastern Orthodox Bishop together to reverse the Anathema, and this raises problems of its own.

    Some religious groups are considered by all of the aforementioned to be unorthodox (or even arbitrarily cults, as they are less commonly called in Protestant circles), including members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unitarians, and some of the more radical forms of liberal theology.

    Inside each of these ecclesiastical communities there are issues that correspond to estrangement or refinements of perceived orthodoxy. For example, the Roman See often issues recommendations as to what practices it considers orthodox so as to curb excesses or deficiencies by its prelates. Some evangelicals are pursuing innovations that other, more conservative evangelicals consider unorthodox and term "neo-evangelical," "neo-pentecostal," or "fringe Charismatic."
    [edit] Saints

    The true Orthodox church uses Saints as protectors, guides and intercessors to the King (or Lord). Each Saint has their own different ability and talent. For instance, the Mother of God is for general help; Saint Antipas helps individuals with teeth problems; Saint Phanurios finds lost belongings, having them miraculously appear at a spot where an individual has already vigorously looked; and Saint George for accidents and returning abducted children to their families. These are only four names out of an infinite number of saints.
    [edit] Critical uses

    In certain intellectual contexts, the terms "orthodox" and "orthodoxy" are used in an unfavorable sense, similar to that associated with "dogma" and "dogmatic". The implication is that orthodox beliefs are not rationally justified but are imposed by some overseeing body, such as the dominant group in an academic discipline. For example, the term orthodox economics is commonly used by critics to refer to the dominant approach to economics, which its supporters would more commonly call mainstream economics. In this sense, orthodox economics is commonly counterposed to radical[13] or heterodox economics.[14]
    [edit] See also

    * Fundamentalism
    * Heresy
    * Theology
    * Neo-orthodoxy
    * Paleo-orthodoxy
    * Proto-orthodox Christianity

    [edit] References

    1. ^ orthodox. Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. (accessed: March 03, 2008).
    2. ^ orthodox. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. (accessed: March 03, 2008).
    3. ^ Timothy Ware, The Orthodox Church (London: Penguin, 1993), 314,15.
    4. ^ Ronald Roberson, "Russian Steps to unity," The Tablet, 13 December 2008, 15.
    5. ^ Ware, 279.
    6. ^ Ware, 316.
    7. ^ Francis Sullivan, "The Impact of Dominus Iesus on Ecumenism," America, 28 October 2000, 8.
    8. ^ Ravenna Document, no. 41
    9. ^ Catholics and Orthodox agree on primacy of pope
    10. ^ Timothy Wise, Orthodoxy (London: Peguin Books, 1993), 27.
    11. ^ John Allen, "The 'Patriarch of the West' Retires," The National Catholic Reporter April 7, 2006, 21.
    12. ^ Joseph Ratzinger, "Sister Churches," The Tablet 9 September 2000, 1205.
    13. ^ The Canadian Encyclopedia - Economics, Radical
    14. ^ UNSW School of Economics - The Society of Heterodox Economists

    [edit] External links

    * [1]
    * OrthodoxWiki - Eastern Orthodox Wiki Site
    * Apostasy in the Christian church
    * The "Changing" God of the New Theologies
    * The Dangers of the Emerging Church
    * God's Country—the differences among American Fundamentalist, Evangelical and Liberal Christians
    * Orthodox Buddhism
    * Orthodox Judaism

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          This article is about the term "God" in the context of monotheism and henotheism. For the general polytheistic concept, see Deity. For other uses, see God (disambiguation).
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          God is the English name given to the singular omnipotent being in theistic and deistic religions (and other belief systems) who is either the sole deity in monotheism, or a single deity in polytheism.[1]

          God is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of the universe. Theologians have ascribed a variety of attributes to the many different conceptions of God. The most common among these include omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence. God has also been conceived as being incorporeal, a personal being, the source of all moral obligation, and the "greatest conceivable existent".[1] These attributes were all supported to varying degrees by the early Jewish, Christian and Muslim theologian philosophers, including Maimonides,[2] Augustine of Hippo,[2] and Al-Ghazali,[3] respectively. Many notable medieval philosophers and modern philosophers developed arguments for the existence of God.[3] Many notable philosophers and intellectuals have, in contrast, developed arguments against the existence of God.

          * 1 Etymology and usage
          * 2 Names of God
          * 3 Conceptions of God
          * 4 Existence of God
          * 5 Theological approaches
          o 5.1 Theism and Deism
          * 6 History of monotheism
          o 6.1 Monotheism and pantheism
          o 6.2 Dystheism and nontheism
          * 7 Non-religious views regarding God
          o 7.1 Anthropomorphism
          * 8 Distribution of belief in God
          * 9 See also
          * 10 References
          * 11 Notes
          * 12 External links

          Etymology and usage
          Main article: God (word)

          The earliest written form of the Germanic word god comes from the 6th century Christian Codex Argenteus. The English word itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic * ǥuđan. Most linguists agree that the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form * ǵhu-tó-m was based on the root * ǵhau(ə)-, which meant either "to call" or "to invoke".[4] The Germanic words for god were originally neuter—applying to both genders—but during the process of the Christianization of the Germanic peoples from their indigenous Germanic paganism, the word became a masculine syntactic form.[5]

          The capitalized form God was first used in Ulfilas's Gothic translation of the New Testament, to represent the Greek Theos. In the English language, the capitalization continues to represent a distinction between monotheistic "God" and "gods" in polytheism.[6][7] In spite of significant differences between religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, the Bahá'í Faith, and Judaism, the term "God" remains an English translation common to all. The name may signify any related or similar monotheistic deities, such as the early monotheism of Akhenaten and Zoroastrianism.

          When used in English within a community with a common monotheistic background, "God" always refers to the deity they share. Those with a background in different Abrahamic religions will usually agree on the deity they share, while still differing on details of belief and doctrine—they will disagree about attributes of [the] God, rather than thinking in terms of "my God" and "your (different) God".
          Names of God
          Main article: Names of God

          Conceptions of God can vary widely, but the word God in English—and its counterparts in other languages, such as Latinate Deus, Greek Θεός, Slavic Bog, Sanskrit Ishvara, or Arabic Allah—are normally used for any and all conceptions. The same holds for Hebrew El, but in Judaism, God is also given a proper name, the tetragrammaton (usually reconstructed as Yahweh or YHWH), believed to be a mark of the religion's henotheistic origins. In many translations of the Bible, when the word "LORD" is in all capitals, it signifies that the word represents the tetragrammaton.[8] God may also be given a proper name in monotheistic currents of Hinduism which emphasize the personal nature of God, with early references to his name as Krishna-Vasudeva in Bhagavata or later Vishnu and Hari.[9] For aboriginal Guanches (Tenerife, Spain) God is called Achamán.[10]

          It is difficult to distinguish between proper names and epitheta of God, such as the names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament, the names of God in the Qur'an, and the various lists of the thousand names of Hindu gods and List of titles and names of Krishna in Vaishnavism.

          Throughout the Hebrew and Christian Bible there are many names for God that portray his (God is always characterised as male) nature and character. One of them is elohim,[11][12] which has been argued to mean “strong one”[citation needed], among other things, although the etymology is debated and obscure. Another one is El Shaddai, meaning “God Almighty”.[13] A third notable name is El Elyon, which means “The Most High God”.[14]
          Conceptions of God
          Main article: Conceptions of God
          Detail of Sistine Chapel fresco Creation of the Sun and Moon by Michelangelo (c. 1512), a well known example of the depiction of God the Father in Western art.

          Conceptions of God vary widely. Theologians and philosophers have studied countless conceptions of God since the dawn of civilization. The Abrahamic conceptions of God include the monotheistic definition of God in Judaism, the trinitarian view of Christians, and the Islamic concept of God. The dharmic religions differ in their view of the divine: views of God in Hinduism vary by region, sect, and caste, ranging from monotheistic to polytheistic to atheistic; the view of God in Buddhism is almost non-theist. In modern times, some more abstract concepts have been developed, such as process theology and open theism. Conceptions of God held by individual believers vary so widely that there is no clear consensus on the nature of God.[15] The contemporaneous French philosopher Michel Henry has however proposed a phenomenological approach and definition of God as phenomenological essence of Life.[16]
          Existence of God
          Main article: Existence of God

          Many arguments which attempt to prove or disprove the existence of God have been proposed by philosophers, theologians, and other thinkers for many centuries. In philosophical terminology, such arguments concern schools of thought on the epistemology of the ontology of God.

          There are many philosophical issues concerning the existence of God. Some definitions of God are sometimes nonspecific, while other definitions can be self-contradictory. Arguments for the existence of God typically include metaphysical, empirical, inductive, and subjective types, while others revolve around holes in evolutionary theory and order and complexity in the world. Arguments against the existence of God typically include empirical, deductive, and inductive types. Conclusions reached include: "God does not exist" (strong atheism); "God almost certainly does not exist"[17] (de facto atheism); "no one knows whether God exists" (agnosticism); "God exists, but this cannot be proven or disproven" (weak theism); and "God exists and this can be proven" (strong theism). There are numerous variations on these positions.
          Theological approaches
          Main article: Theology

          Theologians and philosophers have ascribed a number of attributes to God, including omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, perfect goodness, divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence. God has been described as incorporeal, a personal being, the source of all moral obligation, and the greatest conceivable being existent.[1] These attributes were all claimed to varying degrees by the early Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars, including St Augustine,[2] Al-Ghazali,[3] and Maimonides.[2]

          Many medieval philosophers developed arguments for the existence of God,[3] while attempting to comprehend the precise implications of God's attributes. Reconciling some of those attributes generated important philosophical problems and debates. For example, God's omniscience may seem to imply that God knows how free agents will choose to act. If God does know this, their apparent free will might be illusory, or foreknowledge does not imply predestination; and if God does not know it, God may not be omniscient.[18]

          However, if by its essential nature, free will is not predetermined, then the effect of its will can never be perfectly predicted by anyone, regardless of intelligence and knowledge. Although knowledge of the options presented to that will, combined with perfect-infinite intelligence, could be said to provide God with omniscience if omniscience is defined as knowledge or understanding of all that is.

          The last centuries of philosophy have seen vigorous questions regarding the arguments for God's existence raised by such philosophers as Immanuel Kant, David Hume and Antony Flew, although Kant held that the argument from morality was valid. The theist response has been either to contend, like Alvin Plantinga, that faith is "properly basic"; or to take, like Richard Swinburne, the evidentialist position.[19] Some theists agree that none of the arguments for God's existence are compelling, but argue that faith is not a product of reason, but requires risk. There would be no risk, they say, if the arguments for God's existence were as solid as the laws of logic, a position summed up by Pascal as: "The heart has reasons which reason knows not of."[20]

          Most major religions hold God not as a metaphor, but a being that influences our day-to-day existences. Many believers allow for the existence of other, less powerful spiritual beings, and give them names such as angels, saints, djinni, demons, and devas.
          Theism and Deism

          Theism generally holds that God exists realistically, objectively, and independently of human thought; that God created and sustains everything; that God is omnipotent and eternal; personal and interacting with the universe through for example religious experience and the prayers of humans.[21] It holds that God is both transcendent and immanent; thus, God is simultaneously infinite and in some way present in the affairs of the world.[22] Not all theists subscribe to all the above propositions, but usually a fair number of them, c.f., family resemblance.[21] Catholic theology holds that God is infinitely simple and is not involuntarily subject to time. Most theists hold that God is omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent, although this belief raises questions about God's responsibility for evil and suffering in the world. Some theists ascribe to God a self-conscious or purposeful limiting of omnipotence, omniscience, or benevolence. Open Theism, by contrast, asserts that, due to the nature of time, God's omniscience does not mean the deity can predict the future. "Theism" is sometimes used to refer in general to any belief in a god or gods, i.e., monotheism or polytheism.[23][24]

          Deism holds that God is wholly transcendent: God exists, but does not intervene in the world beyond what was necessary to create it.[22] In this view, God is not anthropomorphic, and does not literally answer prayers or cause miracles to occur. Common in Deism is a belief that God has no interest in humanity and may not even be aware of humanity. Pandeism and Panendeism, respectively, combine Deism with the Pantheistic or Panentheistic beliefs discussed below.
          History of monotheism
          Main article: Monotheism
          The Name of God written in Arabic calligraphy by 17th century Ottoman artist Hâfız Osman. In Islam, it is considered a sin to anthropomorphize God.

          Some writers such as Karen Armstrong believe that the concept of monotheism sees a gradual development out of notions of henotheism and monolatrism. In the Ancient Near East, each city had a local patron deity, such as Shamash at Larsa or Sin at Ur. The earliest known claims of global supremacy of a specific god date to the Late Bronze Age, with Akhenaten's Great Hymn to the Aten, and, depending on dating issues, Zoroaster's Gathas to Ahura Mazda. Currents of monism or monotheism emerge in Vedic India in the same period, with e.g. the Nasadiya Sukta. Philosophical monotheism and the associated concept of absolute good and evil emerges in Classical Antiquity, notably with Plato (c.f. Euthyphro dilemma), elaborated into the idea of The One in Neoplatonism.

          According to The Oxford Companion To World Mythology, "The lack of cohesion among early Hebrews made monotheism – even monolatry, the exclusive worship of one god among many – an impossibility...And even then it can be argued that the firm establishment of monotheism in Judaism required the rabbinical or Talmudic process of the first century B.C.E. to the sixth century C.E.".[25] In Islamic theology, a person who spontaneously "discovers" monotheism is called a ḥanīf, the original ḥanīf being Abraham.

          Austrian anthropologist Wilhelm Schmidt in the 1910s postulated an Urmonotheismus, "original" or "primitive monotheism", a thesis now widely rejected in comparative religion but still occasionally defended in creationist circles.
          Monotheism and pantheism

          Monotheists hold that there is only one god, and may claim that the one true god is worshiped in different religions under different names. The view that all theists actually worship the same god, whether they know it or not, is especially emphasized in Hinduism[26] and Sikhism.[27] Adherents of different religions, however, generally disagree as to how to best worship God and what is God's plan for mankind, if there is one. There are different approaches to reconciling the contradictory claims of monotheistic religions. One view is taken by exclusivists, who believe they are the chosen people or have exclusive access to absolute truth, generally through revelation or encounter with the Divine, which adherents of other religions do not. Another view is religious pluralism. A pluralist typically believes that his religion is the right one, but does not deny the partial truth of other religions. An example of a pluralist view in Christianity is supersessionism, i.e., the belief that one's religion is the fulfillment of previous religions. A third approach is relativistic inclusivism, where everybody is seen as equally right; an example in Christianity is universalism: the doctrine that salvation is eventually available for everyone. A fourth approach is syncretism, mixing different elements from different religions. An example of syncretism is the New Age movement.

          Pantheism holds that God is the universe and the universe is God, whereas Panentheism holds that God contains, but is not identical to, the Universe; the distinctions between the two are subtle. It is also the view of the Liberal Catholic Church, Theosophy, some views of Hinduism except Vaishnavism which believes in panentheism, Sikhism, some divisions of Buddhism, some divisions of Neopaganism and Taoism, along with many varying denominations and individuals within denominations. Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, paints a pantheistic/panentheistic view of God — which has wide acceptance in Hasidic Judaism, particularly from their founder The Baal Shem Tov — but only as an addition to the Jewish view of a personal god, not in the original pantheistic sense that denies or limits persona to God.
          Dystheism and nontheism

          Dystheism, related to theodicy is a form of theism which holds that God is either not wholly good or is fully malevolent as a consequence of the problem of evil. One such example would be Satanism or the Devil.

          Nontheism holds that the universe can be explained without any reference to the supernatural, or to a supernatural being. Some non-theists avoid the concept of God, whilst accepting that it is significant to many; other non-theists understand God as a symbol of human values and aspirations. Many schools of Buddhism may be considered non-theistic.
          Non-religious views regarding God
          See also: Evolutionary origin of religions and Evolutionary psychology of religion

          Stephen Jay Gould proposed an approach dividing the world of philosophy into what he called "non-overlapping magisteria" (NOMA). In this view, questions of the supernatural, such as those relating to the existence and nature of God, are non-empirical and are the proper domain of theology. The methods of science should then be used to answer any empirical question about the natural world, and theology should be used to answer questions about ultimate meaning and moral value. In this view, the perceived lack of any empirical footprint from the magisterium of the supernatural onto natural events makes science the sole player in the natural world.[28]

          Another view, advanced by Richard Dawkins, is that the existence of God is an empirical question, on the grounds that "a universe with a god would be a completely different kind of universe from one without, and it would be a scientific difference."[17]

          Carl Sagan argued that the doctrine of a Creator of the Universe was difficult to prove or disprove and that the only conceivable scientific discovery that could challenge it would be an infinitely old universe.[29]
          See also: Anthropomorphism

          Pascal Boyer argues that while there is a wide array of supernatural concepts found around the world, in general, supernatural beings tend to behave much like people. The construction of gods and spirits like persons is one of the best known traits of religion. He cites examples from Greek Mythology, which is, in his opinion, more like a modern soap opera than other religious systems.[30] Bertrand du Castel and Timothy Jurgensen demonstrate through formalization that Boyer's explanatory model matches physics' epistemology in positing not directly observable entities as intermediaries.[31] Anthropologist Stewart Guthrie contends that people project human features onto non-human aspects of the world because it makes those aspects more familiar. Sigmund Freud also suggested that god concepts are projections of one's father.[32]

          Likewise, Émile Durkheim was one of the earliest to suggest that gods represent an extension of human social life to include supernatural beings. In line with this reasoning, psychologist Matt Rossano contends that when humans began living in larger groups, they may have created gods as a means of enforcing morality. In small groups, morality can be enforced by social forces such as gossip or reputation. However it is much harder to enforce morality using social forces in much larger groups. He indicates that by including ever watchful gods and spirits, humans discovered an effective strategy for restraining selfishness and building more cooperative groups.[33]
          Distribution of belief in God
          Main article: List of religious populations
          The percentage of population in European countries who responded in a 2005 census that they "believe there is a God". Countries with Roman Catholic (e.g.: Poland, Portugal) Eastern Orthodox (Greece, Romania) or Muslim (Turkey) majorities tend to poll highest.

          As of 2000, approximately 53% of the world's population identifies with one of the three Abrahamic religions (33% Christian, 20% Islam, <1% Judaism), 6% with Buddhism, 13% with Hinduism, 6% with traditional Chinese religion, 7% with various other religions, and less than 15% as non-religious. Most of these religious beliefs involve a god or gods.[34]
          See also

          * God the Father
          * God in Christianity
          * God the Father in Western art
          * God in Islam
          * God in Judaism
          * God in the Baha'i Faith
          * God in Hinduism


          * BBC, Nigeria leads in religious belief
          * Beck, Guy L. (Ed.) (2005). Alternative Krishnas: Regional and Vernacular Variations on a Hindu Deity. SUNY Press. ISBN 0791464156.
          * Pickover, Cliff, The Paradox of God and the Science of Omniscience, Palgrave/St Martin's Press, 2001. ISBN 1-4039-6457-2
          * Collins, Francis, The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, Free Press, 2006. ISBN 0-7432-8639-1
          * Harris interactive, While Most Americans Believe in God, Only 36% Attend a Religious Service Once a Month or More Often
          * Miles, Jack, God: A Biography, Knopf, 1995, ISBN 0-679-74368-5 Book description.
          * Armstrong, Karen, A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Ballantine Books, 1994. ISBN 0-434-02456-2
          * National Geographic Family Reference Atlas of the World, National Geographic Society, 2002.
          * Pew research center, The 2004 Political Landscape Evenly Divided and Increasingly Polarized - Part 8: Religion in American Life
          * Sharp, Michael, The Book of Light: The Nature of God, the Structure of Consciousness, and the Universe Within You. Avatar Publications, 2005. ISBN 0-9738555-2-5. free as eBook
          * Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology, Vol. 1 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951). ISBN 0-226-80337-6
          * Hastings, James Rodney (2nd edition 1925-1940, reprint 1955, 2003) [1908-26]. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. John A Selbie (Volume 4 of 24 ( Behistun (continued) to Bunyan.) ed.). Edinburgh: Kessinger Publishing, LLC. p. 476. ISBN 0-7661-3673-6. Retrieved 03-05-2008. "The encyclopedia will contain articles on all the religions of the world and on all the great systems of ethics. It will aim at containing articles on every religious belief or custom, and on every ethical movement, every philosophical idea, every moral practice."


          1. ^ a b c Swinburne, R.G. "God" in Honderich, Ted. (ed)The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 1995.
          2. ^ a b c d Edwards, Paul. "God and the philosophers" in Honderich, Ted. (ed)The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 1995.
          3. ^ a b c d Platinga, Alvin. "God, Arguments for the Existence of," Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Routledge, 2000.
          4. ^ The ulterior etymology is disputed. Apart from the unlikely hypothesis of adoption from a foreign tongue, the OTeut. "ghuba" implies as its preTeut-type either "*ghodho-m" or "*ghodto-m". The former does not appear to admit of explanation; but the latter would represent the neut. pple. of a root "gheu-". There are two Aryan roots of the required form ("*g,heu-" with palatal aspirate) one with meaning 'to invoke' (Skr. "hu") the other 'to pour, to offer sacrifice' (Skr "hu", Gr. χεηi;ν, OE "geotàn" Yete v). OED Compact Edition, G, p. 267
          5. ^ Barnhart, Robert K (1995). The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology: the Origins of American English Words, page 323. HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-270094-7
          6. ^ Webster's New World Dictionary; "god n. ME < OE, akin to Ger gott, Goth guth, prob. < IE base * ĝhau-, to call out to, invoke > Sans havaté, (he) calls upon; 1. any of various beings conceived of as supernatural, immortal, and having special powers over the lives and affairs of people and the course of nature; deity, esp. a male deity: typically considered objects of worship; 2. an image that is worshiped; idol 3. a person or thing deified or excessively honored and admired; 4. [G-] in monotheistic religions, the creator and ruler of the universe, regarded as eternal, infinite, all-powerful, and all-knowing; Supreme Being; the Almighty
          7. ^; "God /gɒd/ noun: 1. the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe. 2. the Supreme Being considered with reference to a particular attribute. 3. (lowercase) one of several deities, esp. a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldly affairs. 4. (often lowercase) a supreme being according to some particular conception: the god of mercy. 5. Christian Science. the Supreme Being, understood as Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Principle. 6. (lowercase) an image of a deity; an idol. 7. (lowercase) any deified person or object. 8. (often lowercase) Gods, Theater. 8a. the upper balcony in a theater. 8b. the spectators in this part of the balcony.
          8. ^ Barton, G.A. (2006). A Sketch of Semitic Origins: Social and Religious. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 142861575X.
          9. ^ Hastings 2003, p. 540
          10. ^ Guanche Religion
          11. ^ Isa. 45:18; 54:5; Jer. 32:27; Gen. 1:1; Deut. 5:23; 8:15; Ps. 68:7
          12. ^ Bible Gateway, . .
          13. ^ Gen. 17:1; 28:3; 35:11; Ex. 6:31; Ps. 91:1, 2
          14. ^ Gen. 14:19; Ps. 9:2; Dan. 7:18, 22, 25
          15. ^ "DOES GOD MATTER? A Social-Science Critique". by Paul Froese and Christopher Bader. Retrieved 2007-05-28.
          16. ^ Michel Henry : I am the Truth. Toward a philosophy of Christianity (Stanford University Press, 2002)
          17. ^ a b Dawkins, Richard. "Why There Almost Certainly Is No God". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 2007-01-10.
          18. ^ Wierenga, Edward R. "Divine foreknowledge" in Audi, Robert. The Cambridge Companion to Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
          19. ^ Beaty, Michael (1991). "God Among the Philosophers". The Christian Century. Retrieved 2007-02-20.
          20. ^ Pascal, Blaise. Pensées, 1669.
          21. ^ a b Smart, Jack; John Haldane (2003). Atheism and Theism. Blackwell Publishing. p. 8. ISBN 0631232591.
          22. ^ a b Lemos, Ramon M. (2001). A Neomedieval Essay in Philosophical Theology. Lexington Books. p. 34. ISBN 0739102508.
          23. ^ "Philosophy of Religion .info - Glossary - Theism, Atheism, and Agonisticism". Philosophy of Religion .info. Retrieved 2008-07-16.
          24. ^ "Theism - definition of thesim by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia". TheFreeDictionary. Retrieved 2008-07-16.
          25. ^ The Oxford Companion To World Mythology (David Leeming, Oxford University Press, 2005, page 153)
          26. ^ See Swami Bhaskarananda, Essentials of Hinduism (Viveka Press 2002) ISBN 1-884852-04-1
          27. ^ Sri Granth: Sri Guru Granth Sahib
          28. ^ Dawkins, Richard (2006). The God Delusion. Great Britain: Bantam Press. ISBN 0-618-68000-4.
          29. ^ Sagan, Carl (1996). The Demon Haunted World p.278. New York: Ballantine Books. ISBN 0-345-40946-9.
          30. ^ Boyer, Pascal (2001). Religion Explained,. New York: Basic Books. pp. 142–243. ISBN 0-465-00696-5.,M1.
          31. ^ du Castel, Bertrand; Jurgensen, Timothy M. (2008). Computer Theology,. Austin, Texas: Midori Press. pp. 221–222. ISBN 0-9801821-1-5.
          32. ^ Barrett, Justin (1996) (PDF). Conceptualizing a Nonnatural Entity: Anthropomorphism in God Concepts.
          33. ^ Rossano, Matt (2007) (PDF). Supernaturalizing Social Life: Religion and the Evolution of Human Cooperation. Retrieved 2009-06-25.
          34. ^ National Geographic Family Reference Atlas of the World p. 49

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          This article is about the theological or philosophical afterlife. For other uses, see Hell (disambiguation).
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          Medieval illustration of Hell in the Hortus deliciarum manuscript of Herrad of Landsberg (about 1180)

          In many religious traditions, Hell is a place of suffering and punishment in the afterlife, often in the underworld. Religions with a linear divine history often depict Hell as endless (for example, see Hell in Christian beliefs). Religions with a cyclic history often depict Hell as an intermediary period between incarnations (for example, see Chinese Diyu).

          Punishment in Hell typically corresponds to sins committed during life. Sometimes these distinctions are specific, with damned souls suffering for each sin committed (see for example Plato's myth of Er or Dante's The Divine Comedy), and sometimes they are general, with sinners being relegated to one or more chamber of Hell or level of suffering. In Christianity, however, faith and repentance play a larger role than actions in determining a soul's afterlife destiny.

          In Christianity and Islam, Hell is traditionally depicted as fiery and painful, inflicting guilt and suffering.[1] Some other traditions, however, portray Hell as cold and gloomy. Despite the common depictions of Hell as a fire, Dante's Inferno portrays the innermost (9th) circle of Hell as a frozen lake of blood and guilt.[2] Hell is often portrayed as populated with demons, who torment the damned. Many are ruled by a death god, such as Nergal or the Christian or Islamic Devil.

          In contrast to Hell, other types of afterlives are abodes of the dead and paradises. Abodes of the dead are neutral places for all the dead (for example, see sheol) rather than prisons of punishment for sinners. A paradise is a happy afterlife for some or all of the dead (for example, see heaven). Modern understandings of Hell often depict it abstractly, as a state of loss rather than as fiery torture literally underground.

          * 1 Etymology and Germanic mythology
          * 2 Religion, mythology, and folklore
          o 2.1 Polytheism
          + 2.1.1 Ancient Egypt
          + 2.1.2 Greek
          + 2.1.3 European
          + 2.1.4 American
          o 2.2 Abrahamic
          + 2.2.1 Judaism
          + 2.2.2 Christianity
          + 2.2.3 Islam
          + 2.2.4 Bahá'í Faith
          o 2.3 Eastern
          + 2.3.1 Buddhism
          + 2.3.2 Hinduism
          + 2.3.3 Taoism
          + 2.3.4 Chinese folk beliefs
          o 2.4 Zoroastrianism
          * 3 Literature
          * 4 Biblical words translated as "Hell"
          * 5 See also
          * 6 References
          * 7 Further reading
          * 8 External links

          Etymology and Germanic mythology
          "Hel" (1889) by Johannes Gehrts.

          The modern English word Hell is derived from Old English hel, helle (about 725 AD to refer to a nether world of the dead) reaching into the Anglo-Saxon pagan period, and ultimately from Proto-Germanic *halja, meaning "one who covers up or hides something".[3] The word has cognates in related Germanic languages such as Old Frisian helle, hille, Old Saxon hellja, Middle Dutch helle (modern Dutch hel), Old High German helle (Modern German Hölle), Danish, Norwegian and Swedish "helvede"/helvete (hel + Old Norse vitti, "punishment"), and Gothic halja.[3] Subsequently, the word was used to transfer a pagan concept to Christian theology and its vocabulary[3] (however, for the Judeo-Christian origin of the concept see Gehenna).

          The English word hell has been theorized as being derived from Old Norse hel[3] but it the cognate does appear in all the other languages and has a Proto-Germanic origin.[4] Among other sources, the Poetic Edda, compiled from earlier traditional sources in the 13th century, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, provide information regarding the beliefs of the Norse pagans, including a being named Hel, who is described as ruling over an underworld location of the same name. This is envisioned as a "misty" place (rather than the fire envisioned by Christianity) where go all women and in addition, some men. Punishment for wrong deeds is not mentioned.
          Religion, mythology, and folklore
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          A vision of Hell from Dante’s Divine Comedy. Illustration by Gustave Doré.

          Hell appears in several mythologies and religions. It is commonly inhabited by demons and the souls of dead people. Hell is often depicted in art and literature, perhaps most famously in Dante's Divine Comedy.
          Ancient Egypt

          With the rise of the cult of Osiris during the Middle Kingdom the “democratization of religion” offered to even his humblest followers the prospect of eternal life, with moral fitness becoming the dominant factor in determining a persons suitability. At death a person faced judgment by a tribunal of forty-two divine judges. If they led a life in conformance with the precepts of the Goddess Maat, who represented truth and right living, the person was welcomed into the Two Fields. If found guilty the person was thrown to a “devourer” and didn't share in eternal life.[5] The person who is taken by the devourer is subject first to terrifying punishment and then annihilated. These depictions of punishment may have influenced medieval perceptions of the inferno in hell via early Christian and Coptic texts.[6] Purification for those who are considered justified may be found in the descriptions of “Flame Island”, where they experience the triumph over evil and rebirth. For the dammed complete destruction into a state of non being awaits but there is no suggestion of eternal torture.[7][8] Divine pardon at judgement was always a central concern for the Ancient Egyptians.[9]
          Main article: Tartarus

          In classic Greek mythology, below Heaven, Earth, and Pontus is Tartarus, or Tartaros (Greek Τάρταρος, deep place). It is either a deep, gloomy place, a pit or abyss used as a dungeon of torment and suffering that resides within Hades (the entire underworld) with Tartarus being the hellish component. In the Gorgias, Plato (c. 400 BC) wrote that souls were judged after death and those who received punishment were sent to Tartarus. As a place of punishment, it can be considered a hell. The classic Hades, on the other hand, is more similar to Old Testament Sheol.

          The hells of Europe include Breton Mythology's “Anaon”, Celtic Mythology's “Uffern”, Slavic mythology's "Peklo", the hell of Lapps Mythology and Ugarian Mythology's “Manala” that leads to annihilation. The hells in the Middle East include Sumerian Mythology's “Aralu”; the hells of Canaanite Mythology, Hittite Mythology and Mithraism; the weighing of the heart in Egyptian Mythology can lead to annihilation. The hells of Asia include Bagobo Mythology's “Gimokodan” and Ancient Indian Mythology's “Kalichi". African hells include Haida Mythology's “Hetgwauge” and the hell of Swahili Mythology. The hells of the Americas include Aztec Mythology's “Mictlan”, Inuit mythology's “Adlivun” and Yanomamo Mythology's “Shobari Waka”. The Oceanic hells include Samoan Mythology's “O le nu'u-o-nonoa” and the hells of Bangka Mythology and Caroline Islands Mythology.

          In Maya mythology , Xibalbá is the dangerous underworld of nine levels ruled by the demons Vucub Caquix and Hun Came. The road into and out of it is said to be steep, thorny and very forbidding. Metnal is the lowest and most horrible of the nine Hells of the underworld, ruled by Ah Puch. Ritual healers would intone healing prayers banishing diseases to Metnal. Much of the Popol Vuh describes the adventures of the Maya Hero Twins in their cunning struggle with the evil lords of Xibalbá.

          The Aztecs believed that the dead traveled to Mictlán, a neutral place found far to the north. There was also a legend of a place of white flowers, which was always dark, and was home to the gods of death, particularly Mictlantecutli and his spouse Mictlantecihuatl, which means literally "lords of Mictlán". The journey to Mictlán took four years, and the travelers had to overcome difficult tests, such as passing a mountain range where the mountains crashed into each other, a field where the wind carried flesh-scraping knives, and a river of blood with fearsome jaguars.
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          Daniel 12:2 proclaims "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, Some to everlasting life, Some to shame and everlasting contempt." Judaism does not have a specific doctrine about the afterlife, but it does have a mystical/Orthodox tradition of describing Gehenna. Gehenna is not Hell, but rather a sort of Purgatory where one is judged based on his or her life's deeds, or rather, where one becomes fully aware of one's own shortcomings and negative actions during one's life. The Kabbalah explains it as a "waiting room" (commonly translated as an "entry way") for all souls (not just the wicked). The overwhelming majority of rabbinic thought maintains that people are not in Gehenna forever; the longest that one can be there is said to be 11 months, however there has been the occasional noted exception. Some consider it a spiritual forge where the soul is purified for its eventual ascent to Olam Habah (heb. עולם הבא; lit. "The world to come", often viewed as analogous to Heaven). This is also mentioned in the Kabbalah, where the soul is described as breaking, like the flame of a candle lighting another: the part of the soul that ascends being pure and the "unfinished" piece being reborn.

          According to Jewish teachings, hell is not entirely physical; rather, it can be compared to a very intense feeling of shame. People are ashamed of their misdeeds and this constitutes suffering which makes up for the bad deeds. When one has so deviated from the will of God, one is said to be in gehinom. This is not meant to refer to some point in the future, but to the very present moment. The gates of teshuva (return) are said to be always open, and so one can align his will with that of God at any moment. Being out of alignment with God's will is itself a punishment according to the Torah. In addition, Subbotniks and Messianic Judaism believe in Gehenna, but Samaritans probably believe in a separation of the wicked in a shadowy existence, Sheol, and the righteous in heaven.
          Main article: Hell in Christian beliefs

          The Christian doctrine of hell derives from the teaching of the New Testament, where hell is typically described using the Greek words Tartarus or Hades or the Arabic word Gehenna.
          Hebrew OT Septuagint Greek NT times in NT Vulgate KJV NIV
          Sheol [10] Hades Hades [11] x10 infernus [12] Hell Hades
          Ge Hinom [13] Ennom [14] Gehenna [15] x11 infernus Hell Hell
          tartaro [16] x1 infernus Hell Hell

          These three terms have different meanings and must be recognized.

          * Hades has similarities to the Old Testament term, Sheol as "the place of the dead", or in other words, the grave. Thus, it is used in reference to both the righteous and the wicked, since both wind up there eventually.[17]
          * Gehenna refers to the "Valley of Hinnon", which was a garbage dump outside of Jerusalem. It was a place where people burned their garbage and thus there was always a fire burning there. Bodies of those deemed to have died in sin without hope of salvation (such as people who committed suicide) were thrown there to be destroyed.[18] Gehenna is used in the New Testament as a metaphor for the final place of punishment for the wicked after the resurrection.[19]
          * Tartaro (the verb "throw to Tartarus") occurs only once in the New Testament in II Peter 2:4, where it is parallel to the use of the noun form in 1 Enoch as the place of incarceration of 200 fallen angels. It mentions nothing about human souls being sent there in the afterlife.

          In most Christian beliefs, such as the Catholic Church, most Protestant churches (such as the Baptists, Episcopalians, etc.), and Greek Orthodox churches, Hell is taught as the final destiny of those who have not been found worthy after they have passed through the great white throne of judgment [20][21], where they will be punished for sin and permanently separated from God after the general resurrection and last judgment. The nature of this judgment is inconsistent, with many Protestant churches teaching the saving comes from accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, while the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches teach that the judgment hinges on both faith and works. However, many Liberal Christians throughout Liberal Protestant, Anglican, Catholic and some Orthodox churches believe in Universal Reconciliation (see below) even though it might contradict the "official" teachings of their denomination. Some Christian theologians of the early Church and some of the modern Church subscribe to the doctrines of Conditional Immortality. Conditional Immortality is the belief that the soul dies with the body and does not live again until the resurrection. This is the view held by Orthodox Jews and a few Christian sects, such as the Living Church of God, The Church of God International, and Seventh Day Adventist Church.

          Annihilationism is the belief that the soul is mortal unless granted eternal life, making it possible to be destroyed in Hell.

          Jehovah's Witnesses hold that the soul ceases to exist when the person dies[22] and therefore that Hell (Sheol or Hades) is a state of non-existence.[22] In their theology, Gehenna differs from Sheol or Hades in that it holds no hope of a resurrection.[22] Tatarus is held to be the metaphorical state of debasement of the fallen angels between the time of their moral fall (Genesis chapter 6) until their post-millennial destruction along with Satan (Revelation chapter 20).[23]

          Universal Reconciliation is the belief that all human souls (and even Demons) will be eventually reconciled with God and admitted to Heaven. This view is held by some Unitarian-Universalists.[24][25][26]
          Main article: Jahannam

          Muslims believe in jahannam (in Arabic: جهنم) (which is related to the Hebrew word gehinnom and resembles the versions of Hell in Christianity). In the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, there are literal descriptions of the condemned in a fiery Hell, as contrasted to the garden-like Paradise (jannah) enjoyed by righteous believers.

          In addition, Heaven and Hell are split into many different levels depending on the actions perpetrated in life, where punishment is given depending on the level of evil done in life, and good is separated into other levels depending on how well one followed God while alive. The gate of Hell is guarded by Maalik who is the leader of the angels assigned as the guards of hell also known as Zabaaniyah. The Quran states that the fuel of Hellfire is rocks/stones (idols) and human beings.

          Although generally Hell is often portrayed as a hot steaming and tormenting place for sinners, there is one Hell pit which is characterized differently from the other Hell in Islamic tradition. Zamhareer is seen as the coldest and the most freezing Hell of all; yet its coldness is not seen as a pleasure or a relief to the sinners who committed crimes against God. The state of the Hell of Zamhareer is a suffering of extreme coldness, of blizzards, ice, and snow which no one on this earth can bear. The lowest pit of all existing Hells is the Hawiyah which is meant for the hypocrites and two-faced people who claimed to believe in Allah and His messenger by the tongue but denounced both in their hearts. Hypocrisy is considered to be one of the most dangerous sins, and so is Shirk. According to the Qur'an and Hadith, all those who have received and rejected Islamic teachings will go to Hell.[citation needed]
          Bahá'í Faith

          The Bahá'í Faith regards the conventional description of Hell (and heaven) as a specific place as symbolic.[27] Instead the Bahá'í writings describe Hell as a "spiritual condition" where remoteness from God is defined as Hell; conversely heaven is seen as a state of closeness to God.[27]
          Main article: Naraka (Buddhism)

          In "Devaduta Sutta" the 130 th discource of Majjhima Nikaya Buddha teaches about the hell in vivid detail. Buddhism teaches that there are five (sometimes six) realms of rebirth, which can then be further subdivided into degrees of agony or pleasure. Of these realms, the hell realms, or Naraka, is the lowest realm of rebirth. Of the hell realms, the worst is Avīci or "endless suffering". The Buddha's disciple, Devadatta, who tried to kill the Buddha on three occasions, as well as create a schism in the monastic order, is said to have been reborn in the Avici Hell.

          However, like all realms of rebirth, rebirth in the Hell realms is not permanent, though suffering can persist for eons before being reborn again. In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha teaches that eventually even Devadatta will become a Pratyekabuddha himself, emphasizing the temporary nature of the Hell realms. Thus, Buddhism teaches to escape the endless migration of rebirths (both positive and negative) through the attainment of Nirvana.

          The Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, according to the Ksitigarbha Sutra, made a great vow as a young girl to not reach Enlightenment until all beings were liberated from the Hell Realms or other unwholesome rebirths. In popular literature, Ksitigarbha travels to the Hell realms to teach and relieve beings of their suffering.
          Main article: Naraka
          Yama's Court and Hell. The Blue figure is Yamaraja (The Hindu god of death) with his consort Yami and Chitragupta
          17th century Painting from Government Museum, Chennai.

          Early Vedic religion doesn't have a concept of Hell. Ṛg-veda mentions three realms, bhūr (the earth), svar (the sky) and bhuvas or antarikṣa (the middle area, i.e. air or atmosphere)). In later Hindu literature, especially the law books and Puranas, more realms are mentioned, including a realm similar to Hell, called naraka (in Devanāgarī: नरक). Yama as first born human (together with his twin sister Yamī) in virtue of precedence becomes ruler of men and a judge on their departure. Originally he resides in Heaven, but later, especially medieval traditions, mention his court in naraka.

          In the law-books (smṛtis and dharma-sūtras, like the Manu-smṛti) naraka is a place of punishment for sins. It is a lower spiritual plane (called naraka-loka) where the spirit is judged, or partial fruits of karma affected in a next life. In Mahabharata there is a mention of the Pandavas going to Heaven and the Kauravas going to Hell. However for the small number of sins which they did commit in their lives, the Pandavas had to undergo hell for a short time. Hells are also described in various Puranas and other scriptures. Garuda Purana gives a detailed account of Hell, its features and enlists amount of punishment for most of the crimes like a modern day penal code.

          It is believed that people who commit sins go to Hell and have to go through punishments in accordance with the sins they committed. The god Yamarāja, who is also the god of death, presides over Hell. Detailed accounts of all the sins committed by an individual are kept by Chitragupta, who is the record keeper in Yama's court. Chitragupta reads out the sins committed and Yama orders appropriate punishments to be given to individuals. These punishments include dipping in boiling oil, burning in fire, torture using various weapons, etc. in various Hells. Individuals who finish their quota of the punishments are reborn in accordance with their balance of karma. All created beings are imperfect and thus have at least one sin to their record; but if one has generally led a pious life, one ascends to svarga, a temporary realm of enjoinment similar to Paradise, after a brief period of expiation in Hell and before the next reincarnation according to the law of karma.

          Ancient Taoism had no concept of Hell, as morality was seen to be a man-made distinction and there was no concept of an immaterial soul. In its home country China, where Taoism adopted tenets of other religions, popular belief endows Taoist Hell with many deities and spirits who punish sin in a variety of horrible ways. This is also considered Karma for Taoism.
          Chinese folk beliefs
          Main article: Diyu
          A Chinese glazed earthenware sculpture of "Hell's torturer," 16th century, Ming Dynasty

          Diyu (simplified Chinese: 地狱; traditional Chinese: 地獄; pinyin: Dìyù; Wade-Giles: Ti-yü; literally "earth prison") is the realm of the dead in Chinese mythology. It is very loosely based upon the Buddhist concept of Naraka combined with traditional Chinese afterlife beliefs and a variety of popular expansions and re-interpretations of these two traditions. Ruled by Yanluo Wang, the King of Hell, Diyu is a maze of underground levels and chambers where souls are taken to atone for their earthly sins.

          Incorporating ideas from Taoism and Buddhism as well as traditional Chinese folk religion, Diyu is a kind of purgatory place which serves not only to punish but also to renew spirits ready for their next incarnation. There are many deities associated with the place, whose names and purposes are the subject of much conflicting information.

          The exact number of levels in Chinese Hell - and their associated deities - differs according to the Buddhist or Taoist perception. Some speak of three to four 'Courts', other as many as ten. The ten judges are also known as the 10 Kings of Yama. Each Court deals with a different aspect of atonement. For example, murder is punished in one Court, adultery in another. According to some Chinese legends, there are eighteen levels in Hell. Punishment also varies according to belief, but most legends speak of highly imaginative chambers where wrong-doers are sawn in half, beheaded, thrown into pits of filth or forced to climb trees adorned with sharp blades.

          However, most legends agree that once a soul (usually referred to as a 'ghost') has atoned for their deeds and repented, he or she is given the Drink of Forgetfulness by Meng Po and sent back into the world to be reborn, possibly as an animal or a poor or sick person, for further punishment.
          Main article: Zoroastrian eschatology

          Zoroastrianism has historically suggested several possible fates for the wicked, including annihilation, purgation in molten metal, and eternal punishment, all of which have standing in Zoroaster's writings. Zoroastrian eschatology includes the belief that wicked souls will remain in hell until, following the arrival of three saviors at thousand-year intervals, Ahura Mazda reconciles the world, destroying evil and resurrecting tormented souls to perfection.[28]

          The sacred Gathas mention a “House of the Lie″ for those “that are of an evil dominion, of evil deeds, evil words, evil Self, and evil thought, Liars.”[29] However, the only Zoroastrian text that describes hell in detail is the Book of Arda Viraf.[30] It depicts particular punishments for particular sins—for instance, being trampled by cattle as punishment for neglecting the needs of work animals.[31]
          "Dante And Virgil In Hell" (1850) by William-Adolphe Bouguereau.

          In his Divina commedia ("Divine comedy"; set in the year 1300), Dante Alighieri employed the conceit of taking Virgil as his guide through Inferno (and then, in the second canticle, up the mountain of Purgatorio). Virgil himself is not condemned to Hell in Dante's poem but is rather, as a virtuous pagan, confined to Limbo just at the edge of Hell. The geography of Hell is very elaborately laid out in this work, with nine concentric rings leading deeper into the Earth and deeper into the various punishments of Hell, until, at the center of the world, Dante finds Satan himself trapped in the frozen lake of Cocytus. A small tunnel leads past Satan and out to the other side of the world, at the base of the Mount of Purgatory.

          John Milton's Paradise Lost (1667) opens with the fallen angels, including their leader Satan, waking up in Hell after having been defeated in the war in heaven and the action returns there at several points throughout the poem. Milton portrays Hell as the abode of the demons, and the passive prison from which they plot their revenge upon Heaven through the corruption of the human race. 19th century French poet Arthur Rimbaud alluded to the concept as well in the title and themes of one of his major works, A Season In Hell. Rimbaud's poetry portrays his own suffering in a poetic form as well as other themes.

          Many of the great epics of European literature include episodes that occur in Hell. In the Roman poet Virgil's Latin epic, the Aeneid, Aeneas descends into Dis (the underworld) to visit his father's spirit. The underworld is only vaguely described, with one unexplored path leading to the punishments of Tartarus, while the other leads through Erebus and the Elysian Fields.

          The idea of Hell was highly influential to writers such as Jean-Paul Sartre who authored the 1944 play "No Exit" about the idea that "Hell is other people". Although not a religious man, Sartre was fascinated by his interpretation of a Hellish state of suffering. C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce (1945) borrows its title from William Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1793) and its inspiration from the Divine Comedy as the narrator is likewise guided through Hell and Heaven. Hell is portrayed here as an endless, desolate twilight city upon which night is imperceptibly sinking. The night is actually the Apocalypse, and it heralds the arrival of the demons after their judgment. Before the night comes, anyone can escape Hell if they leave behind their former selves and accept Heaven's offer, and a journey to Heaven reveals that Hell is infinitely small; it is nothing more or less than what happens to a soul that turns away from God and into itself.

          Piers Anthony in his series Incarnations of Immortality portrays examples of Heaven and Hell via Death, Fate, Nature, War, Time, Good-God, and Evil-Devil. Robert A. Heinlein offers a yin-yang version of Hell where there is still some good within; most evident in his book Job: A Comedy of Justice. Lois McMaster Bujold uses her five Gods 'Father, Mother, Son, Daughter and Bastard' in The Curse of Chalion with an example of Hell as formless chaos. Michael Moorcock is one of many who offer Chaos-Evil-(Hell) and Uniformity-Good-(Heaven) as equally unacceptable extremes which must be held in balance; in particular in the Elric and Eternal Champion series.
          Biblical words translated as "Hell"

          In the King James Bible, the Old Testament term Sheol is translated as "Hell" 31 times.[32] However, Sheol was translated as "the grave" 31 other times.[33] Sheol is also translated as "the pit" three times.[34]
          Modern translations, however, do not translate Sheol as "Hell" at all, instead rendering it "the grave," "the pit," or "death." See Intermediate state‎.

          In the New Testament, both early (i.e. the KJV) and modern translations often translate Gehenna as "Hell."[35] Young's Literal Translation is one notable exception, simply using "Gehenna", which was in fact a geographic location just outside Jerusalem (the Valley of Hinnom).

          Appearing only in II Peter 2:4 in the New Testament, both early and modern translations often translate Tartarus as "Hell." Again, Young's Literal Translation is an exception, using "Tartarus".

          Hades is the Greek word traditionally used for the Hebrew word Sheol in such works as the Septuagint, the Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible. Like other first-century Jews literate in Greek, Christian writers of the New Testament followed this use. While earlier translations most often translated Hades as "hell", as does the King James Version, modern translations use the transliteration "Hades"[36] or render the word as allusions "to the grave" [37], "among the dead"[38], "place of the dead"[39] and many other like statements in other verses. In Latin, Hades could be translated as Purgatorium (Purgatory in English use) after about 1200 A.D.[40], but no modern English translations Hades to Purgatory. See Intermediate state‎.

          The Hebrew word Abaddon, meaning "destruction", is sometimes used as a synonym of Hell.[41]

          The Latin word infernus means "being underneath" and is often translated as "Hell".

          See also

          * Hell in popular culture
          * Problem of Hell
          * Well to Hell hoax


          1. ^ Numerous verses in the Qu'ran and New Testament.
          2. ^ Alighieri, Dante (June 2001 (orig. trans. 1977)) [c. 1315]. "Cantos XXXI-XXXIV". Inferno. trans. John Ciardi (2 ed.). New York: Penguin.
          3. ^ a b c d Barnhart, Robert K. (1995) The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, page 348. Harper Collins ISBN 0062700847
          4. ^
          5. ^ Religion and Magic in Ancient Egypt”, Rosalie David, p158-159, Penguin, 2002, ISBN 0-14-0262252-0
          6. ^ ”The Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology: The Oxford Guide”, “Hell”, p161-162, Jacobus Van Dijk, Berkley Reference, 2003, ISBN 0-425-19096-X
          7. ^ ”The Divine Verdict”, John Gwyn Griffiths, p233, BRILL, 1991, ISBN 9004092315
          8. ^ see also letter by Prof. Griffith to “The Independent”, 32 December 1993 [1]
          9. ^ "Egyptian Religion", Jan Assman, The Encyclopedia of Christianity, p77, vol2, Wm. B Eerdmans Publishing, 1999, ISBN 90041 16958
          10. ^ Sheol: 1Mos 37:35, 42:38, 44:29, 44:31,
          11. ^ Hades: Mat.11:23 16:18 Luk.10:15. Ap.2:27,31. 1Kor 15:55.Upp.1:18 6:8 20:13,14
          12. ^ Lewis & Short Inferus
          13. ^ גֵיא בֶן־הִנֹּם Hinnom: Jer.19:6
          14. ^ LXX πολυάνδριον υἱοῦ Εννομ
          15. ^ Gehenna: Mat.5:22,29,30, 10:28, 18:09, 23:15,33. Mar. 9:43,45,47, Luk.12:05, Jak.3:6.
          16. ^ tartaro - verb: throw down to Tartarus, used of the fall of the Titans
          17. ^ Unger, Merrill F. (1981). Unger's Bible Dictionary. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, The. pp. 467.
          18. ^ The New Schaf-Herzog Encyclopedia of religious Knowledge pg. 415
          19. ^ The New Schaf-Herzog Encyclopedia of religious Knowledge pgs. 414-415
          20. ^ Revelation 20:11
          21. ^ Romans 6:23
          22. ^ a b c "What Does the Bible Really Teach?", 2005, Published by Jehovah's Witnesses
          23. ^ "Insight on the scriptures, Volume 2", 1988, Published by Jehovah's Witnesses.
          24. ^ New Bible Dictionary, "Hell", InterVarsity Press, 1996.
          25. ^ New Dictionary of Biblical Theology, "Hell", InterVarsity Press, 2000.
          26. ^ Evangelical Alliance Commission on Truth and Unity Among Evangelicals, The Nature of Hell, Paternoster, 2000.
          27. ^ a b Masumian, Farnaz (1995). Life After Death: A study of the afterlife in world religions. Oxford: Oneworld Publications. ISBN 1-85168-074-8.
          28. ^ Meredith Sprunger. "An Introduction to Zoroastrianism". Retrieved 2008-10-10.
          29. ^ Yasna 49:11, "Avesta: Yasna". Retrieved 2008-10-11.
          30. ^ Eileen Gardiner (2006-02-10). "About Zoroastrian Hell". Retrieved 2008-10-10.
          31. ^ Chapter 75, "The Book of Arda Viraf". Retrieved 2008-10-10.
          32. ^ Deut. 32:22, Deut. 32:36a & 39, II Sam. 22:6, Job 11:8, Job 26:6, Psalm 9:17, Psalm 16:10, Psalm 18:5, Psalm 55:15, Psalm 86:13, Ps. 116:3, Psalm 139:8, Prov. 5:5, Prov. 7:27, Prov. 9:18, Prov. 15:11, Prov. 15:24, Prov. 23:14, Prov. 27:20, Isa. 5:14, Isa. 14:9, Isa. 14:15, Isa. 28:15, Isa. 28:18, Isa. 57:9, Ezek. 31:16, Ezek. 31:17, Ezek. 32:21, Ezk. 32:27, Amos 9:2, Jonah 2:2, Hab. 2:5
          33. ^ Gen. 37:35, Gen. 42:38, Gen. 44:29, Gen. 44:31, I Sam. 2:6, I Kings 2:6, I Kings 2:9, Job 7:9, Job 14:13, Job 17:13, Job 21:13, Job 24:19, Psalm 6:5, Psalm 30:3, Psalm 31:17, Psalm 49:14, Psalm 49:14, Psalm 49:15, Psalm 88:3, Psalm 89:48, Prov. 1:12, Prov. 30:16, Ecc. 9:10, Song 8:6, Isa. 14:11, Isa. 38:10, Isa. 38:18, Ezek. 31:15, Hosea 13:14, Hosea 13:14, Psalm 141:7
          34. ^ Num. 16:30, Num. 16:33, Job 17:16
          35. ^ Mat. 5:29, Mat. 5:30, Matt. 10:28, Matt. 23:15, Matt. 23:33, Mark 9:43, Mark 9:45, Mark 9:47, Luke 12:5, Matt. 5:22, Matt. 18:9, Jas. 3:6
          36. ^ [Acts 2:27, New American Standard Bible]
          37. ^ [Acts 2:27, New International Version]
          38. ^ [Acts 2:27, New Living Translation]
          39. ^ [Luke 16:23, New Living Translation]
          40. ^ [Catholic for a Reason, edited by Scott Hahn & Leon Suprenant, copyright 1998 by Emmaus Road Publishing, Inc., chapter by Curtis Martin, pg 294-295]
          41. ^ Roget's Thesaurus, VI.V.2, "Hell"

          Further reading

          * Jonathan Edwards, The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners. Diggory Press, ISBN 978-1846856723
          * Thomas Boston, Hell. Diggory Press, ISBN 978-1846857485
          * John Bunyan, A Few Sighs from Hell (Or The Groans of the Damned Soul). Diggory Press, ISBN 978-1846857270
          * Metzger, Bruce M. (ed); , Michael D. Coogan (ed) (1993). The Oxford Companion to the Bible. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-504645-5.

          External links
          Search Wikiquote Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Hell
          Search Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Hell

          * Atheist Foundation of Australia – 666 words about hell.
          * The Jehovah's Witnesses perspective
          * Dying, Yamaraja and Yamadutas + terminal restlessness
          * example Buddhist Hells
          Rabble Rabble Rabble


          • #80

            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #81
              Originally posted by Burnt View Post

              But if you're really Catholic you can't make your own decisions. You have to believe the Pope is infallible, so either you're not a real Catholic or you are aren't making your own decisions. I don't get why people say they are Catholic if they don't actually believe in the teachings of the Catholic church.

              If it's so boring why keep posting the_paul?
              Incorrect, at least a large majority of the time. I let you bait me into this last post because I expected you to know more than this.
              JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

              turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

              Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
              the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


              • #82
                What a fucking jerk, kthx.

                Too bad I feel the same way.

                This topic is so 1999.
                Confused by different memories,
                Details of Asian remedies...
                Conversations, of what's become of enemies.
                My brain thinks bomb-like,
                So I listen, he's a calm type.


                • #83
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                  WRAPUP 4-BP fails to plug oil well with 'top kill'
                  Sat May 29, 2010 6:53pm EDT

                  BP Plc
                  12:00am CDT

                  * BP not able to stop the flow of oil

                  Stocks | Bonds

                  * BP moves to next option, one to capture oil

                  * Blow to BP and U.S. government (Recasts with top kill failing)

                  By Ed Stoddard and Mary Milliken

                  VENICE, La./HOUSTON, May 29 (Reuters) - BP Plc (BP.L) said on Saturday the complex "top kill" maneuver to plug its Gulf of Mexico oil well has failed, crushing hopes for a quick end to the largest oil spill in U.S. history already in its 40th day.

                  "We have not been able to stop the flow," said Doug Suttles, the London-based oil giant's chief operating officer.

                  "We have made the decision to move on to the next option," he added.

                  That next option is called the lower marine riser package cap, one that captures oil from the well rather than plug it. Suttles said it could take four days or longer to show results.

                  U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Mary Landry, flanking Suttles at a daily briefing, said the news of the top kill failure was disappointing and that the best option for ending the spill was drilling a relief well which BP estimates will take two months.

                  The top kill maneuver started on Wednesday and involved pumping heavy fluids and other material into the well shaft to stifle the flow, then seal it with cement.

                  But it was fraught with risk because it had never been attempted at the depth of the well, a mile (1.6 km) beneath the sea.

                  The failure was a further blow to BP's reputation and bottom line. The company has spent $940 million so far to try to plug the leak and clean up the sea and soiled marshlands vital to wildlife and fishing.

                  The news will also put further pressure on U.S. President Barack Obama, who is struggling to persuade Americans that his administration can handle the crisis. The plodding clean-up effort has sickened workers and left Gulf coast residents frustrated and angry.

                  <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^

                  TAKE A LOOK on the spill [ID:nSPILL]

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                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^>

                  The Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, killing 11 workers and unleashing an underwater torrent of oil that the government estimated at 12,000 to 19,000 barrels (504,000 to 798,000 gallons/1.9 million to 3 million liters) a day.

                  Obama faced criticism that he responded too slowly and assured people in Louisiana during a visit on Friday that they "will not be left behind" and that the "buck stops" with him.

                  There is not much Obama can do other than apply pressure to BP to get it right and put his best scientists in the room. The government has no deep-sea oil technology of its own.

                  This week, government estimates showed that the Gulf spill surpassed the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaskan waters. (Additional reporting by Kristen Hays in Houston, Jane Sutton and Pascal Fletcher in Miami; writing by Mary Milliken and Mohammad Zargham)
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                  See All Comments (125) | Post Comment

                  May 29, 2010 1:53am EDT

                  Pretty obvious they will not “kill” the oil flow. Also obvious that a large explosion of dynamite over the gusher would seal it permanently. So that begs the question: What do they REALLY have in plan for BP??? Is this a move to bankrupt BP? or make it ineffective in the market? This “spill” could have been contained within 3 days of the original explosion. A small nuclear device would do the same and not even blip the surface much less pollute on this scale. We will be with this spill for the next 20 years and it could have been stopped immediately.
                  owlafaye Report As Abusive

                  May 29, 2010 1:54am EDT

                  This is the nature of man-made disasters when corporations scale up so big that governments relinquish their ability to regulate. May I suggest an interesting article: BP – TOO BIG TO BE FIRED

                  FunkUniversity Report As Abusive

                  May 29, 2010 1:55am EDT

                  With Obama making the leak top of his to-do list one must surely wonder what just got knocked off that first place position? If there were thousands of wales washed up on the beach the whole community would surely be focusing on saving what they could, and getting rid of the rest. Lets blame and short commings to the mess is as clean and under control as possible. Every hotel along the coast should be filled with able bodied folk at BP’s expense. Those people should be working on some form of the cleanup process. Money should not come into it. Nor should crude prices climb because of a mechanical error. The should be almost no unemployment there at the moment. BP has deep enough pockets to really put up and clean up, even if it leads to ruin for five years or so.
                  Kiwiconcorn Report As Abusive

                  May 29, 2010 2:11am EDT

                  Easiest to construct a huge submerged floating Tyvek corral to contain the oil. This is cheaper and more efficient than any other method anyone can devise. Structurally framed and dragged into position above the vent all the way to the surface and extending beyond splash-over height. This should be a gated enclosure required for all sea drilling/pumping operations. Also necessary for a Berlin airlift style dumping of paper products and sawdust on the spread, anything that floats is better than raw oil landing on beaches or contacting wildlife. More effective soaker products are less available. Any vent blast should happen in a smaller parallel pilot hole 3/4 mile deep to pinch or reposition the crust next to the vent.
                  Wrench Report As Abusive

                  May 29, 2010 2:15am EDT

                  Easiest to construct a huge submerged floating Tyvek corral to contain the oil. This is cheaper and more efficient than any other method anyone can devise. Structurally framed and dragged into position above the vent all the way to the surface and extending beyond splash-over height.
                  Wrench Report As Abusive

                  May 29, 2010 2:19am EDT

                  Not capping the leak or plugging it is just BP and President Obama’s way of getting their foot in the door towards “green energy” later down the road. See they create a huge disaster and then say “look how bad oil is, we should find a better alternative”. So BP gets more of President Obama’s monopoly money to clean up and invtest in renewable resources. President Obama will later get recognition for his effort to do everything he could and create jobs in renewable energy, but we know the truth. He’s just another politian with the oil and the blood of American Soldiers all over his shoes.
                  Elexin Report As Abusive

                  May 29, 2010 2:37am EDT

                  I have an idea… Why don’t they just blow the damn thing up. Create a controlled cave-in shutting off the oil. lol
                  pete318 Report As Abusive

                  May 29, 2010 3:01am EDT

                  First of all, Obama should not have to deal with every private sector crisis there is. Tell BP to fix their own flipping mistakes. They caused it..fix it. If they don’t fix it timely, it will cost them billions more to fix up for all the damage. They want a good bottom line..fix their own mistakes as EVERY OTHER COMPANY HAS TO! Come on people…don’t expect the government to come to your every whim. Make these companies responsible for their actions. BP screwed up. We know that. So let them deal with it.O
                  wilekoyote Report As Abusive

                  May 29, 2010 3:07am EDT

                  Well I think a lot of people are not asking the real questions.

                  People blame the President, BP, shareholders for being greedy. I blame the very citizens who seem to be pointing fingers at everyone else but themselves. People conveniently drive huge gas guzzling SUVs and trucks and then expect cheap gas to automatically reach the pumps. What a bunch of hypocrites.

                  What prompted BP and the rest of the oil gang to dig oil wells 1 mile below the ocean without having any idea on how to put out a leak if an accident happens? The government needed American votes for cheap gas so they did not ask the right questions. BP wanted to make money. And the people wanted dirt cheap gas to fuel their huge overweight behinds.
                  SMShah Report As Abusive

                  See All Comments (125)

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                  BP Prepares to Take New Tack on Leak After ‘Top Kill’ Fails
                  Win Mcnamee/Getty Images

                  Crews worked Saturday on the failed top kill effort to stanch the leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. BP will try another strategy.
                  Published: May 29, 2010

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                  NEW ORLEANS — In another serious setback in the effort to stem the flow of oil gushing from a well a mile beneath the Gulf of Mexico, BP engineers said Saturday that the “top kill” technique had failed and, after consultation with government officials, they had decided to move on to another strategy.
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                  Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer for exploration and production, said at a news conference that the engineers would try once again to solve the problem with a containment cap and that it could take four to seven days for the device to be in place.

                  “After three full days of attempting top kill, we now believe it is time to move on to the next of our options,” Mr. Suttles said.

                  The abandonment of the top kill technique, the most ambitious effort yet to plug the well, was the latest in a series of failures. First, BP failed in efforts to repair a blowout preventer with submarine robots. Then its initial efforts to cap the well with a containment dome failed when it became clogged with a frothy mix of frigid water and gas. Efforts to use a hose to gather escaping oil have managed to catch only a fraction of the spill.

                  BP has started work on two relief wells, but officials have said that they will not be completed until August — further contributing to what is already the worst oil spill in United States history.

                  The latest failure will undoubtedly put more pressure — both politically and from the public — on the Obama administration to take some sort of action, perhaps taking control of the repair effort completely from BP.

                  President Obama, who is spending the Memorial Day weekend in Chicago, issued a statement Saturday evening on the decision to abandon the top kill.

                  “While we initially received optimistic reports about the procedure, it is now clear that it has not worked,” Mr. Obama said.

                  He said that Rear Adm. Mary E. Landry of the Coast Guard had “directed BP to launch a new procedure whereby the riser pipe will be cut and a containment structure fitted over the leak.”

                  “This approach is not without risk and has never been attempted before at this depth,” Mr. Obama said. “That is why it was not activated until other methods had been exhausted.”

                  The president continued, “We will continue to pursue any and all responsible means of stopping this leak until the completion of the two relief wells currently being drilled.”

                  For BP, the besieged British company, the failure could mean billions of dollars of additional liabilities, as the spill potentially worsens in the weeks and months ahead.

                  “I am disappointed that this operation did not work,” Tony Hayward, chief executive of BP, said in a statement. “We remain committed to doing everything we can to make this situation right.”

                  A technician who has been working on the project to stem the oil leak said Saturday that neither the top kill nor the “junk shot” came close to succeeding because the pressure of oil and gas escaping from the well was simply too powerful to overcome. He added that engineers never had a complete enough understanding of the inner workings of drill pipe casing or blowout preventer mechanisms to make the efforts work.

                  “Simply too much of what we pumped in was escaping,” said the technician, who spoke on condition of remaining unnamed because he is not authorized to speak publicly for the company.

                  “The engineers are disappointed, and management is upset,” said the technician. “Nothing is good, nothing is good.”

                  The spill began after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded on April 20, killing 11 people. Since then, it has dumped an estimated 18 million to 40 million gallons into the gulf.

                  After the announcement Saturday, the disappointment was palpable along the Louisiana shoreline, where the oil has increasingly washed up in sticky, rusty globs.

                  Michel Claudet, the president of Terrebonne Parish, 60 miles southwest of New Orleans, said that when he heard the news, he felt “sorrow, despair and like this ordeal will never finish. If you go around the parish, it is all our folks talk about.”

                  Mr. Claudet said that he was trying to remain hopeful, but that it was increasingly difficult. “As every item fails,” he said, “I am less and less optimistic.”

                  In New Orleans, Margaret Shockey, 67, a retired teacher, said, “One thing’s for sure, this is the last city that deserved this.”

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                  Clifford Krauss reported from Houston, and Leslie Kaufman from New Orleans. Robbie Brown contributed from New Orleans, and Sarah Wheaton from New York.
                  A version of this article appeared in print on May 30, 2010, on page A1 of the New York edition.

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                  Phoenix-area hospitals fight highly toxic 'supergerm'

                  73 comments by Ginger Rough - May. 29, 2010 12:00 AM
                  The Arizona Republic

                  • Arizona hospital infection risk revealed | Search infections

                  Maricopa County health officials have confirmed that a relatively new, extremely toxic strain of bacteria has been found in hospitals and other health-care facilities in the Valley.

                  The germ, known as Clostridium difficile, has long plagued the medical profession and is blamed for an increasing amount of illness in patients.

                  But this is the first time the new strain, known in medical circles as "NAP1," is believed to have been linked to patient illness and deaths in Arizona, health officials said. It carries at least 20 times as much toxin as the original strain.

                  According to the county, at least 10 patients have fallen severely ill from this new type of C. diff since early March. Two of those who were infected have died, though the germ has not been named conclusively as the cause of death. All the patients were elderly and suffered from health problems.

                  "Assuming this continues to evolve, it is going to be a real pain for our health-care communities," said Dr. Bob England, director of the Maricopa County Department of Public Health.

                  Like other "supergerms," all strains of C. diff are resistant to powerful antibiotics, and the infection is difficult and expensive to treat. The germ causes pronounced diarrhea and, in severe cases, can lead to inflammation of the colon, which can be fatal.

                  Healthy and younger people usually don't get C. diff. Most cases occur in health-care facilities, and those represent only a small fraction of the tens of millions of admissions to U.S. hospitals and nursing homes every year. But the number of cases has risen sharply over the past decade, to nearly 500,000 in 2007, according to the latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

                  The Arizona Republic first learned of an ongoing C. diff outbreak last month after filing a state Public Records Law request to obtain a health alert issued by the Arizona Department of Health Services.

                  The alert contained no information about how the outbreak started, which hospitals were involved or how many patients were affected. County officials maintained that they were not obligated to provide that information.

                  This week, officials with the county Public Health Department and Banner Health, a non-profit group, met with a reporter and an editor from The Republic. Banner revealed that Banner Baywood Medical Center in Mesa had identified the strain after seeing some patients become very ill.

                  The hospital alerted the county to the problem in early March.

                  "If there's a cluster, an outbreak, we want to report that," said Dr. John Hensing, executive vice president and chief medical officer at Banner Health, a Phoenix-based non-profit health-care group.

                  Banner officials say they believe that most, if not all, patients came to Banner Baywood with an active C. diff infection, rather than contracting it at the facility. Some arrived from long-term-care facilities and nursing homes or went to the emergency room after falling sick at home.

                  The patients were elderly, suffered from other health problems and had been on extensive antibiotics. Prolonged antibiotic use can heighten a patient's susceptibility to C. diff because the drugs can kill off the body's "good" bacteria, allowing it to flourish.

                  Arizona, like many other states, does not track incidences of C. diff.

                  But a Republic analysis of hospital-discharge records shows that from Jan. 1, 2008, to Dec. 31, 2009, patients at Arizona hospitals were identified as having a C. diff infections more than 15,400 times.

                  The bug is becoming a major problem for hospitals because it spreads easily. Traditional cleansers and hand sanitizers fail to neutralize its spores, which are often spread through fecal-oral contact. The best ways to deter C. diff is with bleach and aggressive hand-washing.

                  Banner said officials at Baywood took immediate steps to control the outbreak, including isolating patients who exhibited symptoms of illness.

                  They also sanitized surfaces and equipment throughout the hospital with bleach and instituted new hand-washing protocols for all patients, including those too sick to get out of bed.

                  Nurses now bring them bottles of water so they can scrub their hands with soap without getting up, officials said.

                  They believe they have the outbreak under control.

                  This is not the first time Banner Baywood has dealt with a spike in germ-related infections.

                  In April 2008, hospital officials noticed a spike among post-surgical patients. Nineteen cases involved a supergerm known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. Seven infections were tied to the E. coli bacterium, and about a dozen others were caused by various other bacteria, according to the hospital. The facility implemented a series of aggressive procedures over several months to eliminate the problem.

                  County public-health officials say it's likely that this strain will continue to crop up in community and health-care facilities.

                  Officials from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agree. The CDC said Tuesday that the NAP1 C. diff strain has been spreading rapidly since it was first identified in health-care settings in six states from 2000 to 2003.

                  It has now been officially identified in 39 states, although it's likely throughout the country, CDC officials said.

                  "Do I think it just got here? No. But this is the first time it was reported to public health," said Dr. Rebecca Sunenshine, medical epidemiologist for the county's Public Health Department. "So, I would start operating under the assumption that every strain we see is this new strain."

                  Reach the reporter at

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                  * JAYMAN
                  * May-29 @ 12:20 AM
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                  these people are full of (inappropriate term). literally.

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                  * toohottotouch
                  * May-29 @ 12:32 AM
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                  and you`re an idiot

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                  * GranCanyonStater
                  * May-29 @ 9:17 AM
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                  Only a fool would voluntarily set foot in any hospital in Arizona other than Mayo. The quality of medical care here is about the same as you would get from a vet elsewhere. Why? Figure it out but its same issue as to why we have the only governor in the whole country without a college degree.
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                  * sonofasailor78
                  * May-29 @ 9:42 AM
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                  GranCanyon're a tool....and Not representitive of any Arizonan resident that I know. You need to leave the state Now.
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                  * sparticle
                  * May-29 @ 1:37 PM
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                  Actually my vet is a fantastic surgeon. I'm sorry she can't practice human medicine.
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                  * DesertRat2010
                  * May-30 @ 5:58 AM
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                  There are a number of hospital rating services...the highest rated hospitals in Arizona are Mayo and UMC in Tucson. When I needed cancer surgery, I went to UMC, because at the time, they were one of 12 hospitals in the US performing a new type of surgery that killed tumors with liquid argon, saving the organ and precluding the need for chemo and raidation. I did the research, those two ranked #25 and #26 nationally. A number of other Arizona hospitals rate in the top 100 nationally. Mayo and UMC rank among the top hospitals in the world according to one website.
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                  * munihack
                  * May-29 @ 7:08 AM
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                  I would normally RAIL against personal attacks--------but in this case TOOHOTOTOUCH is RIGHT.
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                  * sunandlowertaxes
                  * May-29 @ 4:01 PM
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                  This bacteria or virus is common in Mexican hospitals....get the connection?

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                  * uncle1977
                  * May-29 @ 5:20 PM
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                  Yea just like small pox,yellow fever,TB,black plaque,German pox,aids and Hana virus.
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                  * jawkneefive
                  * May-29 @ 10:30 PM
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                  Yeah.Your an idiot.
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                  * blkbrn4
                  * May-30 @ 8:53 AM
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                  I guess jawkneefive doesn't care much for factual statements. It goes agains their liberal indoctrination.
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                  * GreatThinker
                  * May-29 @ 12:20 AM
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                  Everyone knows we go to the hospital to get sick.
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                  * azn8v
                  * May-29 @ 12:29 AM
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                  Your child has a runny nose. Or, you have a cough.

                  In each setting, the treating physician tells you it is the result of a virus (impervious to antibiotics) and recommends supportive treatment.
                  You complain. "My child (or myself) demand definitive, immediate treatment to make me (him/her) better right now!"

                  The treating physician calculates his/her exposure, and decides a round of antibiotics is the safest action to avoid litigation.

                  This is the end result.

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                  * GripperDon
                  * May-29 @ 1:13 AM
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                  I doubt that you can prove that or even that it is true.

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                  * azn8v
                  * May-29 @ 12:16 PM
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                  You don't read much, do you Don?
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                  * jawkneefive
                  * May-29 @ 10:34 PM
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                  I suspect you are correct n8v.Commenting with half a brain is ill advised.
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                  * Beren1hand
                  * May-29 @ 5:12 AM
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                  It is certainly ONE result!
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                  * ZombieAardvark
                  * May-29 @ 6:38 AM
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                  Norway (and various other hospitals around the world following Norway's example) has cut not-critical antibiotic use entirely, and the result is a very fast and very definitive reduction in occurrences of MRSA and other superbugs.

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                  * mst51
                  * May-29 @ 9:15 AM
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                  It's absolutely true. Every healthcare professional knows it. I just went to Urgent Care for an upper respiratory infection last Thursday. Without doing a throat culture to determine if my infection was viral or bacterial, the doctor gave me the ubiquitous Z-Pack, an antibiotic that will have no effect if what I have is viral. Since my symptoms have worsened, I presume the doctor guessed wrong. We are all given far too many antibiotics, or we stupidly go to Mexico and buy them without a prescription. The C. diff "superbug" is the result.
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                  * munihack
                  * May-29 @ 7:12 AM
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                  And if the DOC doesnt do it he is liable to being SUED.
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                  * GranCanyonStater
                  * May-29 @ 9:18 AM
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                  Blame the victim. Set the house on fire and then cry that firefighters are socialist. You deserve this state.

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                  * sonofasailor78
                  * May-29 @ 9:43 AM
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                  Get back on the Meds GranCanyon Stater, quickly. )
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                  * bddd
                  * May-29 @ 11:19 AM
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                  IF, and I say, IF, you are in Arizona please kindly go away. No fences keeping you here. Actually some very fine roads here leading out! Including numerous points of entry to Mexico! So, hasta la vista baby! HA!

                  I think you'd find SF or LA more along your lines... .
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                  * jawkneefive
                  * May-29 @ 10:36 PM
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                  A lil grouchy there sonofasailor78.Maybe you should get back on yours as well.
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                  * NotFromHere
                  * May-29 @ 12:28 PM
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                  Excellent comment and you are right on. Of course one problem with getting patients to accept these facts is that they are dependent on understanding the scientific concept of evolution in particular how it applies in bacterial populations. Few people have a real grasp of evolution and why it is important in understanding these types of problems. Also, I think in many cases doctors are faced with working parents who don't want to have to stay home to nurse the sick child, just want the kid back to school/daycare ASAP. It is important, in the face of these superbugs, for all of us to cut the nonsensical and excessive use of antibiotic this-that-and-the-other. Everything these days is antibiotic and the overuse of these items is going to affect us all. Not just in medical settings but also consider how all these antibiotic soaps, handwashes, etc. are being dumped into the environment. Your best course of action is to support your own natural immune system. That means take care of your body, including eating healthfully (lots of fruits/vegetables, not a lot of fast food and other junk), don't smoke, if you drink only do so moderately, get enough sleep and some moderate exercise. Save the antibiotics for when they are truly medically necessary. And educate yourself!
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                  * Katec [83% positive ratings out of 644 total ratings for this user's comments.]
                  * May-29 @ 5:51 PM
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                  Unfortunately, GripperDon, it IS those of us in health care know
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                  * aikanae
                  * May-30 @ 3:39 AM
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                  Nope. It's running out and buying all the anti-bacterial hand wash, cutting boards, shoes, wipes to kill off 98% of the bugs and leaving the 2% that survive which are now super bugs, to multiply. The value of having public health service is identifying and treating outbreaks before they become entrenched in the mainstream.
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                  * toohottotouch
                  * May-29 @ 12:33 AM
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                  prevention is as simple as handwashing.

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                  * MzJaneDoe
                  * May-29 @ 5:06 AM
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                  If fake fingernails are known to harbor bacteria, why do a majority of medical staff in hospitals have them??? Why are they still allowed???

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                  * jazzfino
                  * May-29 @ 7:24 AM
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                  i work in a hosp and Fake fingernails are definitely a no-no in our hospital setting. those that are not actively involved in pt care usually are the ones who wear those things but still they are encouraged not to wear them if at all...
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                  * Health4186 [80% positive ratings out of 184 total ratings for this user's comments.]
                  * May-29 @ 8:56 AM
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                  Artificial nails are not allowed by care givers as a matter of policy. I have seen employees sent home or required to remove them on the spot when discovered.
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                  * gvietor
                  * May-29 @ 12:08 PM
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                  One of the other problems is all these goofy (inappropriate term) from foreign nations who wear all their goofy jewelry, and won't take it off. IT IS A PART OF MY RELIGION! It can kill people... Y R U HATER!?

                  Sad, but this is a real issue, and due to Political Correctness people are NOT being informed about it nor is it being addressed.
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                  * Mhykael
                  * May-29 @ 6:27 AM
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                  Only poorly run hospitals allow this on their floor staff. Admissions and such are still allowed to have them, but the floor staff should have well maintained and trimmed nails if they are any where near the professionals they are pretending to be. If they dont, you are probably in the wrong hospital.
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                  * desertrat46
                  * May-29 @ 7:12 AM
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                  Most hospitals have fingernail length entered into the equation..Nowadays, too, nurses have to spend a huge amount of time on the computer entering data into the patient's record..can't type very well with big fingernails. Isn't too good on gloves either.
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                  * finzona1944
                  * May-29 @ 10:50 PM
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                  If you had read the article more carefully you would have learned that "simple" hand washing does not get rid of the super strain. It takes specific products and procedures to eliminate the bacteria that is the problem. As to the comment about the super strain coming from Mexico, b.s. Bacterium and viruses mutate in the face of over medication and sometimes it is not known how or why the mutation has evolved.
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                  * FrankK
                  * May-29 @ 1:12 AM
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                  After your rectal exam thats agood idea - especially before you eat lunch - article says how it spreads via fecal-oral.

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                  * desertrat46
                  * May-29 @ 7:09 AM
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                  Heehee ! A finger wave a day keeps the doctor away !
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                  * FrankK
                  * May-29 @ 1:11 AM
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                  All I have stuck in my mind now is how it spreads......the article nicely puts it as fecal-oral..... and as I translate that to a more direct term, it basically means eating poo, poo to mouth, or as# to mouth.


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                  * Mhykael
                  * May-29 @ 6:31 AM
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                  Not entirely true, but basically the gist of it I guess. I take it as someone wipes their behind and doesnt wash their hands when they are done, then touches doors, dishes, people, etc and then you touch it and dont wash your own hands, then go eat or pick your teeth. And for all you disinfectant freeks out there, washing with soap and water will ALWAYS be the best treatment for ANY germ, bacteria, or virus that likes to cling to things. Throw away your stupid disinfectants. You are just making things worse by only killing 99.99%. The other .01% are laughing at you, and killing people now.
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                  * Health4186 [80% positive ratings out of 184 total ratings for this user's comments.]
                  * May-29 @ 9:01 AM
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                  Its not really pleasant to think about, but in a hospital setting, someone has to clean bed pans, bathroom accidents and sheets/bedding. Though protective gloves are required, at some point after one glove is removed, the ungloved hand has to take off the remaining glove. What the care giver touches in the next moments before hand washing (like the faucet knob for instance) can transmit the organism.

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                  * flatlined
                  * May-29 @ 6:32 PM
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                  To unglove safely, pinch the wrist of one glove with fingers, then pull it off while turning it inside out. hold soiled glove in gloved hand, then slip bare fingers under the wrist of the other glove, being careful to not touch outside of glove. pull that glove down, turning it inside out while holdng the other glove. drop both gloves into trash. It takes practice, but should be standard protocal. Sadly, its not.

                  When my husband was in the hospital, I was very proactive. NOBODY, including me, touched him without washing hands first. The man had just had heart surgery, and people wanted to just walk in room and touch him. Not on my watch!!!
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                  * kteach
                  * May-29 @ 9:56 PM
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                  I know for a fact that the nurse's teach you how to take care so that you do not transfer the germs. First, you wash your hands in hot water with the soap. Then you put on a gown. After you put on a gown you put on the gloves so that they cover the wrist area of the gown. You do this all while standing outside the room. They ask that you leave purses or anything else that you carry out of the room. When taking the gloves off, you use on hand that is still gloved to help pull off one glove. Then you pull the gown in such a way that it rips the ties in the back without touching them. Then you can remove the other glove while using the back of the gown. It takes practice but you learn how to do it.
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                  * finzona1944
                  * May-29 @ 10:54 PM
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                  If you had ever watched a trained person take off their protective gloves you would have noticed that the ungloved hand does not touch the exposed surface of the second glove. It is a very simple and effective method to properly remove protective gloves.
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                  * aikanae
                  * May-30 @ 8:33 AM
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                  Most people would be shocked if they did a swabbing of their home for ecoli. A well-wipped home is often the worst (spreading them not killing them).
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                  • Arizona hospital infection risk revealed | Search infections

                  Maricopa County health officials have confirmed that a relatively new, extremely toxic strain of bacteria has been found in hospitals and other health-care facilities in the Valley.

                  The germ, known as Clostridium difficile, has long plagued the medical profession and is blamed for an increasing amount of illness in patients.

                  But this is the first time the new strain, known in medical circles as "NAP1," is believed to have been linked to patient illness and deaths in Arizona, health officials said. It carries at least 20 times as much toxin as the original strain.

                  According to the county, at least 10 patients have fallen severely ill from this new type of C. diff since early March. Two of those who were infected have died, though the germ has not been named conclusively as the cause of death. All the patients were elderly and suffered from health problems.

                  "Assuming this continues to evolve, it is going to be a real pain for our health-care communities," said Dr. Bob England, director of the Maricopa County Department of Public Health.

                  Like other "supergerms," all strains of C. diff are resistant to powerful antibiotics, and the infection is difficult and expensive to treat. The germ causes pronounced diarrhea and, in severe cases, can lead to inflammation of the colon, which can be fatal.

                  Healthy and younger people usually don't get C. diff. Most cases occur in health-care facilities, and those represent only a small fraction of the tens of millions of admissions to U.S. hospitals and nursing homes every year. But the number of cases has risen sharply over the past decade, to nearly 500,000 in 2007, according to the latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

                  The Arizona Republic first learned of an ongoing C. diff outbreak last month after filing a state Public Records Law request to obtain a health alert issued by the Arizona Department of Health Services.

                  The alert contained no information about how the outbreak started, which hospitals were involved or how many patients were affected. County officials maintained that they were not obligated to provide that information.

                  This week, officials with the county Public Health Department and Banner Health, a non-profit group, met with a reporter and an editor from The Republic. Banner revealed that Banner Baywood Medical Center in Mesa had identified the strain after seeing some patients become very ill.

                  The hospital alerted the county to the problem in early March.

                  "If there's a cluster, an outbreak, we want to report that," said Dr. John Hensing, executive vice president and chief medical officer at Banner Health, a Phoenix-based non-profit health-care group.

                  Banner officials say they believe that most, if not all, patients came to Banner Baywood with an active C. diff infection, rather than contracting it at the facility. Some arrived from long-term-care facilities and nursing homes or went to the emergency room after falling sick at home.

                  The patients were elderly, suffered from other health problems and had been on extensive antibiotics. Prolonged antibiotic use can heighten a patient's susceptibility to C. diff because the drugs can kill off the body's "good" bacteria, allowing it to flourish.

                  Arizona, like many other states, does not track incidences of C. diff.

                  But a Republic analysis of hospital-discharge records shows that from Jan. 1, 2008, to Dec. 31, 2009, patients at Arizona hospitals were identified as having a C. diff infections more than 15,400 times.

                  The bug is becoming a major problem for hospitals because it spreads easily. Traditional cleansers and hand sanitizers fail to neutralize its spores, which are often spread through fecal-oral contact. The best ways to deter C. diff is with bleach and aggressive hand-washing.

                  Banner said officials at Baywood took immediate steps to control the outbreak, including isolating patients who exhibited symptoms of illness.

                  They also sanitized surfaces and equipment throughout the hospital with bleach and instituted new hand-washing protocols for all patients, including those too sick to get out of bed.

                  Nurses now bring them bottles of water so they can scrub their hands with soap without getting up, officials said.

                  They believe they have the outbreak under control.

                  This is not the first time Banner Baywood has dealt with a spike in germ-related infections.

                  In April 2008, hospital officials noticed a spike among post-surgical patients. Nineteen cases involved a supergerm known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. Seven infections were tied to the E. coli bacterium, and about a dozen others were caused by various other bacteria, according to the hospital. The facility implemented a series of aggressive procedures over several months to eliminate the problem.

                  County public-health officials say it's likely that this strain will continue to crop up in community and health-care facilities.

                  Officials from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agree. The CDC said Tuesday that the NAP1 C. diff strain has been spreading rapidly since it was first identified in health-care settings in six states from 2000 to 2003.

                  It has now been officially identified in 39 states, although it's likely throughout the country, CDC officials said.

                  "Do I think it just got here? No. But this is the first time it was reported to public health," said Dr. Rebecca Sunenshine, medical epidemiologist for the county's Public Health Department. "So, I would start operating under the assumption that every strain we see is this new strain."

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                  * JAYMAN
                  * May-29 @ 12:20 AM
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                  these people are full of (inappropriate term). literally.

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                  * toohottotouch
                  * May-29 @ 12:32 AM
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                  and you`re an idiot

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                  * GranCanyonStater
                  * May-29 @ 9:17 AM
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                  Only a fool would voluntarily set foot in any hospital in Arizona other than Mayo. The quality of medical care here is about the same as you would get from a vet elsewhere. Why? Figure it out but its same issue as to why we have the only governor in the whole country without a college degree.
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                  * sonofasailor78
                  * May-29 @ 9:42 AM
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                  GranCanyon're a tool....and Not representitive of any Arizonan resident that I know. You need to leave the state Now.
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                  * sparticle
                  * May-29 @ 1:37 PM
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                  Actually my vet is a fantastic surgeon. I'm sorry she can't practice human medicine.
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                  * DesertRat2010
                  * May-30 @ 5:58 AM
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                  There are a number of hospital rating services...the highest rated hospitals in Arizona are Mayo and UMC in Tucson. When I needed cancer surgery, I went to UMC, because at the time, they were one of 12 hospitals in the US performing a new type of surgery that killed tumors with liquid argon, saving the organ and precluding the need for chemo and raidation. I did the research, those two ranked #25 and #26 nationally. A number of other Arizona hospitals rate in the top 100 nationally. Mayo and UMC rank among the top hospitals in the world according to one website.
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                  * munihack
                  * May-29 @ 7:08 AM
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                  I would normally RAIL against personal attacks--------but in this case TOOHOTOTOUCH is RIGHT.
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                  * sunandlowertaxes
                  * May-29 @ 4:01 PM
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                  This bacteria or virus is common in Mexican hospitals....get the connection?

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                  * uncle1977
                  * May-29 @ 5:20 PM
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                  Yea just like small pox,yellow fever,TB,black plaque,German pox,aids and Hana virus.
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                  * jawkneefive
                  * May-29 @ 10:30 PM
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                  Yeah.Your an idiot.
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                  * blkbrn4
                  * May-30 @ 8:53 AM
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                  I guess jawkneefive doesn't care much for factual statements. It goes agains their liberal indoctrination.
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                  * GreatThinker
                  * May-29 @ 12:20 AM
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                  Everyone knows we go to the hospital to get sick.
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                  * azn8v
                  * May-29 @ 12:29 AM
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                  Your child has a runny nose. Or, you have a cough.

                  In each setting, the treating physician tells you it is the result of a virus (impervious to antibiotics) and recommends supportive treatment.
                  You complain. "My child (or myself) demand definitive, immediate treatment to make me (him/her) better right now!"

                  The treating physician calculates his/her exposure, and decides a round of antibiotics is the safest action to avoid litigation.

                  This is the end result.

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                  * GripperDon
                  * May-29 @ 1:13 AM
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                  I doubt that you can prove that or even that it is true.

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                  * azn8v
                  * May-29 @ 12:16 PM
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                  You don't read much, do you Don?
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                  * jawkneefive
                  * May-29 @ 10:34 PM
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                  I suspect you are correct n8v.Commenting with half a brain is ill advised.
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                  * Beren1hand
                  * May-29 @ 5:12 AM
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                  It is certainly ONE result!
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                  * ZombieAardvark
                  * May-29 @ 6:38 AM
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                  Norway (and various other hospitals around the world following Norway's example) has cut not-critical antibiotic use entirely, and the result is a very fast and very definitive reduction in occurrences of MRSA and other superbugs.

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                  * mst51
                  * May-29 @ 9:15 AM
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                  It's absolutely true. Every healthcare professional knows it. I just went to Urgent Care for an upper respiratory infection last Thursday. Without doing a throat culture to determine if my infection was viral or bacterial, the doctor gave me the ubiquitous Z-Pack, an antibiotic that will have no effect if what I have is viral. Since my symptoms have worsened, I presume the doctor guessed wrong. We are all given far too many antibiotics, or we stupidly go to Mexico and buy them without a prescription. The C. diff "superbug" is the result.
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                  * munihack
                  * May-29 @ 7:12 AM
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                  And if the DOC doesnt do it he is liable to being SUED.
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                  * GranCanyonStater
                  * May-29 @ 9:18 AM
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                  Blame the victim. Set the house on fire and then cry that firefighters are socialist. You deserve this state.

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                  * sonofasailor78
                  * May-29 @ 9:43 AM
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                  Get back on the Meds GranCanyon Stater, quickly. )
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                  * bddd
                  * May-29 @ 11:19 AM
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                  IF, and I say, IF, you are in Arizona please kindly go away. No fences keeping you here. Actually some very fine roads here leading out! Including numerous points of entry to Mexico! So, hasta la vista baby! HA!

                  I think you'd find SF or LA more along your lines... .
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                  * jawkneefive
                  * May-29 @ 10:36 PM
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                  A lil grouchy there sonofasailor78.Maybe you should get back on yours as well.
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                  * NotFromHere
                  * May-29 @ 12:28 PM
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                  Excellent comment and you are right on. Of course one problem with getting patients to accept these facts is that they are dependent on understanding the scientific concept of evolution in particular how it applies in bacterial populations. Few people have a real grasp of evolution and why it is important in understanding these types of problems. Also, I think in many cases doctors are faced with working parents who don't want to have to stay home to nurse the sick child, just want the kid back to school/daycare ASAP. It is important, in the face of these superbugs, for all of us to cut the nonsensical and excessive use of antibiotic this-that-and-the-other. Everything these days is antibiotic and the overuse of these items is going to affect us all. Not just in medical settings but also consider how all these antibiotic soaps, handwashes, etc. are being dumped into the environment. Your best course of action is to support your own natural immune system. That means take care of your body, including eating healthfully (lots of fruits/vegetables, not a lot of fast food and other junk), don't smoke, if you drink only do so moderately, get enough sleep and some moderate exercise. Save the antibiotics for when they are truly medically necessary. And educate yourself!
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                  * Katec [83% positive ratings out of 644 total ratings for this user's comments.]
                  * May-29 @ 5:51 PM
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                  Unfortunately, GripperDon, it IS those of us in health care know
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                  * aikanae
                  * May-30 @ 3:39 AM
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                  Nope. It's running out and buying all the anti-bacterial hand wash, cutting boards, shoes, wipes to kill off 98% of the bugs and leaving the 2% that survive which are now super bugs, to multiply. The value of having public health service is identifying and treating outbreaks before they become entrenched in the mainstream.
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                  * toohottotouch
                  * May-29 @ 12:33 AM
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                  prevention is as simple as handwashing.

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                  * MzJaneDoe
                  * May-29 @ 5:06 AM
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                  If fake fingernails are known to harbor bacteria, why do a majority of medical staff in hospitals have them??? Why are they still allowed???

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                  * jazzfino
                  * May-29 @ 7:24 AM
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                  i work in a hosp and Fake fingernails are definitely a no-no in our hospital setting. those that are not actively involved in pt care usually are the ones who wear those things but still they are encouraged not to wear them if at all...
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                  * Health4186 [80% positive ratings out of 184 total ratings for this user's comments.]
                  * May-29 @ 8:56 AM
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                  Artificial nails are not allowed by care givers as a matter of policy. I have seen employees sent home or required to remove them on the spot when discovered.
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                  * gvietor
                  * May-29 @ 12:08 PM
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                  One of the other problems is all these goofy (inappropriate term) from foreign nations who wear all their goofy jewelry, and won't take it off. IT IS A PART OF MY RELIGION! It can kill people... Y R U HATER!?

                  Sad, but this is a real issue, and due to Political Correctness people are NOT being informed about it nor is it being addressed.
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                  * Mhykael
                  * May-29 @ 6:27 AM
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                  Only poorly run hospitals allow this on their floor staff. Admissions and such are still allowed to have them, but the floor staff should have well maintained and trimmed nails if they are any where near the professionals they are pretending to be. If they dont, you are probably in the wrong hospital.
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                  * desertrat46
                  * May-29 @ 7:12 AM
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                  Most hospitals have fingernail length entered into the equation..Nowadays, too, nurses have to spend a huge amount of time on the computer entering data into the patient's record..can't type very well with big fingernails. Isn't too good on gloves either.
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                  * finzona1944
                  * May-29 @ 10:50 PM
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                  If you had read the article more carefully you would have learned that "simple" hand washing does not get rid of the super strain. It takes specific products and procedures to eliminate the bacteria that is the problem. As to the comment about the super strain coming from Mexico, b.s. Bacterium and viruses mutate in the face of over medication and sometimes it is not known how or why the mutation has evolved.
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                  * FrankK
                  * May-29 @ 1:12 AM
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                  After your rectal exam thats agood idea - especially before you eat lunch - article says how it spreads via fecal-oral.

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                  * desertrat46
                  * May-29 @ 7:09 AM
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                  Heehee ! A finger wave a day keeps the doctor away !
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                  * FrankK
                  * May-29 @ 1:11 AM
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                  All I have stuck in my mind now is how it spreads......the article nicely puts it as fecal-oral..... and as I translate that to a more direct term, it basically means eating poo, poo to mouth, or as# to mouth.


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                  * Mhykael
                  * May-29 @ 6:31 AM
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                  Not entirely true, but basically the gist of it I guess. I take it as someone wipes their behind and doesnt wash their hands when they are done, then touches doors, dishes, people, etc and then you touch it and dont wash your own hands, then go eat or pick your teeth. And for all you disinfectant freeks out there, washing with soap and water will ALWAYS be the best treatment for ANY germ, bacteria, or virus that likes to cling to things. Throw away your stupid disinfectants. You are just making things worse by only killing 99.99%. The other .01% are laughing at you, and killing people now.
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                  * Health4186 [80% positive ratings out of 184 total ratings for this user's comments.]
                  * May-29 @ 9:01 AM
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                  Its not really pleasant to think about, but in a hospital setting, someone has to clean bed pans, bathroom accidents and sheets/bedding. Though protective gloves are required, at some point after one glove is removed, the ungloved hand has to take off the remaining glove. What the care giver touches in the next moments before hand washing (like the faucet knob for instance) can transmit the organism.

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                  * flatlined
                  * May-29 @ 6:32 PM
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                  To unglove safely, pinch the wrist of one glove with fingers, then pull it off while turning it inside out. hold soiled glove in gloved hand, then slip bare fingers under the wrist of the other glove, being careful to not touch outside of glove. pull that glove down, turning it inside out while holdng the other glove. drop both gloves into trash. It takes practice, but should be standard protocal. Sadly, its not.

                  When my husband was in the hospital, I was very proactive. NOBODY, including me, touched him without washing hands first. The man had just had heart surgery, and people wanted to just walk in room and touch him. Not on my watch!!!
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                  * kteach
                  * May-29 @ 9:56 PM
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                  I know for a fact that the nurse's teach you how to take care so that you do not transfer the germs. First, you wash your hands in hot water with the soap. Then you put on a gown. After you put on a gown you put on the gloves so that they cover the wrist area of the gown. You do this all while standing outside the room. They ask that you leave purses or anything else that you carry out of the room. When taking the gloves off, you use on hand that is still gloved to help pull off one glove. Then you pull the gown in such a way that it rips the ties in the back without touching them. Then you can remove the other glove while using the back of the gown. It takes practice but you learn how to do it.
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                  * finzona1944
                  * May-29 @ 10:54 PM
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                  If you had ever watched a trained person take off their protective gloves you would have noticed that the ungloved hand does not touch the exposed surface of the second glove. It is a very simple and effective method to properly remove protective gloves.
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                  * aikanae
                  * May-30 @ 8:33 AM
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                  Most people would be shocked if they did a swabbing of their home for ecoli. A well-wipped home is often the worst (spreading them not killing them).
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                  Rabble Rabble Rabble


                  • #84
                    these new forums don't have a max character.. awesome for derailing retarded threads.
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • #85
                      rofl kthx
                      JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                      turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                      Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                      the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by kthx View Post
                        these new forums don't have a max character.. awesome for derailing retarded threads.
                        HMMM. Then allow me to share with you a story!!

                        Slightly Different Frame of Mind
                        Chapter 1:The Mysterious Stranger

                        It was a cold night as a stranger walked into their campsite just as if she had gone to get firewood and had just gotten back.The first to notice her was Inuyasha,and he was startled,for he had not been paying much attention all night."Hey,who the hell are you?!?!"he demanded,startling his friends.

                        "Uhhhhhh..."said Kagome,as she glared at Inuyasha for his rudeness."What he means to say-"she started.

                        "I know he meant,'Hey,who the hell are you?!?!',and I'm used to it...sorta."the stranger said off-handedly,as though she was all of a sudden awkward.

                        "What do you mean by that?"questioned Sango.

                        "How will I explain you'll belive me?"she pondered.

                        "Why not start by telling us your name?"Kagome said pleasantly.

                        She could tell that this stranger was not from around here,for the simple fact that,her clothes were of modern dress.What was strange though,was that her clothes were all boy's clothes.She wore shorts down to her knees,and she wore a shirt that was a fake ad for some "Roadkill Cafe" place.(A\n:I want to say now,that in my version,we all speak English,and can read it too.*sigh*It felt good to get that off my chest!!I don't want people questioning my authority as author!!!Yeah!!I now have authority!!)So,naturally,she was quite curious as to who this strange little girl was,and how she got here.Well,little was slightly unfair,as she just seemed to be on the short side.This stranger was carrying a modern gym bag,and it was bulgeing(Sp?)in odd places,as if it was carrying a number of interestingly shaped objects.The stranger opened her bag,and to everyone's astonishment,pulled out a regular sized lawn chair!!(A\n:These do NOT fit in gym bags!!)She opened it and sat down,as though she had done nothing out of the ordinary.

                        "My name is Kara."she stated,then frowned in slight distaste."Do you think my name is weird?"

                        They were all still staring at her,even Kagome who frequently told Inuyasha that staring was rude.Kara,however,had noticed none of this,and was still talking.

                        "...and people always call me names that I don't like,and I think my REAL name is kind of strange.What do you think?"she chattered away happily,not much awkwardness remaining.She seemed to be enjoying herself just being there,and said so."I am so happy to finally meet you guys!!"she squealed.That's when they noticed that her eye was twitching.

                        "Hey,are you some kind of phyco,or are twitching eyes normal where you come from?!?!"Inuyasha said very bluntly.

                        "Oh,that.I want to touch your ears,but have too much respect for you to come out and do so."she calmly stated.

                        "Why do people from your time always want to touch my ears?!?!"he inquired of Kagome,rather annoyed."And don't tell me she ain't from your time,I can tell she is just by her clothes!!They're funny,like yours!!"he fumed.

                        "Different style though."Miroku noticed,making the himself known.

                        "Hey,Miroku?How come you haven't done anything perverted yet?"Sango wondered.

                        "Guys just don't come on to me."Kara said,and she knew it to be the simple truth."I have nooooooo idea why,"she continued,her voice dripping with sarcasm,"they just don't.Plus I'm 13."She knew that Miroku would hit on an 11 year old,but she said it anyway.

                        "Lucky."said Sango,annoyed at Kara's good fortune of immunity to Miroku.

                        "So,why are you here,and how did you get here?"Kagome finally asked.

                        "Forget how I got here,that's not important!!"she said with so much exitement,that it looked like she would explode,"What DOES MATTER is that I come from not only another time,but another demention!!There you guys are just cartoon charachters,and I have seen a lot of episodes!!I could help you,even if you've gone past the episodes that I've seen,because before I left,I mugged Mary Poppins,took a good look at her bag,and made one of my own.Although,"she admitted"I made some major alterations to the function,so now I can pull out stuff I haven't even put in!!But there are a few drawbacks..."she said hesitantly.

                        "Are they big ones?"Kagome asked,facinated.

                        "Depends on what you call big..."Kara continued,"I can usually pull out things that are useful,but some times I can't,in fact,some times I pull out things that are just plain weird!!"

                        Shippo who had been very quiet and well behaved during this conversation,finally spoke."What kinds of weird things?"he asked with innocent curious eyes.

                        Immediatly,Kara's eyes and fingers began to twitch,and they could all see how she longed to gush over how cute he was.As if he sensed this,Shippo went to sit in Kagome's lap.

                        "Well,one time I pulled out this adorable*eye twitch*kitten.I-It was fun*major eye twitch*to pet it."That was all she could manage before she had to dig through her bag to find something to pet.Triumphantly,she pulled out a live fox cub(normal),and began to pet it.

                        Shippo sweatdropped.-_-'(A\n:I have always wanted to sweatdrop!!)

                        "So you wish to join us in our quest for the Shikon Shards?"Sango summed up nearly all that had been said.

                        "If it would be alright with you..."Kara was all of a sudden shy again.

                        "Inuyasha,what do you think?"Kagome passed the buck to him.

                        "Well...I guess freak girl can come along,provided that she will be useful every once in a while."Inuyasha said hesitantly.

                        "Ramen?"Kara asked,as she pulled some out of her bag.

                        "YUP!!!SHE CAN COME!!Inuyasha could barely contain himself.

                        "Time for bed!!"Kagome said to Shippo."This has been a lot of exitement for just one hour!!"Seeing the pouty look on his face not unlike Inuyasha's,she added"All of us are very tired!!"

                        Kara was too ready to sleep,she wanted to have dreams about the adventures she might have,so she simply pulled a sleeping bag out of her gym bag and asked if anyone needed anything,before drifting off to sleep.


                        Chapter 2:The walk to the village
                        The next day,they decided to move on.The next village was not far away,and there was a rumor of a special demon with Shikon Shards.This demon was rumored to be very tricky,trickyer(Sp?)than any demon they had faced yet.(Except mayby Naraku.)Not only tricky,but strange too.

                        "If I can get an idea of what part your at,I can plan accordingly."Kara said logicly.

                        "We just finished with those new reincarnations of Naraku's."Kagome said.

                        "And that jerk Koga."Inuyasha added.

                        Kara was very disapointed."Awwww,I wanted to see that go on!!!"she said.

                        "Well,"said Kagome,"I'm sure him meeting you would have been an...'interesting' experience."

                        "He sure didn't think much of half-demons."Miroku said with a gleam in his eye."Inuyasha seemed to get on his nerves a lot.Could it be because Koga laid claim on Kagome?And of course Inuyasha wouldn't stand for that!Koga thought that a half-demon didn't deserve Kagome."he said,and then he looked at Inuyasha."Not that he was right!!!"

                        "I think half-demons are cool!!They aren't full demons,which are usually evil,yet they have demonic strength.People are wrong to segragate(Sp?)against them."Kara said with a sigh.

                        Inuyasha looked suprised,because most people feared or hated him."You don't think I'm a freak?"he asked cautiously.

                        "Absolutely not!!!"she sounded offended at the very thought."In fact,"she added as she reached into her bag,"in my dimension you're very popular!!!Take a look!!"She handed him the first manga(A\n:Is that right?Am I correct in understanding that manga is the comics,and anime is the cartoons on T.V.?)of the series.(A\n:I don't have that stupid Feudal Fantasy series,I picked the other one.I currently have 1-6,and then just a while ago I got 14-15!!Some guys at my school have 7&8.I also have 3 DVDs.)

                        Inuyasha looked at the book,eyes boggleing,and asked slowly,"So you know what we thought at all these times in your books?"

                        "Oh,yeah.Also,I've seen the anime,so I know a lot more than just what is in my books!!!"Kara said happily.

                        "If you tell anyone what I think about,I'll kill you myself!!!"Inuyasha said defensively.

                        "What?Oh right.I wouldn't embarass you just for the sake of it.Perish the thought!!!"Kara said as she was digging through her bag.She found what she was looking for,and started to play with her yo-yo.

                        Shippo,who had gotten excited at the thought of emmbarassing Inuyasha,now looked curiously at the strange toy.

                        Kagome seeing his interest,explained,"That's a yo-yo,Shippo.It goes up and down and keeps your hands busy."

                        "Wow,can I see it?"he asked in his most polite voice.

                        "Sure,you can keep it."Kara said,happy to be able to at least talk to Shippo.

                        Shippo,who was walking on the ground,started to play with his new yo-yo.This,if you think carefully,created a problem."I think it's broken!!"he said sadly.

                        "Nah,just sit on someone's shoulder and try it out."Kara replied,looking through her bag again."I'm not sure if I can pull what I want out!!"she said struggling with her bag."AHHHH!!!LION!!!Okay,nevermind it's gone now.Wow,having this can be dangerous!!"she panted from the effort of shoving a lion into her bag.

                        Sango was concerned."Have you ever pulled out something really life threatening?"she asked,eyeing the bag nervously.

                        "Not really.One time,I pulled out this comedian,and he was so awful I almost killed myself!!"she said,pretending to gag.

                        During the entire conversation,Miroku had been getting closer to Sango.Given a perfect opportunity he sprung into action.

                        "What's a comedi-AAHHHHHHH!!!MIROKU!!!"she said as she was getting out her bone boomerang and whacking Miroku over the head with it.

                        "30 minutes.Isn't that a record?"Kara said looking at the stopwatch she had been concealing."I still can't find what I want!!"she said as she shook her head and sighed."I'm looking for a book and it's-HERE IT IS!!!!"she said as she pulled "Summoning Demons for Dummies" out of her bag.

                        "Why would you summon a demon?!?!I don't usually fight them for fun you know!!!"Inuyasha yelled as he read the cover.

                        Kara sweatdropped.-_-'(A\n:I FINALLY GOT TO SWEATDROP!!)"I summon helpful,good demons and they are usually very friendly and willing to help.There are stubborn demons that happen to be good,"she stared pointedly at Inuyasha,and when he didn't get the hint,she continued,"so demons like that usually require a sacrifice of some sort."Seeing the uneasy looks on her new friend's faces she added,"But it is usually some plant or some sacred dirt or somthing like that."

                        "Yeah,"Kagome remarked,"why would a good demon want a human sacrifice?"

                        "Hey,what about animals?!?!"said Shippo indignantly.

                        "Animals too."Kagome nodded.

                        They had stopped,and were waiting for Miroku to regain contiousness(Sp).As they looked at his swirly eyed form,Sango noticed something.

                        "Hey,look!!The village is 2 minutes away!!"she shouted with excitement.

                        ~Way to go Miroku!!Do some stupid perverted thing right before we get to the village!!Now we all have to wait for you!!~Sango shook her head.

                        At this moment Miroku woke up and started walking to the village like nothing was wrong,causeing Sango to chase him in an attempt to knock him out again,and drag him to the vilage.She only succeded in chasing him into the village crazy person.She was carrying an armfull of sandals shouting,"Fish for sale!Fish for sale!They look lovely in vases!" A lot of people were starting to stare.They all wanted to see how the nut would react.She looked at Miroku and said,"Hey,you're cute!!"This was too much for Sango,who burst into tears.

                        "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!MIROKU FINALLY FOUND A GIRLFRIEND!!"she said as she rolled on the ground.

                        The others had decided to run down to the village as well,and arrived just in time to hear the lady's comment on Miroku.It was too much for Kara as well,and she joined Sango in rolling on the ground in laughter.Inuyasha was chuckling to himself,and Shippo ran onto Miroku's shoulder and asked if he was going to say his famous phrase.Miroku stayed silent but he was noticably(Sp?)blushing.The lady was young,had black glossy hair,and was fairly pretty,but Miroku wanted a sane girlfriend.The lady just scowled at the two girls on the ground,and no one seemed to notice that she had orange eyes.They glowed in anger as the girls tried to collect themselves.She pointed at them and said"You may laugh,but you are the same as me!!"And the girls just stared at her for a moment.

                        "Which one of us are you talking to?"Kara was puzzled.

                        "You are both like me,but in different ways."the woman replied."My nickname is Luna.I have a full title,but I don't wish to share it."

                        "Luna,huh?I know what that has to do with."Kara was looking very confused,nevermind how sure she sounded.

                        "You do,do you?Then you know I am not to be taken lightly!"and with that she cooly walked away.


                        Chapter 3:This chapter makes my head hurt
                        They were all staring at Kara.She was standing there with a confused look on her face."That can't be right!!"she muttered to herself angrily.

                        "What?"Kagome finally asked.

                        "I told you I haven't seen the whole series,right?"Kara said with a worried look on her face.

                        "Yeah,what about it?"Inuyasha said while being slightly distracted by a tentacle crawling out of her open bag.

                        "This never happened in what I saw,and I don't think it's in what I didn't see.And if that's right,we must be in one of the fanfics on the internet!!I hope this is the only one we'll be doing,and that the author is pretty happy.Some are really angsty,for instance,I read a fic where Kagome freaks out and kills everyone!!!And some are out of scenario like your all kids in a highschool,or the humans or demons are enslaved to the one another.I won't go into details though.This isn't any fanfic I've read,but can I still come along and help?I've got my bag,and I think Naraku is a creep,one who should be slowly and painfully killed.But,now your all probably thinking I talk too much and too fast and that I'm nuts. *gasp**deep breath**choke*"As she finished that long speech she began to breath again,and they began to stare again.

                        "How can you talk like that without your head exploding?"Shippo wanted to know.

                        "It's a gift."she said still trying to resume normal breathing patterns.While Kara had been babbling,the tentacle had snuck up on Sango and it got her.

                        "AHHHHHH!!!MIROKU!!HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO TOUCH ME THERE!!!"Sango shreiked.The tentacle,upon hearing the scream,had gone back into the bag,and Inuyasha decided it would be more fun to let Sango draw her own conclusions than to tell her the real cause.

                        "BUT I DIDN'T!!"Miroku kept insisting,as Sango bonked him repeatedly over the head.

                        "Can we get back to the problem at hand?"Kagome said in an irritated voice."This could be a story where something awful happens!!"Then she ran up to Inyasha and hugged him tightly.Inuyasha blushed.(A\n:Gotta love the blush!!!!!)Kagome sobbed,"I would never want to kill you!!Not you or anyone else!!"

                        "Heh,it's okay Kagome."Inuyasha said getting even redder.

                        Miroku stopped being swirly-eyed,winked at Inuyasha and said,"He may be right Kagome.This story(A\n:They had accepted that it was,indeed a story.)has had little sadness,and mostly humor.Perhaps the author is merely some crazy kid who wants to write an adventure for us to be in."

                        "Uh,yeah.See,I've been thinking I'M writing this in another different demension!!I mean,who else would put me in a fanfic?The Easter Bunny?No,I've dreamed of being on one of my favorite shows since forever!!!The me in the other demention must have finally sat down and started writing!!That means she is writing what I'm saying right now!!Woah,my mind is spinning.Let's just get this straight.I would never make a bad fic where you all die,or write stupid things like Kagome is dating Miroku or Sesshomaru."Kara said,and once again started to breath.Inuyasha was growling over the last two suggestions.

                        Kagome,noticing his reaction,said,"I don't want to date Miroku or your brother,so calm down!!"She was still hugging him,so his face took red to a whole new level.(A\n:I love to make him blush and be startled!!*giggle*^_~)

                        Kara,who was now breathing at a normal pattern,said,"Let's simply ignore the fact that I'm supposedly writing all of this,and just act normal!"

                        "Okay!"was the group reply.

                        "Now,who was that,*ahem*,lady?"Miroku said as he turned red.(A\n:I'm a poet,and don't know it!!)

                        "Yeah,and what did you say about her name?"Sango said after she sniggered at Miroku.(A\n:Here is the formation:Inuyasha is still beet red from being hugged by Kagome,who still hasn't noticed,and therefore has not let go.Sango is standing next to Miroku and the open bag.I'm standing next to Sango,and Shippo has jumped off Miroku's shoulder,as he didn't want to be attacked with Miroku,and is now investigating my bag.Sally the magical silver ducky,is nowhere.Here that?No Sally the magical silver ducky!!Now be quiet,you voice in my head that tells me to add silly characters!!I finally stood up to it!!Yay!!^_^)

                        "Her name is Luna.Luna means having to do with the moon.And speaking of which,"she said as she finally noticed their surroundings,"it was the afternoon when we came here,and after me talking for a ridiculusly(Sp?)long time,it's night.Let's go back to just outside the village and camp out."Kara yawned"I am getting sleepy."

                        Later,when they were all set up,they sat around the campfire and roasted marshmallows for dessert.Then they discussed their plans.

                        "We should go out and find that demon and kill it!!"said Inuyasha.

                        "I sense the Shikon Shard in the area just outside or in the village.It's strange,there is something hazy about where I sense it.I can feel it,but it's like it's found a way to conceal itself."Kagome said with much confusion.

                        "That means we can stay in the immediate area.It also means that MIROKU can stay near his GIRLFRIEND!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Like he could get a girlfriend with the way he acts!!"Sango laughed at him.

                        "Sango,do you not like the way I behave?"Miroku said and targeted his prey once again.Everyone else just sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "Of course I don't like the wa-MIROKU!!!YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!"Sango launched an attack on his head with a nearby rock.

                        "We're going to bed."Kagome said refering to herself and Shippo.

                        "Miroku never needs sleeping pills.All he has to do is go about his favorite pastime."Kara said with a shake of her head(A\n:Another poem!!).

                        "So,what should we do?"Sango asked in a bored voice.

                        "I thought I would practice summoning demons.There are some in the back of the book whose main purpose is to be summoned for practice."Kara said in an excited voice."I've never really summoned a demon before."she admmitted.

                        "Can you summon bad demons?"Inuyasha asked."I don't want to be wasting my time killing demons that come when they're called."

                        "Only if I mess up,or change the summoning spell enough so it summons the opposite kind of demon."Kara said as she flipped through her book.

                        "Then you'd better not mess up,especially when it really matters!!And these demons that you summon better not hurt Kagome!!!!!"Inuyasha said,angry with the very thought of Kagome hurt.He looked at her sleeping in her sleeping bag with Shippo,and wished she wouldn't make him feel so uncomfortable.

                        "It's cute the way you like her."Kara said,giggling.

                        "Finally someone just comes out and says it!!About time!!!!"Sango said with relief.

                        "Who said I liked her?!?!?!"Inuyasha said angrily,although both her and Sango could see him blushing.(A\n:See?It's cute when I make him upset!!^_^)

                        Kara reached into her bag and passed him all her manga books."Look through those,and knowing I've read them,and tell me you don't like her."Kara said with a triumphant look on her face.

                        Inuyasha skimmed through the books,and with a lot of blushing he saw how obvious he was.He passed them back and,with tremendous amounts of blushing,said,"Okay then,mayby."

                        Sango looked in shock at him.This only made him blush more.(A\n:HAHAHA!!!I LOVE IT WHEN HE BLUSHES!!)As she continued to stare,she said,"I can't belive she actually got you to say that!!!"Inuyasha's clothes looked pink compared to his face.(A\n:More Inuyasha blushing action!CUTE!!)"Wow,Kara you must be magic or something!!"Sango was in awe.

                        "Actually,"Kara said as she dug through her bag,"I am studying other things than summoning."She pulled out another book and they looked at the title.

                        "Real Magic for Fake Dummies."Sango read aloud."So can you do anything?"

                        "Not yet.So far it's been all reading."Kara seemed to be eager to start to learn magic,and said,"I'm waiting for an idea as on where to start."Then she yawned."We should go to bed.It's late,and goodness knows what might happen tomorrow!!"

                        So they went to bed,Inuyasha in his usual upright sleeping position,Sango on a woven mat with Kilala,and Kara in her sleeping bag.It would haved looked very cozy if not for the still swirly-eyed Miroku eating the ground.A figure up in the tree looked on and said,"I know what will happen tomorrow.*evil laugh*"


                        Chapter 4:The Discussion at Breakfast

                        The next morning Miroku woke up to a terrible headache.And a mouthful of dirt.Sango,therefore,woke up to a pretty sight."I'm waking up the right way!"she said as she streched,"To a heaping helping of Miroku after being pummeled!!"she said with a grin.

                        "Thanks for your concern!"Miroku said sarcasticly.

                        "No problem!"Sango said cheerily."Always happy to give concern!"

                        "Would you two shut up?"Inuyasha said opening his eyes all of a sudden.

                        "Oh,Inuyasha!I didn't know you were awake too!"said Kagome as she made some bacon."I was talking to Kara about last night after I went to bed."

                        Inuyasha gave Kara a look of horror and then went very red.Kara,however,was looking unconcernedly through her demon summoning book.

                        "Oh,r-really?"he said carefully.

                        "Yeah,and you don't have to worry,"she said as she took the bacon out of the pan and put the sausages in,"I have every speck of faith I have in your ability to protect me!"Kagome asked Sango to watch the food while she went to take a bath.

                        Inuyasha was stunned."What did you say to her?!?!How much does she know?"he demanded of her furiously.

                        "Wow,your starting to sound like me,all paranoid and stuff!!"was her response.

                        "So then,you didn't tell her anything?"he said hopefully.

                        "No,I told you I wouldn't,and I didn't!Yeesh,you'd think you'd trust me as you threatened my life!"she said as she rolled her eyes.

                        "What,may I ask,happened last night?What was said that was so important?"Miroku asked with excitement.

                        Before she could stop herself,Sango told him,"Kara got Inuyasha admit he might like Kagome!!"Then Inuyasha made a sound of protest,and she said,"Woops!"

                        This was news to both Miroku and Shippo.They never thought he would admit to liking Kagome."I knew it!!"was all Shippo said at first.

                        "Is it that obvious?"said Inuyasha dazedly.

                        "To people like us,"said Miroku,"yes,but you do a good job of hiding it from Kagome.With all your name calling,yelling,pouting,and just plain meaness,Kagome thinks you don't even want her as a friend."

                        "But I do want her!As a friend...*blush*(A\n:I'm gonna go on a blush marathon every once in a while.)I just don't want her to know...that I MIGHT like her!Stupid girl,thinking I hate her!"

                        They all sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "Quite the romantic,isn't he?"Miroku asked Kara.

                        "Oh yes,he's a real lady's man,,just like you Miroku!"Kara said sarcasticly"He and you attract the same amount of women.*giggle*"

                        "I think that was the best insult I've heard in a while!Give me five!"Sango said as she slapped Kara's hand.

                        "Since when am I part of an insult?!?!?!"Inuyasha asked,very irritated.

                        Shippo chose now to insert his comment."Kagome deserves better than you!!"he shouted,sticking his tongue out at him.

                        Inuyasha looked like his worst fears had been confirmed."maybe,"he said quietly,"she thinks so too."He smelled Kagome coming back."Listen,both of you,you tell her anything and I'll rip your throats out."he threatened,but it was a half-hearted threat. "I'm taking a walk."he said shortly,and walked off in the opposite direction that Kagome was coming from.

                        "Hey,what's that smell?"Kagome said coming up and seeing a lot of shocked and sad looking people,quite contrary to when she left."Hello?Come in!Earth to all the zonked out people!!"

                        Sango looked at her and said,"What?"

                        "I asked what the smell is."Kagome repeated.

                        "Oh,that would be the uh-FOOD!!!!I FORGOT!!I'M SORRY!!!!"Sango was very worried about Inuyasha,and hadn't noticed it.

                        "That's okay we still have the bacon to ea-Kilala?!?!Did you eat all the bacon?!"Kagome scolded the naughty demon kitty.

                        "Wow,sorry I'm not very attentive today!"Sango said as she guiltily looked at the empty plate,like she had eaten the bacon,instead of her cat.

                        "That's okay,"Kagome said nicely,"now we can have Ramen for breakfast!!Inuyasha will be very happy!!........Where is he anyway?"she looked around,but saw no sign of him.

                        "He.....went to take a walk."Miroku said slowly.

                        "Anyone else just hear that?"Kara asked suddenly.

                        "I think so,"Sango said,"let's just listen again."

                        They all heard it then.It was a small squeaking noise that seemed to surround them.All of a sudden rats the size of goats came scurrying out of nowhere.Hundreds of them literally launched themselves at them,and they immeadiatly(Sp?) snapped into action.Sango took off her outer clothes to reveal her demon exterminater outfit,and stood next to Kilala who had changed in size.Miroku started beating them off with his staff.Shippo sprang into action by jumping,terrified,onto Kagome's shoulder,and Kagome dodged the spiders to get to her bow and arrow and she began to shoot them.Kara reached into her bag and pulled out a spear and dodged some rats and at least managed to hit others.Then she pulled out an orange marble from her pocket.


                        Chapter 5:Ikumia(A\n:Yeah,my names suck!)
                        She looked at the marble and said,"You'd better work!!Our lives could depend on it!!"With that she pulled out a lighter,held it up to the marble,and quickly threw it away from her.At once all the rats around her fell away and started to incinerate.Then she started to do her "Happy Dance".

                        "Woah,I wouldn't start celebrating just yet."said a cold voice from the shadows.They all turned around to look at the eerie little man who stepped out of the darkness.He was about the same size as Kara,except that he was an old man.He had a pinched look about his face and his skin had a brownish tinge.He was carrying a wooden pipe,and many other woodwind instruments hung in a bag at his waist.A grin played on his lips and his eyes that burned like coals went strait to Kagome.

                        "He's got a Shikon Shard!!It's not the same one we're looking for,because I can still feel it in its concealment.But he still has one,so be carefull!!!"Kagome shouted before anyone even registered that he was after her alone.

                        "You have burned my rats!But for now,no matter,I'll just summon more!!"he shouted in anger.Then he put his pipe to his lips and began to play.A blood boiling tune came out.It made you want to scream for hours on end,then rip through your skin,just to relive some heat.Their hands automaticly went to their ears.It was too much.Kagome screamed.


                        A while away Inuyasha sitting in a tree heard her scream and started to dash to her rescue.


                        The little man finally stopped playing,and when he did,hundreds of more rats came. "My name is Ikumia."(A\n:So I suck at coming up with names?So what?)he said with a smile to shame a crocodile.(A\n:Ahh,poetry.It does the soul good.)Suddenly,two of the rat's long skinny tales lashed out and bound Kagome.

                        "Kara,who is this guy?!?!"Kagome asked as she struggled.

                        "He seems to be The Pied Piper of Feudal Japan."Kara said without any sign of concern.

                        "Don't fall over yourself to help me!!!Oh,no!!It's fun here being tied up with rats tails!!"Kagome shouted sacasticly,irritated at Kara's indifference.

                        "Duh.Inuyasha has probably heard you scream and is on his way here right now!!!!"Kara said in a bored voice.

                        Kagome stopped stuggling and said,"Oh yeah!!Silly me,I forgot!!"Kagome now relaxed and looked at Ikumia and said,"You're dead meat when he gets here!!"

                        Kara was now digging through her pockets and she found what she was looking for,and pulled out a little electric yellow marble."Here it is!!I think marbles are gonna be my favorite way of casting spells!!So easy to carry!!"Kara looked at it and giggled."This one will leave bodies so Inuyasha will see just what was attacking us.Though I doubt he'll like the idea of us being attacked at all!"Then,remembering how to use the little marble she held,she said,"Start making static!!Lots of static!!"They looked at her funny,and she sighed and said,"Shippo,go into my bag and get these whatever is near the top.It should useful."Shippo bounced off of Kagome's shoulder,and landed right next to the bag.He looked at it,grabbed something and held it up.

                        "Will these help?"Shippo asked as he looked curiously at the contents of the bag he was holding.

                        "Perfect!!Now,there is a skinny end of each thing inside,so blow into that end and when the balloons are full,tie off the end.We'll need four.Then give one to Miroku and Sango,and keep two for you and Kagome.Then,everyone needs to rub their balloons on their heads.Shippo,you rub Kagome's balloon on her head."They all stared at her still,except Shippo,who was getting to work.Then when he had them,he gave one to everyone.They all looked at their balloons for a moment with doubt,then they did as she said.Then she threw the marble onto the ground hard,and lighting flashed in the clearing, striking every rat around them down.

                        "No matter,"the evil man said,"I'll summon even more!!!"He raised his pipe to his mouth,and they all covered their ears,so as to block out the heart stopping sound.But before the pipe ever touched his lips,Inuyasha came down into the clearing,and sliced him and his pipe in half.

                        "What in the hell has been going on here?!?!"he asked with confusion.

                        Kagome ran up and hugged Inuyasha(A\n:I love making him blush!!!!^_^),and he got very quiet,and got very red."You saved us!!"she said happily,"I knew you would!!"

                        Shippo bounced over to Kara and asked,"What were those things?"

                        Kara walked over to the bag of balloons pulled out a blue one,then walked over to her bag,and pulled out a helium tank.She made him a balloon,then tied a piece of string to the end.She put the balloons and helium tank away,walked up to him and gave it to him."Thanks for helping me.This is a balloon.It's mostly for decoration."

                        Shippo happily looked at his balloon.Then suddenly looked at Kagome hugging Inuyasha and said,"I was wrong Inuyasha."

                        "How were you wrong?"Kagome asked curiously.She reluctantly stopped hugging Inuyasha and went to the man's remains and pulled out the shard.

                        Inuyasha went even redder.(A\n:HeeHee!!)Then Kara said,"Shippo said Inuyasha had the reflexes of a dead pig!!"Then she laughed her head off.Inuyasha went(if possible)much redder.


                        Chapter 6:Psychic

                        That day,they went into the village to look around.As they walked through the fairly large village,they discussed the morning's events."The Pied Piper was hired by a town.He was supposed to rid the town of its rats,but he also marched the children out of the town.There are different endings,but the one that I've heard the most,"Kara said with a nod of her head,"is that he marched the rats and the children into the sea where they all drowned."

                        "Any fox demon children?"asked Shippo with concern.

                        "No."Kara replied and reached into her pocket.She dug around and then she pulled out a velvet drawstring bag.

                        "Then who cares?"Shippo said with a shrug.Then he looked intrestedly(Sp?)at the bag she was holding.

                        "Hey!!I'm still probably considered a child here!!Even though I'm a teenager."Kara looked through her bag and there was a clacking noise.

                        "What's in there?"Shippo asked curiously.

                        "More casting marbles.They help me summon the different variations of the elements."Kara said as she examined a dull white marble.

                        "What element is that?"Shippo asked.

                        "Ice,Frost,Snow,or Hail."she replied."It depends on what thing I use in conjunction with it."

                        "MIROKU!!STOP DOING THAT!!!"Sango shouted up ahead of them.

                        They all sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "He never gives up!"Kagome said with a laugh.

                        Sango was chasing Miroku with her bone boomerang.Miroku was running and trying to avoid her blows.Luna suddenly appeared and said,"Don't hurt this handsome young man!!"

                        Sango and Miroku both sweatdropped.-_-'

                        Sango nudged Miroku and,sniggering,said,"Don't be rude Miroku!!Say hello!!"Miroku just stood there with his sweatdrop getting bigger.

                        "How are you today,Luna?"Kagome said politely.

                        "Don't mock me!!"Luna said to Sango,completely ignoring Kagome."You short tempered tomboy!!"

                        Sango looked furious,and said,"What would you know about it,you maniac?!?!?!"

                        Everyone sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "Maybe we should take a look around while they,*ahem*,get better aquainted."Kara said looking at the unpleasant scene.

                        "Absolutely!!Let's go!!"said Inuyasha,eager to get away.

                        Kara took one last look at the conflict,and turned to go,but as she did,she heard Sango say"Lunatic!!".A look of dawning comprehention(Sp?)crossed her face.She hurried them off,to leave Sango and Luna arguing,and Miroku standing there with the biggest sweatdrop ever seen,looking like an idiot.

                        Once they were a safe distance away she said,"I just realized that the full title that Luna wouldn't tell us must be Luna the Lunatic!!"She added,"I think she's up to something."

                        "Yeah,but can we talk about this over dinner?I'm starved!!"Inuyasha said and his stomach made agreeing noises.

                        "Okay,we can go back to camp,and I'll make you a big bowl of Ramen!!"Kagome said with a smile."We can come back later to drag those two away."


                        Back at camp,Kagome set to work on making dinner.She sent Shippo to get water for the Ramen.Kara started to make sure she had matirials(Sp)to activate lots of her marbles.She dug through her bag and pulled out items such as a feather,a handheld fan,a flashlight,a caterpillar in a jar,a flower,a test tube filled with dirt,a small rock,a plasic baggie filled with darkness,and few balloons were just some of the items she put into a small pack that fit on her back.(A\n:Are you getting annoyed with my inadvertent rhyming yet?)After half an hour,Shippo came back and asked where the stream was.(A\n:-_-')Kagome kindly took him by the hand and they went off to get some water.

                        After they left Kara said,"Wanna see a way I think I can get psychic powers?"She could barely contain her excitement at the thought.

                        He rolled his eyes and responded,"Oh,absolutely!This I gotta see!!"

                        She looked in her marble bag and pulled out a swirly purple marble.Then she brought out a small box and put the marble in through a hole in the top,and on the bottom there was a little cup on the bottom and it was filled with purple dust.She detatched the cup,looked at it,and filled it with a small amount of water.Then,she looked at him and said,"Bottoms up!"Then she drank all the water in the little cup.

                        ~She's probably gonna trick me somehow.~Inuyasha thought.

                        "Uh,how will tha-Kara?Are you okay?"Inuyasha asked and watched her staring at him with her eyes closed.He didn't know how she was staring,but he could tell.

                        Her eyes snapped open and she said indignantly,"I am NOT trying to trick you!!It worked!!"

                        "What worked?"said Kagome,who just came back with water.

                        ~A slightly different energy is coming off Kara now.~Kagome thought with a frown.

                        "Is my energy really different?"Kara asked her suddenly,after probing her mind.

                        "She's doing something weird!!!"Inuyahsha said with a shocked face.

                        Kara had her eyes closed once more,and she said,"Sango and Miroku are coming back!!Sango is NOT happy,and Mirok-*gag*Blehh!!Is that ALL Miroku ever thinks about?!?!"

                        Inuyasha smelled them coming after she had made her comment.Shippo came dashing back behind Kagome,and Kara said,"Shippo!!That's cute!!"He asked her what was and she replied,"Your thoughts.I won't voice them if you don't want me to though."

                        Sango stomped into camp dragging Miroku behind her."The nerve of that freak!!Calling me blind!!"She looked at all their faces and said,"What happened?"

                        Kagome tried to collect herself and said,"Okay,let's get this straight.Kara,what happened to you ?!?!"

                        Kara took a deep breath,and started to tell what had occurred,"I was getting items to activate my different elemental marbles.I looked at my psychic marble,and realized that I had never figured out how to use it.I thought maybe I should try and my first method came to mind.So I pulled this box out of my bag and I just guessed what it did.It ground my marble into dust,I put the dust into water and drank it.I now have psychic powers."

                        "Why did you do that?"Kagome asked

                        "I wanted to see if the marble could be put to use.I didn't think it would really work!!"Kara said."Hold on,I want to try something."She focused hard on a message she wanted to send to Inuyasha.

                        ~Does this work?~she thought.

                        ~Obviously.~came Inuyasha's reply.

                        "Well,that works."Kara said simply."I can open a link and talk to people with my mind."

                        "Oo oo oo,try it on me!!"Shippo said,jumping up and down.

                        ~Do you think this is cool?~she thought.

                        ~Yeah,of course!!~his excited reply came.

                        ~Me too.~she thought and she smiled at him.

                        "Let's see,what Sango is-AHH!!That's not Sango!!Miroku needs to think about different things!!!"she shouted as she shuddered."I would like to say though,that I don't intend to invade anyone's privacy.Unless I need to,of course.But now I can read the bad guy's mind!!That could come in handy."she said seriously.

                        "Now,what was Miroku thinking about again?"Sango said with a dangerous gleam in her eye,as she looked at swirly-eyed Miroku.


                        Chapter 7:Shippo's New Friend

                        The next day Kara woke up early.She decided that today she would practice her magic,and then later her demon summoning.She was looking through her marble bag to pick an element to practice,when Shippo hopped up behind her.

                        "Hi,what are you doing?"he asked all of a sudden.

                        "AHHH!!What?Oh,sorry Shippo.I thought I was the only one up,plus I startle very easily."Kara said trying to catch her breath.She had jumped and some of her marbles spilled onto the ground.Shippo started to help pick up the spilled marbles,until a inky black one came to his hand.

                        "What element is this?"he asked and looked at it uneasily.

                        "That's darkness.There really are only the four main elements,but these are sub-divisions."Kara said.

                        "Why not summon that element?Come on,show me!!"Shippo said excitedly.

                        "If I did that I might not be able to change it back until I found the right marble,and by then someone would have noticed."Kara explained.

                        "Good point."Shippo said nodding his head."But can you show me some?"

                        "Of course,it would be my pleasure!!"Kara said happily."But which one to do..."she trailed off,but then decided."See,my bag can sense things like need,or want.So,if I want a bag of marbles to summon the elements,I can pick the elements I want.One of my favorites is one I sorta made up.I call it the good element.I haven't tried it yet.Want me to?"she asked.

                        "Yeah!!Which ones are they?"he asked excitedly.

                        "The pink ones."she replyed.

                        "Wow,they're really light!!"Shippo said with suprise.

                        "Here's why.It's just like blowing a kiss.Really easy."she said,taking the marble he handed her.She gave it a swift kiss and blew it off her hand.It went up into the air and exploded.As it did,several things happened.

                        A rainbow appeared in the sky and pretty flowers sprouted out of the ground.The air around them became pleasantly warm and they felt happy and content all of a sudden.The field around them was full of happy creatures playing.

                        Not just normal animals either.Happy demons began to romp and play in the field.There was a bear demon with three eyes that started to roll around on the ground.There were a few wolf demon cubs that were play fighting in the middle of the field,very close to them.Shippo eyed them warily.He was so busy waching them though,that he didn't see,as Kara did,the little girl fox cub,who was happily chasing a butterfly.

                        Kara tapped Shippo on the shoulder and pointed her out.You could see the pure joy in Shippo's eyes as he ran over to play with her,and it made Kara even happy just to watch the two team up against the butterfly,and yet they could still not quite catch it.

                        "Wow,what a beautiful way to wake up!!"Kagome said behind her.

                        "AHHH!!Oh,sorry.I startle easily."Kara said,so content in watching the fun Shippo was having,she didn't remember this would most definately wake the others up.

                        "AWWWW!!Shippo has a new friend!!!"Kagome squealed."What happened?!?!This is wonderful!!Miroku just HUGGED Sango instead of his usual thing!!It all makes me want to hug something cute!!!"At this point Inuyasha came up behind them looking around in an almost eager way,his ears twitching at every noise.(A\n:Greeeaaat timing.-_-')Kagome hugged him,and instead of his usual blush(A\n:No blush?!?!That's not happy!!!WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!)he smiled and hugged her back.(A\n:Sorry for the mushy stuff,it just came out.)Kara,as usual,sat and watched all the bliss.Shippo ran up to Kara and showed her his new friend.She was pretty,she had dark brown hair which was in two buns tied with dark blue ribbons,bright blue eyes,and was wearing a sky blue kimono.

                        "Her name is Kiyato(A\n:Yes,this name sucks too.Don't get your pants in a bunch!!)!!!"Shippo said as Kiyato smiled."Guess what?Girl fox demons use flowers instead of leaves!!Go on,show her!!"Shippo encouraged his friend to show her skills.Kiyato reached up into her hair,an pulled out a white rose that was fixed in it.She set it on top of her head and there was a *pop* and a little blue kitten was right where she had been.Another *pop* and she was back.

                        "Hello Kiyato!!"Kara said happily,"I'm Kara,and over there are Inuyasha,Kagome,Miroku,and Sango."she said,pointing to each of them in turn.

                        "So,Shippo,is this your girlfriend?"Inuyasha said,teasing him.The marble effect was wearing off.Shippo blushed,(A\n:SHIPPO BLUSHING?!?!An unexplored level of cute!!)and Kiyato just looked down.

                        "No!!She's my FRIEND!!"Shippo said and he added,"Besides,weren't you hugging Kagome for a minute there?"He was pleased that he made Inuyasha blush.(A\n:Back to awkward blushing!!Life is good.)

                        "Is she coming along with us?"Sango asked.

                        "Not another demon brat to torture me!!"Inuyasha moaned.

                        "In that case,absolutely!!"Shippo said with a giggle.

                        Kiyato was on Inuyasha's head in a moment."Why do the half-demon's ears twitch?"she said as she tugged on them.

                        Shippo laughed while everyone else sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "My parents died a while ago.And my brother disapeared."Kiyato said with a sniff.

                        "She's coming!"all three girls said at once.

                        "Well now that that's settled,"Miroku said,"let's eat lunch!!"


                        Chapter 8:That is Most Likely to Get Me Sued*

                        At lunch the talk turned to the morning's events.They were all very intrested in the concept of a good element.She said she had a bad element marble,but that she would only use it in an utmost emergency.Then Kara told them that she planned on summoning a practice demon that afternoon."I found a good demon to practice with.He's called Duomi(A\n:Yeah,bad name,but you can deal with it!!).One of my marbles may be helpfull."she told them.She had done a psychic scan on Kiyato,,just to make sure she wasn't evil.Not a thing came up.She wasn't evil,,just cute.Kara and Kiyato had become good friends,and Kara was looking for some other kinds of magic for Kiyato to use.She thought that the group should have different kinds of defenses.Her bag was not being cooprative."Stupid bag!!Do I look like I want a turkey dinner?!?!?!(A\n:If you've seen the first Koga episodes,this will make more sense.)No!!!I want some new magic!!!!!!!!"She searched around some more,and thought."What kinds of things can you do?"she asked,desperate for help on her search.

                        "Fox magic or other things?"Kiyato replied from her new favorite perch on Kara's shoulder.

                        "Hobbies or something."Kara said while sampling the turkey dinner."Not too bad."she said with one eyebrow raised.

                        "Sewing,cooking,drawing-"Kiyato said before Shippo interrupted.

                        "Can I see a picture?"he asked,hoping to show her the pretty crayons Kagome had given him.

                        "Sure."Kiyato said as she pulled a thin folded paper from a hidden pocket on the outside of her kimono."She pointed to two people(cute and cartoony,like Shippo's drawings)and said,"That's me,and that is my brother."She looked at the person with longing."He never came back..."she said as tears welled up in her eyes.Then she had anime waterfall tears started coming out of her eyes at full force.(A\n:CUTE,but sad.)

                        "Don't cry."Kara said soothingly as she cradled the little fox demon with great care.

                        "What happened to your brother?"Miroku asked just as she started to calm down.Bad idea.

                        "I DON'T KNOW!!"she cried,and Shippo came and gave her a hug(A\n:AWWWW!!!!!!)after hitting Miroku on the head.He had to wait until Sango was finished.

                        ~He just went to talk to some new friend he met,and he never came back!!~she thought with tears in her eyes.

                        ~Did he tell you what this friend looked like?~Kara asked after opening a link into Kiyato's mind.(Kiyato didn't mind talking like this,in fact,she liked it.)~Do you know where he met his friend?~she thought,trying to find out all she could.

                        ~He said he met his friend while he was hunting for our dinner.Since our parents died,he took good care of me.And no,I never saw his friend.~Kiyato thought calmer than before.(Sango had gagged Miroku.)

                        ~Do you want me to keep this to myself?~she asked.

                        ~That would be okay.~Kiyato thought fairly calmly.She sniffed a bit.She could smell a ham sandwich that someone was trying to hide.She followed the scent and grabbed the food away from Inuyasha,who had been hiding it behind his back.Then she scurried off to Shippo and split the sandwich in half.She gave one half to him,and they ate it before Inuyasha could get it back(A\n:I'm not calling Inuyasha slow,I'm calling their eating skills incredibly fast.).

                        "God has sent fox demons to punish me!!"Inuyasha said with a cry of despair.

                        Kagome rolled her eyes and said,"You already had four!!"

                        Kara,meanwhile,went back to searching through her bag."Rubber chicken,rolling pin, ooo a box of cookies..."she said as she tossed the box to Shippo and Kiyato."....vaccuum cleaner,seashell,glow-in-the-dark stars,apple,Windex,inflatable Captain Underpants,ewww lip gloss,Post-It notes,scarecrow,cookie cutters,glue,pirate literature,pin,gum,glowing ember,chisel,lantern made out of fireflies,naturalist remains,tire,top secret government plans,ugh a Barbie!!"she held it with contempt."If Barbie is so popular,how come you have to BUY her friends?"she asked with a grin.They stared at her."Hmmmm,this might come in handy."she said as she examined an acid-proof Super Soaker filled with acid."Probably too dangerous.Garden hose,sunglasses,paper clip chain,camera,calculater,stickers,roller blades,cooking oil,a scarf knitted with love in every stich,parachute,Slinky,chainsaw...too dangerous again.*sigh*Mayby I'll try later."

                        "As I was saying,"Kiyato continued,"Sewing,cooking,drawing...and I've been working on just aiming at things."

                        "How about a slingshot then?"Kara asked pulling one out of her pocket."I'll look for some ammo.Buttons,floss,crayons,Cheerios,apple sauce,Lifesavers,pickles,bouquet of fish,a goat,English to Esperanto dictionary,phone bill,genade...too dangerous once again.Sugar,dancing space potatoes,toaster,the One Ring,bubble wrap,squirrel,calendar,keyboard,carrots,lemons,mac hine gun...all the good things are too dangerous!!Light at the end of the tunnel,ewww boogers,ketchup,paintbrush,doorbell,book of nursery rhymes,egg,map of Eygpt,rocket launcher...much too dangerous.Poster of Micheal Jackson...horrific!!!Bleach,illegal space chickens in purple bunny suits,spoon,knock-knock jokes,my imaginary friend,train tickets,ooo a penny!!Bowl of fruit,Scream mask,leprechaun,muffin,the peanut of doom,cherry pie,mattress tags,restraining order,a fire truck,straight jacket,overdue library book,seamonkeys,rubber duckie,copy of the copyright law,the meaning of life,the ugly stick,pom-poms,dead parrot, duck tape.I'm keeping that.Self-destuct button,Coke,a clown,cat that curiosity killed,light switch,the 7 dwarves,door knob,a beaver,oooo a silly story!!The boy who ate fire:Once there was a boy who ate fire.He died.Ahhhh,a happy end.Laws of physics,potted plant,trench coat,Cheetos,Fruit Loops,pencil,unicorn,bib,helmet,Oompa Loompas,lightbulb,a leather pouch,and a silk drawstring bag.Let's see what's in those!!!"she said after taking the biggest breath in her life.They all stared in wonder at the items(many of which are copyrighted)that had just gone in and out of the bag.

                        "What WAS all that?"Miroku asked after getting his gag off.

                        Kara replied by saying"Sango,you're supposed to tie the person up so the gag stays on."

                        "Whoops!!I forgot."Sango said as she went to correct her mistake.

                        "Hey,that dosn't answer my que-No,wait!!I'll be go-"he started,but Sango was too quick for him.She reapplied the gag,this time remembering to tie him up.

                        As Miroku lay on his side with a"woe is me"look,the two fox demons came and used him as a seat."What's in the bags?"Kiyato asked with excitement.

                        "In the leather pouch,there are lots of little balls with spikes in their sides."she said as she tenderly held one up."And the silk drawstring bag has little round pebbles and instuctions.'These stones are dipped in a paralyzing agent that must hit an open wound.'Wow,it took a while,but my bag gave me what I need!!"Kara said as she handed the bags to Kiyato.

                        "Hmmm,can I have some dye for the leather to make it match my outfit better?"Kiyato asked,looking distainfully at the fox hide."I can have a strip of cloth tied around my waist.Then I can attach these bags to the cloth,and they're easy accessible!!"she said happily.

                        "How about a white ribbon?"Kara asked holding one up."And what color dye?"

                        "Dark blue,please.It would be too hard to dye it light blue.The hide is too dark."she said sensibly.

                        "And you don't need to dye the silk bag,because it's already white!!"Kara said as she procured(Sp?)the items that Kiyato would need.

                        "Once again,you talk yourself to death and it takes so long,the sun goes down!!!"Inuyasha said,giving her an annoyed look.

                        "Your just grumpy because Kiyato took your last sandwich!!"Kagome said with a dainty snort(A\n:Is there such a thing?Well,here,there is.)."Don't worry,"she added,"I'll make you some Ramen(A\n:Is it just me,or do they eat Ramen a lot?Oh wait,it IS just me.Duh,I'm the author!!)."

                        "Darn,I never got around to summon my practice demon!!Oh well,let's eat."Kara said with a shake of her head and sigh of defeat(A\n:I should write these random ryming words down some where!!).

                        After dinner they all went to sleep.Sango on her woven mat with Kilala,Inuyasha sitting up,Kagome and Shippo in her sleeping bag,Kara and Kiyato in her bag,and Miroku,on the ground(A\n:Have I seen something like this part somewhere else?-_-').

                        *The objects listed here do not belong to me,well....I do buy some of the products,but I have no legal hold on the trademarks whatsoever.I have not been paid to write this.If my friends are reading this first I'd like to say,HI!!!Then I'd like to say I'm suprised you found it whatever I chose to do with it,I'm fairly sure I would not have shown it to you since you have been enormously unsupportive.SO NYAH TO YOU,-EDIT-,ZACH,ZACH**,AUSTIN,AND JOHN!!!!(A\n:Btw,if you've read my organizer,you should see a pattern between that and my lists.Also,John,you should see some famillair objects from a Lucas Arts*** game.)

                        **Or should I say Tubbs?

                        ***I do not own Lucas Arts,I just like to play their adventure games.


                        Chapter 9:A Familliar Dream*

                        The knight walked up to the bunny.Suddenly,the bunny jumped up and bit his head off."I warned you!!"said Tim the enchanter.

                        "I've soiled my armor again!!"Sir Robin whined.

                        "I warned you,but did you listen to me?Oh,no.You knew it all didn't you?Oh,it's just a harmless little bunny,isn't it?Well,it's always the same,I always tell them-"Tim laughed before he was cut off.

                        "Oh,shut up!!"King Arthur shouted."Right,charge!!!"

                        The knights came forth,and the rabbit procceded to kill them.Before his numbers were totaled,King Arthur shouted,"Run away!!"He and his remaining knights fled.Tim the enchanter continued to laugh.They began to see how many they lost."We lost Gawain,Ector and Bors,that's five."King Arthur said.

                        "Three,sir."Sir Gallahad corrected.

                        "Three.We better not risk another frontal assault.That rabbit's dynamite."King Arthur observed with frustration.

                        "Will it help to confuse it if we run away some more?"Sir Robin questioned.

                        "Oh,shut up.Go and change your armor."King Arthur said with irritation.

                        "Let us taunt it.It may become so cross that it will make a mistake."Sir Gallahad suggested.

                        "Like what?"King Arthur wanted to know.

                        "Well-"Sir Gallahad started.There was a pause.

                        "Have we got bows?"Sir Lancelot offered.

                        "No."King Arthur said distractedly.

                        "We have the Holy Hand Grenade."Sir Lancelot pointed out.

                        "Yes,of course!!The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch."King Arthur said before he continued,"Tis one of the sacred relics Brother Maynard carries."King Arthur said excitedly.Then he called,"Brother Maynard,bring up the Holy Hand Genade."

                        A monk stepped forward carrying a chest.Some guys in hoods were chanting in the backround.Another monk came behind him carrying a heavy looking book.The first monk handed the chest to Sir Guenivire.He and King Arthur took out the Holy Hand Grenade."How does it,umm.....How does it work?"King Arthur said with uncertainty.

                        "I know not,my liege."Sir Lancelot said.

                        "Consult the'Book of Armaments.'"King Arthur commanded.

                        "Armaments Chapter 2 verses 9 to 21."the first monk said as he motioned for the second monk to read the book.

                        "'And St.Attila raised the hand grenade up on high saying,"O Lord,bless this Thy hand grenade,that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits,in Thy mercy."'"the second monk began,continuing by saying,"'And the Lord did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats-'"the second monk went on.

                        The first monk interrupted,"Skip a bit,Brother."

                        The second monk went forward and read,"'And the Lord spake saying"First, thou shalt take out the Holy Pin.Then,shalt thou count to three.No more,no less.Three shall be the number thou shalt count,and the number of the counting shall be three.Four shalt thou not count,neither count thou two,exceping that thou then procceed to three.Five is right out.Once the number three,being the third number,be reached,then lobbest thou Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe,who,being naughty in my sight,shall snuff it"'"

                        The second monk closed the book,and the first monk said,"Amen."

                        "Amen."the men repeated.

                        King Arthur pulled out the pin and said,"One,two,five!!"

                        "Three,sir."Sir Gallahad corrected.

                        "Three!!"King Arthur repeated.Then he threw the it at the rabbit and it blew up.

                        Kara woke up,after that familliar dream,slightly disoriented."What happened?"she asked as she looked around her.Then she relised that it was the middle of the nite,and that everyone was asleep.She shrugged,then went back to sleep.

                        *This was taken from the "Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail"DVD.I did alter it slightly to make it proper dialouge,but I watched the scene over and over agian with the subtitles on.If this has made you curious about what in the world this is talking about,I would suggest first seeing the movie,then possibly getting the DVD or VHS.I have not been paid to do anything whatsoever,except empty the dishwasher,but that doesn't count,so I would like to remain unsued.I only put this in because I was struck with a strange idea,and because Monty Python is fantabiously(Sp)funny.Thank you!!


                        Chapter 10:Summoning a Demon

                        She woke the next morning and,having no memory of the dream,gathered supplies to summon Duomi.She got out her flashlight and a glowing white marble.Then she sent Shippo and Kiyato to pick up some sticks.Inuyasha was looking on skepticly(Sp?)at Kara's actions,Kagome was trying to have them eat something other than Ramen for a meal,Sango was polishing her bone boomerang,and Miroku was stuggling against his bonds.

                        "All right,all right,I'll untie you!!"Sango said as she carefully laid down her weapon.

                        "Was it really nessesary to have me tied up all night?!?!"Miroku asked after Sango had removed his gag.

                        "No,but it gave me a break from your perverted ways."Sango said with a shrug.She procceeded to remove the ropes,and when she was done she put them back in Kara's bag.

                        "Well,let me say good morning..."Miroku said as he once again did what Sango would hurt him for doing.

                        "Uh,Sango?Ya might wanna mo-"Inuyasha started but it was too late.

                        "MIROKU!!!HOW ABOUT I TIE YOU UP ALL TODAY TOO?"Sango shouted while kicking his head in to the dirt.

                        "That won't be nessesary!!"Miroku assured her,but she was less than assured.She kept giving him shifty looks,and always watching him from the corner of her eye.

                        "Okay,I think I might be ready."Kara said as she came up from the field."I'm just waiting for the sticks.Should I wait until after breakfast to start summoning?"she said,smelling something other than Ramen cooking.

                        "I vote breakfast!"Sango said,still watching Miroku.

                        "Man does not live on Ramen alone."Miroku agreed.

                        "Something other than Ramen is done!!"Kagome called from the other side of the campsite.She was keeping an eye on the food,and Sango was watching Kilala.

                        "Okay,breakfast it is!!"Kara said happily.

                        "No Ramen today?"Inuyasha asked disapointedly.

                        "Were you not listening?"Kara wondered with desperation.

                        "Hey,why are you all eating sandwiches for breakfast?"Shippo asked as he and Kiyato came into camp carrying an armload of sticks each.

                        "All that came out of my bag,besides Ramen,was bread,peanut butter,jelly,and soda.So we have something other than Ramen for breakfast."Kara said taking a big bite of hers.

                        "I was sad too."Inuyasha assured him as he took a small hesitant bite of his.

                        They sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "I'm starving after getting sticks."Kiyato said as she took a bite of Kara's sandwich."That's good!!!Can I have one?"she asked eagerly.

                        "Of course!!"Kagome said as she handed one to her and Shippo.

                        "So,how do you summon this demon?"Miroku asked with intrest.

                        "Well,first I make a circle with the sticks,then I activate my light marble, after that the demon should appear.The light marble is because some demons like to make a big entrance."Kara said with a shrug of her shoulders.She took another bite,swallowed,and said,"There's a little picture in the back of the book if you want to see."She got up,went to get her book,and showed it to them.It was a tiny picture.The demon looked like a spider,but very wrinkly.In the picture it seemed to be sitting in a HUGE circle made of sticks.

                        "How much room do you need to summon this?"Inuyasha asked with an eyebrow raised.

                        "I'd say the diameter should be about two fully transformed Tetsusaigas."she said and,seeing the shocked looks on their faces,adding,"that's just a rough observation.It could be much less.The picture gives off the impression that he is VERY big."

                        "We got enough sticks right?"Kiyato said with a worried look.

                        "More than enough.I'm making it smaller.It might not be that big.I mean,what demon is?"Kara asked in short choppy sentences(A\n:Sorry,but it's late,and my descriptiveness(Sp)is falling short.If I do show this to my friends,they'll make a smart remark on my last comment.).

                        "Can we help?"Shippo asked.

                        "No,you two go play.I should be able to do it."Kara said and she started off to the field to build the circle.

                        "Let us know before you start!!"Kiyato said.Then she said to Shippo,"I bet I can climb higher up that tree than you can!!!"

                        "Be careful!!"Kagome told them.

                        "We will!!"Kiyato assured her,but then she said,"I can practice shooting things from up there!!"

                        They sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "Kagome,has that shard become anymore clear?I'm tired of sitting around."Inuyasha said with a yawn.

                        "We could get some rice from the village,that is,if you want to go somewhere."Kagome said looking down at her sandwich."I mean,I want some different food than this stuff."she pointed at the Ramen and plate of sandwiches quickly.

                        "I guess.I think they,"Inuyasha pointed at Sango and Miroku,"should stay here.Who knows who we might run into?"he stifled a snigger.

                        "I agree."Kagome said,pulling Inuyasha away as she started to giggle.

                        After they left,Miroku said,"I'm not sure if any of us should be near here."and he nodded at the field.

                        "If something would happen,Kara shouldn't be alone."Sango said sending an odd look his way.Then she nodded her head and smiled.

                        "I'm just saying,that with Kara summoning a demon that does goodness knows what we shoul-"he started.

                        "Awww,I'm hurt.Don't you trust me?"Kara said from close behind him.When he jumped to his feet,she laughed."Ha Ha Ha!!That was awesome!!You should have seen the suprised look on your face!!"

                        "Sango!Why didn't you tell me she was there?!?!?!?!?!"Miroku asked,annoyed.

                        "Telling you would be boring.Kara's way was funny!!"Sango said as she giggled.

                        "I merely meant I didn't want ANYONE,"he looked pointedly at Sango,"to get hurt."

                        Sango looked touched."You were really concerned?"she asked with suprise.

                        "Of course!!"Miroku said scooting closer.

                        "I just didn't think you'd car-YOU PERVERT!!!"Sango was angry now.She began to whack his head into a nearby tree.

                        "Wow,Miroku!!Your a real glutton for punishment!!"Kara said,laughing even harder.

                        Suddenly a rock hit Miroku's head.And it wasn't Sango.They heard a little voice saying,"Don't worry!!That was a regular rock.I brought some up to practice."Then the tree Sango had been banging his head into began to shake.All the branches seemed to be moving.All of a sudden,two small figures jumped down."Was that a good shot?!?!"Kiyato asked ,running to sit on Kara's shoulder.

                        "We saw you finish just as we reached the top.But Kiyato wanted to practice at least once."Shippo explained."Can we watch you summon the demon now?!?!"

                        "Sure,and I don't think we should wait on Kagome and Inuyasha.Inuyasha will probably get in a fight or something."Kara said,knowing what people might say in the village.He had gotten some strange looks the other times they went into the village.They were likely to make mean remarks,and Inuyasha was likely to try and kill them.Same old,same old.

                        They walked to the circle that she had built,and while they stopped a ways back,she walked to the middle and set down her marble.Then she went to the edge of the circle and said,"There has to be a beam of light pointed at it.Otherwise,they would all go off everytime I pulled them out during the day."She pulled out her flashlight and warned,"Don't look directly at it.It will blind you."Then she shined the light at the marble.There was a blinding(A\n:Told you!!)flash,and the ground shook slightly.When the flash ended there was nothing there.

                        "Mayby it was summoned somewhere else."Miroku said logicly.Then he pointed,"There is another field over there."

                        "Let's go see."Kara said,slightly disappointed.

                        They began to walk across the field when,"Ewww,I stepped on a little spider!!"Kiyato said.

                        "Well,then that's not the one we're looking for."Miroku said as they walked on.

                        They searched for an hour before they finally gave up.They had just gotten back when the ground shook again.This time it felt like it came from the village.They had barely started to go check when they ran into Kagome and Inuyasha fighting.

                        Apparrently,what had happened was,Kagome had met what she thought to be Hojo's ancestor.He had been eyeing Inuyasha warily and he had asked if Kagome would like to go for a walk.Alone.Needless to say Inuyasha started to get angry and they tried to leave,but Hojo's ancestor was as determined as Hojo.He asked if she would like to some other time.When Inuyasha said no before Kagome could say anything,Hojo's ancestor said demon's did not deserve humans.(A\n:I don't like Hojo or his ancestors.And they're stupid,so they say stupid things that get them nearly killed.^_^)While Inuyasha started to rip him apart,Kagome had said the magic word and pulled him back towards camp,leaving a severly wounded boy behind.(A\n:Hooray!!!)

                        Later that night Kara was looking through her book.She looked at the picture and said,"Ohhhhhhh!!!I forgot to read the caption!!"

                        "What does the caption say?"Sango asked.

                        "Actual size.*"

                        *I know the last part is from Buffy the Vampire Slayer,but I couldn't have Monty Python and not Buffy!!!


                        Chapter 11:Anger and Floating Fun

                        "Would you call my demon summoning a success?"Kara asked the next afternoon.

                        "Well,you summoned the demon.It was just a mistake of recognizing the size."Miroku said,concentrating on his usual habits.

                        "It wasn't that ba-MIROKU!!!!HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO POUND YOU?!?!?!"Sango asked as she slapped him over and over again.

                        "I should do something to stop Miroku from doing that."Kara said while sniggering."It is more funny to watch Sango get angry at him,though."

                        "Let's go for a walk!!"Kagome said suddenly.Then she grabbed Inuyasha's hand and made the others follow her.They walked through the forest,and Miroku continued to "bother" Sango.After she beat him into oblivion,things began to settle down.

                        Miroku began to try and charm Sango.This means appropriate(Sp?)things only.When he complimented her she told him to shove it.They were suprised.Sango usually welcomed his "good" behavior.Kagome noticed there was something different about her aura.It seemed angry.She tapped Kara on the shoulder and asked,"What is Sango thinking?"

                        Kara opened a link to her mind,and heard,~I hate Miroku!!I need to make sure he hates me too.~

                        Kara turned around and said,"Very un-Sango thoughts.There is like,pure hate in her thoughts.All centered around Miroku!!!!!!She really likes him,I can tell with my books."

                        "Ask her something.Find something out!!!"Kagome said,looking nervously at Sango.

                        "Sango?Do you EVER think nice thoughts abought Miroku?"Kara asked casually.

                        "I used to.I don't anymore.I don't know why."Sango said thoughtfully.

                        They had gotten back to camp."We should think about this."Kara whispered to Kagome."In the meantime,I'll help Kiyato practice her aim."She walked over to her bag,pulled out some hard boiled eggs,and gave them to Kiyato.She quietly told her to aim them at Miroku.Then she sat down to watch and think.

                        "Hey!!What did you do that for?!?!"Miroku asked after Kiyato plastered him with eggs.

                        "*giggle*I have to practice!!"Kiyato replied as she took aim again.

                        Miroku started to "help" her practice with a moving target.She was having a bit more trouble with that."Aim where he is going to be."Kara told her as she was deep in thought.

                        Kiyato accidentally hit Inuyasha."Oops!!!"she said as she ran over to Shippo.Then they both ran away as Inuyasha picked up some eggs and started to chase them.

                        While the pile of hard boiled eggs was abandoned,Sango picked one up."Uh-oh....."Miroku said as he was once again under fire.

                        Kara tried to figure out what was making Sango act this way.She was usually calm and happy when Miroku wasn't "bothering" her."I have to wait until I finish 'Real Magic for Fake Dummies' until I can do more advanced things like revealing spells(A\n:A revealing spell would show what was possessing Sango.)."Kara told Kagome quietly."I should make sure to practice daily.Otherwise,Miroku will have to deal with this for quite a while.I'm not sure if he can!!"

                        "How long will it take you to finish the book?"Kagome asked.

                        "Who knows?"Kara replied as one of Inuyasha's eggs hit Kagome's face.

                        "INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!"Kagome shouted as she started to chase Inuyasha who was now running from Kagome while chasing the fox demons.

                        Kara surveyed the chaos and giggled.Then she decided to practice her magic.It seemed like a good time to try her "Bubble Sheild Charm".She went to her bag,pulled out a bottle of bubbles and a vial of Sheild Dust.Sheild Dust was a metal sheild with magic properties that had been ground into dust.She sprinkled that into the bubbles and she blew a bubble that floated towards Miroku and grew big enough to cover him.It started to absorb him into the safety of its interior(Sp?).Everyone looked startled as he started to float upwards toward the sky."That's not supposed to happen!!!!!"Kara said with a look of panic."It's supposed to make a half-bubble around him that's connected to the ground!!"

                        Sango laughed,"It's like all my troubles are floating away!!"

                        "I need to fix this!!"Kara said as she ran toward her bag.She dug around for a while until she pulled out a hollow bamboo reed and a thorn.The thorn had anti-magic poured on it."This should do it!!"She took aim and fired,and by some miracle she actually hit it.The bubble popped and Miroku fell downwards.And can you guess who he landed on?

                        "OWWWW!!!"Sango shouted through Miroku's back.

                        "Hey,it wasn't much fun for me either!!"Miroku groaned as he sat up and got off Sango.


                        Chapter 12:Realization

                        She was still apologizing after dinner.She apologized to Sango for making Miroku fall on her,and Miroku for making him fall on Sango and making her(if possible)hate him even more."I didn't mean to!!"Kara tried to tell them,but they wouldn't listen.Sango and Miroku took walks in opposite directions and Kara sat down in the tent she had decided to put up after the "Bubble Incident"."I'm doomed.I'm going to bring pain and trouble instead of helpfullness and peace."she said miserably as she laid back onto her sleeping bag.

                        "If you're going to do all that,"Inuyasha said as he stepped into the tent,"just leave,you stupid girl!!!"All of a sudden Kagome walked into the tent looking very angry.

                        "Sit boy!!!(A\n:First time she used her command in my fic,I do believe.Where I made her say it in what you're reading.)"she commanded.

                        "AHHHHHH!!!*thud*"Inuyasha shouted as he crashed to the ground.

                        "Don't listen to him Kara."Kagome said as she stepped over Inuyasha."He just has no tact."

                        "I just thought it would protect Miroku.I wonder if I will ever get it right.*sigh*"Kara said.

                        "Don't worry.I'm sure you can do magic.You just can't get it right all the time."Kiyato said comfortingly.

                        "True."Kara said."If I got it right ALL the time,I'd spontaneously combust!!Nobody can get it right ALL the time!!"

                        "That's the spirit!!"Shippo said.

                        "It's time to hit the hay!"Kagome said cheerfully."Inuyasha,could you get Sango and Miroku?They should be near camp at night.Come on Shippo,let's go to bed."Kagome said with a yawn.

                        "Okay.But we're leaving that flap thing open.Never know when we might be attacked.And I won't be gone long."Inuyasha said as he leapt out the door.

                        "Be careful!!"Kagome called after him.

                        "Yeah,yeah."Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

                        ~Won't she ever learn that I can take care of myself?SHE'S the one that needs protecting!!Well,I guess she's just worried about me.But what does that mean?~Inuyasha wondered as he started to track Sango and Miroku.

                        He found Sango walking around the village,trying to find Luna so she could pick a fight with her.Apparently,Luna was not a night person.He told her to go back to the campsite,and she said,"Fine.Why should I waste my time on that loser?"

                        Miroku was sitting on a hill looking at the ground in a depressed way.Inuyasha tapped him on the shoulder and said,"Kagome says that we should all be at camp.Kara put up this weird shelter.So now,I'm sitting by Sango and Kilala's mat,which is by Kagome's bag,and since Kara is immune to you,you sleep by her.Kagome is on the other side of Kara.Make a move towards that direction and I'll break your arm!!And of course,the brats get to sleep with the girls."

                        "Okay.I'm coming.You go on ahead."Miroku said with a sigh.

                        "See you at camp!!"Inuyasha called as he ran back towards the tent.

                        They were all asleep when he got back.All except one."I was worried that something might have happened!!"Kagome said as he came in.

                        "Relax.I'm here,and I'll protect you."Inuyasha said sitting down in next to Sango.

                        "What about Miroku?He's sleeping near me."Kagome said,and she hugged Shippo in his sleep.

                        "I already warned him."Inuyasha said reassuringly.

                        "I'm here.Good night."Miroku said as he walked over towards Kara.

                        "Okay,well sweet dreams Inuyasha!!"Kagome said as she snuggled in her sleeping bag next to Shippo.

                        "Good night."Inuyasha said quietly.


                        It was morning and when Kara got up,the only other person awake was Miroku."I've been thinking."Miroku said.

                        "Wow,I'm impressed!!"Kara said sarcasticly.

                        "What?Oh,no I-what again?Oh dang,I forgot."Miroku said with much confusion.

                        "You should have stopped when I was impressed."she said,rolling her eyes.

                        Miroku had thought about the "Bubble Incident",and he decided that Kara really was only trying to help him.Now he tried to remember his thoughts."Hmmm........Oh!!I remember!!If Sango used to think nice things about me before,why can't she now?"

                        A look of realization lit up her face."Of course!!It was as simple as that!!!!Gee,now all I have to do is MAKE a spell to let her think freely!!"Kara said with a sweatdrop.-_-'

                        "Would making a spell be hard?"Miroku asked.

                        "Well,I would need ingredients that would solve a similar problem."Kara said biting her lip in thought.

                        "Huh?"Miroku was confused.

                        "For instance,a lock with a key in it could be an ingredient.Or an unlocked pair of handcuffs."Kara said as she pulled a notebook and a pen from her bag and began to make a list.

                        "I understand all but the strange handcuff word."Miroku said.

                        Kagome came out of the tent yawning and she was trying to pull Inuyasha out."Let's stay in the tent!!Miroku is out there!!He might try something!!!"Inuyasha protested.

                        "Hey,Kagome!!Miroku made me realize what's going on!!!!!!"Kara said as Kagome made Inuyasha come out by putting him in a tight squeeze and dragging him out.He was blushing like crazy(A\n:I just noticed that there has been little Inuyasha blushing.Maybe I should promise to make him blush every chapter!!Or at least every other chapter.).

                        "Oh?And what is that?"Kagome asked she leaned on Inuyasha sleepily.Inuyasha made the red on his face look like it was a volcano(A\n:I'm making up for lost time).

                        "She's been put under a spell so she CAN'T think anything good about Miroku!!"Kara said as she went to wake up the little fox demons in the tent.This left Sango to sleep alone with Kilala.

                        "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!"Miroku shouted."WHO WOULD DO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!"

                        "Possibly someone who wanted Miroku all to themself."Kara said,and everyone got her meaning(A\nid you?).

                        "Well,fix it before tonight.I don't want any distractions while I'm human."Inuyasha said with a frown.She was still apologizing after dinner.She apologized to Sango for making Miroku fall on her,and Miroku for making him fall on Sango and making her(if possible)hate him even more."I didn't mean to!!"Kara tried to tell them,but they wouldn't listen.Sango and Miroku took walks in opposite directions and Kara sat down in the tent she had decided to put up after the "Bubble Incident"."I'm doomed.I'm going to bring pain and trouble instead of helpfullness and peace."she said miserably as she laid back onto her sleeping bag.


                        Chapter 13:Cured

                        "I forgot!!"Kagome said.

                        "Gee,Kagome you sure do know how to make a guy feel special!!"Inuyasha said sarcasticly.He thought Kagome would remember.

                        "Awww,do you need a hug?"Kagome asked.Then she gave him one(A\n:More lost time to make up for!!!).Inuyasha blushed.

                        "Okay,I feel special now.You can let go."he said in a very embarassed voice.

                        Kagome was slightly hurt.That is,until she saw the look on his face.Then she decided to be impulsivly(Sp?)affectionate more often(A\n:See?I'm trying to make him blush every chapter!!!).

                        Miroku coughed."Back to the problem,don't you think?"he asked,satisfied with the deep blushes he got as a response(A\n:I strike again!!!MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!).

                        "l'm done with my list!!!"Kara said as she gathered the stuff she would need.

                        "Can I lend you some help there?"Miroku asked as she struggled to carry an open safe past him.

                        "I'll manage."she assured him.As an afterthought she added,"I still need to make up some silly rhyme that applies to our situation.I've written lots of silly things(A\n:I write lots of silly RHYMING things^_~).No sweat."

                        "How much longer will this take?"Inuyasha asked.

                        "Depends if I have insperation."Kara replied,giving him not much of an answer.

                        "What is your insperation?"Kagome asked.

                        "Miroku getting beaten up by Sango."Kara replied.

                        "Uh,you don't need that much insperation,do you?"Miroku asked nervously.

                        "Probably not."Kara said as she started to think.

                        Shippo and Kiyato were running in circles around Miroku,and he was starting to get dizzy."I don't feel so good...."Miroku said,suffering from motion sickness.

                        "Go lay down in the tent then!!"Inuyasha said,annoyed at how easily humans could get sick.

                        "Okay,I think this should do."Kara said as she finished her rhyme."And,"she added"I didn't need insperation!!!Good thing for Miroku."She held up her notebook and read,"'Let her thoughts no more distain.Release the hold on her brain.'Not my best work,and it is pretty lame.But,it should get the job done."

                        "Do it before Sango wakes up!!"Shippo said in a whisper."Miroku is in the tent,and I daresay she won't be asleep much longer!!"

                        "I can solve that problem!!"Inuyasha said,walking towards the tent.

                        "No!!!!You might wake Sango!!"Kagome said in a hurried whisper.

                        "Just keep an eye on him,okay?"Kara asked as she looked for something to put the various items on.She dug around and pulled out a sled(A\n:The kind that is shaped like a soap dish.)and put everything on it.Then she began to arrange people.Inuyasha had to stand on one foot and wave his arms in the air.Kagome was told to pretend to milk a cow.Shippo stood on his head.Kiyato stood on his head too.

                        "Ow,could you get off my head?"Shippo asked.

                        "Sorry."Kiyato said as she waited for instuctions.

                        "Kiyato,you stand on one finger while balancing a bowl of Ramen on your head."Kara said as she gave the bowl to her.

                        Kiyato stepped on her finger and balanced the bowl of Ramen on her head.Kara walked up to her bag and pulled out a camera.Then she took a picture.Everybody blinked as they saw spots."YOU JUST WANTED TO TAKE SILLY PICTURES OF US?!?!?!?!?!"Kagome asked in disbelief.

                        "Okay,for real this time!!!!"she said as she walked up to the sled(A\n:Honest to goodness most of these are accidental!!).She put her feet behind her head(A\n:I can really do this,and I couldn't resist putting one of my strange talents in here.)and said the really stupid rhyme.

                        Miroku walked out of the tent and asked,"Hey,shouldn't we start the spell?"

                        They sweatdropped.-_-'

                        Sango walked out of the tent too."Good morning!!"Sango said pleasantly.She saw Miroku staring at her and asked,"Miroku?Are you alright?"

                        Miroku,overjoyed,ran up and hugged her(A\n:This perversion free Miroku hug is brought to you by:Me!!!!).

                        "What a nice way to wake up!!"Sango commented.


                        Chapter 14ishes
                        "So I was under a spell?"Sango asked as they ate breakfast.

                        Kara took another bite of cereal and said,"Yup."

                        "A spell that made me hate Miroku?"Sango asked.

                        "That was the deal."Kara said in a barely noticable bored tone.She finished her cereal.

                        "Who would waste their time doing that?"Sango asked as everyone sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "We think it might have been Luna."Kagome said as she went to the stream to wash the dishes.

                        "Kagome,let me help you with those."Sango said as she went to lend a hand before the dishes that Kagome was carrying could break.

                        "So,what are the plans for tonight?"Kara asked with a sigh.

                        "What plans?"Miroku asked as he streched out on Sango's mat.

                        "You're just asking for trouble,doing that."Kara told Miroku as Kilala laid down beside him.

                        "Nah,Sango likes me again.Besides,what plans?"Miroku said as he petted Kilala with his un-cursed hand.

                        "Plans for defense?I would think you guys do something during the new moon."Kara elaborated.

                        "Mostly lay low."Inuyasha said as the fox cubs had a shape-shifting practice session.

                        "Do the kitty again."Shippo said as the older people talked.

                        "Okay."Kiyato said as she changed form."Your turn."said kitten Kiyato.

                        "What should I do?"Shippo asked as she came back with a *pop*.

                        "Hmmmmm.......ohhh,I've got it!!Do Luna and sneak up on Miroku!!"Kiyato said with a giggle.

                        "Okay."Shippo said with an evil grin(A\n:Cute and evil!!!AWWWWW!!!!).He changed behind a tree when no one was looking and then he walked up to the campsite.

                        "Hey!!!You put a spell on-"Inuyasha started but Kara put her hand over his mouth.

                        "Shhh!!We're not sure she did it!!"Kara whispered in his ear."So act normal!!!"

                        "What was that?"Shippo asked in his best Luna impersonation.

                        "I said,'Hey!!!You put a shell on your head!!!'"Inuyasha said,thinking quickly.

                        "I did?"Shippo asked while he felt around on his head.

                        "No,just this leaf."Inuyasha said as he walked over and flicked it off.

                        One *pop* later,Shippo had to explain himself."Ahhhhh!!!Don't hurt me!!"Shippo shouted as Inuyasha started to chase him.Of course,Kagome and Sango came back NOW with sparkly clean stacks of dishes."Kagome!!Help!!!!"Shippo shouted as he hid behind her.

                        "Oh no,brat!!"Inuyasha said as he ran towards Kagome,not noticing the dishes(A\n:I wonder what will happen?-_-').

                        "INUYASHA!!!!!"Kagome shouted so loud that Inuyasha had to press his ears to his head(A\n:Picture that.He'd look cute like a scolded puppy!!!),so as not to be deafened.

                        This got his attention(obviously),and he skidded to a halt.He stopped just short of Kagome and the dishes(A\n:Whew!You thought I would have him make a mess!!),and Shippo hid behind Sango.

                        Inuyasha followed pursuit,but as he did,he bumped into Kagome and Sango quite hard(A\n:I love to have him make messes!!^_~).There was a huge *CRASH* and the dishes were broken.

                        "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?!"Kagome shouted not as loudly as before.

                        "I don't know."Miroku said,getting off Sango's mat quickly.

                        "Got me."Kara said as she looked at Kiyato.She had wisely run to Kara when Shippo was exposed.Now she was sitting in Kara's lap looking fearfully at Inuyasha.

                        ~What are we going to say?~she thought,racking her brain for exuses.

                        "They were just testing Inuyasha's senses."Kara said quickly,after probing Kiyato's mind.

                        Everyone looked at her."How would you know that?"Miroku asked with a puzzled look.

                        She tapped her head."Remember?"she asked in an amused tone.

                        "Oh yeah.I forgot."Miroku said.

                        "Well?Did you know it was Shippo?"Kagome asked Inuyasha.

                        "Yeah.But only when I got closer.Luna smells like......"Inuyasha paused.

                        "What's the matter?"Sango asked while she hit Miroku for laying on her mat.

                        "Told you so."Kara said,sticking her tongue out at Miroku.

                        "Come to think of it....Luna doesn't smell like anything at all!!"Inuyasha realized with a frown.

                        "No scent?That's strange."Sango commented.

                        "Do you mean no natural scent?Masked by a feudal perfume?"Kagome asked as she completely ignored the broken dishes and sat down next to him.

                        "No scent at all."Inuyasha said.He squirmed uncomfortably and blushed(A\n:I really am trying!!)when Kagome scooted in a little closer,just to see him blush(A\n:She likes his blush now too!!!It's addictive I tell you,addictive!!!!!Join the blushing revolution,or be embarassed beyond all belief!!!We will crush you with the blush!!-_-'.....Sorry about that.I was in the moment.^_^).

                        "We'll pick up those dishes now,shall we?"Kara said,indicating herself and the fox cubs.

                        "Yeah,thanks."Kagome said distractedly.She was still watching Inuyasha blush.

                        Once the broken dishes were gone,Kara asked,"Should we get out new ones?It's lunch time already."

                        "Sure.I'm starved,aren't you Inuyasha?"Kagome said,still eyeing his blush.

                        "I-I am p-pretty hungry."Inuyasha said nevously as Kagome leaned over him to get some Spaghettios** for their lunch.

                        ~Tonight should be interesting.~Miroku thought looking at Kagome and Inuyasha.

                        *I just realized that I don't own Inuyasha.But if it turns out I'm a very distant relative of Rumiko Takahashi who could one day have copyright privelages(Sp),I'll let you know.I'll ask my Magic 8 Ball***.............Signs point to no.Well,dang.That's depressing.

                        **Guess what?I don't own that company either.

                        ***This is another company I don't own.


                        Chapter 15:An Old Friend Returns
                        It was after lunch and well into the afternoon before they began to do anything towards getting ready.They put the camp fire mostly out so as not to be seen,and Kara sprayed a bit of bug spray around the camp because bugs were everywhere.She assured them it was natural bug spray,so it wouldn't harm the environment(A\n:Recycle as often as you can.Most of the world's garbage is paper.Think of how many trees could have been saved if that had been recycled.I've decided to bring my story to school a couple of chapters ago,and I printed Chapters 7-14 on recycled paper,and I'll print the rest of the chapters on that too.Unless I run out of recycled paper,then I'll get more recycled paper.Mother Nature CAN kill you.Don't give her a reason to.Now,back to my lovely story.It just occured to me that I haven't written anything about me taking baths or changing clothes.I have been.I've just been changing clothes and bathing in what is not written,for privacy.I'm not an un-hygienic slob.NOW back to my lovely story.*rolls eyes at own sillyness*).Then they all went into the tent to wait for the new moon.Kara tried to teach everyone poker,but she only knew roughly how the game was played.

                        "What are we supposed to poke again?"Inuyasha asked as he looked at the back of his cards,thereby showing his hand to everyone.He had a winning hand.

                        Kara sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "It's just a name."Kara said,reaching over and making him hide his cards again.

                        "Uh-oh."Shippo said as he pointed at Inuyasha's hair.The white was starting to sort of melt away.His ears(A\n:NO!!!!NOT THE EARS!!!!)retracted into his head(A\n:WAHHH!!),and his claws shrank into normal fingernails.Human ears started to come out the sides of his head.The amber color went out of his eyes,and they turned brown like Kagome's,Sango's,and Kara's.

                        Kara was looking very sadly at him."What?"he asked.

                        "Your ears are gone!!!!"she said with a sigh.

                        Inuyasha sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "I miss my demon parts more than you do!!"Inuyasha shouted before he yelled,"OW!!"He scratched at his neck.

                        "Your human blood is never as satisfying as your half-demon blood.It has the wonderful taste of human and demon."a voice at his neck said.

                        "How did you find us?"Kagome asked as she looked at Inuyasha's neck.Then she frowned and looked towards the entrance.

                        "I didn't.I was hopping outside when I felt almost fatally ill.So I decided to come in here until the feeling went away.But I saw you guys in here,and I had to stop and talk."Myoga the cowardly flea demon explained."Who're they?"he asked pointing at Kara and Kiyato.

                        "That's Kara.And that's Kiyato.They-Hey!!Where are you going?"Inuyasha said as he jumped to his feet and caught Kagome by the arm.

                        "The jewel shard.The one that was concealed.I can sense it more now.But it still seems to be everywhere.What should we do?"Kagome asked him looking around.

                        "Well,that's terribly inconvienient."Miroku said,frowning.

                        "Why is the half-demon human now?"Kiyato asked,jumping on Inuyasha's head to look for his ears(A\n:Has someone else done this to human Inuyasha?-_-').

                        "First,let's decide what to do.Shippo can tell you later."Sango said,prioritising.They all looked at Inuyasha,wondering what to do.

                        "Kagome,you said the shard seems to be everywhere,right?"Inuyasha asked.When she nodded he continued,"So that means we need to split up.Sango and Miroku,you can take the forests over there.Shippo and Kiyato,you take the village.Try not to attract attention.Kagome and I will check by the stream,and that leaves Kara and Myoga to check the fields.Any questions?"he asked after pointing out each area in turn.

                        "Yes.What if she,"Myoga pointed at Kara and said,"gets attacked?Uh,I mean what if you need information?"

                        "Hey!!I'm able to take care of myself!!!"Kara said as she flicked the flea demon across the tent.

                        "Let's get going then!"Miroku said putting down his cards.The others followed suit,and headed out of the tent.Kara zipped up the flap and put some wood on the fire so it wouldn't totally burn out while they were gone.Then,all of them exept Kagome,Inuyasha,Kara,and Myoga,split up.You had to walk through the field to get to the stream.Kara and Myoga stopped in the field and started to look.Kagome and Inuyasha continued towards the stream,but before they even got there,Myoga came hopping up onto Inuyasha's shoulder.

                        "There is something wrong with that girl!!"Myoga shouted in his human ear.

                        "I think we all know that."Inuyasha said as he twirled his finger around his temple and rolled his eyes.Kagome elbowed him in the stomach."That hurt!"Inuyasha said as he rubbed his stomach.

                        "No,she is doing the stangest things.It's like she's possesed!!!!"Myoga said,waving his arms for emphasis.


                        Chapter 16:Not Just Psychic

                        "So,what happened?"Kagome asked Myoga as they walked swiftly to the field.

                        "She just felt around in this red velvet bag that was at her waist.Then she started to do the strangest things."Myoga said as he hopped from Inuyasha's shoulder to hers.They reached the field and Kara was hopping on one foot acting like a bird,and occasionally she would twirl.There were glowing spheres rotating around her.It was,indeed strange looking.

                        "Uh,Kara?Are you okay?"Kagome asked as she stepped cautiously towards Kara.

                        "Sure.I've just lost my marbles!!"Kara said with a smile.

                        "That's obvious."Inuyasha said in a sarcastic tone.He was elbowed in the stomach once again.

                        "So,what are you doing?"Kagome asked,pulling her elbow away from Inuyasha's stomach.

                        "My marble summoning spell.Hold on I'm almost done!!"Kara said as she started to float(A\n:I couldn't resist putting this in.It would be so cool to do!!).Now she was floating in the air in a sitting postion,while the spheres continued to rotate around her.They just now noticed that the spheres where glowing different colors.It then became apparant that the spheres were her marbles.All of a sudden,she began to decend onto the ground while the marbles were shooting into her velvet bag decending next to her.Then she got up out of her sitting position and put her bag back at her waist."So,what's up?"she asked in a "get down to business" voice.

                        They sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "What the hell was THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"Inuyasha asked,gesturing to the spot where she previously stood.

                        "I dropped my marbles from camp to here.I thought ahead earlier and made it so I can summon my marbles.I think I might be telekinetic(A\n:I couldn't resist!!),not just psychic.I made the marbles zoom around me.It was cool."she said all in one breath.

                        "We're wasting time!Explain later."Inuyasha said shortly as he took Kagome's hand and pulled her back to the stream to search.

                        "What do you mean psychic?"Myoga asked nervously from her shoulder as they continued to search.

                        "I can read minds.Now I think I may be telekinetic."Kara said.There wasn't much to search.It was an open field.Same as it had been the day Kiyato came,and same as the day she summoned the demon."Do you think we should help look through the forests?"she asked as she started to walk in that direction.

                        "The forests provide many places to hide(A\n:These rhymes just happen!!).Uh,I mean,yes.Sango and Miroku could probably use some help."Myoga said.

                        "In other words,Sango could use a break from Miroku."Kara said,rolling her eyes.

                        Sure enough,when they found the pair,Miroku had lots of bumps on his head.Sango was fuming.Her face was red(A\n:From anger and embarassment.),and she looked ready to kill.

                        "Miroku,what's the point of Sango being able to like you if you make her mad all the time?"Kara asked with a sigh.

                        "What are you guys doing here?I thought you were supposed to be looking in the field."Sango said,turning around.

                        "Well,there was an incident,and Inuyasha and Kagome went back to seach the river.Then we looked in the field,which needless to say didn't take very long as the field is open space."Myoga explained.

                        "Incident?"Sango wondered.

                        "It wasn't that bad.You guys just didn't know what I was doing."Kara said as she rolled her eyes.

                        "And that would be..."Miroku asked while rubbing his head.

                        "My marble summoning spell.It's supposed to look crazy,because of that phrase."Kara said.Then she suddenly asked,"Did I mention that I might be telekinetic?"

                        That last sentence made them stare."How much weirder can you get?"Miroku asked with disbelief.

                        "THAT was rude!!!"Sango said after smacking him.

                        "So,telekinetic,huh?Good for you."Miroku said dazedly.

                        "Uh-Yeah,watch."Kara told them as she pulled out a marble.She concentrated(A\n:I can't concentrate that well in real life.Here I can.)and the marble began to float around her head.Then she floated it back into her marble bag.

                        "Wow,cool!Can you float heavier things?"Sango asked.

                        "Probably not yet,but I could practice concentration and get better."Kara said she floated Myoga.

                        "Hey!!!Let me down!!"Myoga yelled irritatedly.

                        "Okay.I need to practice later anyway.Right now we should find that demon.I wonder how Kagome and Inuyasha are doing."Kara said,looking in the direction of the stream.


                        "Nothing!There's nothing here!"Inuyasha muttered with annoyance.

                        "Calm down.The others must be doing better."Kagome said soothingly.


                        "No good.No foreboding presence,no trace, and the demon is a no-show."Kara said,kicking at the dirt.

                        "What about Shippo and Kiyato?"Sango asked.

                        "Listen for yourself."Miroku said,gesturing at the village.

                        "What do you mean listen?"Sango asked with raised eyebrows.

                        "If the demon were there,there would most likely be screaming and panicing.But all is quiet."he replied."That's why Inuyasha sent them there.They're the least likely to find the demon."

                        "But,they're demons.Won't they attract a certain degree of attention?"Sango asked doubtfully.

                        "You're forgetting that their powers allow them to project false forms around themselves.In short,they're illusionists.They should be able to blend in."Miroku explained.

                        "I suppose.But I have a feeling that everything isn't okay there."Sango said.Then she shivered at the thought of what might be happening.


                        It was gaining on them.They tried to run faster,but they were almost too tired to run as fast as they were.It seemed to want to keep out of sight as much as they did.They had to run quietly for that reason,and running quietly and fast is by no means easy.Maybe Inuyasha could.It still wouldn't be that easy.And if they didn't do something soon,they would be cornered(A\n:I'm cornered too.What should happen?Oh well.I'll think of something.).

                        "Shippo,I can't keep this up much longer.What should we do?"Kiyato panted.

                        "Well,since this isn't your everyday village,they have guards.So we can't just walk out.And I'm not sure if we could get over these walls without them seeing us,either.Walls are all around the city!"Shippo elaborated.

                        "So we make an excuse to get past the guards.How about that?"Kiyato offered.

                        "Like?"Shippo asked."Oh no!!"he said as he skidded to a halt.Dead end.Planning quickly,Shippo said,"Throw those rocks over the wall!"

                        The small pile of rocks was quickly gone.But when the demon turned the corner,there were two large rocks.The demon still stayed in the shadows as it walked away unseen(A\n:Kinda obvious.Sorry.).

                        Once the demon was gone the rocks moved and two little figures came out from behind them(A\n:Suprise!!-_-').

                        "I'm going to go warn Kagome.Inuyasha too,I guess.You warn Kara and Myoga,then you can all go warn Sango and Miroku."Shippo told her as he looked quickly around.*pop*And a little pink balloon floated away.

                        "Okay."she said.*pop*And a little light blue balloon floated away in a different direction.

                        (A\n:I need to make adjustments to the story.I found some mistakes.You'll see in the chapter after the next.) ------------------------------------------------------

                        Chapter 17awn*

                        "Kara,Kara,Kara!!!"Kiyato shouted as she *pop*ed back to normal and came running up to her.Then she sat on her shoulder.

                        "What's wrong?"Kara asked as she petted Kiyato's head.

                        "The demon was in the village!!!It chased me and Shippo,and when we got away,he went to warn Inuyasha and Kagome.Then he told me to come and warn you."Kiyato explained.

                        "I *bonk* TOLD *bonk* YOU *bonk*!!!!"Sango shouted as she hit him with her bone boomerang.

                        "Let's go make sure it doesn't escape!"Kara said.Then she ran towards the village.Everyone else followed.


                        Inuyasha and Kagome were about to give up and go back,when,"Kagome!Demon!Town!" Shippo came floating over to them and he *pop*ed into Kagome's arms.

                        "Slow down.Take a deep breath.Now,what now?"Kagome said as she was holding him.

                        "There was a demon chasing me and Kiyato through the town!!"Shippo said,waving his arms.

                        "Ohhhh,are you okay?"Kagome asked while she gave him a hug.

                        "The runt is fine!Now let's get that demon!"Inuyasha said.

                        "What about Kiyato and the others?"Kagome asked Shippo as she followed Inuyasha.

                        "Kiyato went to warn them.We'll probably see them there."Shippo said.

                        "I'm proud of how well you handled this,Shippo."Kagome told him.That made Shippo look proud.


                        "Where was it?"Myoga asked.They were swiftly,yet casually,walking through the town.They had waited for Inuyasha and Kagome at the entrance for a while but then they figured Shippo was still getting them.

                        "I forget.We were sorta running blindly."Kiyato said uneasily.

                        They sweatdropped.-_-'

                        "Wait,I remember that corner!It leads to the alley we were running in!!"Kiyato shouted."We have to walk a while till we get to the dead end.We should be quiet.The demon might have come back to look for us."

                        "Good idea."Sango said as they walked silently down the alley.

                        "Up there is the dead end."Kiyato said pointing to a corner up ahead aways.

                        They walked for a while,until Miroku whispered,"I see it.We're coming closer....and does anyone else hear voices?"

                        "Yeah,loud voices.Shhh,listen."Kara said as they all leaned in to hear the voices.


                        "Where did the rocks go?!?!?!?!?!?!"Shippo asked,looking around.

                        "Where were they in the first place,you little pipsqueak?!?!?!?!"Inuyasha shouted as he shook Shippo rapidly.

                        "Hey!"Kagome yelled as she took Shippo away from him."Just because you're more testy during a new moon,doesn't mean you get to take it out on Shippo!!!"

                        "He asked us where the rocks went!!!!What a stupid question!!"Inuyasha yelled right back at her.

                        "He was thinking out loud!!!!You can't think at all you moron!"Kagome said as her famous temper flared up.

                        "Do you mean that?"Inuyasha said,slightly hurt.

                        "Well,no.But your attitude is really bugging me!Can you try to be pleasant?"Kagome asked in a pleading tone.

                        "Fine,bitc-Kagome."Inuyasha responded with sigh.

                        Kagome sweatdropped and said,"Thanks,I appreacate(Sp?)the effort."

                        "Inuyasha started to show effort!!Now he and Kagome can stop fighting so much!!"Sango said gleefully.They were not watching anymore,but talking to each other.

                        "Don't get your hopes up.Once Inuyasha gets things to go good for him,he usually throws in some rude remark and Kagome goes running home.He almost always screws things up between him and Kagome."Miroku warned her.

                        "I do not!!!"Inuyasha said as he came around the corner."Like all those things with Koga.They weren't my fault.He came where he wasn't wanted."

                        "Inuyasha,don't get so upset!"Kagome said.

                        Inuyasha's hair was turning white,his ears were normal again(A\n:EARS,EARS,EARS!!!),and his eyes changed back to amber.

                        "I think it's dawn."Miroku said while he yawned and stretched.

                        "What was your first clue?"Inuyasha said,rolling his eyes.

                        "Let's go back to the camp and sleep at least an hour and forever."Kiyato said,stifling a yawn(A\n:She's soooo cute!!!).

                        "Sounds good to me."Kara said,shrugging her shoulders and heading in that direction.

                        *While writing this chapter,I got book #17,I do belive.Pats for Patrick!!**

                        **If you watch a lot of SpongeBob SquarePants,this will make more sense.


                        Chapter 18:Back to Normal?

                        "Hey,Kagome!Mom told me to get you up,or else you're gonna be late for school!"Sota shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

                        Kagome was confused.~Wasn't I just in the feudal era?Did I have some sort of fight with Inuyasha?Why wouldn't I remember it then?Oh,this is soooo confusing!~

                        She hastily got out of bed and got ready.She was pulling on a shoe as she hopped down the stairs,and her family was eating breakfast in the normal fashion.Which meant her grandpa was rambling on about old things.

                        "The Shikon Jewel will give one's family safety and prosperity.That's why I got these boxes full of them for our little shop.Not many people are needing exorcisms these days,and nobody seems to want to contact the gods.Maybe people will be interested in hearing the legend if they buy one."Kagome heard her grandpa saying.When he saw her, he asked,"Would you like to hear it's legend,Kagome?"

                        "I already know more about it then you do."Kagome said,thinking the man must be going senile."And you better not have told my school I have some gross or embarassing disease!"

                        The old man was confused."No,why would I do that?"

                        Kagome tried not to sweatdrop."Forget it.I need some breakfast."She got some Pop-Tarts(A\n:Yes,they might not have these in Japan.I just had some at Hannah's house.It was fun because we rented movies...and I'm betting you'd rather that I get back to the story.)and sat down and started to think as she ate.

                        ~What in the world is going on here?Maybe I-~

                        Her thoughts were cut off by Sota running after the fat family cat shouting,"Buyo,come back!I have to make sure you're in my room before school!Hey,don't you dare go outside!NO!Come back here!!"

                        Sota was chasing Buyo all over the shrine when Kagome came running outside,almost going to be late for school.As she ran by the wellhouse,she decided to pick up speed in case Inuyasha smelled her on the other side.She probably had tons of homework to do so she didn't want Inuyasha dragging her back on the shard hunt.She was dashing down the stairs while Sota was yelling for her to come back and help him.She ignored him,thinking that this was a very familliar morning.It was a whole bunch of deja`-vu.

                        She had a shock when she got to school.She had no make-up work to do,no tests to make-up for,no diseases at all,and her friends told her they saw her yesterday.She went through the day like nothing was wrong,and then she raced home to ask her mother what in the world was going on.

                        She came running through door and ran into the kitchen to find her mother icing a cake."What's the cake for?"Kagome asked,still regaining her breath.

                        Her mother gave her a strange look and said,"Honey,have you forgotten?You turned 15 today!"

                        Kagome stared at her in shock."I've BEEN 15 for quite some time now!I've been 15 since that centipede demon dragged me down the well!I've been 15 for all the time I've been hunting for those shards!"

                        Now it was her mom's turn to stare."What are you talking about?Look at the calander if you don't belive me."

                        Kagome's heart started to thump.It WAS her birthday,and she must have missed the centipede woman.It was the day she got dragged down the well,the day where she met Inuyasha,and she realized now that she LIKED shard hunting.

                        Meeting Inuyasha was part of who she was now.She liked knowing Sango,Miroku,Shippo,Kiyato,and Kara.Sure,she had school and stuff,but saving people and helping her friends was more important.

                        But she realized that her shot at that was over.If it would only come back,she wouldn't go home as often.She would try harder to get along with Inuyasha,but her chance just had to come back!!!


                        Chapter 19:More Marbles

                        Kagome woke up.Her heart was thumping more wildly than it had been in her dream.Looking around,she noticed it was about the time they usually got up.She thanked God for another chance.

                        Without giving it a second thought,she ran over to Inuyasha and gave him a bone(human bones)crunching hug.

                        "AAHHHHH!!!"Inuyasha shouted at the sudden pressure on him.He looked down and asked,"Kagome,what's the matter?"

                        His shout had woken everyone else up,and there was yawning aplenty.

                        "What did you wake us up for?Hey,I have an idea for another elemental marble!I had an idea for another new marble a while back."Kara said,Kiyato on her shoulder.

                        She went over to her bag and she pulled out a handful of rainbow marbles and put them in her marble bag.

                        "What were those marbles for?"Sango asked.Kara's bag was getting pretty full of marbles,and she had only given a rough description of what some could do.

                        "Energy.And I can't tell you the other new one yet.All will be revealed in due time."Kara said mysteriously.They all gave her a strange look,but then they shook it off.

                        "Now,Kagome,what's up?Why the hugging all of a sudden?"Miroku asked,raising an eyebrow and winking at Inuyasha.

                        Inuyasha turned crimson(Sp?)(A\n:I couldn't make him blush in the last chapter,or the chapter before that,so I have more blushing to make up for.).

                        "I had the most terrible dream.It was the day I got dragged down the well,only I didn't in my dream.I just realized that I like having adventures while going shard hunting.All of this,"Kagome gestured to the world around them,"is part of who I am now.All of you are part of my life.It was so scary thinking you guys were gone forever!!"

                        "It was only a dream."Shippo said as he went to make her feel better.Kagome let go of Inuyasha and hugged Shippo.

                        "I think I remember some sort of dream a couple of days ago.I think it was about Monty Python.Don't ask.It was kinda weird,and I know where it came from.It really doesn't relate to your dream,I just thought I should mention it."Kara said uncertainly.

                        "So you really LIKE staying here?"Inuyasha asked while he looked at his lap.

                        "Of course!But every once in a while,I have to do tests and homework and crud."Kagome assured him.

                        "We should eat some breakfast."Kara said,pulling some pancake mix,syrup,and of course,dishes out of her bag.

                        "While breakfast is getting ready,can you show us how the energy marble works?"Kiyato asked from Kara's shoulder.

                        "Sure.The energy marble needs to just be thrown forcefully at someone,and then it gives them a temporary energy boost."Kara said as she threw it at Shippo.

                        "Hey,that hurt!!!But I'm feeling it!"Shippo shouted as he started to play tag with his friend. "Let me even out that game."Kara said as she threw another marble at Kiyato.

                        Soon they were running around like little maniacs."It's safe to say that marble works.I'll try the other new one later."

                        "That should prove interesting."Miroku said,thinking of what was to come.


                        Chapter 20:Another Old "Friend"

                        Kara decided she would have to try her other new marble soon."The problem is that I'm not sure what it will do each time.It could use the power of any of my other marbles,or something much worse.So,I would like to take precautions first."Kara explained.

                        "So is that today's 'Big Event'?"Inuyasha asked sarcasticly.

                        "Might as well be.I'm tired of just sitting around."Sango said with a sigh.

                        "Okay,well you might want to brace yourselves."Kara said warningly.

                        She pulled out her second newest marble,that was black with a white question mark inside,and she threw it up into the air(A\n:Sorry,but I wasn't sure how I should activate this one.Btw:I call this the element of suprise.I got the idea in chapter ten when I snuck up on Miroku.).Immediatly,the ground began to shake violently and boulders fell from the sky.

                        "It's imitating my rock marble!!If we go back to the tent we should be fine.It's close enough to the forest that it won't get hit.See how it's only raining in the fields?"Kara said as they all ran.

                        Inside the tent it was quieter and less boulders were falling."What the hell was that again?"Inuyasha asked,waving his arms.

                        "My rock marble.To activate the actual one,I have to wedge it in a hollow rock or just a whole bunch of rocks.I call the marble I just used'The element of suprise.'"Kara said.

                        "Uh-oh.I think we have another problem.There are two shards coming at us really fast!!"Kagome said with wide eyes.

                        "And we all know what that means..."Kara said in a knowing voice.

                        They all looked at her and shook their heads."It means that-"Kara started but she was cut off.

                        "Kouga!"Kagome said with suprise.(A\n:The tent flap is open,btw.)

                        "Hi,Kagome!I could smell you in the area,and then there was this earthquake so I thought I should check on you!"Kouga said,obviously happy to see Kagome.He wasn't,however,happy to see Inuyasha."Hey,dog turd.You better be taking good care of Kagome!"

                        Inuyasha was turning red.Not from embarassment,but from anger."Where do you get off just coming and going as you please?!?!?!I'm protecting Kagome,and you're off God knows where,doing God knows what!!!She's not your woman!!"he shouted.

                        The rest of Kouga's companions were coming now,and they looked out of breath."Kouga,you have got to start waiting for us."Ginta said as he sat on a nearby fallen boulder.

                        "Oh,hi Kagome!"Hokaku added.There seemed to be more wolves than usual,with a lot of cubs.

                        "I remember them!!They were in the field the day I met Kiyato!!"Shippo shouted as he pointed at the cubs.

                        "Yeah,who're the new people?"Kouga asked eyeing Kara and Kiyato,who was on Kara's shoulder,warily."If they're a danger to Kagome,I'm taking them out!!"

                        "That's Kara,"Kagome said,pointing at her,"and that's Kiyato."

                        "And I didn't mean for it to rain boulders!I just had to test my new marble!I'm handling my magic quite well now,thank you!"Kara said,forgetting that he didn't know anything about her.

                        "You did that?!?!"Ginta asked with wide eyes.

                        "I said I didn't mean to!"Kara said,thinking he was blaming her.

                        "Everyone,calm yourselves!"Miroku said in a voice that demanded order.

                        "So what are you doing here anyway Kagome?"Kouga asked casually.

                        "There is a shard that is concealed somewhere in this area.Last night it became clearer,but it still seemed to be everywhere.So we looked for it,Shippo and Kiyato got chased,and we still didn't find the demon."Kagome explained.

                        "And now it's time for you to run away again."Inuyasha said,trying to make him leave.

                        "Just for that,I think I'll hang around a while."Kouga said with a grin as he scooted closer to Kagome.

                        "Well,if you're staying,we'll need to make more food than usual."Sango said sensibly as she pulled out packets of Ramen."If it makes you feel any better,we can have your favorite food."she added to Inuyasha.

                        "I can hunt for my own food!"Kouga said.His friends tried not to sweatdrop,because they were tired and hungry.

                        "Kouga,what you catch you eat raw.Since you can catch diseases from that,I insist that you let me cook you some food.I won't take no for an answer!"Kagome said firmly,leaving no room for argument.

                        "Here that mutt?She cares about me."Kouga taunted Inuyasha.

                        "Of course I do.You're my friend."Kagome said,rolling her eyes.

                        "We can discuss details after lunch."Kara said.

                        ~Well,I got to meet Kouga after all.Over the next few days,I'll probably be laughing my head off.~Kara thought with amusement.
                        TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                        TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                        TelCat> i dont


                        • #87
                          catholic priests gettin bj's. Televangelists, flying into their multi-acre mansions in private jets. pope covering the asses of child molester priests.

                          +1 evangelism

                          +1 Catholicism
                          4:BigKing> xD
                          4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                          4:BigKing> what did i do???
                          4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                          4:BigKing> ???? why though
                          4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                          4:BigKing> xD


                          • #88


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Tigron-X View Post
                              The latter opens up the mind to thought, the former closes it off by providing false doctrine. We are curious beings. It is why we have evolved to what we are. Religion hinders the growth of the mind by providing false ideals. If you want to expand your mind, then pursue science. If you want to close off your mind, pursue religion. Religion corrupts the mind by turning it away from reason and empiricism.
                              then you have people like me who have used their brain alot but have then thought that they were going crazy... So I choose to auto not care anymore about anything but the basic forms of common sense.
                              TWL14 semi finalist - Dark
                              2010 TWDTB+Overall Champion
                              TWLJ 13 Finalist - Boss
                              TWLB 12 Champion- Penetrate
                              cres> I am gr8 influence on curse life
                              Curse> "Anyone who vs me I will vs bak and destroy. it's like murdering someone but it's self defense". Qoute by crackheads.... "I swear I wasn't lieing! I was telling the truth in my own way!"



                              • #90
                                Originally posted by curse View Post
                                then you have people like me who have used their brain alot but have then thought that they were going crazy... So I choose to auto not care anymore about anything but the basic forms of common sense.
                                Which is reason and empiricism.

