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Another waste of tax payer monies

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  • Another waste of tax payer monies

    Honestly, I read this today:

    U-M reseachers have won more than a quarter-billion dollars in federal stimulus funds. At the end of February, U-M scholars had won an additional $267 million in stimulus grants.
    Here is partially what it went for:

    $379,620 to a professor to study "transformations in property rights and poverty in rural Tanzania,"


    $265,001 to a professor to "continue his research on prehistoric whales."

    That's $644,621 of your hard-earned taxpayer dollar down the tubes. Or, should I say your grandkids (future) hard-earned taxpayer dollars down the tubes. $600k could have fed alot of homeless people in Detroit.

    This frivilous spending is only the tip of the idiotic iceberg. Today Obama annouced he is giving $400 million in aid to Gaza. Does Saudi Arabia, UAE or any country in that armpit of the world give monies on such a level to aid and support the people they profess are their brothers and sisters that are being repressed? Why is the U.S. giving $400 million, yet again to a foreign nation/government, when there are plenty of people, businesses and infrastructures within our own borders that could use that money that is most likely derived from our tax dollars? No wonder AZ is pissed when they can't get a dime from the Fed to fortify the borders. But the Fed did send a 1000 +/- National Guardsmen to help...what a help that will be in noting the AZ - Mexico broder is 370 miles wide.
    May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

  • #2
    uhhhhh yeah it sounds like a waste but tell that to the faces of the poor tanzanians or those dead whales. heartless bastard

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous


    • #3
      Better than Canada attempting to host the G8/G20 summit.

      $1.1 billion for 72 hours. $933 million just for security alone.

      Also, a $2 million indoor fake lake for the media.
      duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

      Mattey> put me in corch

      zidane> go kf urself pork


      • #4
        Has the government ever been productive with tax payer money?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tigron-X View Post
          Has the government ever been productive with tax payer money?
          True, roads are pretty useless
          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


          • #6
            It's pretty simple, you are more thrifty with money you earned yourself. Everything else aide, that's why I favor Free-market systems than socialized ones.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
              True, roads are pretty useless
              finally somebody agrees
              All good things must come to an end.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
                True, roads are pretty useless
                So, without government we would have no roads?


                • #9
                  All good things must come to an end.


                  • #10
                    can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tigron-X View Post
                      So, without government we would have no roads?
                      You would have private roads where you would have to pay someone else every 20 miles just to be allowed to drive on his road.

                      Or everyone would just really be going wherever they wanted.

                      Also, that precious military, the cops, the fire department, all useless really. I don't get why your government spends tax money on that shit. It's not like you need to fight useless wars half way across the world to protect your country.
                      Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ilya View Post
                        This deserves a HOTT pump..


                        • #13
                          So we're giving $400 million in aid to a 3rd world country instead of spending it on our own industry and consumer well-being?


                          Tens of thousands of engineers and probably double that in technicians and other careers are about to get canned as a result of the NASA/Ares/Constellation clusterfuck. All of these people are going to be out of jobs, which means that there are going to be an even larger number of people competing for a smaller amount of jobs in the coming years. Someone's going hungry, and I'll go ahead and spoil the ending and say it's not the fucking people in Gaza.
                          5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                          5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                          5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                          1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                          1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
                            You would have private roads where you would have to pay someone else every 20 miles just to be allowed to drive on his road.
                            That's a possibility. But, I'm sure residential property and commercial property developers would have an interest in building roads so that clients could come see their products. I'm sure business owners would have a similar interest. I'm also sure the primary sector and secondary sectors of the economy and even their respective clients would have a vested interest in transporting products among themselves and to others.

                            So, while I see there might be a few roads that would have such tolls as you mentioned, such as express ways, I also see that it's in the best interest of many businesses to keep roads open for the purpose of trade.

                            So, I don't really see a problem with the private ownership of roads.

                            Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
                            Or everyone would just really be going wherever they wanted.
                            So, "tresspassing" would not exist?

                            Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
                            Also, that precious military, the cops, the fire department, all useless really. I don't get why your government spends tax money on that shit. It's not like you need to fight useless wars half way across the world to protect your country.

                            Would there be "countries" without government? Why can't property security be achieved without government?

                            Could there be such large wars without the centralization of power and resources?


                            • #15
                              Goddamn, you're retarded.
                              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.

