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Another waste of tax payer monies

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  • #46

    you live in florida. don't make a fool of yourself by spelling labor labour

    can we please have a moment for silence for those who died from black on black violence


    • #47
      labour labour labour labour........labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour labour labour labour........labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour labour labour labour........labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour labour labour.................labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour labour labour.................labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour labour labour.................labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour...................labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour labour labour labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour labour labour labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour labour labour labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour labour labour labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour labour labour labour labour labour
      labour.................................. labour labour labour labour labour labour labour labour


      • #48
        Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
        You might want to read the link he provided before you type out all that stuff there fit.

        It is in fact the most important thing you haven't read in your life, it could be argued.

        You see, USA started out great, then the civil war happened, then, when it ended, a very corrupt and paid off congress changed the very essence of America by making it a corporation. This is, in fact, when the new idea of the corporation was created by the Bankers who began to take control of USA at the time under President Andrew Johnson. One of the most important issues of the day, besides slavery, was the idea of central banking (which would become another corporation, the federal reserve, as you stated fit). Well, Lincoln said the greatest benefit a government can give to its people is to print its own money, as opposed to allowing a private, central bank to print it and loan it to a country at interest (insanity). I bet some idiot here will tell you why its a good reason to have your nation borrow money and pay interest on it instead of just coining money themselves, but seriously, fuck these idiots.

        The revised constitutional link provided by Tigron is from 1871, just after the war ended. The country was in total disarray, the entire south was divided into 5 regions (like japan after ww2) and each was controlled by a northern army general. At this time of national chaos the congress decided to make these alterations, they struck while the iron is hot you might say. Of course you will not find this in your school history books. Most people think we are a democracy, well, we are supposed to be a Republic, but we are actually neither, our government, in all legal sense according to the constitution, is a corporation.

        For you and me this information means next to nothing at first glance. But for the movers and shakers, the congressmen and the supreme court judges who read these things and who's governmental functions are decreed by them, this is an important ideology change.
        You're reading this the same way Christian fundamentalists read the bible (word for word) and you're not hitting the main points.

        1) The article in question addresses the District of Columbia in particular. Not the states, whose rights and privileges are protected under the 10th amendment.

        2) Corporation is, in fact, a legal term referring to the act of incorporating (or bringing together) an area such that it can be called a town, city, etc:

        As such, one of the duties instilled into a town, city, village, whatever is the ability and necessity to tax in order to render such basic services as roads, police, firefighting, etc. It's the bottom fucking line that the money to pay those folks (or in the case of volunteer fighterfighters, maintenence and equipment costs) has to come from somewhere -- legally it's called a tax. I'm sure you've heard of it.

        I'm not even going to claim that I'm a legal expert because frankly I'm not. However, it does piss me off when idiots like you and Tigron see something on an internet forum (example) and immediately claim government conspiracy or equally retarded bullshit, based on a one-over glace of what you're reading.
        5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
        5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
        5:royst> i wish it was calculus

        1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

        1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


        • #49
          The District of Columbia is an interesting place, and I agree the "corporation" described in the 1871 only refers to it and not the entire nation, but it's the capital of the nation, and if it has a special corporation government it may reflect on the nation as well. There is still something to this, and you don;t have to bring up the evil word conspiracy yet I think fit, this is still just historical debate and does not need to be identified with 9/11 inside jobs or aliens. Two things about DC that immediately come to mind are 1) no 2nd amendment, only place in USA with no guns allowed (San Francisco tried and failed as it is unconstitutional obviously, and DC has highest handgun crime rate on east coast?) and 2) no legal representation, DC has no congressmen or senators to represent it. Can these weird traits be traced back to the idea of the corporation in 1871? I know not. I would have to say that the 10th amendment was overturned by the 14th which gave corporations the same rights as citizens, and gave federal authority over state authority. When that happens the spirit of a nation goes from being a Republic (all 50 states have an equal say with no central deciding vote) to that of either an empire or a corporation, essentially, a top down power structure instead of multilateral one. Further research and you can find more instances of governmental documents referring to the UNITED STATES as being a corporation.


          • #50
            And, exactly what conspiracy did I point out?

            Also, are you claiming people don't conspire?

            Just fyi, I don't rely on "conspiracy theories" to point out the fundemental contradictions of statism. But, that aside, I was pointing out the irony of claiming to be a leftist while claiming a position against corporations as well. It's like saying, "I'm with this group on the left, but I'm against grouping as well."

            But, let's explore the term "corporation" a bit further.

            A corporation is an artifical being, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation of law. It possesses only those properties which the charter of its creation confers upon it.

            Charter is an instrument that establishes a body politic or other organization, or that grants rights, liberties, or powers to its citizens or members.

            Example: Magna Charta (a.k.a. The Great Charter) -- the name of a charter (or constitutional enactment) granted by King John of England to the barons, at Runnymede, on June 15, 1215.

            This charter is justly regarded as the foundation of English constitutional liberty.

            I just want to make it clear that "charter" and "constitution" are synonymous.

            So, the United States government is indeed an artifical being; it is indeed invisible; it is indeed intangible; and it eixsts only in contemplation of law.

            If the United States is not a corporation, then please introduce me to him. I would love to shake his hand and discuss a few things.

            Source: Black Law Dictionary 4th Ed. & 8th ed.
            Underline emphasis added by me.

